A simple juxtaposition attack.

There are so many twists and turns involved behind it, which is really beyond Sawada Tsunayoshi’s expectations.

In that attack.

As the main force, Serti and Shizuo Heiwajima were deceived by Orihara Rin’s head as bait and tricked them away.

Hiding in the corner and shooting a black gun at Sawada Tsunayoshi was Kurinankai, who had to follow the kidnapper’s orders to assassinate his granddaughter because his granddaughter had been kidnapped.

The Li Nan Association cleverly prepared a batch of firearms and handed them over to the local DOLLARS members, while the killers he sent hid in the troubled waters and took advantage of the chaos to carry out shooting and assassination.


The local members of DOLLARS’ development in Heisheng are most likely guided by Orihara Rinya, and will very cooperatively create a riot in the presence of Serti and Shizuo, attack and kill the Wind Discipline Committee members of Hesheng, attract their attention, and provide assassination opportunities for the gunmen of the Kurinan Society hidden in the shadows.

“This plan is really powerful.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi couldn’t help but admire the designer of the plan.

On the surface, this event should have been organized and planned by Orihara Lin.

If the killer of the mafia family hadn’t come out, Sawada Tsunayoshi would probably think so.

However, once the mafia got involved and simply did it against Sawada Tsunayoshi, the nature changed completely.

No matter how Pengelle is, he is also one of the top families of the mafia.

Dare to organize such an upright assassination operation, the forces behind it, if not equal to Pengele, at least not much weaker.

There are no impermeable walls in the world, and exposure is a matter of time or later.

The assassination of Pengele’s future heir spread out, and if the small family planned it, it would be an absolute disaster.

They will never allow bugs to punch themselves in the face like crazy.

Since the other party has a fearless shot, and the planning is so thorough and high-grade, it is obvious that the real leader of this matter is definitely not a small role.

Thinking of this, Sawada Tsunayoshi already vaguely felt that his action might startle the grass.

Exposing your strength in advance will only lead to two outcomes.

One is that the other party does not want him to continue to grow, and organizes a larger and stronger lineup to kill Sawada Tsunayoshi before he fully grows.

The second is to continue to hide in the shadows, divide more energy and resources, and keep tripping on the road of Sawada Tsunayoshi’s growth, and slowly need to find an opportunity to trap him to death.

Either way.

The result of his appeal was to kill Sawada Tsunayoshi.

The black guns that riot and the mafia killers who ambush in the alleys are all designed for this goal.

When he fired the black shot, if he didn’t happen to have a fairy bean in his hand, he would have been seriously injured if he didn’t die.

The time the alley ambushed, if it weren’t for the time difference, seven killers who could use the flame of death qi could be dispatched at one time, and what kind of results could be achieved with the cooperation of attributes.

Tsunayoshi Sawada can’t guarantee it entirely either.

It can only be said.

Since the arrival of Ribaun, while the basic security has been comprehensively improved, he has frequently obtained super special time, which is too short.

The enemy’s data collection could not be updated so quickly, which led to the direct collapse of the entire plan.

This duel is a victory for hanging coins.

Under the moonlight.

The lark Kyoya suddenly opened his narrow danfeng eyes, and then a carp stood up.

After looking around with a white face, his gaze lingered on Kurinami Michimoto’s body for a moment before looking at Sawada Tsunayoshi, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

“This time, it was me who was careless and underestimated the meanness of this group of herbivores.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi was noncommittal.

Kyoya Skylark is really a person who doesn’t need to preach.

His self-esteem was so strong that he could not accept any form of failure.

The consciousness and invincible will of the carnivore are the products of this self-esteem.

Alone rushed into the Li Nan Society’s station, one person took down hundreds of members of the Extreme Dao Organization, and the fighting ability of Skylark Kyoya was already a perverted level on the road of physical confrontation.

However, he is still an ordinary person.

Even if he can reluctantly emphasize the flame of dead qi in the moving body, as long as he does not succeed in igniting it, then he cannot leave the category of ordinary humans.

“Skylark senior.”

“Push yourself into a corner, and try to ignite the flame of death.”

“Otherwise, our gap will only grow.”

Lark Kyō You already felt that now he and Sawada Tsunayoshi are no longer on the same level.

Even after the training of Vaulting Martino, he has become much stronger, and the gap that is getting wider and wider, for the extremely competitive lark Kyoya, is really uncomfortable than killing him.

“The next time we meet, I will ignite the flame of death.”

“Sawada Tsunayoshi, by then, we will fight one more battle and divide the battles.”

The thief Tengangji nodded and did not speak again.

The lark Kyoya did not speak again, turned and walked out of the Ruri-Nan Club’s residence, and after a while, the roar of a heavy locomotive sounded.

Not often.

Tetsuya Kusakabe also woke up, and when he looked around and didn’t find Kyoya the lark, he knew what had happened.

“Judaime, Mr. Kyoya has already gone back, right?”

Sawada Tsunayoshi nodded.

Unlike Kyoya Skylark, Tetsuya Kusakabe is an all-round talent.

He is not weak in combat, has strong social skills, and has excellent ability to deal with things, and after losing the lark gamble, he regarded Sawada Tsunayoshi as a boss equal to Kyoya the lark.

Sawada Tsunayoshi stood up, patted the soil, and said: “Kurinan Michigen cut himself off, and promised that all the high-level officials of the Kurinan Association would cut themselves off, and the entire organization would also be merged into the Sawada group. ”

“And Sheng’s grudge with the Li Nan Association was settled.”

“What do you think about that?”

Tetsuya Kusakabe took out a fresh grass tip from his arms, held it in his mouth, and said with a smile: “It is worthy of the action of the ten generations, and this wave can be regarded as a big profit.” ”

He was genuinely complimented.

The ultimate goal of any struggle is for profit.

Li Nan will resist to the end, in order to regain face, and Sheng Fang will destroy it completely, of course, it is okay.

However, rebuilding a polar organization that can control Ikebukuro will also take a lot of manpower, material resources, and time.

This negotiation by Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Not only killed the president of the Li Nan Association to restore face, but also broke the fingers of the high-level to establish majesty, and also incorporated the Li Nan Association in one fell swoop.

This is undoubtedly both face and lizi.

This result far exceeded Kusakabe’s expectations.

“It’s not my credit, it’s that the old man of the Li Nan Association can indeed be a man.”

“After that, you look at the processing, I only have a few requirements.”

“Judaime, please order.”

“First, the high-level supervising Li Nan Society consciously broke their fingers, and I want to see their fingers after returning to Hesheng.”

“Second, the old man of the Li Nan Association is a respectable person, and the funeral should not be shabby.”

“Third, the Wind Discipline Committee and Li Nan will be mixed, and you must grasp the degree of it, not only to control it, but also not to make them feel that we are aggressive.”

“Fourth, collect the property of the Ritan Association and give two million yen to the families of the deceased brothers of the Wind Discipline Committee.”

“Fifth, make a statistic and prepare a prize of 100,000 yen for all the brothers who participated in this battle, and the bonus will be tripled for each captain level. Our top personnel, the bonus is increased fivefold. ”

“That’s it, you go and arrange.”

Tetsuya Kusakabe’s eyes immediately lit up.

Such a high level of pension and bonus strength, he has never heard of or seen it.

Immediately nodded yes, and went to the residence of the Kurinankai to find his stunned brothers.


The cell phone in Sawada Tsunayoshi’s pocket suddenly rang.

He turned on the screen and immediately became serious.

“Prison Temple, what’s going on?”

On the phone, the voice of Hayato Gokudera came: “Judaime, we found a ten-year-old girl tied up in a casino opened by the two-headed snake on the way to clear the offset organization TO Ramaru and the two-headed snake in Ikebukuro. ”

“According to this little girl, she was abducted by a woman nicknamed ‘Earthworm’, and her identity is the granddaughter of the president of the Kurinankai.”

“When we found her, she had been put on a sack and tortured for many days.”

“I think the situation of the Li Nanhui is probably different from what we predicted…”

“What about the girl? Is it badly injured? Sawada Tsunayoshi asked.

Hayato Prison Temple replied, “The situation is not good, the beaten does not resemble a human, there may be internal bleeding, all limbs are broken, and the left eyeball is removed.” ”

“Now, even if you are sent to the hospital, you will probably not survive…”

After Sawada Tsunayoshi listened, his forehead suddenly burst into blue: “Send me the address, immediately, immediately!” ”

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