The two looked at each other for a while without speaking.

Ye Fangfei came back to his senses and raised his eyebrows, “What are you going to do?” ”

Lu Zhou: “…”

The misunderstanding is a bit big.

He cleared his voice slightly awkwardly, “No… I’m afraid you’ll knock your head and block you.”

When Ye Fangfei heard this, she suddenly became clear, she “oh” and said: “So enthusiastic, thank you.

Lu Zhou: “You’re welcome.”

The two still maintained their original movements.

Lu Zhou’s posture at this time gave people the feeling that he was hugging her.

The silence spread between the two and continued to look at each other for two seconds.

Ye Fangfei: “I’m already awake.”

Lu Zhou: “I know.”

Ye Fangfei saw that he was still stalemated, pursed his lips, and said bluntly: “I mean, I can’t knock my head now, you don’t have to block it for me…”

The corners of Lu Zhou’s mouth trembled and said, “I know… But your head is still pressing against my hand, and I can’t force it away…”

This will be Ye Fangfei’s turn to be slightly embarrassed.

“Oh, I didn’t notice.”

She blinked, leaned over slightly, and moved her head forward.

Lu Zhou was able to release and withdrew his arm.

But at this moment, the car suddenly made a big turn.

Neither was prepared and the body tilted sharply by inertia.

Lu Zhou’s eyes quickly pulled the seat in front of him to stabilize his body, but in the next second, a delicate body crashed into his arms.

Lu Zhou: “??? ”

Ye Fangfei: “…”

In an instant, the audience in the live broadcast room was going crazy——


[Screenshot, no thanks]

[The driver understands that the audience is cool】

[I’m numb, let go of my wife!] 】

[Zhang Chen has cried and fainted in the toilet]



Ye Fangfei’s cheeks were slightly hot, and she struggled to sit up straight from someone’s chest.

Lu Zhou’s Adam’s apple slid down and whispered back: “It’s okay, the road is not good.”

Ye Fangfei awkwardly straightened the long hair in front of her forehead, frowned and looked at the driver in the driver’s seat in front, “Master, trouble to drive steadily, shake it badly.”

Driver: “I’m already very stable, there are many curves here, you can bear with me.”

Ye Fangfei sat up straight and turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window.

The car is quiet except for the sound of music on the radio.

There is a subtle feeling in my heart, I can’t say it, maybe it’s embarrassment.

Ye Fangfei stared at the retreating bushes and thought.

At this time, a car in the rear chased up, getting closer and closer, until it gradually flattened and the other party lowered the window.

Then Ye Fangfei saw clearly that the person in the car was Li Jiayan, and she was a little surprised.


Li Jiayan smiled brightly, waved at their car, and said hello loudly.

Seeing this, Ye Fangfei also pressed the window of the car and smiled at her and bent his eyebrows, “So you are behind us?” ”

“Yes! We’ve been following you guys, now we’re going to overtake in a corner! ”

Li Jiayan’s voice was filled with excitement.

“Bye bye!”

Xu Junze in the car also leaned over and waved at them.

Ye Fangfei looked at the taillights of their gradually moving away, and couldn’t help but be happy, “What kind of competition is this?” ”

Lu Zhou also looked at the vehicle in front of him and replied, “Didn’t you say that there is a mystery award?” Maybe they are interested? ”

Ye Fangfei turned back when she heard this, “You’re not interested? ”

“I’m also interested, but how did this award come about, the show didn’t say explicitly, so I think it shouldn’t be meaningful to scramble?”

Lu Zhou raised his lips and smiled.

“Also, the program group is so chicken thief, it is definitely not as simple as it seems.”

Ye Fangfei shrugged and replied.

At this time, the driver in front suddenly took the initiative to speak: “If you want to catch up with them, I can accelerate!” ”

Lu Zhou was amused by the driver’s sudden desire to win or lose.


Ye Fangfei remembered the picture in the car before, and the corners of his mouth trembled and said: “No need, just drive at this speed, you are steady.”

Driver ahead: “Okay.”

Netizens who eat melons in the live broadcast room are happy to panic – [This pair of painting styles is so salted fish]

[Long snack, the driver is more ambitious than the two of you]

[Why are the corners of my mouth shoulder to shoulder with the sun]

The wind poured in from the window, raising Ye Fangfei’s long hair to fly in the car, and she closed the window.

“It’s still a little sleepy, I’ll sleep a little longer, call me when you arrive.”

Ye Fangfei adjusted her posture and planned to continue squinting.

Lu Zhou answered in a low voice, “Sleep.”

Ye Fangfei just closed her eyes, and then thought of something, she suddenly opened them again, turned her eyes to him, and asked: “Forgot to ask, did it hurt your hand just now?” ”

Lu Zhou paused for a moment before he realized what she meant, and couldn’t help but be happy, and said, “How can this little force hurt?” Don’t think so weakly.”

“That’ll do.”

Ye Fangfei pursed her lips and smiled, “By the way, if the previous situation occurs again, you don’t need to help me block it, my head is hard, it won’t be broken, don’t worry.”

Lu Zhou raised his lips, “Okay.”

The car sped all the way to Crater Lake…….

The first pair to arrive at TheCraterLake were Xu Junze and Li Jiayan, who had previously suddenly adopted a cornering overtaking strategy.

The driver drove them to the entrance and put them down, Li Jiayan and Xu Junze took backpacks and were about to go in, and found that they needed tickets.

“Want to buy tickets? What to do? We don’t have any money.”

Li Jiayan was confused.

Xu Junze put his backpack on the ground, squatted down and rummaged, “I remember that it seems that there were two tickets clipped in the map given by the program team.”

“Oh! Yes, it seems to be.”

Li Jiayan remembered.

However, Xu Junze rummaged in all corners of his bag, but he never saw the shadow of the map.

“The map doesn’t seem to put me here, is it yours?”

Xu Junze looked at Li Jiayan.

“Is it with me?”

Li Jiayan didn’t have any impressions, she was a little distracted during the whole journey, not sure if she had received this thing.

She also rummaged through her backpack, but she still couldn’t find it.

“It’s not with me, shouldn’t we lose it?”

Li Jiayan was stunned.

“I remember I looked at the map for a while after I got in the car, and when I was about to put it away, you seemed to want to see it and took it, and it seems that it didn’t give it to me after that?”

Xu Junze recalled the process of riding in the car.


Li Jiayan frowned, trying to think back, “I seem to have been holding it in my hand after reading it, I forgot if it was put in my bag, I’ll look for it again.”

Saying that, Li Jiayan began to rummage through the backpack again.

“Maybe I accidentally fell into the car, I’ll go and take a look in the car.”

Xu Junze gave the backpack to Li Jiayan to look at, and got up to find the car that had just driven them over.

As a result, I searched for a long time and did not see the car before.

“Huh? Where did the car that just took us go? ”

After Xu Junze looked around, he was gradually dumbfounded.

Li Jiayan heard the movement and also helped find the car, “What’s going on?” Wasn’t it just here? ”

“I saw it, and there it drove away!”

Xu Junze pointed to a car in the distance that had just turned around and was about to leave, and ran towards it with his legs, shouting loudly: “Hey! Master! Stop for a moment! ”

However, the driver did not seem to notice him…

“Eh! Master! We landed things in the car! Hey! Hey! Stop! Xu Junze shouted while running…

Li Jiayan was dumbfounded in place.

If they don’t catch up, won’t they have no tickets?

They don’t have a wallet or a mobile phone, how can they buy a ticket to get in? If you can’t get in, you can’t get to the next check-in attraction…

At this moment, she really realized that today’s trip is not simple, because a small mistake is likely to cause tricky trouble for both parties.

And her partner is Xu Junze, a man she has only been with for a short time but has not really been in contact with deeply and does not know enough, if she is no longer absent-minded, how can they complete today’s journey?

Li Jiayan looked at Xu Junze, who was desperately chasing the car, and began to regret in her heart.

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