Yodoki could not understand this behavior.

Isn’t it good to exchange benefits according to the rules with the harmonious ones?

He couldn’t imagine that he was cutting meat like this, and the other party didn’t appreciate it at all!

In life, what can be more important than ‘profit’?

With profit, people can be separated from grassroots labor.

With profit, people can have higher pursuits.

With profit, man can grasp the authority to drive the ‘ordinary’.

With profit, people can enjoy the qualification to decide the fate of others.




He is on the left, the knife is on the right!

A Chinese character has long been revealed clearly!

With enough profit, the knife was held in his hand.

The more you grab this knife, the more you will have this grain!

Such a simple truth, Sawada Tsunayoshi did not understand?

“It’s incredible.”

Yodochi said.

“It seems that my observation of you has a large error.”

“You’re just a kid and don’t qualify as a knife wieldder.”

“It’s a pity that the name of the tenth generation of Pengellet is actually empty.”

Two lifetimes as human beings.

Sawada Tsunayoshi felt that he was probably not up to this high level.

It was like two banyan saplings he planted in a green flower bed in a previous life.

One was cut, the other was cut.

Ikebukuro and his party are not only to regain face, but also to pave the way for the ‘backstreet plan’ later.

He is pursuing his own interests with what he has, and by his own actions.

Sure enough, it was still out of place with these old men.

“Orihara Lin also calculated me, I stepped on Ikebukuro and fought across regions to take his life, it is karma!”

“Li Nan will shoot my black gun, my subordinates will be one enemy and a hundred, and Li Nan Daoyuan will apologize for his own crime, which is due.”

“Kishitani Silla Ben is not involved in this matter, in the face of Selti, I want to let him go, he wants to find his own death, and he can’t blame others.”

“Old man Yodoche… I am both hypocritical and reasonable, and whoever calculates me, my mother will find it back. ”

“It’s mine, I’m in my hand. And not something to step on a horse, in such a dirty way as yours! ”

Yodoki shook his head, threw the hemp rope on his hand aside, took off the upper body covered by his kimono, and his eyes gradually turned bloody.

“It doesn’t make sense to talk to a imp like you.”

“It’s okay, in the end, there are fewer people who are beaten by society.”

Say nothing.

The muscles in the Dianqi formation quickly filled, and in the blink of an eye, they swelled to the extent that Schwarzenegger envied, fangs poked out between his mouths, and his fingernails popped out like sharp blades.

This hideous appearance is also like a blood ghost controlled by Kishiya Silla!

His bloody mouth was wide, and his strong right hand pointed at Sawada Tsunayoshi and said: “Friends of Yafog Pharmaceutical, kill him, the manufacturing technology of the blood devil, I will teach you everything.” ”

The boss of Yafog Pharmaceutical, Kiyotaro Yafog showed his face from a dark corner and said, “And Saint Side Ruri, which is also mine.” ”

Dianche nodded and said, “A special point of drama is indispensable. ”

Kiyotaro Yakiri nodded without hesitation.

Deal closed.

Arsenic of Ru, honey of me.

Kiyotaro Yafog is happy with this.

The blood ghost experimental body manipulated by Kishitani Silla, although the performance is extremely crotch-pulling and contrary to the conventional body healing ability, for Yafog Pharmaceutical, it is a technology that can cast brilliant.

“With this technology, plus the suspected vampire Saint Side Liuli, immortality… It’s not necessarily unattainable! ”

Nearly sixty years old.

The functions of the body tend to dry up.

The yearning for infinite life has made Kiyotaro Yafog’s thirst for ‘non-humans’ crazy.

“The Holy Side Glass is in hand, the Headless Horseman and Sonohara Kyori will all be mine!”

He stood on the side of the hall with a big belly, and behind him was a steady stream of muscular young men.

Each of them wore uniform black tactical equipment and held pitch-black and cold daggers in their hands.

“All employees inject type 1 booster.”

Kiyotaro Yakiri ordered.

The people of the black squad moved in unison, took out a glass test tube with a needle from their waist backpack, plunged it into their neck without hesitation, and in the blink of an eye, all the reagents were injected into their bodies.

Suddenly, the muscles of the black squad bulged violently, and their eyes were bloodshot.

“Yamisu Type 1 Enhancement Elixir can double the physical quality of these soldiers in a short period of time, and this kind of great power is a force that can crush the battlefield!”

Yafog Pharmaceutical has long secretly captured homeless people from Ikebukuro as experimental specimens, and has successfully developed this production-limiting agent over many years based on Cellti’s head.

Although Selti’s head has been lost and the possibility of upgrading again has been lost, the first stage of the experimental sample has been preserved intact.

Seeing that the black soldiers had completed the elixir injection, Kiyotaro Yafogi immediately ordered: “All the men attack, kill him!” ”


A black torrent rushed towards Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Sawada Tsunayoshi shook his head gently.

“This time, I didn’t want to kill so many people, I really lined up to die in front of me…”

He can see clearly, these people in Ikebukuro really don’t know their names, and they don’t know how bad their tempers are!

Orange flames immediately surged above his fists, and Sawada Tsunayoshi kicked his legs and rushed into the black torrent like a cheetah.

A punch knocked a black soldier away, turned around and elbowed another one, and as soon as he leaned against the mountain, four or five people flew out.

These people not only smashed many teammates when they flew, but when they landed, their bones were shattered, their internal organs were damaged, and in some cases, they lost their breath on the spot.

Sawada Tsunayoshi did not intend to spare his hand in the slightest, and his fists and feet slowly advanced through the crowd, and everyone who dared to stop him was directly knocked away by his terrifying power.

Kiyotaro Yamisi was dumbfounded and shocked: “What kind of monster is this!” ”

The Dian Che array beside him said lightly: “The absolute force that dominates the mafia world, the flame of death.” ”

“Flame of Dead Qi? Why haven’t I heard of it? ”

“In the Dianche Formation, you mother actually pit me, is this kind of monster that a person can hunt?”

He was already panicking at the moment.

Too much to get the Holy Side Glass and the Headless Horseman, directly let his reason be devoured by greed, when he eased up, he had already fallen into a big pit that he might not be able to drill!

Dianqi Jin scoffed: “You want the Holy Side Liuli, and I promised it to you, why, now I regret it?” ”

“It’s okay to regret it, your task is to delay a little longer.”

“Even one more point, or even one more second, is good.”

When Yamisu Kiyotaro heard this, his head suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and he immediately turned back, even if it was more than half a second, he didn’t want to stay any longer.

However, Sawada Tsunayoshi’s eyes had already been fixed on him, how could he possibly give him a chance to escape?

A large amount of orange flames immediately ignited on Zhou’s body, gathered it into his right hand, squatted down at his waist, and slammed his right fist out sharply.

“Eight poles, cannon!”

A dead fireball with a diameter of nearly one meter resembled a disembodied cannonball, rushing in the direction where Kiyotaro Yagiri was fleeing, hitting it accurately half a second later, completely shattering it the moment the flames burst.

Since copying Kaze’s ‘Martial God Eye’, Sawada Tsunayoshi has been fighting against the wind non-stop during the three-day training camp, copying a large number of moves from his body.

Among them, the eight poles fused with the flame of dead qi, its effect is the most ferocious.

In particular, the cannon, collapse, and drill are particularly powerful.

Compared to the extremely powerful ‘Dragon Flame Dance’, the Bajiquan Katsu is not expensive and can be reused in a war of attrition, and today, it is also one of the most convenient moves used by Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Ten seconds later.

Sawada Tsunayoshi stepped forward with black corpses all over the ground, and Yoshikiri’s face was full of admiration: “It is worthy of being the tenth generation of the Pengele family, it is too powerful, and the old man is ashamed of himself.” ”

The earthworms on the side had indeed already cried and put on makeup, and their bodies were directly out of control, and their bodies emitted a pungent stench.

“Old man, you haven’t been watching, do you think this look can eat me?”

Sawada Tsunayoshi approached and gave Yodokiri a heavy punch with a wave of his hand.

The old man’s exaggerated body flew out directly upside down and hit the wall, and the powerful impact directly smashed it into a spiderweb-like crack, and a large depression was also dented on his chest.

“Not really.”

Yodochi straightened up from the wall and slowly walked back: “Since you guessed that my target is the three fortresses of Ikebukuro. ”

“There’s no point in me continuing to hide and pretend to be stupid.”

“I probably won’t be able to beat you.”

“I just need to pester you to delay time.”

Saying that, the Dianqi array picked up a black corpse from the side, bit it on the neck of the corpse one by one, swallowed the blood in a big gulp, and the depression of the chest was gradually filled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“With this blood ghost’s body and an inexhaustible blood pack all over the ground, the old man still has the confidence to drag you here.”

That’s his tactic.

I can’t beat you, but don’t try to kill me anytime soon.

I’m pestering you, disgusting you, just dragging time with you!

After speaking, the Dianqi array wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and crashed over like a tank.

Sawada Tsunayoshi watched his footwork as he was disorganized.

Immediately, he stood calmly in place, the flames around him soared, and in an instant, a prototype of a dragon’s head condensed above his right hand.

“Old man Dianche, do you think your proud body will be stronger than an armed yacht?”

Yodochi Formation: “??? ”

“If not, then you will die!”

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