In fact, even if Sawada Iemitsu does not say, Sawada is also ready to go to see, Iemitsu must know this ring, but he does not say, Sawada Ji did not ask, because Sawada Tsunayoshi is running to the second floor, then he must have asked Reborn, since this is the case, he followed up and listened to it together, to be honest, he was very curious about this Pengellet ring.

After taking the ring back, Sawada asked Reborn, but Reborn said that he didn’t know very well, and Sawada was not sure whether Reborn was telling the truth or a lie, and it was necessary to find out this time.

The letter mentioned the Pengellet Ring and the so-called use of the ring, and Sawada felt that there was some secret in it, and perhaps this time there would be a chance to unlock it.

Came to the second floor, sure enough saw Sawada Tsunayoshi’s door open, Sawada walked over, closed the door by the way, Reborn was sitting on the small sofa drinking coffee, Sawada Tsunayoshi was standing in front of him.

“Did you hear anything from that guy?” Glancing at Sawada, Reborn asked Sawada Tsunayoshi.

“That guy? Who is it? Sawada Tsunayoshi was stunned, and then shook his head and said, “In short, I have nothing to do with the mafia or anything, don’t involve me.” ”

“What are you talking about?” Reborn tilted his head and said. “This matter has a lot to do with you.”

“So, what exactly is the Pengellet Ring?” Sawada watched the two people pull for a long time without touching on the subject, and then asked.

“That ring is proof of Pengele’s official heir.” Reborn explains.

“Proof of Pengele’s official successor? That is to say, with this ring, the eldest brother is now the tenth generation of Pengele? Sawada asked.

“Wouldn’t you? I’m a mafia now? “Sawada Tsunayoshi felt like he was going to break down.

“Almost.” Reborn said, “Although I also think it’s too early to give you the ring, there is no way, there is an emergency now.” ”

“Something urgent?” Sawada Tsunayoshi and Sawada looked at each other, not quite understanding Reborn’s words.

“That ring can get great power.” Reborn glanced at Sawada and said, “So a group of amazing people have set their sights on it.” ”

“Sure enough, you really know about the ring.” Sawada said.

“Does Xiao Yu know too?” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“I accidentally picked up a ring that mentioned [Pengellet Ring], [Use], and I asked Reborn and this guy didn’t tell me anything.” Sawada said angrily.

“I know a little about the Pengellet ring, but I don’t know much about the ring you mentioned.” Reborn said: “It’s too old. ”

“Cut.” Sawada said that he didn’t want to pay attention to Reborn because he felt that Reborn knew the origin of the ring, but he just didn’t say it, and he couldn’t help it.

“By the way, you just said that a group of people have set their sights on it, is it the one from yesterday…” Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

“Ah, that long white hair is one of them.” Reborn nodded and said. “That guy is called S. Scuvarro, and he is a member of what Pengelle is known as the strongest independent assassination force, Valia.”

“Speaking of which, Dino seems to have mentioned this name yesterday.” Sawada nodded and said.

“Valia’s loyalty to Pengelle is very high, for Pengele, they can overcome any difficult task to complete, but after all, it is a secretly active force, and it cannot be exposed.” Reborn said.

“That Skuvarro’s strength is indeed very strong.” Sawada thought back to the absoluteness of the two people, nodded and said, “But I should be able to defeat him, which means that I am stronger than them.” ”

“Valia was a very loyal unit of Pengele, but one day as an opportunity, he began to riot.” Reborn ignored Sawada’s narcissism and continued, “They paid attention to the surface and seemed to have mastered Pengele’s experiments, all because of the man who appeared. ”

“The man?” Sawada asked.

“Ah, it’s the chief of Valia.” Reborn said.

“So they want this ring too?” Sawada said, “If you let them know it’s fake, it will definitely make a comeback, right?” ”

“Isn’t that dangerous?” Sawada Tsunayoshi growled.

“That fake is enough to be fake.” Reborn said: “But if there are people in Valliari, they can find it, but they are in Italy, even if they find it immediately, it will take almost 10 days to come and go.” ”

“10 days? Isn’t that fast? This will not solve anything at all. ”

“Are you planning to waste the precious 10 days and earth that Bajir has won in vain?” Reborn said: “During these 10 days, you need to be well trained and ready to face Valia. Protect the proof of becoming the next boss, after all, you can be the tenth generation of Pengele. ”

“I don’t want to do such a dangerous thing, go and return the ring to Mr. Dino now.” Sawada Tsunayoshi shouted, immediately changed his clothes, and then ran away without looking back.

“What’s wrong with you?” Sawada Tsunayoshi’s departure, Reborn did not stop it, in his opinion, there was no need to stop it at all, just looked at Sawada who was still thinking about things, and asked curiously.

“I have a problem.” Sawada raised his hand and said, “I saw that there were 7 rings in that box, why?” ”

“Hmm.” Reborn nodded and said, “There are 7 Pengellet rings, and they must be held by seven family members before they are meaningful. Except for the ring in Azuna’s hand, the other rings have been handed over to the six people who successfully guarded the boss Sawada Tsunayoshi under the Shinobu Pengele. ”

“There are Yamamoto and Gakuji among them, right?” Sawada asked.

“Ugh.” Reborn nodded and said, “The prison temple is Arashi no Ring, and Yamamoto’s is the Rain Ring. ”

“Arashi? Storm? And rain? Sawada said, and couldn’t help but look up at the sky, “It seems to correspond to the sky.” ”

“Yes, there are many members with personalities gathered around the original Pengele, and their respective characteristics are also engraved on the ring.” Reborn nodded and said, “The original Pengellet has everything, absorbs and contains everything, and it is said that it is like the sky, so the ring is the ring of the sky. The people who become its subordinates are the various weather that affects the sky. ”

“Wash away all the village rain that bestows favors, the ring of rain; The storm that swept roughly, Arashi no Ring; The floating clouds that are not bound by everything and follow their own path, the ring of the clouds; The phantom that can’t catch the entity, the Ring of the Mist; The sun wheel that shines brightly in the sky, the ring of sunshine; Hidden with a powerful thunderbolt, the Ring of Thunder. ”

“Except for Gakudera and Yamamoto who got the Arashi Ring and the Rain Ring, whose explanation is the rest?” Sawada asked, while constantly looking for his body, how can he say that he is also the person who was selected as an outside the door, and he won’t have a ring, right?

“The Ring of Qing is in Pingna, the Ring of Clouds is in Lark, the Ring of Mist will not tell you for the time being, you will naturally know when you turn back, the Ring of Thunder is in Lanbona.” Reborn said, “As for you, Pengele’s Outside Advisor doesn’t have a ring that has been passed down from generation to generation. ”

“Blue wave?” Sawada’s face became solemn: “Lanbo is only 5 years old, do you let Lanbo fight those people?” You’re not asking Blue Wave to send him to death. ”

“You’re underestimating Blue Wave.” Reborn said: “If Lanbo really doesn’t have some skills, how can he become a killer at just five years old? Also, he has the legendary ten-year bazooka, and he can summon himself ten years later at the critical moment. ”

“I…” Sawada didn’t say anything, but he always believed that Lan Bo, who was only 5 years old, should not be involved, and himself, Prison Temple, Yamamoto and others were already involved, which was no way, but Lan Bo’s things could be changed, and he only needed to change someone, but looking at Reborn’s expression, he seemed to have identified Lan Bo.

“But although the ring was given to them, their ring was not enough.” Reborn diverted from the topic and said.

“Not enough?”

“Didn’t you notice? The rings are only half of them. Reborn said.

“Half?” Sawada thought for a while, nodded and said, “I noticed, I thought it was designed this way.” ”

“Of course not, the ring was split in two.” “Half is kept by the chief of Pengele, and the other half is kept by the advisers outside the door,” Reborn said. ”

“Outside the door? Father? Sawada said, “So this ring was sent by Dad?” ”

“Hmm.” Reborn nodded: “I came and Sheng, originally it was ordered by the Ninth Generation to train Ah Gang and you, let Ah Gang become the Ten Generations Elder, let you become the Ten Generations Outside Advisor, this is also something that Iemitsu and Jiu Daimu agree, but Iemitsu suddenly came with the ring, I think, something must have happened over there in Italy that we don’t know.” ”

“It suddenly feels so complicated.” Sawada felt a little pain in his head.

“Mafia things are inherently complicated.” Reborn said, “Only this time, even Valia was impulsive, and I think I will know the specific things in ten days.” ”

“Okay, I’ll go down.” Sawada turned and left the second floor, and back downstairs, Iemitsu was lying in the yard sleeping, and when Sawada came over, Iemitsu just opened his eyes.

“Got it?” Iemitsu asked.

“Hmm.” Sawada nodded, sat down next to Iemitsu and asked, “Dad, why did that Kyusaime choose the eldest brother and me?” Obviously, we haven’t seen him, do you mean it? ”

“Xiao Qi, do you remember the grandfather who came to our house when he was a child?” Sawada Iemitsu asked.

“Grandpa?” Sawada was stunned, thought back and said, “I have a little impression, at that time, my eldest brother gave me a black pot and was punished for not being allowed to eat, but it was a very kind and kind grandfather who came to help the eldest brother speak, so he was exempted from punishment.” ”

“That grandfather, it’s the Nine Generations Me.” Iemitsu said.

“He is the Nine Generations, but why did he choose me and my eldest brother? There should be many people in the Pengelle family who can inherit Pengele. ”

“At that time, the Kyusdaime had just come to our house, he saw everything that happened, in order to protect you, Ah Gang still took everything on his body even if he was afraid, and after Ah Gang helped you back the pot, because of self-blame, a dead fire of the Great Void attribute appeared on your brain.” Iemitsu recalled the events of that time and spoke.

“So at that time, the Ninth Dynasty decided to make Ah Gang the Ten Generations Sect Advisor, and you became the Ten Generations Outside Advisor, and he believed that the two of you would lead Pengelle to a good future.”

“Yes?” Sawada seemed to think of that old grandfather, and in his memory, that old grandfather was a very kind person. But…… “Then why did Dad come back with Pengele’s ring this time? That Valia will still come to snatch it? ”

“Something happened inside Pengele, and Kyusdaime disappeared.” Iemitsu said solemnly, “And the leader of Valia, Xanxus, said that the Nine Generations had agreed to make him the leader of the Tenth Generation, and even wanted to snatch the Pengellet Ring, I felt that something was wrong, so I let Bajir bring the fake ring to attract attention, and then let Dino bring the real Pengellet Ring back and Sheng, and handed it to Azun.” ”

“Bagil is the bait that Dad decides?” Sawada’s voice trembled a little.

“Hmm.” Iemitsu nodded: “This decision was also decided by me for a long, long time, there was a problem inside Pengele, and the ring is a very important thing, there can be no mistakes, in order not to let the Pengellet family have an accident, I had to do it.” ”

“But… But Bajir is also a child. Sawada couldn’t believe how his father could have made this decision?

“A lot of things can’t be said in one or two sentences.” Iemitsu shook his head and said, “You know, many times, we can’t help ourselves, I let Bagil be the bait, because I believe that Bagil will be fine, I trust him.” ”

“But…” Sawada saw the guilt in Iemitsu’s eyes, and didn’t know what to say, this guilt is for Bajir, right?

“There are about ten days left, I hope Ah Gang can overcome this difficulty.” Iemitsu muttered.

“Why does the leader of Pengellet have a ring, but the adviser outside the door does not?” Sawada asked.

“This may go back to the time of the original Pengele.” Iemitsu said: “The Pengellet ring was passed down from the first Pengele, but the first generation of outside the door adviser did not inherit anything, slowly, from the second to the ninth generation, the Pengellet ring was used as a symbol of the leader’s inheritance, but the outside counsel did not, the second to ninth generation of the door adviser was appointed by the chief, but in the history of Pengele, there have also been cases of competition because the previous chief and the outside adviser are inconsistent with the next chief and the outside adviser. ”

“So, Xiao Qi, you must also be prepared, this time Valya is coming, and it may involve you.” Iemitsu said.

“Yes?” Sawada didn’t speak, but he was also curious, who would be the other ten generations of outside counselors chosen by Valia over there in Italy?

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