“After that, Start worked as a security guard in a bar, and the burly man shook people when he went, and there were indeed a lot fewer troublemakers, but the bar, mixed with fish and dragons, some people drank too much and no one was afraid, Start ran into one, as for how it happened, the leader did not elaborate, just said that Star, who had been silent, fought in the bar that time, and then Start was beaten again, almost killed, you don’t know, when the chief came back with Statti, I was startled, covered in blood, all four limbs were broken. ”

“After that, Sta has been treating in the group outside the door, the leader sometimes comes to see him, and when Sta is ready, he wants to stay, and the leader agrees, and begins to teach Sta martial arts, not to mention, although this kid is humble, but the talent is really good, and his strength has risen sharply in less than a year, originally the leader wanted Sta and Bajir to make an action group together, but Sta took the initiative to ask to enter the intelligence group.”

“Huh? Why? Haibara asked sadly, if Starta is really strong, then he should go to the action group, why did he go to the intelligence group?

“That silly boy.” The muse looked at the closed door, laughed and said, “During his treatment, didn’t the chief often come to see him?” Once the leader was in his ward, I was reporting to the leader, the chief mentioned that there were still too few people in the intelligence group, it was too difficult to collect intelligence, and the result was written down by this silly boy, and then he wanted to join the intelligence group, but don’t say, this kid is stupid, and the intelligence collection is much faster than me. ”

“If you don’t follow your men around every time, your intelligence gathering will be fast.” A voice came from outside the door, and Wells, Star, and Flying Snow all walked in.

“Brother Xiaoqi.” Feixue wanted to run over, but he didn’t dare, for fear of disturbing Sawada, so he had to stand there in tears and at a loss.

“Oh? Start actually let you in? Muse asked strangely.

“Because I told him that your operation is over, the chief is fine, and you are still talking.” Wells spoke.

“You installed surveillance here?” Muse’s eyes were cold, did Wells not trust her?

“Have you forgotten that you’re still wearing headphones for communication?” Wells said helplessly: “Your chat has been transmitted to the monitoring room, and it is difficult to know it.” ”

“Huh? Is it? The muse was stunned, reached out and ruffled the hair in front of his ear, and removed the headphones, and the indicator lights on the earphones were still flashing to prove that he was still working in a prudent industry.

“Ah, I was so anxious that I forgot.” Muse said awkwardly.

“Okay.” Wells waved his hand, walked to Sawada’s side, looked down at the sleeping Sawada, sighed and said, “Alas, the enemy that the leader encountered this time is much more powerful than the Judaime. ”

“Who are they?” Muse asked, he hadn’t been to the monitoring room, so he didn’t know, but he was also strange, it stands to reason that the strength of the leader is much higher than that of the Ten Generations, but his injury is final.

“The first lead is to meet Deng Yiluo, this person will not say, the reputation is large, the strength is low.” Wells shook his head and said, “Then I ran into Erikson.” That remnant of the Beech family, although the leader was injured lightly, but it was not serious, followed by the alpha of Mirufiore, his strength is stronger than γ, and then there is Baidi, this person you should have heard of, the captain of the Mirufiore family action team 1, with the title of [ruthless killer with strong symmetrical beauty], his strength is indeed very strong, and finally it is Snorl, the failed test of the Mirufiore family, although it is a failure, but his strength is still much stronger than that of Baidi. ”

“How do you know?” Haibara asked strangely, because Sawada had not brought communication equipment before, so they did not know about the previous battle.

“Irie said that.” Wells said, “This is a long story, anyway, it is a sentence, Irie Masaichi is our man, he joined Pengele, and the Judaime, the chief, and Mr. Reborn all believe in him.” ”

“It feels like there’s a lot going on here.” Muse frowned and said, “Star, do you have any intelligence?” ”

“Today the main Italian battlefield won, Valia defeated the attackers.” The stash said angrily, “And now, our enemy is Bailan of the Mirufiore family. ”

“I also have some information about the Mirufiore family.” Start took out his notebook and said, “Mirufiore was formed by the merger of the [Jesso family] led by Blan and the [Kylionero family] led by a girl named Yuni who has the same history as the Pengelle family, and the [Jesso family] on Blan’s side is called [White Curse] and wears a white uniform, while the [Kylionero family] on Uni’s side is from [Black Curse] and wears a black uniform. ”

“We all know this, do you have any new information?” Muse waved his hand and said.

“New intelligence…” Start flipped through his small book and said, “The relationship between the White Curse and the Black Curse is not good, they are dissatisfied with each other, and the strange thing is that Yuni originally did not intend to merge with Bailan, but I don’t know why, the two families suddenly merged, and Yuni is led by Bailan, this is suspicious, according to intelligence collection, the leader of the Black Curse, Yuni, should be one of Arcobaleno, she seems to be the one with a big empty pacifier.” ”

“Arcobaleno?” Several people at the scene were shocked, and then Wells said, “No, isn’t Bailan’s purpose a third of 7?” Why are there empty nipples left? ”

“I’m afraid it’s to use the Dark Charm against Pengele.” The monster thief Kidd suddenly appeared, and said, “The people of the White Curse alone, I am afraid that they are not Pengele’s opponents, so they will use the Black Curse, in addition, I have collected some intelligence here, in all the meetings of Mirufiore, Yuni never refutes Bailan, it seems that everything is based on Bailan’s horse, to put it simply, Yuni is like a puppet.” ”

“It’s a big doubt.” Haibara frowned and said, “As the head of a family, it is unusual to obey another person unconditionally like this. ”

“Good.” The monster thief Kidd nodded and said, “But I just learned this, Bailan is a very cautious and intelligent person, although I am very confident in my transfiguration and voice change, but I dare not take such a big risk to investigate.” ”

“There is also intelligence, I don’t know if it is true or false.” Start said, “γ the Ring of the Sea they wear is fake. ”

“Fake ?!!” As soon as these words came out, not only Muse, Feixue, but even Wells’ face changed.

“Yes.” Start nodded and said, “This news was said by a leader of Mirufiore after getting drunk, and he said that γ is an idiot, holding an A-grade fake sea ring and thinking that he is invincible in the world, but he was defeated by a few children, really a waste. It is inferred from this that the real Ring of the Sea did not appear, and it is not clear who the owner is. ”

“If this is true, it means that Bailan also hides a mysterious power, and it also has the Ring of the Sea, which is equal to the Pengellet Ring, which belongs to one of the 7 third dimensions.” Wells frowned, thinking that everyone had succeeded, but he didn’t expect such a news to come out.

“And you’ve forgotten one more thing.” Kidd said.

“What’s going on?” Everyone looked at him.

The monster thief Kidd straightened his hat and said, “Who is the outside advisor of the Mirufiore family?” ”

“!!!” Everyone was shocked, no one had thought about this problem, everyone’s eyes had always been on the white circular device and going back to the past, and the matter of the consultant outside the door was forgotten because it had never been mentioned.

“So, I’ve never heard of the Mirufiore family having an outside advisor.” Muse thought for a moment and said.

“Exactly.” Wells nodded and said, “Although many families have set up an outside group in addition to the leader of the Pengellet family, not all families will do this, so it is not sure whether the Mirufiore family has an outside advisor. ”

“It’s just, I’ve never heard of any outside advisors from the Mirufiore family, Star, have you heard?” Feixue looked at Starta and asked.

“I’m not sure.” Start shook his head and said, “The Mirufiore family did mention a very powerful character, but it is unknown whether this character is, but it is inferred that it may be a phantom knight, or it may be white earth. ”

“If it’s really about the two of them, it’s okay, now Bai Ji has been killed by the leader, and the Phantom Knight has also been defeated by Judaime, but if they say someone else, it will be more troublesome.” Wells frowned and said, “Today, I heard some of the Bailan things that Irie said about Masaichi, he wants to control the world, and he should not agree to set up an outside group and arrange an outside consultant to deny his decision.” ”

“It’s really impossible to determine if Mirufiore’s outside adviser really exists.” Kidd nodded and said, “But we also have to do a good job of really having an outside consultant, after all, to be an outside consultant in Mirufiore, his strength is definitely not low, and it must be much stronger than γ and Baidi.” ”

“Kuaidou is right.” Haihara also nodded and said, “It is true that you can’t ignore this point, whether you have it or not, you have to be prepared to deal with it.” ”

“Well, you guys talk first, I’ll go find Mr. Reborn and tell him about it.” Wells said, “When the chief wakes up, you will inform me.” After that, Wells turned around and left, this matter can’t be delayed, it has to be solved quickly.

“Then I’ll go too, just let Wells notify me when Xiao Yu wakes up.” Kidd followed suit and turned to leave.

“Lord Kidd!!” The muse suddenly shouted, and the stars came to Kidd, and he didn’t know where to take out a pen and handed it over and said, “Lord Kidd, you are too handsome, sign my name.” ”

“Okay, where’s the sign?” Kidd asked with a confident smile and flicked his top hat with one hand.

“Just sign here.” The muse pulled the clothes off his body, and the white flowers on his chest dangled Kidd’s eyes, and then the muse pointed to the bulging snow-white under his neck and said, “Just sign here, I will leave the mark of Lord Kidd.” ”

“Uh Kidd’s face changed, his throat moved, this is too tempting, and his hand was raised, and he seemed to be a little moved.

“I don’t know how Aoko has been doing recently, I can talk to her when I have time.” Haibara said coldly.

“Leave!” Haibara’s mournful words made Kuaidou suddenly think of Aoko’s broom attack, and the pen in his hand was put into the muse’s hand and turned away.

“Lord Kidd!! Lord Kidd!! Before the muse could react, Kidd had already run, and the angry muse turned to look at Haibara and asked poignantly, “Do you know him?” Why did you say a word and he ran away? ”

“Know, I’ve known each other for many years.” Haibara nodded and said, “Not only do I know him, but I also know his wife.” ”

“Old… Wife? My Lord Kidd is married? “The muse grew her mouth and she felt her youth gone.

“Don’t you know Kidd’s identity?” Haibara asked strangely.

“Of course I don’t know, no one knows the identity of Lord Kidd except the chief.” The muse burst into tears and said, “I didn’t expect Lord Kidd to get married, my youth is gone, forget it, it’s better to treat my lark wholeheartedly, he is much better than that garbage thief.” ”

“[Lord Kidd] instantly became [Garbage Thief],” Haibara said with a black line, “Is this the depth of love and hate? ”

“Gone, gone.” The muse left the operating room heartbroken, and Haibara also said, “You all go out, I’ll stay with Xiao Qi.” ”

“I… Eh, Star, you let me go!! As soon as she heard that Haibara let her go out, Feixue was immediately anxious, and just about to run to Sawada’s ward, but was directly grabbed by the back of Feixue’s neck by Star’s hand and lifted her up, letting her struggle to throw Feixue out of the ward, and then watched the door of the ward close, and Sta stood at the door like an iron tower.

“Star, why did you let me out? Brother Xiao Yu is alone in it, what if that woman messes with Brother Xiao Qi? Rubbing his aching butt, Feixue said angrily.

“Madame won’t mess around.” Start shook her head and said, “Madame, let us come out, we will come out.” ”

“Why do you listen to that woman so much? Didn’t you just listen to Brother Xiaoji? Feixue asked strangely.

“Because Madame is good to the chief.” Starta said.

“That, Star.” Feixue rolled her eyes and said with a smile: “You just let me in, brother Xiao Yu is injured, I’m also very worried, you just let me go in and take a look, I promise, just take a look.” ”

“Madame didn’t say to let you stay.” Start shook her head and said.

“You…” Feixue’s face turned red after anger, and he stomped his foot there: “You are a dead wood, rotten wood, I’ll go find the four-eyed brother, hum!” The little head flicked, Feixue was angry and ran away, but Start stood indifferently, his eyes firmly looking ahead… of walls.

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