In an Internet chat room.

Na Cang: It’s scary that two-year-old babies here in the city can use guns.

Taro Tanaka: 2 years old? Non-human?

White-faced scholar: Not sure. It was the world’s number one killer, and although he looked like a small baby, he was terrifying.

Tetsuta Hinata: It’s the territory of the lark family, Naso, where did you go?

Naso: I heard that DOLLARS over there planned an event to organize a crusade against the lark Kyomi, the tyrant.

Nacang: I happened to be here to see a lively scene.

White-faced scholar: Coincidentally? The Headless Horseman and Shizuo Heishima also happened to go?

Taro Tanaka: The Headless Horseman and Ikebukuro also went the strongest?

Taro Tanaka: Are there any non-human and urban legends there?

Tetsuta Hinata: Urban legends and non-humans? That’s too much.

Tetsuta Hinata: But it’s dangerous there, don’t go!

Sin Song: We… Yes

Sin Song: Love

Sin Song: He… guys

White-faced scholar: Here it is again, can you really not care about these screen brushes?

Nai Cang: Give up, seal it back and forth, just like a virus.

White-faced scholar: @Nai Cang If something goes wrong, you know….


In the dark.

The engines of heavy locomotives are roaring.

The female knight in a black tights appeared in an imposing car.

The slender right hand stretched out in the air, and the sticky black mist converged into a huge pitch-black scythe, which rushed towards the people who held the group.

Hayato Prison Temple reacted extremely quickly, immediately took out the medium bomb and lit it automatically, throwing the bomb hard at the path of the locomotive.


The performance of this heavy locomotive seems to be exceptionally good.

Even in the high-speed driving state, it can still flexibly move left and right, and the female knight’s brilliant driving skills can easily dodge all the bombs.

Hayato’s bomb does not seem to cause any damage, but it forces the female knight to slow down sharply and choose a complicated path to continue her journey.

Gain at least three seconds for your own team and effectively suppress the enemy’s charging momentum.

Although the time is not long, the suppression effect is also average.

But, enough.

“Well done! Hekuji! ”

Takeshi Yamamoto was already with a bat in hand, and launched a charge against the female knight in the posture of holding a sword!

“Time Rain Cangyan Flow.”

“Type eight.”

“Shinoto rain!”

Yamamoto Takeshi started with the sword move created by his father Yamamoto Gang, started to hold the bat with his hand, used his maximum speed to rush forward, and slashed a fatal blow at the oncoming female knight in black.

In a trance.

The female knight even felt that her helmet was shattered by the sharp rain, and the bat, with great power, knocked the female knight’s cat-eared helmet away in an instant!


The moment the helmet was knocked away, the female knight was not affected in the slightest, and the black scythe in her hand waved lightly at Yamamoto Takeshi.

Yamamoto Takeshi frowned, quickly changed attack to defense, and squatted with a stick.

“Type two, reverse the rain!”

As if the female knight had not seen it, the black scythe swung straight down, and the pitch-black scythe blade seemed to have no entity, directly passed through the bat, and swept through Yamamoto Takeshi’s body.

Yamamoto Takeshi instantly fell to the ground.


Sasakawa was dumbfounded.

While Hayato was sad and indignant, a powerful fear rose in his heart: “None… Headless Horseman! ”

Under the moonlight.

The female knight wearing a tight motorcycle leather jacket had nothing above her neck, only black smoke that kept coming out.

The lark Kyoya immediately stepped forward.

“Whatever she is! Just bite and kill! ”

In his aesthetics of violence, there is no distinction between human and non-human.

Dare to bark teeth at him.

That’s fine.

In the next second, a black scythe several meters long fell.

Lark congratulations, pour.

One more second.

Sasakawa flattened.

Horaja fell.

In Sasakawa Kyoko’s watery eyes, the female knight hesitated, and finally did not make a move.

“Does your weapon not seem to kill people, but only stun people?”

Ribaun held Len’s changing pistol, which was aimed at the chest of the female knight.

The female knight did not speak, and the black mist in her hand condensed into a rope, binding the lark Kyoya on the ground and fixing it on the heavy locomotive.

Then I plan to drive away.

Ribaun fired several shots decisively.

The bullet hitting the headless horseman is like a mud bull entering the sea, and several black bullet wounds emit bursts of black smoke, squeezing out the yellow warhead, and completely repairing the wound at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the tights are as new as ever.

“Selty, are you planning to kidnap my subordinates in front of me?”

Eat the fairy beans from the last draw.

Sawada Tsunayoshi’s gunshot wound recovered in a very short time.

“Ah Gang, be careful.”

“Ordinary attacks are completely ineffective against her.”

Rao is Ribaun is well-informed, and he has seen very little about this non-human creature.

Sawada Tsunayoshi nodded and turned to Kyoko Sasakawa and said, “Don’t worry, big brother Hei, they just fainted.” ”

This young lady from Ikebukuro, Tokyo, has a near-immortal body.

Although the black smoke present in the body can be transformed into a weapon, it does not have the ability to kill.

Even if she was penetrated by her weapon, she was only stunned.

Without hesitation, Sawada Tsunayoshi took out two Death Qi Pills and decisively sent them into his mouth.

In an instant, large orange flames rose from Sawada Tsunayoshi’s body, and the fireworks above his head also upgraded from light orange to dark orange.

A pair of brown pupils, under the influence of their own flames, turned orange-red.

This is Super Dead Air mode.

He probably knew about the Headless Horseman Serti.

I actually feel good about her in my heart.

But what she did today was really shocking.

“On my turf, they smashed my school, beat my little brother, robbed my partner, and shot me.”

“You people in Ikebukuro are really arrogant.”

Saying that, Sawada Tsunayoshi’s hands burst out a large amount of dead qi flame.

With the propulsion of the flamethrower, Sawada Tsunayoshi kicked his feet on the ground and catapulted out like an off-string arrow.

When Serri completely felt that he couldn’t react, a fist that burned with the flame of the Great Sky hit Saisei’s chest fiercely.


On the tights formed by the condensation of black mist, a gap was burned by the flames in Sawada Tsunayoshi’s hand.

Even the black fog, which can be quickly repaired by gunshot wounds, cannot repair the tights in a short time.

Sawada Tsunayoshi smiled at the snow-white that had not had time to be repaired.

“Sure enough.”

“The Flame of Death, which can provide power to the cornerstone of the world, surpasses the ability of the Headless Horseman in terms of the priority of ability.”

Ribaun also noticed this detail and laughed as well.

That is, the user who faces the flame of dead qi. This headless horseman can be grinded to death. ”

Sawada Tsunayoshi has just turned on the Super Dead Qi mode at the moment.

It is also very rough for flame applications.

The purity of the flame is also only the level of entry.

In the absence of an exclusive weapon ‘X-Gaunt’ to assist in the flame output, the self-inflammatory pressure is also very unstable.

Every time the flame is mobilized, it will cause a lot of waste to the flame of dead qi.

These problems arise because of insufficient proficiency.

Knowing that this state was not lasting enough, Sawada Tsunayoshi decided to fight a quick victory.

The flames of his hands vented against the ground, and under the thrust of the flamethrow, Sawada Tsunayoshi flew nearly ten meters into the air.


Sawada Tsunayoshi completely abandoned the problem of power control.

Directly in mid-air, with his hands together, he burst out all his flames in an instant!

“Pick me up this trick, heaven sends justice!”

[40,000 words, ask readers for a wave of free data, thank you! ] 】

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