“Who will be the first to come out…” Li Jiayan picked up a pillow to block half of her face.

An air of embarrassment pervaded the living room.

Some people bite their lower lips and nervously wait for the upcoming picture;

Some people blindfold their hands but peek through their fingers;

Some people’s faces are light and breezy, but their hearts are pounding;

Some people are distracted and desperately thinking about whether they behaved appropriately when they met that day;

There are people who are fearless;

Someone is interested…

The last countdown number ran out, and the TV screen flashed, then switched to a familiar picture.

Pink bus, the day of first sight.

A handsome boy’s side face appeared on the screen, and he sat by the window of the bus, waiting for who arrived.

Seeing this, Lu Zhou on the sofa couldn’t help but purse his lips and smile.

Okay, the first one to put is him.

“Huh? Lu Zhou! Wen Yiming coaxed, “Come on! Who will the ex be?

Li Jiayan pursed her lips next to her, half embarrassed.

The pink bus on the screen then comes up a girl, first a close-up of the high heels, then the skirt, and then the face.

Someone laughed and called out the name of “Jiayan”.

Someone excitedly whispered: “I guessed right.”

Someone had a “I know” expression.

Zhang Chen raised his eyebrows, thinking in his heart with some surprise: Li Jiayan is Lu Zhou’s ex-girlfriend? He thought it was Qi Jiajia…

Thinking deeper, Zhang Chen couldn’t help but be happy again. I don’t know if Lu Zhou, this kid, knows that his ex-girlfriend has a good impression of him?

The screen played the cramped picture of the two just met, like strangers to each other, as if they had not seen each other for many years, and when the two first began to say hello, they even jokingly said “hello”…

This face inexplicably made others stunned.

How many years has this been divided? How rusty is it to say “hello” politely?

Until the end of watching the entire meeting process, others came to a conclusion: this pair of feelings is really broken, there is no involvement at all!

From the chat between the two of them, it can be inferred that the reason why they broke up in the first place seems to be that Li Jiayan thought that Lu Zhou was not reliable enough at that time.

The video is not long, it will finish quickly.

Wen Yiming originally wanted to gossip about the relationship history of Lu Zhou and Li Jiayan, but the program team didn’t let them take a breath, and then played the next video.

And the person who appeared on the screen this time was Wen Yiming himself.

He looked embarrassed, and suddenly he was not in the mood to care about others anymore.

The girl who appeared on the screen next was Qi Jiajia.

Probably the answer gradually became clear, and no one was coaxing again at this time, and they all paid serious attention to the content in the video.

The meeting between the two this time was not as polite as the pair of Lu Zhou and Li Jiayan.

Wen Yiming and Qi Jiajia are more like a pair of wrongdoers who don’t look at each other right, and they inexplicably give people an atmosphere that seems to be able to quarrel immediately. The

classic quotes of the two in the video are-

Qi Jiajia: “I thought you already had a new girlfriend, but I didn’t expect to be able to go on this kind of show with you.”

Wen Yiming: “You have always liked to misunderstand me.

Qi Jiajia: “Do you want to get back together?”

Wen Yiming: “Are you serious?”

Qi Jiajia smiled: “Do you think it’s possible?”

Wen Yiming also smiled: “I’ll be joking with you.”

In the video, no one is willing to take a step back, and you can feel that the contradiction that they should break up is not small, and the breakup time should not be too long.

If the two can’t sit down and chat after going on the show, and calmly unravel the original contradiction, this situation, it feels basically impossible to get back together, even if they get back together, it is estimated that it will not take long to collapse again.

Lu Zhou judged.

After Qi Jiajia watched the clip between himself and Wen Yiming, his heart couldn’t help but block a breath again, and he looked at Wen Yiming more and more unpleasantly.

Wen Yiming’s face was not good.

The atmosphere in the living room gradually became strange.

The video screen then cuts to the next one.

This time it was Xu Junze and Chu Yao.

This pair of perceptions is different, the two met on the pink bus for the first time, and each other’s eyes were red.

Obviously, the two are deeply in love, and they feel that they have not completely let go of each other.

The way they came up to say hello was different from the previous two pairs of CPs, and they were full of feelings.

In the video, Xu Junze’s eyes were moist and he laughed, and his voice was a little hoarse, “You have lost weight.”

Chu Yao: “You have also lost weight.”

Xu Junze: “Without you around, there are many less delicious people, and eating is not active.”

Chu Yao only smiled and did not speak.

After that, the two looked at each other in silence and affectionately, teary-eyed.

This picture looks very touching, but the loved ones have not been able to stay together, and this wave of emotions inexplicably stained the other female guests in the living room.

Qi Jiajia burst into tears, and Li Jiayan also sniffed.

Seeing this, Zhang Chen diligently drew a tissue and handed it to Ye Fangfei, but Ye Fangfei turned to look at him with a puzzled expression.

Zhang Chen took a closer look at Ye Fangfei’s eyes, clear and beautiful, but there was not a single tear in them.

Zhang Chen: “…”

Okay, this woman has different attributes from others.

The video is still playing, and there are many affectionate but regretful dialogues.

Xu Junze: “On the show, will you care if I am with other girls.”

Chu Yao: “I will care, but it won’t change anything.”

Xu Junze: “What if it can be changed?”

Chu Yao: “Where does life come from so many ifs.”

The two of them seemed to have an unbroken love thread, like a tear gas, which exploded in the living room.

However, the cut of the next video directly made the tearful person can’t help but laugh.

The last pair of former CPs who appeared in the pink bus were Ye Fangfei and Zhang Chen.

If the previous pair is affectionate tearjerker, then this pair inexplicably has a bit of black humor.

Their chat style is like this –

Zhang Chen: “Ling blocked me, and I couldn’t contact you all the time.”

Ye Fangfei: “Aren’t all the sayings said?” A qualified ex should lie on the phone blacklist.

Zhang Chen couldn’t laugh or cry: “… There doesn’t seem to be such a statement, right?

Ye Fangfei: “Oh, the original words are a bit excessive, I changed it slightly.” Do you want to listen to the original?

The corners of Zhang Chen’s mouth trembled, “No need.

Then he smiled pleasantly and said, “Let me out?”

Ye Fangfei pointed to the camera in the car and said, “Filming, isn’t it not allowed to keep the personal contact information of the ex?” Are you going to violate the law?

Zhang Chen: “…” Most

of the communication content between the two is Zhang Chen taking the lead in questioning, Ye Fangfei replied, and the painting style is inexplicably funny.

Zhang Chen: “Before together, we have not had many opportunities to communicate well, it is a pity to be separated, I am looking forward to coming to this show this time.”

Ye Fangfei: “What to expect?”

Zhang Chen: “Looking forward to colliding with you to create a better spark.”

Ye Fangfei: “Spark? Could it be that during this period of separation, your temperament has changed greatly?

Zhang Chen: “Not really.

Ye Fangfei: “Then let’s look forward to it less.”

Zhang Chen: “… Fifi, my heart is unwavering for you.

Ye Fangfei: “It’s a coincidence, so am I.”

Everyone was secretly surprised to see this video.

Oh my God, usually looking at Zhang Chen is not this painting style? In front of Ye Fangfei, the contrast is too big, right?

Zhang Chen blushed when he saw this video, Ya, look at himself like this, really like a licking dog… He cursed secretly.

Ye Fangfei looked calm.

Chu Yao next to him frowned lightly and fell into deep thought.

At the same time, Li Jiayan’s face was not comfortable, and she was hanging her eyes thoughtfully.

At this point, all predecessors have been announced.

Everyone faced each other and suddenly became cramped.

In the past, although I could guess who was a couple with whom, after all, it was not announced, and I could still pretend not to know in my heart and provoke other people’s exes in an honest manner.

Now the relationship between the predecessors has officially been announced… It’s hard not to look at other people’s faces.

The social difficulty of this show suddenly escalated, and everyone felt uncomfortable.

Of course, there are also people with no difference in mood, such as Ye Fangfei and Lu Zhou.

Their common feature at this time is: neither is willing to engage in romance in the show…


At this time, the guests received a text message from the program group at the same time.

[Please send a bedtime text message tonight!]

When Lu Zhou saw this information, he suddenly had a little headache.

He replied a message to the program group: [If there is no one who wants to send it, can you not send it?]

After a while, the program team replied: [You have to choose someone to text]

Lu Zhou: “…”

Who sets the rules, I really want to pull out to shoot targets.

Lu Zhou looked around at the four female guests present, who is more suitable?

Considering that the show will be broadcast soon, everyone will definitely see the recorded clip by then… In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and inexplicable hostility, Lu Zhou finally chose Li Jiayan.

Then I sent the words [Wishes].

After the text message sending time, after a long time, the guests received the information conveyed by the program group one after another, but this time was a little different from the past.

Guests will only receive text messages written to them by the opposite sex, and will no longer receive program messages to prompt their ex whether they have chosen themselves.

As for why the program group suddenly changed its normal and revoked this reminder, only the program group knows.

Zhang Chen, who has always gained a lot in the text message link, only received a text message this time:

[Is the mind of wanting to get back together still unchanged?]

Zhang Chen frowned and read the text message several times, guessing who would send it.

After thinking about it, he finally locked the answer on Ye Fangfei.

Did she send it?

Should he want to test his true heart at this time?

Zhang Chen gradually settled on the answer in his heart, and looked up at Ye Fangfei with a smile.

However, the truth was not Ye Fangfei’s message, and someone else sent this message.

Ye Fangfei’s mobile phone also vibrated at this time, she picked it up and looked at it, and the content was:

[I hope the blacklist will be unlocked one day]

This directivity is also too obvious…

Zhang Chen almost typed his name directly into the text message and sent it together.

This man… I’m afraid that I want to act out the character of the infatuated man until the day of the show, right? Ye Fangfei thought to herself.

Xu Junze then also received the content of the text message relayed by the program group:

[Curious about your story with her] ”


After Xu Junze saw the text message, he glanced up blankly and swept around the girls.

This message is definitely not sent by Chu Yao, and the content of the text message must be curious about the story of him and his predecessor, otherwise what else? After all, the ex has just been announced.

Who is curious?

Xu Junze didn’t have a clue.

But since the other party is curious, probably have some thoughts about him, right? Otherwise, who would want to know the story of a person for no reason?

At the same time, Chu Yao also received a bedtime text message.

[As you wish]

is only four words.

Like a formal farewell text message, it made her nose sour.

Was it sent by the previous Xu Junze? She was already determined in her heart.

As she wished, hopefully.

“Buzz… Buzz…”

Two vibrations in succession, Li Jiayan next to him picked up his mobile phone in surprise.

She received two text messages.

[Good wishes]

[If we have a chance, shall we go out again?]

Huh? Li Jiayan stared at the text message interface, her brain a little confused.

Best wishes? Why did you say good luck to her for no reason?

Do not understand.

I didn’t figure out who sent it for a while.

But when she looked at Lu Zhou, she suddenly understood who sent it.

What about the other piece of information?

Want to make another appointment with her?

Li Jiayan recalled that these days she came to this show, there were two male guests who had an appointment with her, one was Wen Yiming and the other was Zhang Chen.

Will it be Zhang Chen?

But in the video of his ex who has just been released, he has always had a deep affection for Ye Fangfei, and the other party did not give him a positive response, he still wants to get back together with her in his heart!

Could it be that on the show these days, he changed his original mind?

Is it possible?

Li Jiayan recalled the conversation between her and Zhang Chen’s ex in the anonymous chat room that night.

It won’t be him…

Li Jiayan instantly ruled out Zhang Chen.

The answer is obvious, it’s Wen Yiming.

Well…… Li Jiayan’s mood became a little strange.

At this time, Wen Yiming was worried about why his mobile phone had not moved at all.

Finally, when he heard Lu Zhou’s mobile phone vibrating twice in succession, he suddenly realized that he would probably never receive a text message again tonight.

It’s just that he is a little confused, why did Lu Zhou, who had never been cared for, suddenly eat tonight?

This strange world…

And Lu Zhou was also surprised by this.

Why is my phone moving?

He picked it up and took a look, thinking it would be spam text messages, or non-program group messages.

As a result, it was really sent by the program group.

[Tonight, we seem to be cooler]

Lu Zhou carefully tasted this content.

Tonight? We? Cruel?

There is nothing special tonight, except for the announcement of the ex…

So this was sent to him by Li Jiayan. I didn’t

feel any special emotions in the text, probably to express the meaning of the four pairs of exes that he didn’t entangle after breaking up with her, which looks pretty cool, right?

She was suddenly confused tonight and didn’t know who to text, so sent it to him?

Lu Zhou didn’t take it seriously, and then looked at the content of another text message——

[Your song is on the jitter hot list]

Lu Zhou: “???

This content has nothing to do with the show at all.

For the person who sent the message, Lu Zhou had a number in his heart.

He looked up at Ye Fangfei, and then just bumped into her line of sight.

He smiled silently at her, then looked back at his phone and switched to the TikTok app.

No. 1 on the music hot song chart: “First Love”.

It’s really on the list, it’s still a headline.

Lu Zhoujun’s eyebrows raised lightly, and a smile was hidden at the corner of his mouth.


Tonight’s program recording ended with the relationship between the characters gradually entering an awkward situation.

From tomorrow, “Exchange? Predecessor” is suspended for recording, and the filming time is to be announced.

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