In this world, everyone is born with a dead qi in their body flowing in the body.

Only a very small number of people can perceive its existence, and only a few of them can control it and use it.

Turning on the ordinary dead qi mode only consumes its own physical strength.

The super dead qi mode is not only extremely overdrawn on the body, but also consumes its own vitality.

Moreover, the requirements for physical fitness are very high.

The physical fitness is not up to standard, and it is simply impossible to withstand the release of a large amount of dead qi in an instant, and its huge energy will cause powerful damage to the body.

In the original work, after Sawada Tsunayoshi turned on the super dead qi mode for the first time, his body was so painful that he couldn’t move at all, and only after cultivating for a long time did he slowly recover.

In a nutshell.

Super Dead Qi Mode, which is a state of releasing a large amount of Dead Qi in a short period of time, carries a fairly high risk for the user itself.

If the physical fitness is not enough, it is not impossible to die violently at the moment of opening.

“I see your enlightenment.”

“Ah Gang, you are better than I thought.”

Ribaun turned his head back and continued to install the potted plant as if it had never appeared.

“According to the list of specialties given by the system, Skylark Gongyou can already use the Flame of Dead Qi.”

“In the era when the box weapon has not been fully developed, the flame of the dead qi of the cloud attribute is strong in endurance.”

“Once I get into a war of attrition with Kyoya Skylark, it’s a disadvantage for me, and I have to find a way to avoid this.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi’s thoughts diverged and he looked out the window.

On the thick and lush tree in the flower bed, hung a stupid cow wearing a black and white patched one-piece, holding a mini rocket bag in his hand, and aimed at the teaching building with an evil smile.

“Hahaha! Ribaun, don’t hide, Uncle Lanbo has already found you! ”

“In Uncle Lanbo’s perfect assassination, let’s go to dust!”

Without thinking, Sawada Tsunayoshi immediately took out Lake Toya, quickly pushed open the glass window, and threw it at the stupid cow on the branch.


Under the powerful throw, the famous knife Dongyehu accurately hit the five-year-old stupid cow.

Like a soulless doll, he fell to the ground in a strong sense of dizziness, raising a cloud of dust.

After the stupid cow fell to the ground, his eyes were full of tears, he struggled to get up half of his body, and his small hand touched the swollen bag on his forehead.

It hurts to drill your heart!

“To … Endure… Endure a ghost! ”

The stupid cow cried bitterly on the spot, subconsciously took out the ‘rocket barrel in ten years’ from the messy explosion head, and after a skilled carp dived into the water, he jumped silky into the wide barrel.

Then, under the pull of a rope, the trigger was successfully pulled, and ten years later, the rocket barrel was successfully launched.


After the violent explosion, a large amount of pink smoke filled the window, and the figure of a teenager slowly appeared in the center of the smoke.

“Oh, yes, when I was a kid, did I use the bazooka at will for ten years?”

Ten years later, Lan Bo had grown into a handsome young man, who was standing in place at this time and was surprised by the sudden encounter.

Sawada Tsunayoshi suddenly saw the stupid cow ten years later, and his eyes immediately lit up.

“This fire bag opened by Lan Bo is wonderful.”

Without hesitation, Tsunayoshi Sawada jumped from the third-floor window and landed firmly in front of Lan Bo ten years later.

Ten years later, Lan Bo closed one eye, looked at the person, and his expression changed greatly in an instant.

“You… You are the tenth generation of young Pengele! ”

Quick as a wink.

Ten years later, Lan Bolton felt sore at his waist and knees, his legs trembled, and cold sweat broke out in the summer!

Ten years!

Every time he saw the Great Demon King Sawada, Lan Bo’s eyes would be suffocated with fear.

Then, he quickly realized that the current Sawada Tsunayoshi had not yet evolved into the Ultimate Great Demon King, and was still in a very weak stage of strength.

Under such a godsend, ten years later, Lan Bo immediately gave birth to a vengeance.

“Ten years, do you know how I got through this ten years?”

“Young Pengellet Ten Generations, atone for your sins in ten years!”

[Received from Blue Wave. The challenge of Povino (state after ten years), the system enters character templates, and refines character specialties].

[After the system is refined, the current challenge characters have a number of specialties, please choose by the host].

[Electric shock skin: Even if you bathe in millions of volts of lightning, it will not cause you any damage, and through special items, you can store the current that invades your body].

[King Kong is not bad: A special body structure that gives your body super resistance to strikes, and any attack inflicted on you by enemies will be reduced by 20%. 】

[Thermal weapon mastery: has a deep understanding of the structure and performance of various thermal weapons, and can skillfully manipulate various thermal weapons].

[Thunder attribute Flame of Dead Qi: Hardens anything through the Flame of Dead Qi, and can also convert the Flame of Dead Qi into electricity].

Tsunayoshi Sawada chose ‘King Kong is not bad’ without hesitation.

Nothing is more important than a body that is not bad.

In the distant Celestial Demon Capital, there was a legendary sister-flirting master who once made a grand wish: ‘I am willing to exchange one-third of my IQ for a body that is not bad!’ ’

This shows what an important specialty this is.

At this point, Sawada Tsunayoshi felt that his BUFF had been superimposed to a perfect state.

The fast-recovering properties of ‘ultra-viable cells’ give him a strong endurance.

The efficient learning and fast calculation characteristics of the ‘Xueba Mind’ endowed him with excellent analytical ability and combat wisdom.

The ‘will to be undefeated’ gave him a pseudo-lock blood hanging.

The ‘King Kong is not bad’ body allows him to cut a large wave of damage in any attack.

“Now, everything is ready, just wait for the day when the Death Qi Seal is completely lifted!”

Sawada Tsunayoshi picked up Lake Toya on the side, turned his head to look at the large blue wave, and said: “It seems that ten years later, my attack is still too light, and I actually gave you the courage to make a move against the boss.” ”

“Lanbo, are you ready to accept my whip?”

This statement came out.

The large blue wave suddenly trembled even more.

Remembering the life that had been constantly dominated by the Great Demon King Sawada over the past decade, Lan Bo felt that what little courage he had left would also be overwhelmed by endless fear in an instant.

“To … Endure… Endure… What a fart! ”

“Great Demon King Sawada, Uncle Lanbo, I also have a backbone!”


The large blue wave felt two horns in his arms, pressed wildly on the sides of the head, and said domineeringly: “Young Pengelle tenth generation!” Go to hell and repent of what you have done to me in the future! ”

“Million volts! Shock angle! ”

Endless currents instantly emerged from the body of the large blue wave, and up to millions of volts of electricity gathered on the horns overhead.

Immediately afterwards, the large blue wave ran quickly, lowered his head, and electric light burst out from the horns above his head in an instant, and slammed into Sawada Tsunayoshi.

After three breaths, the scene fell into an eerie blandness.

The head of the large blue wave was firmly held by the blade of Lake Toya, and the powerful current was channeled into the earth along the body of the blue wave under the passage of time.

Sawada Tsunayoshi showed a warm smile and asked lightly, “Haven’t I taught you ten years later?” ”

“Wood, it’s an insulator.”

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