Early the next morning.

After Lu Zhou returned from a morning run to practice his voice, he found that the dining room was particularly lively.

Except for Li Jiayan, who slept lazily today, everyone else got up.

“Morning! Just in time, freshly baked Portuguese egg tarts, hot, let’s eat together!

Chu Yao was wearing heat-insulating gloves in both hands, carrying the egg tart taken from the oven, and was distributing it to everyone at the table, and when he saw Lu Zhou, he greeted him warmly.

“What day is it?” Breakfast so good? “Lu Zhou washed his hands and came and sat down.

“Ask Chu Yao, she got up early this morning to busy breakfast, so we had such a good meal.” Qi Jiajia answered with a smile.

“It’s not a special day, I don’t know why I woke up very early today, I couldn’t sleep horizontally, I simply got up to make breakfast.” Chu Yao said.

“This tart is delicious, you made it yourself?” Ye Fangfei took a bite of the hot egg tart, and her eyebrows raised. “The egg tart

skin was bought online before, and the egg tart liquid was mixed by myself.”

“Master level, it’s even more delicious than what you bought in the cake shop outside.” Wen Yiming praised with a smile.

“It’s really high.” Zhang Chen also came.

“Yaoyao, you can open a store.” Lu Zhou raised his lips and said.

“Exaggerated, you must be eating people’s mouths and acquaintances.”

Chu Yao smiled and divided the egg tarts for everyone, and found that there were three left in the end.

“Baked more, leave two for Jiayan, who wants one left?”

She asked with a smile as she looked around at the others at the table.

“It’s hard to make breakfast, treat yourself if you have more.” Xu Junze said.

“Yes, you eat.” Lu Zhou answered.

“But I have enough breakfast portions, and I’ve been losing weight recently, so I have to control it.”

Chu Yao said, turned his gaze to Zhang Chen, thought about it, leaned over and put the egg tart on his plate.

“Zhang Chen, give you more! Seeing that your dark circles are so heavy today, you must not have slept well last night, eat more to replenish energy.

“…” Xu Junze’s eating action paused slightly.

Chu Yao’s small action made the others at the dinner table also taste some deep meaning.

The meaning was obvious, Chu Yao was showing favor to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen, who accepted the gift, did not react, and replied with a smile: “Thank you, then I will not be polite.”

“Ah! Oops! I’m going to be late! Qi Jiajia glanced at the time at this time, suddenly stood up and gobbled up the last mouthful of egg tarts.

“Comrades, I have to withdraw first, you eat slowly.”

Qi Jiajia kicked away the seat and said vaguely.

She hurriedly picked up the hand that she didn’t have time to drink and turned around to leave, but she accidentally tripped over the leg of the chair next to her, and the whole person stumbled forward.


The coffee in Qi Jiajia’s hand did not hold it steadily, and it was directly splashed on Zhang Chen’s leg, who was sitting next to her.

Everyone: “?!

Zhang Chen, who was poured, froze for a second, and after reacting, he stood up reluctantly, grabbing his trouser leg and shaking hard.

Accidents happen, only in a split second.

“Oh my God! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!

Qi Jiajia, who had just stood firm, found that he splashed Zhang Chen, and immediately panicked, and quickly grabbed the tissue on the table to wipe the coffee stains on his pants.

However, Zhang Chen’s position was very embarrassing, but Qi Jiajia didn’t care about this in a hurry, holding a tissue to wipe it indiscriminately, and the three words “sorry” were still in his mouth.

Onlookers: “0..0?? When a

sense of wonder struck, Zhang Chen’s face furrowed hotly, and he quickly raised his hand to block Qi Jiajia’s moving hand, and retreated in a panic.

“Don’t, don’t… Stop rubbing!

Qi Jiajia froze, stunned for two seconds before realizing what was going on, and death suddenly surged into his brain, instantly from the neck red to the root of the ear.

“I’m sorry…”

Apart from these three words, Qi Jiajia could no longer find any language.

She just wanted to find a hole to drill into at the moment.

Zhang Chen’s face was not good-looking, just after experiencing an absurd scene, after he dodged Qi Jiajia’s hand, he subconsciously raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Fangfei.

Damn, where is it bad to be touched by Qi Jiajia, but touched there?

Ye Fangfei was also looking at him at this time, and the two looked at each other across the air.

“Is it hot?” She suddenly asked.

“A little.” Receiving the concern, Zhang Chen was inexplicably a little surprised.

“Then don’t take off your pants and want to become a father-in-law?”

Zhang Chen: “!!! The

surprise that was hard to overflow turned into social death in an instant.

When Qi Jiajia heard this, he showed a terrified expression in an instant.

Onlookers: “??? ”

This, this, this… What are the words of the tiger wolf?

The camera is still shooting, Ye Fangfei, you really have no taboos?

“Let’s go upstairs and change your pants first.” Lu Zhou spoke, changing the expression that made Zhang Chen less dead.

The panicked Qi Jiajia nodded like pounding garlic, and said very apologetically: “Yes, Zhang Chen, you hurry up and change clothes, I… I’ll go buy you scald cream. What is

the face, Zhang Chen can no longer perceive it.

“No need, it doesn’t hurt.” He gritted his teeth, turned and left quickly, going upstairs to change clothes.

After Zhang Chen left, there was a brief silence in the dining room.

Chu Yao went out to get a mop to help clean up the mess on the ground.

Qi Jiajia felt that he had run into trouble, felt sorry and embarrassed in his heart, his eyes were slightly red, and finally went to find the medicine box.

When Lu Zhou finished breakfast and went back to the bedroom, he found Qi Jiajia guarding his door with scalding medicine.

“How about I help you get it in for him?”

Qi Jiajia hesitated for a moment, and finally put the medicine in Lu Zhou’s hands, “Help me say sorry to him.”

“Don’t worry too much, judging by his reaction, it shouldn’t be a big deal.” Lu Zhou soothed.

Qi Jiajia nodded and muttered in a low voice: “That coffee should not be so hot…”

Lu Zhou smiled and took the medicine into the room.

Zhang Chen was still in the bathroom, did not hear the sound of water, and did not know what to do inside.

Lu Zhou knocked on the bathroom door and said, “Jiajia found scalding medicine for Ling, I helped you bring it in, do you want to apply some?”

“I said no! I didn’t get burned!

It was probably because his self-esteem was damaged, and when Zhang Chen replied, he was still angry.


Lu Zhou ignored him and threw the scald cream on his bedside table.

In the dining room downstairs, Ye Fangfei, Wen Yiming, Chu Yao and Xu Junze were still eating breakfast.

Chu Yao was a little absent-minded, and she hurriedly got up and left after dealing with the last early.

Xu Junze glanced at her silently, and not long after, he also packed up his dinner plate and went out.

“Have you been filming lately?” Xu Junze caught up with Chu Yao and asked.

Chu Yao turned around when he heard the movement, and saw that it was Xu Junze, his expression was a little unnatural, and said, “Shoot.”

“Are you free today?”

“What for?”

“I want to go out and talk to you alone, is that okay?”

Chu Yao was silent for a moment before saying, “I should be able to come back at four or five o’clock in the afternoon.”

This was agreed to give him a chance to be alone, Xu Junze breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: “Then I will try to come back before five o’clock.”

At this time, in the dining room –

the only two people left to eat breakfast, Wen Yiming and Ye Fangfei, were a little silent.

Ye Fangfei was typing with her mobile phone, who she should be chatting with.

Wen Yiming always glanced at Ye Fangfei from time to time, and finally caught the moment she put down her mobile phone, he had a warm smile on his face and asked, “Fangfei, are you busy today?”

“Huh?” Ye Fangfei raised her eyes to look at him and replied, “It’s okay.”

“Is there a schedule for noon?” If not, why don’t you have a meal together? Wen Yiming tentatively sent out an invitation, “I know a good restaurant…”

“I’m afraid noon, I have an itinerary.” Ye Fangfei didn’t wait for him to finish, so he refused.

“Ah, so… So when you have time next time? Wen Yiming did not flinch because of his refusal, leaving a way back for himself in his words.

Ye Fangfei met his gaze and knew his intentions from his fiery gaze.

She drank the last sip of milk in the cup, pursed her lips and smiled: “Yes, next time you have the opportunity.”

Wen Yiming was allowed and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, “Then it’s so decided.”

At this time, Ye Fangfei’s mobile phone rang.

She picked it up and saw that it was the assistant who called and urged her to go out.

“Right away.”

Ye Fangfei hung up the phone, smiled politely at Wen Yiming, got up and left.

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