“Wooden knife?”

Sonohara Xingli’s waist flashed, and he directly picked up the Toya Lake on the side.

Wooden knife in hand.

She also no longer worries that the demon knife sin song will cut people.

It’s just that the strange and incomprehensible thinking imprisons her, which still makes it difficult for her to hit this poor girl hard.


She didn’t think that her past might be much more pitiful than Haruna Tagawa.

From as long as I can remember, it has been the father’s endless domestic violence against himself and his mother.

The unbearable mother killed his father with a demon knife, and he was on the scene.

Immediately, the mother used the demon knife that ended her father and cut herself in front of herself.

And the demon knife sinful song has been residing in his left hand since then.

This sword ended her father and mother.

It also cut off her correct cognition of emotions.

In the face of Haruna Ogawa’s slash, Sonohara Kyori parried for a long time without counterattacking.

The wounds on the body accumulate more and more.

The clean and tidy school uniform was cut one wound after another, and the bright red blood soaked the white shirt and the light-colored coat, outlining the incomparably beautiful curves.

“Don’t you even have the courage to swing a wooden knife?”

Sawada Tsunayoshi extinguished the flames of his hands and landed in the narrow alley.

A kick flew to the front of the Sin Song son, and his cold face was very serious.

“She’s directing these children of the sword song in your place.”

“Constantly spreading the curse of the demon knife in Ikebukuro.”

“Is that what you want?”

Sonohara was silent.

He didn’t know the man in front of him.

There is also no connection with him.

The closed self is mechanically executing a useless self-protection mechanism.

This is an honest child’s silent and wordless resistance in the face of oppression, and it is a kind of patience that I can endure until the day when I can’t bear it.

Because she was never understood.

Including herself.

It could also be that she was never loved.

So love cannot be understood.

She did everything she could, wanting not to sin everyone, wanting to love everyone, but the result was bruised all over her body.

Just like at this moment, he was constantly hurt by Haruna Tagawa.

Her body was losing a lot of blood.

Haruna Tagawa’s dagger also kept creating new wounds on her.

It won’t be long before she dies from blood loss.

“It’s just a wooden knife, why not cut her?”

“If you continue like this, you will die.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi said with a frown.

Sonohara didn’t understand what he was holding onto.

Just accept silently as usual.

Whether it is good or bad, there is no essential difference in her eyes.

Or rather, she is seeking an unexpected and reasonable relief.

Sawada Tsunayoshi kicked off one son after another of the Sin Song, stunned one crazy slashing puppet after another.

Patience is also gradually reaching its limit.

“Obviously, you are the mother of the sin song, but you allowed Haruna Tagawa to spread the curse and expand it, do you think that as long as you don’t do it, you have no responsibility?”

“Sonohara Kyori, don’t be naïve!”

Sawada Tsunayoshi casually knocked down more than a dozen sons of sinful songs, and said loudly: “Either you will hide in the deep mountains and old forests, and do not participate in social activities for the rest of your life.” ”

“Either you will be a demon and spread the curse.”

“Or be a hero and control the spread of curses.”

“You have to choose the same!”

When Sonohara heard this, his chest shook violently, showing amazing elasticity, but also showing his inner confusion.

“Is there no other choice? Can’t you just be an ordinary person? ”

Throwing out the two sons of sinful songs casually, Sawada Tsunayoshi said solemnly: “Do you want to ask, did Iron Man want to be an ordinary person when he snapped his fingers?” ”

When Yuanyuan Xingli heard this, he seemed to understand whether he understood or not, but he bit his lower lip sharply and mobilized the power of the demon knife sinful song.

“I see.”


The girl gripped Lake Toya, swung her arms with both arms, and swung Haruna Ogawa’s dagger away with a sword.

Immediately after that, he returned with a knife and slashed heavily on Haruna Ogawa’s neck.

Sonohara Kyori stared at the blood-red eyes of the same style as Sin Ge, grabbed Haruna Ogawa’s messy long hair with one hand, and stabbed the tip of Sin Ge’s knife into Haruna Ogawa’s arm with the other.

“I give orders in my capacity as the mother of sinful songs.”

“All the sons of the song of sin fall into silence from this day. You cannot awaken again without my command. ”

Sonohara Kyori ordered.

The children of the song fell into a coma en masse and fell to sleep.

Sonohara Xingri held Lake Toya in his hand and asked in a low voice, “Is it good to do this?” But this can’t suppress the sinful song’s desire for love, and one day, she will still appear. ”

Tsunayoshi Sawada was the first to know that she was the mother of sinful songs.

And to help her when she was in trouble.

In addition to her good friends Ryunokoumine Teito and Kida Masato, the person she trusts the most at the moment is Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Although he looks even younger than himself.

Sawada Tsunayoshi shook his head and said, “It’s better to block than to loosen.” ”

“The song of sin is a conscious knife, and it also needs space to reveal itself.”

“Honestly, your dream of being an ordinary person and having a warm family is too difficult to come true. I have a job here that is perfect for you and Sin Song. ”

Sonohara Xingli was dumbfounded and asked, “What kind of work?” ”

“The personal secretary of the boss of the mafia family.”

Li Nan Club Residence.

Tetsuya Kusakabe watched as Kyoya the lark frantically fled out.

The wind discipline committee members around them fell one after another, making them realize how all-consuming the real dark force organization is.

Just a few dozen hypnotic gases were enough to make the emperor and carnivorous lion fall directly.

Li Nan Guild’s young lord Li Nan Ganya led more than a dozen Li Nan Club horse boys, wearing gas masks and carrying guns out.

“It is worthy of being a prosperous emperor, and his strength is unbelievable.”

“Alone broke into my Li Nan Club’s residence, and one person took down hundreds of my ruthless men.”

“But, so what?”

“You’re very good at fighting, how? What about passing the gun quickly? I threw dozens of hypnotic gases, didn’t you still fall? ”

“If you have the ability, you stand up and fight me again!”

Listen to the arrogant words of the people in the Li Nan congregation.

Tetsuya Kusakabe gritted his teeth and swallowed into his stomach.

His own larks are few, and they are reckless, but when did they suffer such great humiliation?

It’s just being pointed at the nose and scolded.

However, Tetsuya Kusakabe had no way to refute it, let alone organize a counterattack.

Consciousness is gradually flickering, and vision is slowly blurring.

Carrying the lark to the door with great effort was already his limit.


Before consciousness completely disappeared, a familiar orange flame appeared in front of him.

Tetsuya Kusakabe then stopped his heavy legs, knelt on his knees with a sore body, and muttered with a smile, “Sorry, Juyome.” Next, it’s up to you. ”

Sawada Tsunayoshi gently patted him on the shoulder and said softly, “Don’t worry.” I’ll do the rest. ”

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