Sawada Tsunayoshi said vampires, but that’s all.

His eyes reflected the creature that did not resemble a human, but he sincerely sighed at the miracle of the Creator.

Even if Sawada Tsunayoshi hammered the heavy flesh and blood of Whale Wood, it also shattered her bones.

Those strange tentacles still did not lose their vitality, and they were still squirming slowly, sucking the blood around her body, trying their best to repair the remnants of her body.

“As long as the heart and brain are not completely destroyed, is this thing immortal?”

“It’s really a strong vitality.”

Sawada Tsunayoshi carefully observed for a while, estimating that in her current state, as long as she could survive, after ten days and a half months, her body would have a chance to recover.

Immediately, he showed a smile, took out his mobile phone, found a contact information from Ribaun, and dialed it directly.

“Say your name and your appeal in the simplest language, and don’t delay my time.”

On the other end of the phone, in a childish voice, he spoke rather impatiently.

In fact, he was also really impatient.

Because he is the owner of the green pacifier in Children of the Rainbow, the mad scientist, Verdi.

A dedicated man who is experimenting in addition to experiments.

“I am Ribaun’s closed disciple, Arya’s godbrother, Sawada Tsunayoshi.”

“I just captured a wild vampire, what are you going to take?”


Emperor Verde was a little silent for a while.

He knew Ribaun, and Ribaun had recently received satisfactory new disciples, and he knew it.

The relationship between the two of them is actually quite delicate, strictly speaking, it can be regarded as quite good.

In addition to Verdi’s hatred of Ribaun’s arrogance, and Ribaun’s hatred of Verdi’s self-confidence, the two actually have a lot of cooperation.

The world’s number one scientist and the world’s number one killer always have a lot of mutual benefits in business.

For example, many of the special bullets used by Ribaun were made by Verdi.

On the contrary, as a killer, Ribaun also helped Emperor Wildi solve many ‘small troubles’.


Verdi and Arya are also very acquainted.

When he was a child, Verdi was a weird nerd with a very gloomy personality, and he was always taught to be a person with his IQ.

Fortunately, he has a natural mother who is gentle and virtuous, and gives him the most love just like Sawada Tsunayoshi’s mother.

Unfortunately, his mother died when he was twenty-three.

From then on, on the same day every year, Verdi would take his mother’s favorite flower and spend a day in silence at her tomb.

In his heart, he admired people who exuded maternal brilliance in their bones.

And Luche happens to be that kind of person.

Ribaun saw Lucher as a chief and sister, and Verdi saw Luche as a substitute for his mother to some extent.

After Lucet’s death, her child Arya continued to carry on this brilliance.

As an uncle, Emperor Weird also gave help as much as he could.

That is to make the Giliugane family an arms tycoon in the mafia world, specializing in selling the black technology he developed.

It can be said that in addition to the two like-minded scientists with him, the two people that Wildi cares about the most have an extraordinary relationship with Sawada Tsunayoshi.

It’s just that.

The grammar and wording of ‘just captured a wild vampire’ always reminded him of the experience of running to the Celestial Empire to buy mountain goods when he was developing medicines, and he was almost killed.

Only the wind knows that the cause is simply because of that excessively under-beaten face.

“Wild vampires…”

“Non-human immortals are rare experimental materials.”

“What do you want? If it’s money, I don’t have extra for you, you can trade directly with Arya. ”

The existence of non-humans is not a secret, but it is true that there are pitifully few of them.

Most laboratories engaged in pharmaceutical research and development are keen to arrest them and want to solve the problem of immortality.

Although Wildi is also involved in biomedicine, he still puts more effort on mechanical technology, and does not pay too much attention to this.

However, since the encounter, Verdi is still very interested in dismantling this creature.

“Uncle Will, our relationship is estranged when we talk about money.”

“You know, I have just started a business here, and I have nothing but money.”

“Three days and two heads were beaten on the door, and they were bullied every three to five.”

“A batch of powerful equipment you developed is urgently needed.”

As soon as Sawada Tsunayoshi’s words came out, Emperor Will immediately filtered a lot of nonsense and refined the essence he wanted to hear.

First, this kid thief has money.

Second, this kid was bullied.

Third, this kid needs to be equipped.

As soon as these three points were refined, Emperor Will’s mood suddenly improved a lot.

Equip this thing.

For the world’s number one scientist, it is not difficult at all.

Being bullied, with Ribaun there, I don’t have to worry about it at all.

As for the money.

He really lacks.

And it is very short of money.

Inochandi and Kennehi, who were in the same association as him, were standard scientific madmen.

The three of them had obtained the design of the box weapon that had been sealed since the fourth century AD.

Almost all of his time was spent on the research and development of box weapons.

Over the years, reserves have been depleted, and the saturation of the arms market has also sharply reduced their income.

Recently, they have been discussing whether to sell some experimental versions of the box weapons at a low price to collect funds back and forth….

“That… Great nephew. ”

“Really not bad money?”

Sawada Tsunayoshi affirmed, “My cheap dad is Pengele’s outside counselor, and my cheap grandfather is Sakurajima’s premier yakuza godfather, Inuka Oni Manjiro.

The master is the world’s number one killer Ribaun.

Senior Brother is a business genius in the mafia world, Jumping Martino.

The godsister is Arya from the arms giant.

The younger brother is Kyoya the Emperor of Hesheng Lark.

The collaborator is the famous Kurokawa Foundation in Sakurajima. ”

“By the way, I am still the tenth generation of the future Pengele.”

“The kind that justifies it.”

“Do you think I’ll be bad for money?”

When Emperor Verde heard this, he was instantly ecstatic.

“This… Naturally wronged big head! ”

The three of Wildi, as experts dedicated to scientific research, the most unbearable thing is to be commanded by a group of laymen to do some useless garbage without connotation.

Except for trusted people like Arya, they will not accept any form of funding to ensure freedom and autonomy in research and development.

It’s not that no one has beaten their idea, and the Great Demon King of Ribaun alone killed them to fear.

However, the price of freedom is that there is never sufficient funding for research and development.

“Those old men, I’m too lazy to play with them.”

“There is no reason for such a local tyrant nephew not to use it.”

Thinking of this, Emperor Weir tentatively asked: “Uncle, I have a lot of equipment in this inventory, I don’t know what type of equipment our eldest nephew wants?” ”

Tsunayoshi Sawada held the phone and suddenly smiled.

“Uncle Will, I would like to ask you to help my team design a set of box weapons.”

“At that time, money is not a problem, and you can’t pit me if we have this relationship.”

“This wild vampire should be a gift from my eldest nephew!”

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