When he returned home, when he took a bath, Sawada found that he had bruises on his body, and while bathing, Sawada scolded Reborn angrily, “What is the identity of this big devil?” Asked about his dream today, his face changed, what happened to him? Lying in bed, Sawada thought back to the day, and he always felt that the days ahead would not seem to be dull.

The next day, before dawn, Sawada was woken up by the biological clock, got up and moved his body, and Sawada began his morning run.

“Yo, early, Ozawada.” Not long after running out, he heard a voice, and turned his head to see that it was his classmate, the leader of the baseball department, Takeshi Yamamoto.

The next day, “Early.” Sawada said hello, and the two staggered, each running to the side. When passing by the river, Sawada met a girl with brown hair who was also running, it is estimated that she had been running for a long time, the girl ran very slowly, panting, and there were beads of sweat on her forehead.

“Huh?” Hearing the voice, the girl turned her head curiously and just saw Sawada Qi, Sawada Qi, when she passed by her, she just nodded her head with a smile and ran over, and the girl also withdrew her gaze and started running at her own pace.

After running around, the girl finally stopped, wiped the sweat on her head, and muttered, “Is it because of the side effects of the drug?” The physical fitness has dropped a lot. ”

Thinking so, the girl looked up and saw Sawada by the river, and after running around and running around for a long time, Sawada came to the lake, holding two branches in both hands and began to practice a sword spectrum given by Reborn last night, it is said to be the sword spectrum of Reborn’s friend called Wind, although I don’t know if it is reliable, but practice first and then talk.

“Two-handed sword? Is it a practitioner? The girl stopped walking back and looked at Sawada curiously, as Sawada practiced, the girl nodded, “This guy’s swordsmanship is estimated to be no lower than that guy in Hattori, it looks like he is only thirteen or fourteen years old, right?” Genius? ”

“Phew!” After the last form of the sword move taught by the wind, Lin Yi exhaled heavily, and suddenly felt that the whole person was refreshed and more energetic, and then put the sword away and slowly walked back, only when turning up the stairs, Sawada found that he met the girl again, the girl looks very beautiful, but it looks a little cold, and… Too skinny, right? There is no meat at all, and I feel that my body is very weak.

“Don’t you know it’s rude to stare at a lady like that?” The girl suddenly spoke.

“Uh Excuse me. Sawada said with a little blush, he hadn’t talked to a girl very seriously. Hello, my name is Sawada, I haven’t seen you before, did you just move over? Or did you just start exercising recently? ”

“So do you want to be a cop or a detective in the future?” And then show off your reasoning skills here? The girl asked with her hands on her chest, the weather is not cold now, so the clothes on her body are relatively thin, and the girl holds her chest with her hands, which makes Sawada’s gaze can’t help but move down.

“So you exercise in the morning to have a good body to be a satyr?” The girl naturally noticed Sawada’s gaze, and then turned her body sideways, and said at the same time in her mouth.

“Uh Leave. Sawada was stunned, then turned around and left, joking, he was choked twice without saying a word to this girl, is this girl a poisonous tongue?

“Hmph.” After Sawada left, the girl also walked in the opposite direction, but a smile rose at the corner of her mouth, she did not find that her heart was frozen because of her sister, the detective, and the things that were organized, because of a trace of the big empty flame, began to warm up.

After an hour of morning running, Sawada returned to Ri’s house, his mother was already up, humming a song and preparing breakfast, seeing Sawada’s mother smiled and said, “Xiaoqi is back, go and call your eldest brother to get up and prepare for breakfast.” ”

“Hi hi.” Sawada then replied, passing through the living room, and was about to go upstairs when he saw Sawada Tsunayoshi walking down the stairs drenched.

“Big brother, what’s wrong with you? Is it raining upstairs? It took Sawada a long time before asking.

“Little !!” Seeing Sawada, Sawada Tsunayoshi suddenly cried, this morning the alarm went off, but Sawada Tsunayoshi couldn’t get up at all, but in less than three seconds, a basin of ice water, pay attention, ice water is not cold water, fell from the sky, instantly got Sawada Tsunayoshi out of bed, he wanted to find Reborn theory, but did not expect to be kicked out of the door by Reborn, he finally couldn’t help but suffer after seeing his brother.

“Hurry up and wash up and get ready for breakfast.” Coming from behind Reborn, Sawada Tsunayoshi had to cry and go into the bathroom to start washing.

“Little !!” After washing, Sawada Tsunayoshi came to the dining table and looked at Sawada with teary eyes.

“Big brother, eat breakfast quickly, otherwise you will be late again.” Sawada said speechlessly, he didn’t dare to resist at all, he still remembered the situation of yesterday’s battle, I really don’t know what kind of monster this little baby is, it won’t be an old goblin for a thousand years, right?

“Bang!” A pan suddenly smashed on Sawada’s head.

“Why are you hitting me?” Sawada covered his head and asked angrily.

“Because I see in your eyes that you have bad thoughts about me.” While drinking coffee from a small tea bowl, Reborn said.

“Hmph.” Tsundere snorted, and Sawada turned his head away, ignoring Reborn.

After breakfast and arriving at school, Sawada Tsunayoshi, who was born unloved, saw Kyoko Sasakawa and his whole body came to life as if he had seen spring.

“Today, there are two transfer students in our class, one is from Italy, Hayato Prison Temple, come in.” As the head teacher spoke, a white-haired boy walked in, looking very dragged, his eyes looked around, and when he saw Sawada Tsunayoshi, he cut with disdain.

“Huh?” Sawada was a little surprised, this white hair seemed to be hostile to his eldest brother, but… I haven’t seen it.

“Then the prison temple classmates are sitting…” Before the teacher finished speaking, Jiji stepped off the podium, and just as he was about to kick over Sawada Tsunayoshi’s desk, a girl’s voice sounded outside the door, “Can you hurry?” ”

“Cut.” Jiji’s movements were also interrupted by this voice, and he glanced out the door very unpleasantly, thought about it, and still didn’t plan to meet a little girl in general, walked past Sawada Tsunayoshi, and made it to the last row.

“Okay, next is another new student in our class, she is a very beautiful girl Oh, Haihara mourn-san, please come in.” A girl with brown hair walked into the teacher.

“Wow, so beautiful.”

“It looks very cold.”

The entry of new classmates made the boys in the class excited, especially after seeing the girl’s appearance, but Sawada had some twitching at the corner of his mouth, isn’t this the poisonous tongue girl?

“Then, please introduce yourself to the new students.” The head teacher said with a smile.

“My name is Haibara Mourning, my age… 14 years old. A cold and nice voice came, making everyone stunned, and the first reaction was that this girl was really cold.

“Uh The head teacher was a little embarrassed and said, “Then, Haibara-san is sitting in…” Before he finished speaking, Haibara walked off the podium alone, and the boys in the class were excited, hoping that the girl could come to herself.

“Hello, can you give me this position?” I liked the window seat. Coming to Sawada’s side, Haibara asked Sawada, perhaps afraid that Sawada would not agree, Haibara added, “After all, as a boy, you should let a girl, don’t you?” ”

“So what does Sawada-san mean?” The head teacher asked.

“Okay.” Sawada sighed, packed up his things, and went to the last row, while Haihara sat comfortably in Sawada’s seat.

The arrival of new people in the class gave the students a topic of discussion for a while, and the girls were discussing the prison temple at the end of class, and the boys were discussing Haibara.

“Hey!” With one exception, as the subject of discussion, Jailer walked up to Sawada Tsunayoshi and looked down at Sawada Tsunayoshi, who was sitting in his chair.

“How… What’s wrong? Sawada Tsunayoshi asked a little nervously.

“Huh?” Sawada also noticed, so he walked over, only to hear Jiji say, “Can a waste like you become the tenth generation of Pengele?” I would never admit it, I… ”

Before he finished speaking, the prison temple felt someone pulling him, and before he could turn back, he felt a force coming, and the whole person flew out upside down, hit several tables, and fell to the ground.

“Little… Xiao Qi. “Sawada Tsunayoshi was relieved to see Sawada, and then he became nervous again, relieved because Sawada saved himself, and nervous because he was afraid that Sawada would fight with someone and get hurt.

“Since you came in, I found out that you have an opinion about my eldest brother, and now you have to step in? Who gave you the guts? Sawada said, looking at the fallen Hekuji.

“You are a candidate for the tenth generation of outside the door?” Getting up from the ground, Prison Temple pulled out a few bombs from his arms and said angrily, “It’s okay, I’ll kill you and this waste together!” ”

“Pengele’s?” Hearing Jiji’s words, Sawada raised his eyebrows and said, “After school, I’ll wait for you on the rooftop.” After that, he walked to his “new” seat with the class bell.

“Oh?” Haihara, who had been witnessing the good show, was thinking in his heart, “Pengele? Is it a new organization? The bomb called Prison Temple just pulled out smelled of explosives, so… That’s a real bomb! ”

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