The prelude to the violin sounded melodiously, suddenly pulling away everyone’s attention.

Qi Jiajia stared at the mobile phone screen, the beginning of the music video, Lu Zhou was in the dark room, only a magnesium light hit his body, he was alone in the room with his eyes closed and playing the violin.

This picture made her unexpectedly raise her thin eyebrows.

It was as if something had hit the atria in an instant, gently collapsing into a small piece.

To be honest, this man’s appearance of seriously playing the violin is a little too handsome, right?

The sound of music attracted Chu Yao and Li Jiayan, and they also came over curiously to take a look.

And at this time, the violin intro in the video ended, and the song began –

“That year

We are young

Remember how you stepped barefoot on the beach We

laughed and had water fights

Wet clothes The

sky is like a fiery sun You

blushed and buried in my chest I

stole a kiss in my heart I

knew then Can’t

forget your smile

It’s the unique taste of love

I want to show you off in front of friends

You said the time has not come


Li Jiayan listened, and suddenly her body froze.

This, this, this… This song?

Her mind involuntarily played out some fragments of the past along with the song.

Seaside, beach, first kiss.

The picture inexplicably becomes clear, like a memory, but like a dream.

Ah, yes, they used to be so sweet…

At that time, she was actually very naïve and pure in love, which was a love that did not need to consider material reality.

Unlike now, it is difficult to have the original heartbeat, like a person, will subconsciously consider his conditions, if not up to standard, there is no need to waste each other’s time.

The older you get, the less courage you have to love someone purely for yourself.

At this moment, remembering the memories of those desperate to love, Li Jiayan suddenly moved the old feelings, and her nose was slightly sour.

She subconsciously looked at Lu Zhou.

Sensing the line of sight, Lu Zhou turned his eyes and looked over, and the two met their eyes in the air.

“It’s a pity

We are young The

fiery sweet yaw meets the storm field

…” The

singing voice played outside is still lingering in the ears, the sweet words turn a corner, and the story in the song goes to another ending.

The eye sockets couldn’t help but moist a little.

Still in love? I don’t love it anymore.

But he was still part of her lost youth.

Li Jiayan hurriedly turned her gaze away, her eyebrows pulled down, covering her emotions. Perhaps this song

was played too well in the pink cabin, and Chu Yao and Qi Jiajia, who were watching the video together at the moment, were also brought into a similar state of mind to Li Jiayan by this song.

“What’s this song called?”

I don’t know whose video the three girls are watching together, Xu Junze listened to this song and asked curiously.

“First love.” Qi Jiajia pointed to Lu Zhou and said, “He sang it.”

These words successfully made the three boys look at Lu Zhou in surprise.

Wen Yiming stretched out his hand towards Qi Jiajia and said, “There are good things that are not only for you girls, let us see them too.”

Qi Jiajia handed the phone over, the video was played automatically, and the song was repeated repeatedly.

Wen Yiming and Xu Junze watched the video together, while Zhang Chen was not interested and did not participate.

“Composer Lu Zhou, lyricist Lu Zhou, arranger Lu Zhou, yo? Yes, Lu Zhou! I didn’t see it, it’s quite versatile! Wen Yiming just saw the cover of the video picture, and said in an exaggerated voice.

Qi Jiajia didn’t notice this information when they read it before, but now when they heard Wen Yiming say this, they showed an unexpected look again.

“It’s okay.” Lu Zhou showed a humble smile and replied, “Those who play music in the entertainment industry will understand a little about the songs, and they are just basic exercises.” There

are no people in the entertainment industry, and most people believe in his evil.

Only Li Jiayan looked at Lu Zhou with strange eyes, although she does not mix with the entertainment industry, she is not particularly clear about the singer’s set, but she is a music player who understands music theory, usually giving her music scores she can play the piano very well, but she doesn’t think composing music is a simple thing.

Base ??? Is it possible?

And anyone who understands music theory can hear that this piece is quite level.

The music score is very catchy, especially the violin in the intro and the piano score in the middle section, Li Jiayan likes it very much. It belongs to the kind of thing that you think is good the first time, but you

don’t feel amazing, but after listening to it, you find that the tone of the chorus has been unconsciously engraved into your brain, you seem to be able to sing it, but you can’t sing it, so you subconsciously want to listen to it a second time.

After the second time, you find that this song is inexplicably better, and Ling begins to capture emotions, begins to be emotional, and gradually becomes addicted.

The repeated playback of the music video at this moment made Li Jiayan already have a tune in her mind, and she even wanted to get up and try this piano score.

Is it really Lu Zhou’s own arrangement?

Li Jiayan was a little unbelievable, she knew him back then, singing was good, but it was impossible to write songs of this level by himself, could it be that he had grown a lot over the years? So why is it that

after so many years of mixing, he is still a trainee who has not officially debuted? It shouldn’t be…

Didn’t the company that signed him give him good resources? Maybe someone was offended in the company and resources were robbed?

Thinking about it, Li Jiayan suddenly felt that there were these possibilities, otherwise he would not have terminated the contract with the company now, right?

Li Jiayan took advantage of the fact that others were not paying attention, took out her mobile phone and turned it to mute, and then clicked into the Doule video to search for the word “Luzhou”.

As a result, a bunch of accounts called “Lu Zhou” were searched, and she was stunned.

Subsequently, she re-searched for the three words “Ye Fangfei”, clicked into the first video to see, and sure enough found Lu Zhou’s account in her video copy.

A strange feeling came to mind.

She quietly entered Lu Zhou’s homepage and found that there was only one work.

She muted the video and looked at it, and the time showed that the video had just been released.

Sent tonight again? Could it be that he made an appointment with Ye Fangfei?

Are they familiar?

At this time, Zhang Chen suddenly got up from the sofa.

Li Jiayan quickly turned the mobile phone screen into her body, but inadvertently slid her hand to like the video.

Zhang Chen walked out the door without saying a word, most likely he was called by the program group to do the interview.

Li Jiayan looked back at her mobile phone screen again and found that the love like button turned bright red!


She was so frightened that she quickly canceled the like.

The system shouldn’t have prompted him already, right? Probably not.

She comforted herself in her heart, and subconsciously glanced at Lu Zhou.

Fortunately, he was not looking at his mobile phone, but was chatting with Xu Junze and Wen Yiming about songs.

“I saw you come back tonight with a big guitar, thinking that you should be good at the guitar, but now watching the video and finding that you seem to be playing the violin very well?” How many instruments will you have?

Xu Junze hooked Lu Zhou’s shoulder and teased.

“It won’t be much, the usual ones will be ordered.” Lu Zhou is still in a light and breezy tone.

Li Jiayan was suddenly a little confused, was he really only a little, or was he in Versailles?

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