The small party after returning tonight gradually ended.

Qi Jiajia claimed to be tired, rubbed his neck, and went back to his room to rest.

Chu Yao never came out after going to the bathroom before, Li Jiayan noticed that something was wrong and went upstairs to see her roommate;

Ye Fangfei’s mobile phone came in a work call, in order to avoid the camera, she got up and went out to answer it;

Xu Junze smoked alone in the corner of the terrace on the second floor;

Zhang Chen still remained on the sofa, but his eyes looked at the door from time to time;

Lu Zhouwo was seriously brushing the TikTok video on the side.

Wen Yiming was called by the staff to do a personal interview.

Interview room –

Wen Yiming sat in front of the camera and was interviewed by the staff.

Staff: “If the full score is 10, how excited are you about Li Jiayan today?”

Wen Yiming thought seriously for a moment and replied, “4 points.”

Staff: “If you had to pick one of four female guests for your next date, who would it be?”

“Uh…” Wen Yiming seemed a little embarrassed, and replied for a long time: “Then I may choose Fang Fei, I feel that I have relatively little contact with her, and I want to know more.”

Staff: “How do you feel when you receive a text message from your ex-girlfriend tonight?”

Wen Yiming smiled mockingly when he heard this, and said: “It’s quite confusing, she hasn’t sent me a message before, and she doesn’t quite understand why she suddenly sent me today, but I asked if I was attracted to other girls, inexplicable.”

Staff: “Then have you ever thought that there is a possibility that she may still want to get back together with you in her heart?” Maybe I was angry with you before, so I deliberately didn’t text you?

Wen Yiming: “I can’t rule out this possibility, which is also quite in line with her character.”

“You’ve now had a crush on other female guests, what would you do if your ex-girlfriend wanted to get back together with you?” Will you still pursue a new fate without hesitation?

“That’s a sharp question.” Wen Yiming smiled in surprise, “I will choose to continue to pursue a new fate, because I don’t believe that the broken mirror can be reunited.”

At the same time, in the bedroom on the second floor of the Pink Cottage.

Chu Yao sat in front of the mirror to remove her makeup, but her eyes were red, obviously she had just cried.

As soon as Li Jiayan returned to the room, he saw her like this, and walked over and hugged her in surprise.

“Why are you crying? What happened?

Chu Yao was so appeased by Li Jiayan, her nose became sour again, she shook her head with a stubborn smile, and said: “It’s okay, I just have a hurdle in my heart that I can’t get by.”

Li Jiayan pulled over a chair and sat next to her, gently patted her shoulder, and asked in a low voice: “What Kan’er?” Is it related to the ex?

Chu Yao nodded while crying, looking at me with pity.

“If you have a crush on other guys, do you feel sorry for your ex?”

“Of course not.” Li Jiayan took a tissue to help Chu Yao wipe her tears.

“How could you think that? You have broken up, you have the right to pursue new happiness, why feel sorry for your ex? You didn’t do anything wrong.

“I originally thought that I wouldn’t have this kind of mentality…” Chu Yao raised her hand to fan herself, and said with a sob: “But when I received his text message tonight, I felt sad and sorry in my heart.”

“Do you still have thoughts about him?” How long have you been apart? Li Jiayan asked.

“No… No more thoughts. Chu Yao finally stopped her crying and calmed down, “We have been separated for a year.

“It’s all a year! Sister, since you don’t want to turn back, please boldly rush forward, okay? Don’t have this kind of sorry mentality, okay? Unless you broke up and you were the main party at fault?

Li Jiayan suddenly rubbed Chu Yao’s head like a big sister and encouraged.

“I’m not the main fault party, I have nothing to be sorry for him during the two years with him.”

“So what are you doing here? Be brave and chase love!

Pouring out her emotions, Chu Yao’s mood was finally much more relaxed, she smiled, wiped her tears and asked: “Jiayan, how long have you been separated from your ex?”

“We? It’s been a long time, more than six years…”

“Wow?! It’s true? No wonder you’re so free!



Just when the two were huddling in the room to warm up, Qi Jiajia in the next room was called out by the program team staff to do it.

Interview room –

Staff: “Tonight’s date with Lu Zhou, don’t you have the slightest feeling of excitement?”

Qi Jiajia: “Hmm… To be precise, there is actually a little good feeling, but I don’t think it can constitute a heartbeat, right? My gratitude to him tonight is more of a friend’s gratitude.

Staff: “Your heartwarming text message was sent to your ex, is there a composite idea?”

Qi Jiajia shook his head, “No, in fact, I didn’t send him a text message tonight because of my ex’s heartbeat, I was out of curiosity and wanted to take this opportunity to ask him.”

Staff: “But this is a text message that can’t get a reply from the other party, you choose to ask him in this way, and you can’t get the answer you want, right?”

Qi Jiajia: “I can get it, I can know it by looking at his reaction to receiving the text message.”

Staff: “So what answer did you get?”

Qi Jiajia: “I confirmed that he was really moved by Li Jiayan tonight.”

Staff: “Does this answer affect you in any way?”

Qi Jiajia shrugged and smiled.

“It strengthened my original idea, it was really right for the two to separate.”

“Can you imagine? We actually only broke up for half a year.

“He can now easily like to pursue another girl in my face, which is what he calls ‘insecure,’ and the truth is, he has never given me such a thing as security.”

Qi Jiajia spoke, his emotions were a little out of control, and his tone was mixed with anger.

The interview was terminated as a last resort.

Here, Lu Zhou stayed in the living room for a while, felt a little sleepy, and went upstairs to wash.

Before going to bed, I received a greeting call from the old mother, went to the second floor terrace to blow the night breeze, and then found Xu Junze who swallowed clouds and fog alone in the corner.

“Got something on your mind?” After Lu Zhou hung up the phone, he went over and asked.

Xu Junze shook the soot and motioned for Lu Zhou to sit together for a while.

“Would you be jealous when you find out that your ex is clearly interested in other men?” He asked deeply.

Since the day Lu Zhou listened to his ex’s recording, he felt that Xu Junze was a man who was more attached to his ex. His attachment is different from Zhang Chen’s flamboyance, and he seems to be more restrained.

“I’m different from you, I don’t have much idea about my ex anymore, so I don’t care too much about who she is interested in.” Lu Zhou patted Xu Junze’s shoulder and replied.

Xu Junze exhaled a mouthful of smoke, poked his heart with his index finger, and said, “I’m so uncomfortable with the thief here now.”

“Did you talk to her alone?” Lu Zhou asked curiously.

Xu Junze shook his head, “No, I always feel that she always deliberately avoids me.”

“That’s a bit of a hassle. You want to get back together, and she avoids you again, this… I can’t get it. ”

The matter of male and female feelings, Lu Zhou does not have much experience, he is really powerless, can only accompany Xu Junze to empathize, hope that he can be in a better mood.

“Let’s find a way to find an opportunity to have a good talk with her.”

“Before I came, I didn’t expect this show to have so much stamina.” A bitter smile appeared at the corner of Xu Junze’s mouth, “I’m a little on top now.”

Lu Zhou pursed his lips and smiled, patted him on the shoulder, and said, “I understand.”

“I don’t see you understand, you don’t have the trouble with me.” Xu Junze couldn’t help but complain.

The two chatted briefly for a while, and Xu Junze received a text message from the program group to do the post-harvesting, got up and left.

Lu Zhouwo studied the jitter videos in place for a while, and before his account posted some dance videos in the practice room, the camera movement was general, the video playback was not very high, and there were not many fans.

He pondered about repositioning the account, so he made all the content he had posted before personally visible.

Let’s start all over again!

Just as he was immersed in the operation, a figure came out of the terrace entrance.

Lu Zhou noticed the movement, raised his eyes, and found that the person who came was Ye Fangfei.


When Ye Fangfei came out, she was holding her mobile phone to send voice to someone, and her attention was not around.

“This is simple, I’ll shoot it now, and send it to you in half an hour.”

After putting down the mobile phone, Ye Fangfei discovered Lu Zhou’s existence and raised her eyebrows unexpectedly, “It’s you again.” But no, I met in the

same place at about the same time two nights in a row, I don’t know, I thought it was an appointment!

Lu Zhou is actually depressed, is this the legendary fate???

“Still swimming tonight?” Lu Zhou said jokingly.

In fact, you can tell if she is dressed at this time, she changed into a black sportswear, and it is impossible to swim.

Of course, Ye Fangfei knew that Lu Zhou was joking, and pointed to the floor-to-ceiling window in front of him and said, “No, find a mirror and practice dancing.”

Lu Zhou was going to get up and leave, but hearing her say that she wanted to practice dancing, she was a little curious.

Ye Fangfei, is the new generation of domestic singing and dancing divas, her dancing style, Lu Zhou has not seen it up close, don’t say, she is still a little curious.

“Mind having an audience?” Lu Zhou asked with a smile.

“It doesn’t matter.” Ye Fangfei lowered her head and tuned out the dance video sent to her by her agent in her mobile phone, and a thought suddenly flashed in her mind, she looked up at Lu Zhou again, and said:

“Or don’t be a spectator, how about being a temporary photographer for me?”

When Lu Zhou heard this, he got up and walked over.

“I’m happy to serve, but I’m not very technical, if the result of the shot is not good, don’t blame me.”

Ye Fangfei hooked his lips and smiled, and threw his mobile phone to him, “Click a little video button, hold the mobile phone without moving, this will always be, right?”

“That would definitely be…”

“That’s not it, no skill required, I just need you to act as my selfie stick.”

Free, casual, seems to be a characteristic of Ye Fangfei’s personality.

Lu Zhou raised his lips and smiled, took her mobile phone, and a ten-second dance video was playing on the lit screen, and the soundtrack was “Lovelorn Front Alliance”.

He was a little surprised, he thought that Ye Fangfei would dance her own dance, but he didn’t expect that he seemed to be making a small video imitating the dance of others.

The dance moves are simple, and for professional dancers, it doesn’t take long to finish the dance and learn it.

At this time, Ye Fangfei had already faced the floor-to-ceiling window mirror next to him, and successfully reproduced the entire dance without missing a movement.

Her figure is very light, her twisting crotch is quite flexible, and when she jumps, she did not ask Lu Zhou to play BGM for her repeatedly, but hummed the tune for herself and beat it, which was also accurate.

In just a dozen seconds, Lu Zhou could hear her solid singing and dancing skills, because the sound of breathing was not chaotic, and she was comfortable throughout the process. She is a good opponent, if you have the

opportunity in the future, you must have a good fight! Lu Zhou thought.

“OK, come on!”

After Ye Fangfei was satisfied with the rehearsal effect in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, he hooked his hand towards Lu Zhou and signaled that he could start shooting.

Lu Zhou held up the mobile phone camera to her, the music started, she clicked and danced, and the video was finally repeated.

Ye Fangfei repeatedly watched the video taken by Lu Zhou for her, frowning lightly, and seemed not satisfied.

“Is there a problem? Give you a remake? Lu Zhou asked.

“It’s good, there is no problem with the action card points, but because there is no problem, I feel like something is wrong.”

“You feel almost interesting, is it possible that you think this kind of jumping just now is too decent for you?”

Lu Zhou expressed his opinion.

Ye Fangfei’s eyes were slightly bright, and she seemed to be awakened by a word, she slapped her palm sharply and said, “That’s right!” It’s just decent! I’m a person who hates being decent the most.

“So would you like to try the funny wind?” I think this music is quite suitable. Lu Zhou proposed.

“Such as?”

“The overall dance remains the same, and the effect comes out with a slight change in the expression and individual movements.”

“I feel like you already have a picture in your head?” Ye Fangfei raised her eyebrows and looked at him, made a gesture of invitation, and said, “Come on, classmate Lu Zhou.”

Dancers, not shy to show a word.

Lu Zhou handed the mobile phone in his hand to Ye Fangfei and held it, “I can feel it if I get some BGM.”

The music starts —

“One, two, three, go!”

Lu Zhou put on a few contrived preparatory moves in a serious manner, and from this point on, Ye Fangfei still couldn’t see anything unusual.

Until the music drumbeat goes to “Boom! Boom! Boom! Lu Zhou suddenly threw off his handsome image and smiled badly at Ye Fangfei.

At the same time, he stuck the rhythm, flexible chest, and strange shaking legs, with a pompous and playful expression.

During the period when his body danced to the song, Lu Zhou did not forget his expression management at all. Biting his lips for a while, and raising his eyebrows for a while, is simply very different from his usual image! Live a comedian!

Ye Fangfei didn’t hold back for a while, and laughed out loud.

“What, you are!”

She smiled so much that she raised her hand to cover her eyes, but she couldn’t help but continue to watch Lu Zhou jump through her fingers.

Spicy eyes are quite spicy eyes, but inexplicably a little addictive what’s going on?

“It’s like this.”

After more than ten seconds, it ended after a while, and Lu Zhou stopped the demonstration.

“But this spoof style may be very unpopular and may not be suitable for you.” Lu Zhou raised his hand and brushed his bangs that were messy from dancing and said with a smile.

“No, I like to try new things.” Ye Fangfei’s smile still hung on her face and did not fade, “It’s quite devilish, I decided to challenge it.”

“Where are you going to post this video?” What scenarios are used? Lu Zhou suddenly remembered this.

“Shaker, ready as the first video to settle on the platform.”

“Huh? Starters? Lu Zhou couldn’t help but hesitate and said, “Then let’s use the one you just shot, it’s more in line with your image.”

“I want to try it, you can help me shoot another one.” Ye Fangfei also didn’t know what evil he had fallen into, and insisted on trying to spoof the wind.

“Okay then.”

Lu Zhou took back his mobile phone and prepared to shoot Ye Fangfei again, but when he was looking for an angle, he found that Zhang Chen was leaning on the door frame at an unknown time, holding a water cup in his hand, staring at him and Ye Fangfei without saying a word.

Lu Zhou: “…”

No, this buddy, how did the old god come out of nowhere?

The music has begun, Lu Zhou did not say hello to Zhang Chen, and devoted himself to the video shooting.

Ye Fangfei has a strong learning ability, and the version she jumped this time refined the essence of Lu Zhou’s version just now, and added some of her personal characteristics.

The pretentious expression and exaggerated dance moves added an indescribable sense of joy to her whole person. Lu Zhou has never seen Ye Fangfei

like this, and Zhang Chen, who is watching, has never seen it, he was originally drinking water with a breath in his stomach, but when he saw Ye Fangfei’s alternative dance, he didn’t go down in one breath and sprayed directly.

Coincidentally, Lu Zhou also filmed this scene into the video.

The spoof people are dancing, the audience is laughing, and finally the whole video is more vivid than the effect.

After recording, Ye Fangfei watched the playback and was amused again by her appearance.

Zhang Chen also came over with a water cup at this time.

Ye Fangfei rarely took the initiative to interact with him with a smile, showing him both the first video and the second version of the video, and asked: “Which version do you think is better?”

Zhang Chen’s mood improved significantly, so he carefully watched two completely different styles of dance videos, and analyzed them seriously:

“The first looks more beautiful, the second … Is this still Ye Fangfei? I think the first one is better.

Ye Fangfei listened carefully, nodded, then snapped his fingers and said, “Okay, I decided, just use the second one!”

Zhang Chen: “…”

Lu Zhou: “…”What kind of wrongdoers these two are, it’s quite funny.”

“You’re deliberately going against me, aren’t you?” Zhang Chen said angrily.

“No, I prefer the second one, just follow my heart.”

Ye Fangfei said, and directly sent the version of the spoof dance video to the agent.

Fighting unjustly, it is easy to accidentally injure others, and Lu Zhou quickly used “sleepy” as an excuse to slip away. In the distance, you can

faintly hear the dialogue —

“You can use the second version, I am in the second version, are you okay?”

“Don’t worry, my team will give you a heavy mosaic.”


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