Above somewhere in Italy.

The orange flame is fleeting.

A Gang landed on the ground, looked at the surrounding woods, took a rest and began to think.

After completing the inheritance, the new power brought by the combination of Vongola's ring and gloves is very powerful.

During training, he once tried to use soft flames to simulate the outbreak of hard flames.

Now that he had obtained the Flame of Gang, he realized that it was impossible to simulate it successfully.

They are obviously the flames of the sky.

The characteristic of Gangzhi Yan is its exponential energy progression, its explosive power and destructive power.

Soft Flame rises evenly and is easy to control, but it cannot reach the intensity of Hard Flame in a short period of time.

He was already very maneuverable, but flying with the Flame of Strength gave him a feeling of lightning speed.

If he hadn't used the power of the ring, his body would have been further turned into flames.

Just the wind pressure caused by traveling at such a high speed made him uncomfortable for a while.

"Wearing the Vongola Ring and the Eye of Hell, I couldn't escape their radar scan."

Agang knew this very well. Unless he got the Chain of Mammon...it was really a secret.

He was extremely emotional. After forming a strategic partnership with Will Emperor and Mammon, he didn't get any technology from them. A small product.

If he had the Mammon Chain on hand and high mobility, he could sneak around Italy and hit wherever he pointed. The key is, who would have thought that the location he traveled through was not Namimori Town but Italy?

As for him, he He chose to run away just now because he didn't want to face Bai Lan again.

Without a box of weapons, he couldn't see any signs of victory in the battle with Bai Lan.

It was true that he stayed there and glared at Bai Lan. Necessary, and Bai Lan should also understand by now that he is the only one who knows the secret treasure land.

Out of curiosity, A Gang looked at the evolved gloves, especially the thorn pattern on the back, with an expression of admiration.

He understood his thoughts and said,"Eight-Nine After"Zero", the new power gained from the Vongola Ring was just like his awakening - paying the price and gaining strength.

When dealing with the Shinliu Diaohua, being able to successfully freeze them was Gang's first attempt at thorns..

Just like untying the shackles, at the cost of pain and the flame of life.

Fortunately, after entering the state of death, A Gang is in a calm state. For pain, unless it exceeds the threshold, it will not affect the movement.

And the flame of life only needs to be Release at high speed, and you can recover the lost part after taking a rest.

Thinking about it this way, the effect of thorns is similar to the residual blood skill of the berserker.

Under the premise of not overusing it, it can be regarded as a quite eye-catching ability.

Besides, A Gang is in In other aspects, he will maintain an objective and neutral attitude. When it comes to health bars, he can express a little confidence without being objective.

The body trained by Li Baoen and Master Feng in conjunction with his super-intuition limit has a thick health bar and the ability to withstand beatings are the most basic. Elements.

If we are really in a very difficult environment with insufficient combat power,

A Gang will not have to consider the price of thorns. When the time comes, the health bar will be emptied and the special effects will be full.

As for the location of the secret treasure land... A Gang is on his way. A possibility came to mind.

He buried a letter ten years ago and tried to get Sawada Tsunayoshi to answer it ten years later.

In a confused situation, the answer that Tsuna could think of now was in that letter among.


"After all, it would be a pity to go back to Namimori Town now."

Azuna knows that if he stays in Italy, most of Miofiore's attention will be in Italy.

If he returns to Namimori Town immediately, then the guardians such as Jokudera Yamamoto and others will travel through time, and there will be no time for training and growth. It will be shortened.

Because there are Miofiore's second unit and its captain Irie Shoichi over there, as well as several other units stationed in the base.

Under Xiaozheng's special care, they will match the strength as much as possible But a non-fatal opponent.

Just enough for the guardians to grow.

But once he enters Namimori Town, Shinroku Diaoka and Byakuran also arrive.

That sense of oppression, as an obstacle to growth, is temporarily too much. Heavy.

What's more.

A Gang looked at the ring. He also needed more high-intensity battles to hone himself.

So, I won't fight monsters with you for the time being... A Gang smiled.

While he was waiting, During the time, the people Bai Lan arranged to follow him were also in place.

Although he did not show up,

A Gang noticed the breath of illusion and quietly ignited the Eye of Hell.

He saw Wolfsbane standing next to the big tree, and another The blue-haired girl pouted angrily.

Ganga was not sure how Bai Lan arranged such a configuration. Maybe he didn't know his ability as a warlock.

He thought that Wolfsbane and Suzuran could successfully track her quietly.

But these two Both of them are not good at speed, and illusions are ineffective against him. If you really want to get rid of these two people, you can do it easily.

Instead of letting the smarter Kikyo follow, it is better to keep these two ordinary-minded people who are easy to get rid of. Little Tail.

I remember that as Shinroku Diaohua, they were quite disdainful of the other members of Miofiore's army... Tsuna was very satisfied.

This shows that his next battle will not cause too much trouble....Probably.

Next to the tree.

This guy really makes people feel uncomfortable... Suzulan made a face. She wished she could immediately teach her enemy a lesson. But she must obey Bailan's order, and she still knows this point of propriety. Besides, she must obey Bailan's order.

, Miofiore will soon spread the news that Vongola X is dead to attack other mafia families.

If this guy hears that he is dead, his expression will definitely be funny, hehe

"Stupid cow, sit still!"

Jokudera Yamamoto and Cullom were both sitting in Ganga's room.

They stared at the blue wave on the table at an angle that made Mavericks tremble with fear.

"Idiot Prison Temple, what are you going to do?"

"Lord Rambo has done nothing wrong!"

"I just helped my mother eat the dirty strawberries!"

"Who asked you this?"

The prison temple spent countless efforts to find Lan Bo who was wandering outside.

"Let me ask you, did you use the ten-year-old bazooka against the tenth generation?"

"Ah, what is that?"

Hearing that it was not about stealing strawberries, Lan Bo immediately stopped panicking,"Ah la la la, Mr. Lan Bo has never heard of that kind of thing."

"You - stupid cow!"

Jokudera was extremely angry,"Isn't that thing in your hair?"

He started directly and searched for the bazooka ten years later in Rambo's explosive head.

Coulom had a worried expression on his face as he was eager to try.

Rambo panicked:"Wait, wait, idiot Jokudera, I want to tell Gang!"

Yamamoto hurriedly stopped Yudera,"It seems that Lan Bo doesn't know about it either. Just wait!"

Yuji's arm was held up, and when he wanted to continue to attack, Li Baoen taught him a lesson.

"As A Gang's guardian, can't you even be quiet and calm?"

"Yes, but Mr. Libaun……"


Feng Wen looked at him and said,"I believe A Gang will be fine."

"You guys calm down first"

"The bazooka will be here ten years from now and will not disappear. The next thing to decide is the order in which to travel to the future."

Yu Temple was a little depressed after being taught by Li Baoen. He immediately raised his hands after hearing this,"Of course I am the first!"


Li Baoen immediately refused:"What news can you find out in the past?" Can we understand what changes will happen in the future? If you encounter danger, are you sure you can defeat the enemy?"

"Trouble that you may not be able to handle when you mature in ten years."

"It will be even more useless if you are confused now."

With a few words, the prison temple was speechless.

Just as Li Baoen said, the current guardians of Vongola are just a group of teenagers and girls.

"I will first go to the world ten years from now, if I don’t exist ten years from now"

"That means something has indeed changed in the world ten years from now."

"We need you now to carry things that won’t exist ten years from now to the future."

"Kid, what's the important thing?"

Takeshi Yamamoto was a little nervous. It sounded like he knew this was a key item.

If he didn't bring it with him, he might not be able to defeat the BOSS in the game.

"You don't have to worry about this"

"It is an important tool that you can carry with you every day. If you think about it carefully, you will understand."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When Yamamoto was still in a daze, Yudera was the first to react,"It's the ring!"

On his finger, the Ring of Arashi shines


This kid from Jade Temple is still smart.

Li Baoen said:"During the battle for the ring, A Gang predicted the future era that would ignite the flame of the ring."

"If the future A Gang destroys the Vongola ring for some reason, then in the future crisis, your ring will be needed. Yamamoto was a little curious:"

If this is the case, why would Gang destroy the ring in the future?""

It was hard to get it at first.

"Why do you care so much?

Jokudera said impatiently:"The future tenth generation must have his reasons!"

Yamamoto Takeshi raised his hands and surrendered,"Then kid, what is the order in which we will enter next?""

Both Yuji and Coulom looked at Li Baoen eagerly, their eagerness written on their faces.

Li Baoen said slowly:"After I leave, at this time tomorrow, you, as guardians, will teleport one by one. come over"

"When the time comes, I will arrange for people to find your location ten years from now to welcome you."

No, as expected of Mr. Li Baoen, I didn't expect this at all... Prison Temple realized the shortcomings, was shocked, and was convinced.

Li Baoen asked Feng again:"There is a high probability that people in ten years will not be able to come to this era."

"But you still have to be careful, so please take care of mom and the others."

"Ping and Hibari, who are still training, will also ask you to hit them."

The last time the cannonball ten years later, if A Gang hadn't deliberately dodged it, it wouldn't have hit at all.

Li Baoen didn't have time to worry about who was hiding in the dark to carry out the plan.

He only knew that he lacked combat power and wanted to take the initiative. It's not difficult for Ping to travel through time, but it's probably going to take a lot of trouble for Skylark to travel through time........

It would be better to let Feng take the bazooka ten years later to assist the secret executor in completing this step.

Feng nodded in understanding.

Li Baoen walked towards Rambo step by step, scaring Rambo so much that he backed away repeatedly,"Tan Mei, you want to fight with Lord Rambo, right?"

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Li Baoen hit Lan Bo with a hammer, sending him flying to the wall. Ten years later, the rocket launcher flew from his hair and hit Li Baoen - bang! The pink smoke dispersed, and everything There was no one left, except for Lan Bo's"be patient".

Seeing this, Yuji was not so panicked.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said:"Mr. Libaoen will not be here ten years later. It seems that someone will indeed appear in the future." kind of accident"

"The Judaiime was delayed in his return by those troubles!"

"Wait until tomorrow, and I will be able to help the Judaime!"

Feng didn't say much on the side.

The special feeling coming from the rocket launcher ten years later made him a little uncomfortable.

It seems that the troubles ten years later are also related to us, the Children of the Rainbow...

Time flies by.

During the day During the class, Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Kurom didn't have any intention to listen.

Their abnormality aroused confusion among Kurokawa Hana and Kyoko, and Tsuna didn't come.

Both of them had some bad premonitions. So after school, they joined the team of three people.

Plus Koharu who came to visit with a cake.

The six people gathered in Tsuna's bedroom.

It was quiet.

Yamamoto and Jokudera looked at each other, having a headache and not knowing at all. How to explain it.

Without Ribao En, they didn't know whether they should tell what happened ten years later.

Koharu looked at Jokudera and the others angrily:"What are you hiding! ?"

"Where is Mr. Ganga now?"

Judaime scratched his head and said irritably:"The Judaime is doing something very important, and he can't get away, so you shouldn't pay too much attention!"

"Why are you talking like this? Mr. Ganga is not someone who would leave without saying goodbye! Xiaochun was angry, her eyes were red,"Is it because Mr. Gang has a disease that is difficult to treat, so he avoids us like this?""

Infected by her imagination, both Kyoko and Kurokawa Hana looked extremely worried.

"Where is Tsuna-kun now? We're going to visit Tsuna-kun too!"

"That's right, Sawada definitely wants us to visit him. What are you trying to stop?"

What are you talking about? You are the only ones who are sick, but Judaime is fine... Judaime's fingers trembled with anger and he couldn't speak. Yamamoto Takeshi wanted to smooth things over, but after searching for many ideas, there was no suitable answer. , to stop these girls


Cullom said suddenly,"Mr. Tsuna is doing something very important.""

"Hello! you——"

Yuji wanted to stop him, even though he was impatient but he knew it.

As a guardian recognized by the Judaimu, being able to obtain the qualifications to fight for the Judaimu is the eternal pride of the Prison Temple.

But the Judaime never wants these girls and children to be exposed to mafia battles!

Unusually, Yamamoto did not cover up for Tsuna.

After holding Jokudera down, he shook his head at Jokudera seriously... Perhaps only Cullom could understand the thoughts of a fellow girl.

At this time, all they need to do is wait. 0.6" Important things……"

The three girls fell silent.

Kurom's character rarely speaks, so every time she speaks it will seem important.


Kulom nodded and said softly:"Mr. Tsuna is fighting in a distant place."

"Just one person, stay there"

"So I'm going to that place too"

"I want to fight with Mr. Tsuna."

Battle..." is too far-fetched a word for girls.

Kurokawa Hana reacted quickly. She murmured:"I have known that Sawada is mysterious, but what does it mean to fight?""

"Kendo duel? Boxing match?

Xiaochun and Jingzi were also confused. Kurom shook his head and said,"It's something more dangerous.""

Kurokawa Hana was silent.

The girls looked at Gokudera and Yamamoto Takeshi, and they nodded heavily.

Yamamoto Takeshi felt ashamed... I wonder if Tsuna would blame me. Gokudera didn't care about this anymore. Anyway, the words have been made clear. , he clenched his fist and said,"Do you understand? In short, there is danger"

"The Judaime has never wanted you to participate, and we will solve all the troubles for the Judaime!"

Suddenly, Xiaochun cried"Wow", which shocked Yuji.

"Mr. Ganga is doing very dangerous things without our knowledge."

"I used to always trouble Mr. Gang, asking him to tolerate Xiaochun's willfulness."

"ha? you you——"

Yuji's eyes widened and he couldn't understand.

With the comfort of Kyoko and Kurokawa Hana, Koharu wiped her eyes and said in one breath:"I'm going to find Mr. Tsuna!"

"Chromo-chan can help Mr. Tsuna, and I can do the same, Koharu!"

Jokudera and Yamamoto both panicked.

There are unknown dangers in the future, how can they bring non-Guardian members there?

"Cullom is different, she——"

"There must be something we can help with, right?"Jingzi said seriously.

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