“More than one future? What do you mean? Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“It’s a parallel world, right?” Reborn’s voice suddenly sounded, turned his head to look, a group of people all ran to this battlefield, even the lark appeared at the intersection of the street, not enough When he saw the six remains, the lark directly carried the duckweed and walked over.

“Wait a minute, lark.” Reborn stopped the lark, and the lark looked at Reborn and didn’t speak, but put away the duckweed crutch and walked back to the corner of the interface.

“Parallel worlds?” Sawada didn’t care who appeared, just recalling what Reborn said, thinking about it, feeling that this sentence was so familiar, suddenly remembered, looked at Sawada Tsunayoshi and said, “Big brother, do you remember the parallel world that Lord Lanbo once said during the battle for the ring?” ”

“Battle for the Rings? Adult Blue Wave? Attracted by Sawada’s words, Sawada Tsunayoshi thought about it, then suddenly reacted and said, “I remembered, it was at home, right?” ”

“Yes, when I was at home.” Sawada nodded and said.

“Chief, do you want it?” The muse interrupted Sawada’s words, walked to Sawada’s side, and regardless of whether Sawada agreed or not, directly forcibly forcibly began to check Sawada.

“Blue Wave once mentioned parallel worlds.” Sawada ignored the muse that was examining himself, frowned and said, “Irie just mentioned that there is more than one future, can I understand that Bailan is not our world?” But from other worlds? ”

“Ah, yes.” Sawada’s words made Sawada Tsunayoshi pause, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. The one nodded in agreement.

“What are you talking about? Is it an umbrella? Ping asked very well.

“Stupid lawn head, it’s parallel! Parallel!!! Prison Temple couldn’t help but say.

“The so-called parallel world is based on different choices, and the world gradually becomes branched.” Reborn explains, “You can think of the world in many forms. ”

“Ha ???” Ping’s face was full of question marks, and he didn’t understand anything Reborn said.

“Ping, to give you an analogy.” Looking at Ping’s dazed appearance, Sawada laughed and said, “In this world, you chose boxing, right? But what if you didn’t choose boxing? So you have two choices when you choose boxing, and these two choices form a world where you choose boxing, and the other is your world that does not choose boxing. There will be many, many choices in people’s lives, so there are countless parallel worlds with differences. ”

“Ah~~~ I see.” Sawada explained something, and only then did he understand.

“Xiao Qi, is this the so-called world branch?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“Good.” Reborn nodded and said: “For example, my encounter with you, after meeting me, it has achieved your future as a very powerful and great mafia, and you who have not met me can no longer waste firewood to get life, no matter what kind of world, it is a real idea.” ”

“Hmm~~~ I don’t like any of it.” After thinking seriously about the two worlds that Reborn said, Sawada Tsunayoshi shook his head very seriously, indicating that neither world was what he wanted.

“Reborn really never forgets to instill the idea of becoming a mafia in his eldest brother.” Sawada laughed, and then looked at Sawada Tsunayoshi and said, “And the eldest brother is also very cooperative, really think about it.” ”

“Hmph, since you know, why are you debunking me?” Reborn asked with a smile, he didn’t particularly care about Sawada’s debunking, anyway, there were many subtle plans.

“By the way, according to what Reborn and Xiao Yu said, is [if] the world really actually exists?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“As far as [if] is concerned, it does exist.” Reborn nodded.

“But there are too many things [if].” Ping said.

“So as Xiao Yu said, there are countless parallel worlds.” Reborn said.

“That means that Bai Lan really came from a parallel world?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked, “However, if there really are countless parallel worlds, then I don’t know which parallel world Bailan came from.” ”

“Actually, Mr. Blanc is not from any parallel world.” Irie said as soon as he spoke.

“Huh? What do you mean? Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“Isn’t it from some parallel world? That is, is Bailan originally our world? Sawada asked.

“I have to start with my second time traveling to the world ten years later.” Shoichi Irie did not directly explain Sawada’s problem, but continued to tell his own story.

“Did Shoichi go to the future after that?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“Yes.” Irie said, “It was because of the idea of [parallel world] that I always thought that there would be a future for me to become a musician, and it was with this idea that I decided to go again for ten years. ”

“But how do you know you’re going for the future of being a musician?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked like a curious baby.

“I burned all the textbooks.” Irie said proudly, “At the same time, all the volunteers filled in [vowing to die to become a musician]. ”

“You’re really… Is…… Persistence. The corners of Sawada’s mouth twitched, and finally two words came out.

“After that, I did another time travel.” Irie said, “And this time in the past, I did find that my future is different from the future I went to for the first time. ”

“This time, ten years after I arrived, I was in an abandoned tavern in a foreign country far from the city center, and when I traveled through the past, I found that there were indeed musical instruments around me, and it seemed that I would be performing as a musician in the future, and I was also caught up in a money dispute and was being pursued by gangsters.”

“I fled there and ran down the crowded road, but I don’t know if it was a prank of fate, and I bumped into the man again.”

“The man? Is it brandy? Sawada asked.

“Yes.” Irie nodded and said, “I met Bai Lan, he didn’t know me at that time, but in just a few seconds, Bai Lan suddenly recognized me in a different world, I felt terrible, so I pulled out my legs and fled there, and when I came back to my senses, I had already returned to the past.” ”

“That… What’s that about? Sawada Tsunayoshi asked, and the others were also attracted by Irie’s story, and all did not speak, waiting for Shoichi Irie to follow.

“When I went back in time, Ye and I couldn’t figure out what was going on at all, and as for the abilities that Bai Lan obtained, I only learned about it later through time travel.”

“You went again?” Sawada asked.

“Hmm.” “Because I couldn’t tolerate my future as a musician, I gave up my dream of becoming a musician and aimed for university again, and a year later, no matter what, I wanted to check my future again to see if I really asked for the future of musicians, so I used the shells of the bazooka ten years from now to come to the world ten years later.” ”

“However, the future I saw on my third time travel once again surpassed… No, it should be said that it is completely contrary to my imagination. ”

“Did something happen?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“I, in the future, but… In the future, the whole world will be barren, and the whole world will become a wilderness full of war. Irie said, and the others also froze, and then their expressions were a little solemn, and Irie continued: “I used the information from my mobile phone terminal ten years later to see that it was the speech of the dictator who caused the war in this world and successfully conquered this world. ”

“That dictator, that’s Bailan, isn’t it?” Sawada asked with a frown.

“Yes, it’s that man, the man named Bailan.” Irie nodded.

“How so?” Sawada Tsunayoshi exclaimed in surprise.

“At first, I thought something had gone wrong, I thought it was just a nightmare.” “So after that, I tried to trigger as many changes as possible, and tried time travel many times, but no matter how many times I tried, it was only a very small change. All the world is dominated by Blan. ”

“What the hell did that guy did in Bailan?” While everyone was still surprised, Reborn asked.

“He…” Irie said, “By abusing my ability to awaken him on his own desires, he has assembled a powerful army that has always possessed superior knowledge and access to cutting-edge technology in any parallel world. ”

“How… How could there be such a thing? Sawada Tsunayoshi said in surprise, “What exactly is Bairan’s ability? ”

“The so-called parallel world refers to other worlds that exist separately from reality.” Irie said, “No matter what kind of human being, it is impossible to know that they exist in other parallel worlds, and they will not be confused or related at all, but… But Bailan… Being able to share all your own knowledge and ideas in a parallel world at the same time. ”

“Shared?” Sawada Tsunayoshi didn’t understand much.

“I don’t understand, I don’t understand the limit.” Not to mention Ping, I couldn’t understand what was being said at all.

“Is what you said true?” The others didn’t understand, but Sawada’s face changed, and he asked seriously.

“Yes.” Nodding at Sawada, Irie explained to Sawada Tsunayoshi and Hei, “In a parallel world that is thought to be branched due to [if], there are various possibilities for the future. For example, [the future of developed military technology], [the future of successful discovery of ancient civilizations], [the future of developed medical science], etc., originally human beings can only survive and experience in one of the worlds, but Bailan can experience and understand the future of all parallel worlds. ”

“That is, will Bailan be able to obtain various future advantages?” Reborn said.


“He can experience all [ifs], and what he holds is just trying to use it in other parallel worlds, where there is no more powerful weapon than intelligence, which can survive better than anyone else, and may even cause the impossible.”

“Exactly.” Irie nodded and said, “Bai Lan uses the knowledge obtained in other parallel worlds, such as [familiar with the knowledge of vaccines that have not yet been discovered in that parallel world. Or [Discover the royal family that has disappeared into oblivion. Or [providing technical support for the development of weapons that cannot be conceived without hundreds of inventions, and developing them at a very fast pace] and so on. ”

“That is, are we actually fighting with the brandy of all the worlds?” Sawada asked with a frown.

“However, Bai Lan’s realization of his ability was indeed not long ago.” Reborn said: “It’s impossible to do this in such a short period of time.

“That’s because in the repeated time travel, I even let the past brandy… Aware of his abilities. Irie said with a somewhat ugly face.

“How do you know?” Sawada asked.

“Because, when I went back in time…” Irie said, “The people under Bai Lan placed a messenger device on my body and sent a letter to the past Bai Lan. ”

“Do you mean that Bai Lan has been using this ability since ten years ago?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“Now that you know, you can also notify us ten years ago.” Sawada said.

“I can’t do it.” Irie shook his head and said.

“For… Why? Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“Because, I lost my memory.”

“Lost memory?”

“Yes.” Irie nodded and said, “That was what happened when I traveled to the future for the eighth time, and in the world ten years later, the device placed by my future self erased all the memories of time travel and brandy in my head. And, for up to five years. ”

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