“It’s so blue!”

Ye Fangfei, who was riding along the lake with Lu Zhou, couldn’t help but sigh.

The two got out of the car and walked to the lake to quietly watch the spectacle in front of them.

The white clouds reflected in the lake water, at first glance, it looks quite like another blue sky, only its blue is deeper and purer.

“How can it be so blue?”

Ye Fangfei became curious.

“It shows that the water is very pure, there are few impurities, other light is absorbed, blue absorption is less refracted out, and it will look like this.”

Lu Zhou explained it based on the impression of the knowledge he had learned.

“Why does blue absorb less?”

Ye Fangfei asked.

“Oh… I forgot, it’s about wavelength, right? This has to go back and flip through the physics textbook.”

Lu Zhou said with a smile.

“Didn’t you study well before? How do you feel that you remember the knowledge points from a long time ago? ”

Ye Fangfei suddenly turned her eyes to look at him and said curiously.

Lu Zhou shrugged, “It’s just that simply memory is better.”

“I find that you seem to have a characteristic.”

Ye Fangfei turned around with a smile and walked towards the tandem bike.


Lu Zhou stepped forward to keep up.

“Feeling a little modest?”

Ye Fangfei said and was about to step on the bicycle when she suddenly found a small furry brown animal jumping on a stone in front of her.

“Huh? You see! ”

She excitedly pointed in specific directions.


With that, she ran around the bike and ran across the road.

Lu Zhou followed, and then found the small blue flag hidden at the corner of the intersection, and he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

“Found it!”

He said.

Ye Fangfei looked for prestige and immediately found the blue flag.

“It didn’t take any effort.”

She smiled.

Lu Zhou walked over and opened the task card and found that it was a group photo, and the check-in requirement was similar to the pattern of couple photos.

He raised the template in his hand and said, “Take this one.”

Ye Fangfei came over to take a look, and when she saw the picture in the photo, she couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows.

“The program team is really hard to think about.”

She muttered with a smile.

Lu Zhou: “What?” ”


Ye Fangfei looked not far away, the chipmunks who were not afraid of people at all were still bouncing, very cute.

“I’m going to take a picture with this.”

She also chose a chipmunk that she felt the cutest about herself.

“What did it get your favor for?”

Lu Zhou said with a smile.

“You see that this pinch of hair is different from other things, cute and dead.”

Ye Fangfei pointed to its body.

“That can’t be, it’s not cute when you die.”

Lu Zhou subconsciously answered.

Ye Fangfei smiled and gave him an indescribable look, “Your joke is too cold.”

“But you laughed.”

Lu Zhou raised his lips.

Ye Fangfei: “…”

Lu Zhou found the best angle to shoot and said to her: “Come on, take a picture, you stare at it again, and it will run.”

The photographer is in place.

Ye Fangfei stepped on a slightly higher place, leaned over slightly and approached Lu Zhou, and the distance between the faces of the two was only a palm-length distance.

It was not the first time that the two had looked at each other so close today.

“Your eyelashes are pretty long.”

Ye Fangfei observed the details and suddenly smiled.

She laughs nicely.

Lu Zhou’s gaze swept over her seductive red lips, and then upward, looked into her hooking peach blossom eyes, and whispered: “Yours is not short either.”

Ye Fangfei inexplicably felt a little funny, what kind of eyelash length competition is this?

“Laughing at what?”

Sensing the smile in her eyes, he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Laugh at you.”

“Laugh at me for what?”

“It’s funny to laugh.”

“Are you playing tongue twisters?”

“Probably playing with you.”


What is this tiger wolf word? The audience in the live broadcast room has gone crazy –


[Or you two just kiss, don’t torture me]

[Wife, did you forget to be live broadcasting?] 】

[Spray, master trick]…

At this time, the photographer’s voice came.

“Okay, it’s perfect for this angle, keep it.”

The two did not move, looked at each other, and instantly entered work mode.

After a short photo time, the two successfully completed the task and continued to move forward.

Probably due to the advantages of the artist’s work, they still have a set of photo check-in spots hidden by the program group, and soon found the second blue flag and the third blue flag, and successfully completed the task.

Long riding, physical exertion, high sun, hot and thirsty, when the two passed by the stone wooden house, they decided to rest for a while.

Then I happened to meet three other groups of partners who also stayed here to rest.

“I thought you guys had finished your mission and left.”

Lu Zhou and Ye Fangfei walked in and greeted them.

The moment Zhang Chen saw Ye Fangfei, his eyes, which were originally so tired that their pupils were godless, instantly lit up.

But on second thought, eh? How did the two of them catch up so quickly? Aren’t they a lot behind? Ye Fangfei found a place to sit down and took out mineral water from her backpack to drink.

“Where is the fourth photo check-in point?” Did you find it? ”

She asked.

Zhang Chen quickly answered, “No, this lake is too big, I feel that I can choke after visiting this lake today, let alone go to other attractions.”

Qi Jiajia glanced at Zhang Chen and found that after Ye Fangfei came in, he who was so tired before that he didn’t want to talk became active.

Ye Fangfei looked at Zhang Chen when she heard this, and then smiled, “Why do you look like you have lost half your life?” ”

“Growing so big, I haven’t tried such a tossing tour, you say?”

Zhang Chen sighed.

To be honest, if he came to this kind of place to play before, he was definitely driving around, and when he saw something interesting, he got out of the car and wandered around, who would like to ride a bicycle to the lake? Tens of kilometers, crazy, right?

People who are also so tired that they are too lazy to say a word, as well as Xu Junze and Li Jiayan.

Li Jiayan usually does not have much enthusiasm for sports, so the physical strength is average, the whole riding process, she often rides and can’t ride, and then it is all handed over to Xu Junze to carry all of it alone, so now Xu Junze is also consuming too much physical strength and tired of talking.

Wen Yiming and Chu Yao looked much better instead.

It seems that the fitness trainer’s muscles are not trained in vain, and he takes Fei Chuyao throughout the process.

Several people rested for a while, and after recovering almost physically, they continued to cooperate to find the little blue flag, but they found it not far away.

On the lakeside road, next to a bare tree without leaves that looks like an octopus, stands a blue flag.

The photos to be taken this time are a little more excessive than the previous three check-in positions.

The first three partner photos, in fact, there is no physical contact, like the ambiguity before the couple confirms the relationship, and the photo requested this time is like a bold show of love after the couple confirms the relationship.

In the photo, in front of the headlights, the girl in the princess dress is squatting on the ground, the heel seems to be broken, and the boy comes against the light, half-squatting and reaching out to touch her cheek.

Everyone was dumbfounded after seeing the photo.

Qi Jiajia felt like he was going crazy, how to shoot this? In front of the ex… In front of the opposite sex who you like… Taking such intimate photos with another guy who is not cold at all?

Served, the program group is really eating melons is not a big deal.

“Can you skip this and not shoot?”

She asked out loud crying and laughing.

These words, Qi Jiajia said it for the first time in Zhang Chen’s heart.

He frowned and looked at the staff and asked, “Can it?” ”

Staff: “Yes, everyone can exit the mission challenge at any time, but it will be recorded as a failure of the mission challenge for the day, and you will not be able to get the next attraction tips and transportation arrangements provided by our program team.

Everyone: “…”

Returning to the hotel by yourself is supposed to be no problem! Just give them wallets and phones! However! None of these are these! Audience in the live broadcast room——

[Director’s team, you can play]

[All on love, all the big guys don’t do senseless reserve, all to Lao Tzu]

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