“Hello, I’m in trouble right now and need two dollars for emergency relief, can you help me?”

Zhang Chen and Qi Jiajia have reached the intersection with the most people in the commercial street, the two acted separately, and when they saw the good face, they went up to ask people for money.

“I’m also in trouble, who gave me two dollars?”

“No, I don’t have any money.”

“How come the beggar is still dressed brightly this year.”


Passers-by replied variedly, but no one reached out.

Zhang Chen and Qi Jiajia both felt a headache, and after trying each other for a period of time without success, they returned to each other to discuss countermeasures.


Zhang Chen leaned weakly against the lamppost and asked wearily.

“I don’t know.”

Qi Jiajia was also helpless, “It stands to reason that it shouldn’t be, is it that we don’t look miserable enough, so people think we are cheating money?” ”

“Isn’t it just a scammer?”

Zhang Chen was happy.

“How about we try to pretend to be miserable?”

Qi Jiajia proposed.

“How to pretend? Tear up clothes, paint your face black, make you look like a beggar? ”

“If you want to, it’s not impossible…”

Qi Jiajia imagined that picture and couldn’t help laughing.

“Grass, just two dollars… It’s a disrepute.”

Zhang Chen didn’t hold back and scolded foul language.

Qi Jiajia pursed her lips, her expression wanting to speak.

Seeing her expression, Zhang Chen frowned, “What do you mean by this expression?” I didn’t do anything, do you think I’m a straight man again? That’s definitely something wrong with your cognition.”


Qi Jiajia was crying and laughing, and reminded: “Did you forget to be on the live broadcast?” ”

“I haven’t forgotten.”

“Then you just repaid…”

“What else?”

“Speak foul language.”


Zhang Chen looked up at the sky, even more annoyed, “In a hurry, it’s harmless, right?” ”

Qi Jiajia changed the topic, “Let’s try again, this time to make our own situation worse.”

Zhang Chen nodded and agreed with this approach.

At this time, just walking on the side of the road, a black big brother who looked very good from head to toe, Zhang Chen quickly grabbed him without thinking, “Hey, brother.”

The other party thought he was going to fight, raised his chin, and looked at him condescendingly, “What’sup? ”


Zhang Chen felt a sense of oppression, and suddenly looked pitiful.

He had an epiphany and said:

“I was passed on. The pin scam came here, just escaped, now there is not a penny on me, no money to take the car, no money to eat, I have been hungry for almost two days, I really can’t stand it, can you give two dollars to let me buy something to eat? Good people have good rewards.”

When he said this, he had an expression on his face that wanted to cry, as if he had really been hungry for two days, pitiful.

Qi Jiajia, next to him: “…”

Big brother, are you talking a little too much?

“Please, good brother, just two dollars, let me fill my stomach!”

Zhang Chen is already immersed in the script he wrote.

However, at this time, the black big brother who was pulled down, his gaze gradually moved down and fell on the wrist of the hand that Zhang Chen pulled him.

The glass on the watch reflects the sunlight and shines gold, which is very dazzling.


Big black brother raises an eyebrow.

Zhang Chen: “…”

Qi Jiajia: “…”

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room was already laughing until the corners of their mouths split.

[Help, he’s really funny]

[It’s really a black question mark face]

[Black: You think I don’t know about name brands? 】

[Nima, die of laughter]


Zhang Chen’s life has never been so embarrassing.

Where are the caves? He wanted to drill it.

A meaningful smile appeared at the corner of the black brother’s mouth and asked, “Funny? ”

Zhang Chen: “…….”

Eventually the black man threw away his hand and scolded and walked away.

Qi Jiajia laughed in place so much that her stomach hurt.

“I said why can’t I get the money, it turns out that this thing caused trouble.”

Zhang Chen turned his watch in embarrassment, suddenly moved again, slammed his head, and said, “No, then don’t I have money?” Did I forget about it? ”

Qi Jiajia was still laughing, “What? ”

“I sold it, won’t I have money?”

Zhang Chen smiled proudly.

“You sold it for two dollars?”

Qi Jiajia couldn’t help but tremble at the corners of his mouth.

“It’s not a big problem, it’s just a watch.”

Zhang Chen suddenly sighed in his heart, “worthy of wit, like me”! Barrage in the live broadcast room——

[It’s just a table…]

[I ask to check his taxes]

[Let not let people live]…

Photographer: “No, that’s a foul.”

Zhang Chen: “…”

This can’t work either, that’s not okay, Zhang Chen’s face is dark.

“Who can help us!”

He wailed.

At this time, a little girl ran over, pulled his pant leg and handed him two dollars.

Zhang Chen’s eyes were moist with emotion, and he squatted down and hugged her, “Are you a little angel sent to me by heaven?” ”

“I won’t eat ice cream today, you can buy something to eat.”

The little girl said and ran back to her mother.

There was a white beauty standing on the side of the road, and waved at Zhang Chen with a smile.

Zhang Chen thanked him repeatedly.

Finally got the money, lived for twenty-six years, never experienced money so difficult, Zhang Chen was moved to tears, the two dollars in his hand were even trembling.

“We have money!”

Live broadcast room barrage – [You also have today]

[Come, Brother Chen read to me: Every grain is hard]

[It’s hard to be a poor man once, but I get him excited]…

“Go! Look at the telescope and go! Lao Tzu is rich.”

Zhang Chen pulled up Qi Jiajia, and the two ran excitedly towards the museum.

And Lu Zhou and Ye Fangfei, who were also in the center of the commercial street, were also worried about asking for two dollars from passers-by in another direction at this time.

These two asked for money from pedestrians, and compared to Zhang Chen and Qi Jiajia, they were more reserved.

They don’t have so many tricks, and they don’t sell miserable, so they simply describe the real situation of their current filming show with pedestrians who look good, and then ask for support.

Some people left without listening to the cause and effect, some people shook their heads directly when they heard that they asked for money, and some people heard that they were filming a program and asked rhetorically: “Then I gave it to the program team, will it be returned to me?” ”


Of course, someone ended up reaching out with kindness.

They took the money back to the top floor of the museum, looked through the telescope to find the church in the distance, and counted a few tourists taking pictures at its door, but it was too far away to see, and the tourists were still moving.

They looked at the telescope a total of three times and finally gave incorrect answers.

Failure to go to money, failure again, money again, many pedestrians on commercial streets have discovered their routine, and gradually wonder if they are scammers, it is not so easy to pay.

So when the two returned to the commercial street square again, they showed hesitation in the face of pedestrians coming and going, and they were embarrassed to ask people for money.

Standing on the side of the street, Lu Zhou and Ye Fangfei looked at each other and smiled.

“How? Would you like to try the quest over there on Rose Street? ”

Ye Fangfei asked.

Lu Zhou looked around this street with his hands crossed at the waist, and his vision captured that there were people gathering onlookers in the square in the distance, and he vaguely seemed to be able to hear someone clapping.

He thought about it, raised his lips and asked with a smile: “Shall we try it and sell art?” ”

Ye Fangfei was stunned when she heard this, and then said with a smile: “Do you still have to use this trick in the end?” ”

“Do you have a better way?”


Ye Fangfei shrugged helplessly, turned to look at the staff, and asked, “Selling art is not a violation, right?” ”

Staff: “Not counted.”

Ye Fangfei raised her eyes to look at Lu Zhou, “Come on.”

Lu Zhou pointed to the square in the distance and said, “Let’s go there.”

Saying that, the two turned around to walk towards that side, but Lu Zhou’s hand was suddenly grabbed by someone.

He looked back in amazement and found that it was the Spider-Man next to them who had moved, and was holding his hand at this time??? Ye Fangfei snorted and laughed, “I always thought it was a sculpture… It turned out to be a real person! ”

“Why are you pulling me?”

Lu Zhou asked Spider-Man in costume for no apparent reason.


Spider-Man said.


Lu Zhou turned his head to look at Ye Fangfei, and she was also confused, what is it?

“Take a picture with me, give a five-dollar tip.”

Spider-Man said with a smile.

Lu Zhou was dumbfounded, “I didn’t take a picture with you.”

Spider-Man pointed to the photographer not far next to them, meaning they must have taken a picture.

Can you still play like this? They struggled to find someone for two dollars, and as a result, this guy opened his mouth and asked them for a five-dollar tip? Barrage in the live broadcast room——

[Is this a fraud?] 】

【Foreigners really know how to play】

[Fall! ] What kind of books are you struggling to read, go abroad and dress up as Spider-Man to stand on the street]

Lu Zhou laughed, “I don’t have any money.

Or do you lend me this outfit to change, and I’ll take another picture with you, and we’ll be even?” ”

When Spider-Man heard this, he glanced at him with difficulty and waved his hand to let him hurry away.

Ye Fangfei couldn’t help laughing, this method can be thought up by a serious person?

Barrage in the live broadcast room——

[It has to be you, Lu Zhou]

[It’s worthy of you, Lu Zhou]

[I learned again]…

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