Wen Yiming read out the content of the program card aloud, and everyone was surprised to hear it.

“Court?! Did I hear you right? Li Jiayan was surprised.

Wen Yiming looked at the words on the program card again, confirmed that he had not read the typo, and said: “There is indeed a court on it.”

He turned the card around and showed it to everyone.

“What a funny date, dating in court.” Lu Zhou said with a smile.

This made everyone laugh again.

Who would choose to go to court? How do courts date? Shouldn’t it have been the unjust rivals who walked together?

What a weird dating place…

“Come on, Ladies, it’s your time to choose! Who we can date is up to you.

Wen Yiming shook the card in his hand and handed it to the girls. Next, the

male guests watched, and the female guests began to choose the place of the date.

“Who chooses first?” Li Jiayan asked.

It is good to choose first, after all, no one should want to go to the court for a date, right?

“You can guess the order of choice.” Lu Zhou proposed to them.

The proposal was unanimously approved, and the four female guests began to guess. In the first

round of guessing, Ye Fangfei was the first to be screened out.

In the second round of guessing, Qi Jiajia was out.

In the third round of guessing, Chu Yao won.

The four male guests stared nervously at the side.

“Then I’m welcome, choose first!”

Chu Yao smiled with a crooked eyebrow, his gaze fell on the four dating places on the card, and he fell into thought.

Sweeping her gaze over the word “court”, she pursed her lips lightly, and finally moved away.

Yes, that’s right, the courthouse was one of the more memorable places she spent with her ex.

To be precise, that day is not a date, but a place to confirm each other’s hearts.

That day was the opening day of the case against netizens for malicious defamation of her.

Originally sued netizens for this matter, she planned to swallow her anger, more is better than less, she just mixed up, very afraid of trouble. However, her

ex had always encouraged her to bravely defend her rights and was very enthusiastic to help her collect various evidence, and on the day of the trial, her predecessor took her to listen to it.

In the end, the court ruled that they won, which made her open her heart and move forward more boldly.

It was also that day that she was moved by that man.

But today… Chu Yao didn’t want to

go back to that place again, didn’t want to have another date with that person.

Moving her gaze to the other three dating places, she pondered for a while, still feeling that it was difficult to judge which place corresponds to which male guest, and finally had to give it a go.

“I’ll choose the Peak Sightseeing Restaurant.” She decided.

As soon as Chu Yao’s words fell, Zhang Chen frowned invisibly.

A pitying expression appeared on Qi Jiajia’s face, and he pouted and said, “This is also what I want to choose…”

Chu Yao smiled at her, “I’ll snatch it first.”

Qi Jiajia shrugged, “Okay, no way, who let me guess and lose.”

Next, Li Jiayan chose the date location.

She was a little entangled with the card, in fact, the address above, the haunted house and the seaside music festival, she had been to Lu Zhou at the beginning.

She really didn’t know which one represented Lu Zhou.

The mountaintop sightseeing restaurant was picked away by Chu Yao again, and she didn’t want to choose the court, so she could only choose between the two haunted houses and the seaside music festival.

After the difficulty of choosing was committed, Li Jiayan decided to point the soldier and the general, and finally hit the haunted house.

“I’ll choose a haunted house!”

Li Jiayan announced her choice.

Wen Yiming raised his eyebrows, pressed his right hand to his lips with a fist, and smiled secretly.

In the end, only two places remained: the court and the seaside music festival.

Qi Jiajia was the third choice, she looked at the two remaining options, and decided without hesitation: “Then I must choose the seaside music festival, the court date is too strange.”

Lu Zhou next to him was silent when he heard this.

Well, tomorrow he is dating Qi Jiajia.

In fact, it doesn’t matter who he dates with.

After all, he didn’t really come to engage in objects, just go through the process.

Ye Fangfei was the last one, there was no choice, and the remaining “court” was the date she was going to tomorrow.

“I’m curious, how is this place dating, should we go to the court tomorrow night to observe the case?” She laughed.

Everyone laughed along.

“So, who brought up the court?” Zhang Chen’s gaze swept over the other male guests, and the five words “Stand up for me” seemed to be written on his face.

Lu Zhou touched the tip of his nose and said in his heart, this guy can’t wait to tell the world with the cells of anger all over his body, is Ye Fangfei his ex-girlfriend?

No one responded to Zhang Chen.

The program group stipulates that before tomorrow night’s date, male guests cannot disclose the information of the dating location to female guests.

Brother, have you forgotten the program rules …

Ye Fangfei was too lazy to take care of Zhang Chen’s confusing behavior, got up and prepared to go upstairs to rest.

At this moment, a new text message came in to everyone’s mobile phones almost at the same time –

[Today is your second night in the pink cabin, now please choose a person of the opposite sex to send you today’s bedtime text!]

“Texting again.” Li Jiayan said after reading the information.

Everyone sat on the sofa, secretly observing each other’s expressions, some tangled about who to send to, and some did not hesitate to edit the text message and send it.

Today’s bedtime text message rules are a little different from yesterday, and the program team has made small changes.

After all the guests’ text messages are sent, the receiver no longer has to wait as long as last night to know the content, and tonight, a few minutes after the message is sent, the other party’s mobile phone will move.

Qi Jiajia was the first to receive a text message reminder, and she picked up her phone and glanced at it nervously.

[See you tomorrow]

[Your ex didn’t choose you]

She quietly breathed a sigh of relief and felt joy in her heart, she finally received a text message from the male guest!!!

See you tomorrow…… Who sent it?

This content was obviously sent to her by the male guest she was going to date tomorrow, but she wasn’t sure who it would be.

Will it be the person she is looking forward to?


The corners of Qi Jiajia’s mouth couldn’t help but curl up a small arc, and she secretly looked at the situation of the other female guests with her afterlight.

After a while, Ye Fangfei’s mobile phone also rang.

She picked it up expressionlessly and glanced at it, it was an anonymous text message relayed by the program group: [

Today is one step closer to you, very happy]

[Your ex chose you]

Ye Fangfei sighed silently after reading the text message.

Qi Jiajia just caught her expression, feeling that she didn’t seem to be happy because she received the text message, and couldn’t help but be curious about the content of her text message.

Immediately afterwards, Li Jiayan’s mobile phone vibrated twice.

Li Jiayan, whose heart was about to rise to her throat, secretly exhaled, she ruffled the long hair in front of her shoulder, and gracefully touched her mobile phone to see.

[Looking forward to tomorrow’s date]

[Your ex didn’t choose]

Li Jiayan raised her eyebrows and pretended to put the phone back in her pocket casually.

The text message was obviously sent by tomorrow’s date, but this content… It makes her feel that it is not very good, and she always feels that the date place she picked tonight may not have picked the person she wants to choose.

After a while, Chu Yao, who was sitting next to Li Jiayan, also received a text message from the program group.

[I hope to have a chance to communicate privately with you]

[Your ex chose you]

After she read it, her face showed a hint of displeasure, but it quickly disappeared.

Everyone on the sofa was chatting without a match, and Chu Yao quickly calmed down her emotions and joined the topic, laughing the whole time, as if she had not received a text message from beginning to end.

Xu Junze looked at her secretly, and his heart was unspeakable.

Tonight, all the female guests received text messages, which were quite even.

But on the male guest’s side, there was no movement.

Until suddenly, Zhang Chen’s mobile phone text message sounded five times in succession, and everyone looked over in surprise.

Zhang Chen didn’t expect this wave to be so fierce tonight, he smiled at everyone, and took out his mobile phone to check it with a bit of a shy expression.

[Be careful not to touch the water on the wound on my hand] [I

am in the game control, I met you who are making games, you say, will this be a new fate] [

Look at other beauties, don’t keep staring at me] [

I don’t know if the person who appears on tomorrow’s date will be you]

[Your ex chose you]

Lu Zhou, Wen Yiming and Xu Junze looked at each other silently, knowing that they would definitely not receive bedtime text messages tonight.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chen turned out to be so sought-after?

The male guests were surprised, and the female guests were also surprised.

And after Zhang Chen read the text message, he couldn’t help but glance at Ye Fangfei.

Sure enough, the woman he likes is special.

It’s okay, he Zhang Chen likes difficult bones!

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