After ending the game, Zhang Chen went down with Ye Fangfei in frustration.

Full of confidence before the game, a meal of operation as fierce as a tiger, a look at the results….only 2 questions are correct.

Zhang Chen’s self-esteem was frustrated, and he looked at Ye Fangfei and smiled, trying to save face with words.

“This time it was a mistake.”

He said.

Ye Fangfei actually doesn’t have a strong desire to win or lose this game, and it doesn’t matter how many people rank first, but Zhang Chen obviously cares a lot.

It can be seen that he wants to choose her as a travel companion tomorrow.

But now this game result does not give him priority.

“Well, it did make a mistake, if I hadn’t stepped on the rules of the game, maybe you could have been more right.”

She said.

Zhang Chen saw that she seemed to misunderstand that he was blaming her, and quickly explained: “Don’t misunderstand, I’m not blaming you for your mistake, I’m talking about my mistake, like that question looking northwest, so simple, I actually have a slow brain downtime, it really shouldn’t be.”

“Fortunately, there is nothing that should not be, this game is very testing temporary reaction ability, and it is normal to react for a while.”

Ye Fangfei patted Zhang Chen’s shoulder twice like a brother and said, “It’s just a game, don’t take it too seriously.”

Zhang Chen’s eyes lit up.

His relationship with her has obviously been brought closer because of the game! This is a good thing!

Zhang Chen looked around at the other three male guests, and said in his heart, everyone knew that he wanted to recover Ye Fangfei, and no one should dare to deliberately touch his minefield.

Thinking about it like this, Zhang Chen smiled easily, feeling that this game, losing is worth it.

The barrage in the live broadcast room at this time——

[In this way, they are still very likely to get back together]

[So you still have to get along more, the relationship is to be run-in]

[Hold high the CP banner of Zhang Chen and Ye Fangfei]


The staff looked at the other three groups of former CPs in the waiting area and asked, “Who is coming from the second group?” Have you discussed it? ”

“Let’s go!”

Xu Junze raised his hand in response.

“Good! Xu Junze and Chu Yao came forward.”

The two came to the game area together and stood face to face, the same woman gave the topic hint, and the man guessed the question.

The same is a poetry title.

The tacit understanding of this pair is much better than that of Zhang Chen and Ye Fangfei in front.

The two were ready to start shouting at the same time, Chu Yao reacted quickly to the topic, plus they had good hands, and the topic was not difficult for them.

Seeing the first question, Chu Yao reacted quickly.

“Six words of poetry.”

She prompted.

After that, she lay down on the ground, and then made a drunken gesture of raising her head and drinking, then got up, made a match lighting action, and then walked out a few steps with the empty lamp to look.

In the next moment, she seemed to have picked up a sword in her hand, and then swung the sword in place and danced a few times, and then drunkenly and seriously looked at the void sword in her hand.

This Mu’s performance moves quickly, quickly and coherently.

The onlookers couldn’t help but be secretly surprised.

Chu Rui’s usual dress up gives people an ancient beauty, and the demonstration action of this scene makes people instantly think of a certain scene in ancient times.

Ye Fangfei was pleasantly surprised, and “woo” in a low voice, “Yaoyao is so powerful.”

Lu Zhou couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, seeing Chu Yao waving those few postures, he guessed that she should have practiced classical dance before.

“Drunken to pick a lamp to look at the sword!”

Xu Junze in the game quickly understood Chu Yao’s hint and blurted out.

Staff: “Correct! ”

The rest of the onlookers applauded: “Wow! Awesome! ”

At this moment, Chu Yao’s fans in the live broadcast room climaxed——

[I Yao can still dance the sword in the void, peerless! ] 】

[This can be said to be a master tip! ] If this is not true, it is definitely the man Tai Shui]…

“Next question.”

The game area continues.

“Turning into spring mud is more protective of flowers, what is the last verse?”

Chu Yao spoke quickly.

“Falling red is not a heartless thing!”

Xu Junze snapped his fingers.


“Li Shangyin’s “Untitled”! First verse! ”

“I forgot, you recite a few words and listen.”

“The east wind is powerless and full of flowers.

Spring silkworms to the end of the silk…”

“I know! It’s hard to say goodbye when you meet! ”


“Flying down three thousand feet, the next sentence!”

“It is suspected that the galaxy fell for nine days!”


“It’s just near dusk, the previous sentence!”

“The sunset is infinitely good!”


In this way, the second set of games ended at an unimaginable speed, and all five questions were answered correctly.

Zhang Chen, as an onlooker, looked skeptical and said dissatisfied: “Why is the topic of their group so simple?” ”

Ye Fangfei came leisurely: “Who made you have poor luck.”

Zhang Chen couldn’t help but glance back at Lin Jiale, and that look seemed to say: “You play me!” Lin Jiale: “…”

“Who will come next?”

The staff continues the cue process.

Lu Zhou turned to look at Li Jiayan and asked, “Shall we go up?” ”

Li Jiayan nodded, “Okay.”

However, at this time, Qi Jiajia and Wen Yiming had already automatically appeared, “Let’s come.”

Okay, Lu Zhou and Li Jiayan continue to wait.

“Bodhisattva bless.”

Before the game started, Wen Yiming clasped his hands together and said reverently: “I hope Qi Jiajia has a better hand.”

This action made everyone laugh.

“Come on! Stop grinding, it’s not difficult.”

Qi Jiajia is full of confidence.

After all, memorizing ancient poetry is a piece of cake for her.

Wen Yiming moved his muscles in place, took a deep breath, and then said, “Come on!” ”

The staff showed the first question behind him.

Qi Jiajia only glanced at it and remembered which poem it was.

“Liu Yuxi’s “Lang Taosha”, the next sentence of thousands of hard work.”

She quickly locates specific verses for prompts.


However, Wen Yiming had no clue.

“It’s so familiar! What’s going on? ”

He knocked on the door of his head with a look of distress.

“Isn’t it, it’s easy?”

Qi Jiajia frowned.

“It’s hard work…”

Wen Yiming closed his eyes and repeated this poem, trying to dig out the memory of the poem he had memorized.

However…… Time waits for no one.

Qi Jiajia saw that he really couldn’t remember, and time was running out, so he could only start to make action prompts, “Open your eyes and look at my mouth, the first word is like this…”


Wen Yiming said.


“What is the search ahead? Do you think? ”


Qi Jiajia snapped his fingers, signaled that he was there, and became excited, “Connect the words and think again!” ”

“Blow! Sand…”

Wen Yiming felt as if his brain was rusty.

Qi Jiajia:”

“And a blingbling thing, what do you get?” It’s running out of time.”

She prompts again.

Wen Yiming suddenly realized, “Blowing all the sand to gold!” ”


Qi Jiajia raised his hand to support his forehead, “It’s not Tao!” Wrong word! ”

“Oooooh! I know! Blowing all the wild sand…”

Wen Yiming quickly changed his words.

Staff: “It’s time.”

Wen Yiming: “…”

Qi Jiajia soothed: “It’s okay, come again, don’t be nervous, calm yourself down first, the more nervous you are, the easier it is to make mistakes.”

Wen Yiming nodded and took a deep breath again.

Continue with the next question.

“It’s a very simple question, you probably won’t.”

After Qi Jiajia saw the title, he said: “What hand does it hold to describe the love of husband and wife?” ”

“The hand of the son!”

“The next sentence!”

“Grow old with your son!”

“Great! Again! ”

Another question, Qi Jiajia can quickly react to what the verses before and after it are every time he reads the question.

“This sentence comes from Zhu Xi’s “Spring Day”, thousands of purples and thousands of reds are always spring, the previous sentence.”

She said.

“No, I don’t seem to have memorized this poem.”

Wen Yiming doubted life again.

“How could it not have been backed? You studied abroad for a few years and returned all this to the teacher, right? ”


Wen Yiming couldn’t remember anything, “Say what words are in it, you can prompt it.”

“Eastwind’s Chinese!”

Qi Jiajia began to use English.

“East wind!”

“Uh-huh, any impression?”



This question was not guessed until the time was up.

When the content of the fourth question came out, Qi Jiajia couldn’t help sighing.

She can recite it herself, but she really has little confidence in her teammates…

“The old man’s heart is different from the tourist, do you know the next sentence?”

Qi Jiajia half-gave up tentatively.

“I don’t know.”

“You usually read online novels, right? Those protagonists like to cultivate, what will become after cultivation? ”


Qi Jiajia immediately saw hope again, “Yes!” This verse has these two words.”

Wen Yiming began to rack his brains again.

Qi Jiajia gave up and expressed in English: “Idon’tenvyimmortalsbutIenvyjuveniles, Translatethissentence.

Wen Yiming slapped his palm sharply: “I don’t envy the immortals, but I envy the teenager!” ”

Qi Jiajia: “A seven-character poem, are you a poem?” ”

“Time is up!”

Wen Yiming glanced back, and then he was a little speechless to himself, he couldn’t remember this… He scratched his head in annoyance and said, “Come again.”

“The last question, if you don’t fight, you will be at the bottom.”

Qi Jiajia said, and then looked at the topic, she pursed her lips, at this moment she unilaterally sentenced this game to death.

“An inch of time, an inch of gold, the previous sentence.”

“I’m not impressed.”

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room laughed.

[I feel that Qi Jiajia is about to die of anger]

[Hahaha, Wen Yiming deserves to have developed limbs]

【It’s time to read more】

[This group is really a top student with scum, inexplicably a little bumpy this kind of CP]

[It’s over, I don’t know, it seems that it will be the life of a fitness instructor in the future]…

In the end, this group, with the honorable result of answering only one question correctly, temporarily ranked first from the bottom.

It was Lu Zhou and Li Jiayan’s turn to play.

“It’s up to you, Lu Zhou.”

Li Jiayan said without much confidence.

“Don’t be anxious, calm, it’s okay if you’re wrong.”

Lu Zhou said.

Something wrong, Li Jiayan thought in her heart, but she still nodded at him.

At the beginning of the game, the first question, Li Jiayan can’t remember which poem it is, and can only rely on body language to describe the picture she sees.

“The one that Chu Yao did just now.”

She pointed at Chu Yao, and then exaggerated her hands to make a pull-out motion, and then showed a confused look as she turned left and right to look around.

The picture looks quite humble, which makes the other guests laugh.

Li Jiayan bit her lower lip and asked nervously, “Do you understand what I mean?” ”

Lu Zhou also smiled and said, “Draw your sword and look around at a loss.”

Li Jiayan didn’t expect that he could really guess, and jumped up on the spot excitedly, “That’s right!” ”

Lu Zhou pursed his lips and smiled: “Continue.”

Li Jiayan looked at the verse behind him, scratched his sideburns, and let out a long “uh”, “This seems to be a word by Nalan Zhide, I forgot the name.”

“It’s okay, do you remember the verses before and after?”

Lu Zhou guided her without hurry.

“I want to think, I should remember…”

Li Jiayan closed her eyes and tried to recall, silently chanting verses in her mouth.

“Ah, I remember.”

She suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes shining, and the corners of her mouth smiled, and said: “Its next sentence is, what is the autumn wind sad painting fan.

Do you remember? ”

She spoke a little slowly, as if she was afraid that she had mistaken it.


Lu Zhou nodded, and then gave the answer: “If life is only as it was at first sight.”

Li Jiayan listened to him say this sentence so calmly, and suddenly his heart was a little touched, his eyes were slightly moist, and said: “Yes, if life is only like the first sight.”

The barrage in the live broadcast room at this time——


[What a gentle pair of CPs]

[Hey, wait for idle changes but people’s hearts [Do you want to get back together in place?] 】


Lu Zhou silently glanced at Li Jiayan and said, “Come again?” ”


Li Jiayan continued to look at the topic and thought for a few seconds.

“Look at me.”

She said as she stood on tiptoe, raised her head and reached in the direction of the ceiling, as if trying to grasp something.

“Pick the stars in your hand.”

Lu Zhou didn’t wait for her to prompt again, and said it directly.

“You really know.”

Li Jiayan smiled at him, inexplicably a sense of happiness permeated his heart, it was so good, their tacit understanding was so good.

“Come again.”

“Seven words, its previous sentence is, the old man said the Yellow Crane Tower.”

“Fireworks March down Yangzhou.”

“That’s right!”

“Go on.”

“Last question!”

Li Jiayan smiled at him and looked at the topic, but the smile gradually froze, well, this poem, she has no clue.

“It’s a bit hard.”

She struggled.

“It’s okay, you try to describe.”

“I usually go out for a walk and pick it when I see something nice on the tree?”

Because she can’t mention the words inside, she can only guide the scene.

Lu Zhou: “Flowers? ”

“Yes, there is this word in it, which probably means that it will be picked when it is time to pick it.”

Li Jiayan continued to prompt, “Seven words Lu Zhou frowned slightly and thought, the flowers will be picked when it is time to pick them, seven words.

It didn’t take long for him to have the answer.

“Flowers blossom with straight whiskers..”

However, before the last fold was finished, the staff indicated that the time was up.

Li Jiayan let out a low “ah”, “It’s a pity, you guessed it.”

Lu Zhou shrugged his shoulders and said, “It’s okay, just don’t finish at the bottom.”

Li Jiayan wanted to take the first place, and the result was hopeless, but fortunately, the results were already good.

Netizens in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but sigh –

[After more than six years of separation, you can still have such a tacit understanding, get back together]

[But they all said earlier that they didn’t want to get back together]

[This game test is more about guessing the knowledge reserve, the two of them have a tacit understanding, the person who guessed can’t say it without the corresponding knowledge reserve]

[Love needs passion, tacit understanding is tacit understanding, but it feels like there are less radio waves between them]…….

All games are over and the eight guests return to the middle of the clearing.

“The results of the groups are announced below.”

The staff spoke.

“In first place are Xu Junze and Chu Yao, with a total of 5 correct answers; Lu Zhou and Li Jiayan ranked second, answering 4 questions correctly; Zhang Chen and Ye Fangfei ranked third, right 2 questions, and finally Wen Yiming and Qi Jiajia.”

“According to the ranking, the male guests will choose your female travel companions tomorrow in order.

Chu Yao received a vote to refuse.”

As soon as the staff’s words fell, Zhang Chen cleared his voice and said, “But you have to think about it and choose again, don’t be impulsive.”

What these words imply is something that everyone can hear.

The male guests suddenly looked different.

Who is the first consideration and who is the second consideration is a question that they need to seriously consider at this moment.

After all, the gameplay of the show this time is completely different from the past.

Before the basic blind selection or secret poke and poke to send text messages to select people, at least there is no need to directly express their position in front of the female guests, although they know each other, but they are covered with a veil, not too embarrassing.

Now, they need to directly pick out their first choice in front of four female guests, one of whom is their ex.

The audience in the live broadcast room has already begun to rub their hands – [Hee-hee, it’s really fun, I like to watch this kind of Asura field]

【Come on! Let’s fight! 】

[Play really perverted]

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