“Snorr.” Snorr laughed viciously and said, “I’m going to smash you into meat puree and make it into meatloaf to eat.” ”

“Is it? If you can do it, give it a try. Sawada pointed his sword at Snorr with one hand, and said into the headset at the same time, “Big brother, I’m afraid you have to wait for me for a while, I’m going to waste some time.” ”

“Xiao Qi, watch out for yourself.” Sawada Tsunayoshi wanted to inquire about Sawada’s physical condition, but after hesitating for a while, he just said to be careful.

“Ah, I know.” Sawada nodded and looked solemnly at Snorr on the other side.

“Are your last words finished?” Snorr asked, shaking the chain in his hand.

“Your last words, you don’t have a chance to say.” Sawada said, and with a flick of the sword in his right hand, a flame rushed out.

Snorr reacted quickly, his huge body gave him great strength, his hands pulled the iron chain hard, the big iron ball flew in front of him, both hands held the big iron ball, the flame hit the iron ball and was exploded, and then look at the big iron ball, there was nothing on it.

“My iron balls are made of high-density materials, and the hardness is not comparable to ordinary materials.” Lovingly touching the large iron ball in his hand, Snorr said with a smile.

“Ah, maybe so.” Sawada said, the sword in his right hand flashed with steel flames, and the whole person rushed in front of Snorr, who smashed down with an iron ball.

“Bell !!” The iron ball and the sword collided together, and Sawada was already prepared for his strength, so he used the propulsion of Steel Flame to block together when resisting the attack, but he still underestimated Snorr’s strength and the weight of the large iron ball, even if he blocked the iron ball, Sawada’s right hand was hit with pain, and he almost couldn’t grasp the sword in his hand.

“Can you actually block my attack?” Snorr smiled, “It seems that there is still some ability.” Pulling the iron chain with both hands to withdraw the ball, the huge body rotated, and the iron ball directly smashed the surrounding wall, turning in a circle and smashing towards Sawada.

“Ha!!” The flame of the sword in Sawada’s right hand soared, and Sawada used the strength of his whole body to block Snorr’s iron ball, and with a turn of his wrist, the iron ball flew out, and the whole person rushed towards Snorr.

In the blink of an eye, he came to Snorl’s face, and stabbed a sword at Snorl’s abdomen, “Dang! “Poof!” The armor on his body blocked Sawada’s sword and made a “dang” sound, but it was only for a moment to resist, Sawada’s sword pierced the armor, and “poof” pierced Snow’s abdomen.

“Ah!!” Snorr was in pain, threw down the chains with both hands, grabbed Sawada’s two arms, and directly lifted him up.

“You actually dare to hurt me?!! You actually dare to hurt me?!! Snower cursed angrily, grabbing Sawada’s arm with both hands.

“Hmm~~” Sawada was in pain, but gritted his teeth and did not make a sound, his body kept struggling, but Snorr’s two pairs of big hands grabbed Sawada like iron tongs, and there was pain in his arm, and Sawada felt that his arm was about to break.

“Hah!!” Left and right couldn’t struggle, Sawada kicked out and directly kicked Snorr’s eye, Snorr was in pain, and threw Sawada out with a yell.


“Ahem.” Sawada who flew out hit the wall and bounced to the ground, and Sawada couldn’t help but cough, he felt that all his internal organs were shattered, although there is nothing at present, but now it seems that the injury should not be light.

“This guy . . . .” Looking at Snorr, who was still rubbing his eyes, Sawada lit the ring in his hand, took out the box, clamped it with his head and shoulders, and the flame on the ring on his right hand was injected into it, and the fire phoenix flew out directly and stood next to Sawada, while Sawada took out another box from his arms.

“Jin Feng, it’s finally your turn to appear.” Sawada muttered, the box in his hand shook twice before calming down, Sawada was still holding the box between his head and shoulders, and was preparing a second box that had never been used.

“Huh~~~” The flame has not yet been injected, the fire phoenix suddenly rushed over with a long roar, the big iron ball hit the fire phoenix’s body, the fire phoenix was hit, but the fire phoenix used its claws against the front of the iron ball, and the wings flapped vigorously, blocking the attack of the iron ball abruptly.

“You fucking fucking fellow.” Snorr’s eyes rubbed before he eased, seeing that Sawada was about to open the second box, and directly pulled the iron chain to throw the iron ball out, but he didn’t expect to be blocked by the fire phoenix.

“Damn miscellaneous hair.” Snorr cursed angrily, the ring in his hand lit, and then took out a red box and opened it, a rhinoceros appeared in front of Snorl, the horns on his head were red horns composed of Arashi no Yan, and his eyes were red and looked at Sawada.

“Huh~~~” The fire phoenix claw grabbed the iron ball hard, and the flames of the whole body burned, and the flames shot out with a mouthful of flames, burning directly on the iron ball.

Seeing this, Snorr immediately wanted to pull the iron ball back, but he didn’t expect that the power of the fire phoenix was so great that he couldn’t pull it away, Snorr gritted his teeth “Ha~~~” With all his strength, the fire phoenix finally grabbed the iron ball, and the iron ball was pulled back by Snuoer.

“What?” Snorr, who took back the iron ball, was very satisfied, but then felt a pain in his hands, his hands were loose, and the iron ball fell to the ground with a “bang”, Snorr looked at the iron ball strangely, and then looked at the fire phoenix in shock, the iron ball was a large circle smaller, the iron thorns on it were melted, the entire surface of the iron ball was melted pits, and the Arashi Zhiyan on the iron ball was gone, the entire iron ball was burned red, and by the way, the iron chain also became very hot due to heat conduction, and the fire phoenix, He actually spit out a trace of empty flame in his mouth, and turned his head with disdain.

“Damn it.” Snorr cursed angrily, pointed a finger at the fire phoenix and said, “Knoll, kill that miscellaneous bird!” ”

“Whisk!” The Arashi rhinoceros gasped and rushed towards the fire phoenix, which fluttered its wings and flew, and the rhinoceros did not hit it but hit the wall itself.

Turning around, the horn light on the rhinoceros’s head lit up, and with a flick of its head, a Lan Zhiyan flew out, but for the fire phoenix in the sky, this speed was too slow, and the wings flanked it.

The Arashi rhinoceros roared, shook its head again, and the three Lan Zhiyan flew out, and at this moment, “Huh~~”, another long roar, the entire blasted passage lit up with orange light, a long-tailed, full-body burning flame phoenix appeared in the sky, looking down at the rhinoceros on the ground, the rhinoceros looked up at it.

“Roar!!” The rhinoceros roared, and another Lan Zhiyan flung out, Jin Feng’s eyes were cold, directly retracted his wings and swooped down, Lan Zhiyan hit Jin Feng’s body and was directly exploded, Jin Feng swooped down unharmed, directly penetrating from the head of the rhinoceros to the end.

“Boom!” The rhinoceros was split in half and fell to the ground, the fire phoenix laughed in surprise in the air, the golden phoenix circled and fell to the ground, heard the voice of the fire phoenix raised its head and shouted, the fire phoenix landed directly on the ground, the golden phoenix leaned over, rubbing intimately on the neck of the fire phoenix, and the eyes were no longer cold but extremely gentle.

“Huh~~” Jin Feng looked down and saw the wound on the claw of the fire phoenix, and immediately cried out, and the fire phoenix lowered her head like a little daughter-in-law, looking like she had done something wrong.

“Huh~~~” Seeing the appearance of the fire phoenix, Jin Feng relented, and turned his head to Sawada and shouted dissatisfied.

“Uh Sawada didn’t know what to say, the golden phoenix and the fire phoenix relationship that called a good, the fire phoenix was injured, the golden phoenix must be distressed to death, but Sawada did not expect that the golden phoenix actually turned the spearhead on him, Sawada also felt a little embarrassed, the thought turned, the tip of the sword pointed to Snorl, that means “It’s his fault, it’s all he was injured by the fire phoenix.” ”

“Huh~~” Sure enough, after being diverted by Sawada’s hatred, Jin Feng turned his head to look at Snorr, his eyes were cold, and a voice came out of his mouth.

“Two phoenixes?” Seeing Sawada’s second box weapon, Snorr was also stunned, when Irie Shoichi released him, he also gave him Sawada’s information, the information is very detailed, detailed to how much time it took Sawada to defeat Shirochi, the box weapon is, where he was injured is clearly written, but Snorr did not expect that Sawada actually hid a hand and brought another box weapon.

“Damn another miscellaneous hair.” However, when Snorr saw Jin Feng provoking him, he immediately became angry, took out another box in his hand, and opened the armor on his chest at the same time, and there was also a box on his chest.

“Roar!!” The box in his hand was opened, and a Arashi rhinoceros, which was several times larger than before, appeared in front of Sawada, his hooves drawn on the ground, ready to attack at any time.

At the same time, Snower injected the ring of his right hand into the box on his chest, the box was opened, but nothing appeared, a wind spread from under Snow’s feet, and the red Arashi Flame appeared from under his feet and enveloped Snow.

“What’s going on?” Sawada looked at Snorr with a frown, he had never seen anyone actually install a box on his body, could it be said that he was going to turn himself into a box weapon?

“Boom!” The red Arashi flame exploded, Snorr’s whole body turned red, the two big hands turned into red claws, the claws burned with Arashi no Yan, the armor of the whole body also turned red, the hair, eyebrows and even the eyes were red, the feet broke the shoes, and became the kind of claws of animals, the same Arashi no Yan was burning, Snorr’s mouth opened slightly, a hot air sprayed out, and looked at Sawada and his box weapon with a smile.

“Turned into a monster?” Sawada muttered, the only right hand that could be used clenched the sword in his hand, and the golden phoenix and the fire phoenix also flapped their wings and flew in the air, solemnly waiting.

“Hahahaha, your flesh and blood must be very delicious.” Snore looked at Sawada and stuck out his tongue to lick on his lips, as if he was tasting a meal.

Sawada did not speak, just looked at him vigilantly, did not dare to rashly attack, his current state is very bad, if he attacks rashly, if he is not careful, he will put himself in danger, and now Snorr has become a monster, and I don’t know what kind of ability he will have.

“Why, scared?” Snower looked at Sawada’s vigilant appearance, and immediately laughed and said, “I am an experiment that Lord Bailan conducted for me alone, a unique box that only I have. ”

“What?” Sawada was stunned.

“Of the thousands of people in Mirufiorery, Lord Blanc chose me alone for experiments.” Snoll suddenly became frenzied and said with a tone of adoration, “It is simply my honor to be selected by Lord Bailan to conduct experiments. ”

“Human experiments?” Sawada frowned, it was not the first time he had heard of human experiments, such as dogs, thousands of species, including six bones, had all been tested on humans, but it was the first time he had encountered that Snow was selected to do human experiments like Snow, not only was not disgusted and angry, but felt very honored and fanatical?

“What human experiment?” Snoel suddenly said angrily: “This is the transformation of Lord Bailan in order to improve my strength, and the entire Mirufiore family does not have this honor to obtain this only place, even that Irie Masaichi does not have this qualification.” ”

“Irie-sama, is he really the only one chosen?” In the monitoring room, Cherbello asked strangely.

“Of course not.” Irie shook his head and said, “To be honest, I don’t know exactly what kind of experiment Lord Brandy is conducting, but when Snore was imprisoned here, Lord Blanc once said that he had used a lot of people to conduct an experiment, and they had failed, and Snore was the only survivor. ”

“So, the experiment was successful?” Cherbello asked.

“I thought so at first.” Irie Masaichi said: “So I asked Lord Bailan about Snoel, and Lord Blan said that what he wanted was [Asura Box], but it was not explicitly stated, but it was only said that this kind of opening would greatly improve the strength, and now the experiment has been completed, but although Snore can survive, it is actually a failure.” ”

“Failure?” Cherbello was stunned, turned his head to look at the big screen and said, “It’s really pitiful, he actually thinks that he is the only one who was chosen, and he is still proud of this matter.” ”

“I don’t know how I was chosen, but this kind of human experimentation is simply inhumane.” Sawada shook his head and said that he did not agree with this inhuman experiment.

“What do you know?!!?” Snoel roared angrily: “Lord Bailan, Lord Bailan chose me alone, do you know what this means?” Do you know what this is like? ”

“Ignorant people are really pitiful.” Sawada shook his head, he didn’t want to say anything more, Snorr was already helpless.

“When I finish you off, you’ll know how good Lord Brandan is to me.” Snore suddenly laughed, watching Sawada clench his fists, and the whole person rushed out.

“Ding!” Sawada naturally noticed it, and stretched out his sword with his right hand to block Snorell’s left claw, but he could only watch Snorell’s right grasp come towards him.

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