Turns Out I’m A Big Cultivator

Chapter 515 Li Cheng, the world...but it's gone

Signals between the heavenly palaces are generally not sent out casually, unless you encounter a force that you can't resist.

If Xiao Chengfeng can send out a distress signal, it seems that the people who attacked by the enemy are not small!

Yang Jian's face was dignified, speeding up, rushed to the Northern Dipper star field.

When it arrived, I saw the Magic power rolling in the sky, with Sword Qi rushing into the sky, and brilliance, and the sky was falling in chaos.

It was a middle-aged man with a square face, with a cold face and a playful smile, fighting Xiao Chengfeng and Ye Liuyun.

Said it is fighting, but in fact it is biased towards play.

This man is a quasi-sage Cultivation Base, holding a ring of Magic Treasures in his hand. The magic power is mighty, and the raising of his hand is enough to destroy the Star. If it weren't for Xiao Chengfeng and Ye Liuyun, they are also good Cultivation Bases. They cooperate with each other and have Magic Treasures protection. , I’m afraid it won’t last long at all.

As for the other heavenly soldiers, they are clustered around, resisting the aftermath with difficulty, preventing the afterma from destroying the layout and affecting the wedding of the master.


Yang Jian glared, shouted, with a vigorous momentum, holding a three-pointed two-edged knife, he rushed towards the square-faced man.

"Bold thief, take your grandfather Xiao a sword!"

"The sword shines on the sky, cut the gods!"

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes lit up and his heart was ruthless. Regardless of it, he held a long sword straight to the square-faced man!

Sword Qi is tens of thousands of miles, becoming a Sword Ray sky moat on the sky, falling down!

It is actually very dangerous for him to do so, because his Cultivation Base is not as good as the square-faced man, but he gave up the defense.

However, his purpose is also very clear. He is fighting his own serious injury, but also leaving a square-faced man and letting Yang Jian come over!

Dare to come over and make trouble today, this is something Xiao Chengfeng can't bear. Even if he died, he would have to defend the face of an expert!

This is also his pride as a sword repairer!

Xiao Chengfeng's momentum was still rising, and he shouted: "Come on, my uncle, come on!"

However, the square-faced man clearly saw Xiao Chengfeng's intentions, he just chuckled lightly, threw the ring in his hand, and walked towards the mountain-like Sword Ray!

The ring whirled round and round, standing horizontally in the void, stalemate with Sword Ray, but he turned his head and left without looking back.

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes were about to split, "Naughty animal, where do you go! Come out and fuck when you are so courageous, let's go home and get some milk!"

"Hehe, the dying person is still so rampant."

The square-faced man took the ring back with his hand and sneered, "I'm just here to determine the specific location, and wait, it won't be long, I, Yunhuang World, will give you a great gift!"

After the words, his figure flashed and disappeared into the chaos.

Yang Jian looked ugly, and said in a deep voice, "People from the cloudless world!"Xiao Chengfeng curled his lips and said unconvinced: "Is it the Yunhuang world that was tortured by the dog? Did you dare to come and forget the fear of being dominated by the dog?"

Yang Jian solemnly said: "They dare to come, they must have something to rely on, go and inform the Nuwa Niangniang, increase the manpower, all are on high alert!"

at the same time.

In the Palace of the Sovereign of Merit, the wedding has begun, the red carpet is paved, the stage is set up, and the glory is bursting, showing style and luxury.

There are also fairies playing the piano and flute, with bursts of music, small hands dancing lightly, and small mouth beeping, forming a beautiful landscape.

The process is similar to that of a mortal marriage, but there are too many grandeurs, and the guests are all powerful. It can be said that the most cutting-edge forces have been gathered. This is the most grand and most harmonious event in the history of the prehistoric!

The only difference is that the part of worship is omitted, because there are no relatives and no high halls to worship. The Jade Emperor and others also said that Li Nianfan, as a sacrament of merit, does not need to pray to heaven and earth for life and death, so it is also omitted.

In the end, it was changed to toast, respect the heaven and earth, and respect the guests.

"Licheng! Send the two brides into the sedan chair and enter the house."

As a witness, Nuwa, as her voice fell, many powerful abilities applauded, smiling and cheering.

Li Nianfan's heart also fell heavily, and it was finally over. He will also have a wife in the future, and he will still be two beautiful wives.

The Virgin of the Human Race, Nuwa, as a witness, my marriage is no one, right? It's too high-end.

At the same time, my heart is fierce, and I have some expectations, and so on is the last link, enter the bridal chamber!

I'm going to use practice to test the truth soon, and I don't know if it's reliable.

With a red rope, he took Xiao Daji and Huofeng, who were covered with a red hijab, and sent them to the sedan chair.

The sedan chair was pulled by the dragon, and Qilin was pulling the pile of gifts behind him.

In order to fight for the seat of the cart, the Dragon clan and the Qilin clan almost fought, their eyes were red, and they wanted to fight hard.

This is a big event of Guangzong Yaozu, enough to be used for generations to praise and brag.

Finally, relying on a thrilling flying chess game, it was decided who would pull the sedan chair and who would pull the gift.

If it weren't for the Qilin patriarch who played chess, he would be scolded bloody if it was properly done.

Accompanied by the sound of dragons, the luxurious sedan chair soared into the sky, shining with brilliance, and extremely eye-catching in the sky. The most important thing is that it is pulled by six dragons in front of it, followed by six Qilins behind it, pulling it long. The long congratulatory gift cuts through the sky, which is extremely spectacular.

Around him, there was this celestial soldier stepping on auspicious clouds, accompanied by background music, and the radiant clouds and brilliance, which was beautiful and magnificent.

Their goal is to send the bride into the courtyard, waiting for Li Nianfan to enter the bridal chamber.

Li Nianfan stood on the high platform of the Hall of Merit and Virtue, and watched the sedan chair pull farther and farther. Although he wanted to go back immediately, he still held back, holding the wine glass and began to toast with others.

Greetings of good wine and good food, and enjoyable drinks.

Rao is that everyone is prepared in their hearts, but after eating this feast, their hearts are still beating, and they feel that they have come to the pinnacle of life.

The marriage of an expert is really a universal celebration, and the great good fortune is going crazy.

This banquet has already earned back the treasures of the town clan we sent, and it has exceeded a lot, and it is not on the same level at all.

Thanks to the superiors, I invite us to come over.

Ryuuji was holding a wine glass with a blushing little face. He ran over and said excitedly: "Big Brother, a lucky newlywed, an early son, a white head...no, I won't die hand in hand."

Not dead hand in hand?

This always sounds weird...

But it means it's here.

"There is still me, and me." The daughter and daughter also ran over, not to be outdone: "Big Brother, I wish you forever, sweet and sweet, for a hundred years...no, for hundreds of millions of years to be together,"

Li Nianfan laughed and touched their little heads, "You two are so heavy about alcohol. You drink a lot of bars, don't you know if kids drink less?"

Ryuuji stuck his tongue out, "Big Brother, we are not young anymore."

The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother also came over with wine glasses in their hands and congratulated them: "My Lord Shengjun, happy wedding."

Then, many old friends followed suit.

The activity lasted until the latter half of the night, when Li Nianfan said goodbye to everyone and went to the courtyard.

"Everyone eats and drinks well. There are enough wine and water pipes. If the food is not enough, go to the God of Food Mansion and let Xiaobai fry a few more dishes. You must be full! Forgive me not to accompany you."

"Master Shengjun is polite."

Naturally, no one dared to make a fuss about making trouble in the bridal chamber. Everyone smiled and sent each other respectfully.

Watching Li Nianfan's figure gradually go away, Nuwa's face showed a hint of joy, with a rare expression of emotional fluctuations, and said: "The great man can get married in our predecessor. It is really our great good fortune. marvelous!"

The Jade Emperor also nodded, took a deep breath and said, "Maybe, the expert really wants to cultivate the growth of the land, the blessing of the land!"

The matter of getting married is not uncommon to everyone.

Dao movement has its own context. Yin & Yang are the foundation of Dao and the foundation of chaos!

The lonely yin is not long, and the lonely yang does not reproduce. It would be strange if you are single all the time. If you are mentally and physically properly, you will have problems, and it is really difficult to enter the real road.

Although there is also the Great Way of Forgetfulness, it is no longer the ego to cultivate this way.

Many great abilities, after entering Samsara to live again, they will marry a wife and give birth to children.

In their opinion, the marriage of an expert is definitely part of experiencing the life of mortal life. However, even if it is only an experience, it is still a husband and wife. The predecessor is the maiden family, and it is an unimaginable opportunity to take care of it in the future.

At this moment, the Queen Mother suddenly raised her hand, pinched the soft flesh of the Jade Emperor, and hummed: "The Jade Emperor Hongchen has done a lot of heart training, and I don't know where to settle those wives and children?"

In myths and legends, there are many legends about the Jade Emperor in the mortal world, and love affairs are widely spread.


Just as the Jade Emperor was racking his brains and sweating heavily, a heavenly soldier came quickly with anxious expression on his face.


"The big event is not good, Your Majesty, Niang, someone from the Yunhuang world just came over and threatened to destroy my predecessor tonight!"at the same time.

In chaos.

A dozen figures gathered here, their eyes looking far away, their faces grim.

The square-faced man came from a distance and said in a deep voice: "There is indeed a broken world. There are not many decent masters, and it's not bad."

After a pause, he frowned again: "But...it seems like a large-scale event is being held. It is very vigilant and has a desperate determination to not allow anyone to disturb or disturb."

"They are holding an event again?"

One of the bald heads was stunned, and then said silently: "This world is too funny. Events are held in two days. The last time I came, I was also engaged in some activities and was very busy."

"Huh, the strength is not high, come to join in entertainment, is destined to be the weak!"

The lead thin old man showed a sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, "No one is allowed to make trouble? Hehe, ridiculous, this is a world that speaks with strength, then I will just ruin their activities!"

When the voice fell, he didn't see any movement, and in front of him, a black vortex was slowly condensed.

The vortex slowly expanded, and a weird aura radiated out, extremely powerful, with an irresistible power that seemed to be able to absorb everything in the world!

When the people around looked at the vortex, they suddenly felt their souls and souls trembling, and their souls were unstable. If they wanted to submerge in, their faces were suddenly horrified and in awe.


Around, endless Stars began to converge toward the vortex, some with a radius of only 100,000 kilometers, and some with a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers, so huge.

As they approached, these Stars were compressed by the force of the law and melted into the black hole.

Within the chaos, I don’t know how many stars are coming. Gradually, the black hole begins to emit blood-red light. A group of extremely powerful Star flames rises, the halo is strange, it seems to be colorful, and a flame seed is condensed in the center. .

As more Stars gather, the kind of seed gets bigger and bigger, and finally turns into a meteorite with a radius of 300 kilometers. The power of destroying the sky and the earth radiates from the meteorite, and the scorching Star flame seems to be able to burn all of the world. everything!

This is like a giant, super giant, terrifying to the extreme, even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian has to tremble in front of it.

The thin old man looked calm, as if he had done a trivial thing, slowly raised his hand, and randomly pushed the meteorite forward——


The terrible meteorite engulfed the arrogance of the sky, cut through the chaos, and fell sharply toward the predecessor!


Everyone in Yunhuang World swallowed a mouthful of saliva at the same time, and even them felt horrified.

Is this the power of Heavenly Dao?

The icy voice of the skinny old man came out, like a judge, in control of everything, "First try the prehistoric Jinliang. If the Heavenly Dao Realm dog does not come out, then this world... is gone!"

PS: Fanwai is to open the starting point app. In the "Full Order Reward" at the bottom of the book catalog (only those with the starting point full order or QQ reading full order can be viewed), it is a part of the prequel that the protagonist becomes stronger, which is quite interesting.

The beginning of the new year, I wish all readers a happy Chinese New Year and a happy New Year of the Ox. If possible, give Kinabalu a full order and enjoy a New Year red envelope. It is not easy to write a book, thank you for your support~~~

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