Chapter 68 Blasting Barrel, One Hammer!!

The attackers will always neglect the defense to some extent! RNG’s wave of advancement actually made a fatal mistake.

However, this fleeting moment was accurately captured by Lin Fan, who was far away.

This is true, strategize, and win thousands of miles! Casa Wolong’s evaluation is actually extremely accurate.

At this time, the V5 has regained its advantage on the field, and in terms of economy, it has a slight lead.

However, the problem of getting off the road remains.

It’s still hard to hit the line.

Although the last wave of zero for three, but there were no human heads here, the situation was urgent, and the broiler chickens did not care about making heads, and directly ate three kills.

Gala, in Xiaoming’s whole line, did not participate in the walk, he proved his line strength to everyone.

Photic in front of him, can only be described as simple.

Although this lower road broke out many team battles.

However, in fact, AD on both sides is not too much of a beneficiary.

In the pure line stage, Photic was suppressed the whole time.

So, two minutes later.

A tower on the V5 road was pushed off by the gala line.

This is a blood tower!

Zeyuan said very tactfully, “Little P’s fire is still a little lacking.” ”

“RNG found a flaw in V5!”

“Moreover, they are slamming hard towards this flaw!”

At this point, the game has reached the transition stage.

Both sides are spent in the middle, looking for opportunities to break through.

The second canyon pioneer is about to refresh.

The middle line became particularly important, and whoever could handle the middle line first had the qualifications to occupy the vanguard position first.

One tower in the middle of both sides is still there.

This second pioneer is particularly sought-after at this time.

A tower in the middle is a strategic fortress.

Where it goes horizontally, as long as it does not fall.

It is difficult for the other party’s vision to push to the other side of the river.

Once it falls.

The vision becomes a problem.

The processing of side routes can also cause headaches.

So much so that the two sides directly hugged, and ten people on the field all came to the front.

At this time, those belonging to the RNG will and, they are pushing the line.

Nar has come to the front to join his teammates. Moreover, his anger is not badly controlled.

This one, the upper orders on both sides rarely participate in the group.

This is the first time Nar has come to the front.

The lineup of RNGs has a great advantage in the consumption surface before this regiment.

Youji is flexible, and he constantly uses Q skills to poke.

V5 is helpless.

Little Tiger is not greedy, every time W comes up from afar, he throws a Q skill to hit Luden’s passivity, and he immediately goes back.

So much so that V5 simply could not counter him.

Before the team battle started, Lulu and Zeli had already lost a third of their blood.

Although the five people of RNG hugged very tightly, Casa’s did not dare to open the group directly.

Little Wei’s burpee, very thief.

Dressed in a meat suit, he also knew that V5 could not kill him in the first place.

And he has the W skill, the monkey rushes up to start the group, and if he wants to use the E skill to get closer, he must be blocked.

All of V5’s backhand entry skills can’t pass the burpee level.

Instead, V5 people should always pay attention to Poppy’s big moves.

In case the wave is more than an R skill and hammers away the key C bit of V5, then this wave group directly GG.

At this time, Gala’s Lucian, with Nami’s blessing, directly opened a big move.

The monkey at the front of the line bore the brunt.

Casa is forced to use the W skill to dodge Lucian’s move.

Lucian had just finished when Demon Ji came up again.

Still coming at the monkeys.

The purpose of RNG is clear, to engage in V5 wilderness.

If you maim or even kill the monkey, Vanguard V5 is not eligible to compete.

Lin Fan’s barrel was right behind the monkey.

He was stuck in the corner, not yet discovered by the RNG.

This left him no room to go around the back.

Because the team battle is in the middle, a tower is still there.

No matter where he goes around, he will be discovered by the other party.

So, not as good as on the front.

Because he is an output suit, he can’t act as the front row and top the front of the line.

When he saw that Youji rushed up again.

Lin Fan’s eyes lit up.

He finally, waiting for a wave of opportunities.

Xiaohu was a little greedy this time, and he handed over a W, because the distance was not enough, and he was pulled by Kasala.

Two more steps forward.

It has entered the scope of the barrel trick.

Moreover, little Wei’s Poppy also came up to protect Youji’s safety.

Lin Fan pressed W, and then threw the Q skill towards the left front.

At the same time, the big move to blast the barrel also shot.

At this time, Demon Ji just pressed the Q skill.

There is simply no time to react!

Lin Fan’s big move, the angle is very accurate.

Blowing up both Demon Ji and Poppy into the area where Q’s skill is located! Blowing up two people in a bucket.

Poppy, Demon Ji flying in the air.

Lin Fan immediately handed over the E skill and took control again.

Beside Lin Fan, Akali also immediately followed the output.

The barrel W skill smashed down, and then, Lin Fan detonated the Q skill and connected to Akali’s Q.

This wave directly staged the blood bar disappearance technique.

Poppy, youji, full of blood and instantaneous death!

In the process of triggering the passive mirror flower water moon, Demon Ji was directly blown up by AOE indiscriminately!

Lin Fan got the double kill!

Blasting the barrel, finally at this moment, showed his fangs.

His injury startled everyone.

Little Tiger, Wei, his body trembled violently, and he almost didn’t jump.

Lin Fan had not joined the group before, and in the seven-minute wave, he didn’t have any equipment on him.

And did not show much output.

At this time, Lin Fan already had a push stick on his body, plus a useless stick. His development was affected by the seven-minute wave of support.

But a few minutes later, he was online, and he ate two layers of Nar plating.

And find it back.

Moreover, this wave also has Akali damage.

At the same time, Demon Ji is crispy, and Bobby did not appear at this time.

In the opinion of RNG Nakano.

Lin Fan’s previous wine barrels have always been out of the meat pack, and they are all in the front row.

Therefore, this time their attack ignored the damage of the barrel.

A mind-set is formed!

“I’ll go, nuclear bomb barrel?”

“Blood Stripe Disappearance!!”

Zeyuan screamed.

Michael: “His R skill, the angle is outrageous! ”

“This geometric barrel, directly a bucket of double eagles!!”

“RNG, it’s going to rout!”

Lin Fan’s shots were always so deadly.

Throughout the game, Lin Fan didn’t make many shots, but every wave of shots would definitely make the team win.

Nakano’s death, the old scripture made RNG lose the capital to take over the group.

The remaining three retreated as soon as possible.

Gave way to the middle route.

On the V5 side, there are not five people who have rushed to pioneer.

It’s just that Lin Fan and Casa went, and the other three were still pressing head-on.

At this time, it is a good time to unplug a tower in the middle of the RNG.

Impossible to miss.

When Youji and Poppy are resurrected, the chance is gone.

Unplug a tower in the middle a second earlier, and the V5’s vision pressure will not be so great.

After V5 won the pioneer, he immediately came to the middle road in a group and released the pioneer.

Under the tower, the IRNGE people did not dare to defend anymore.

In seventeen minutes and thirty seconds, a tower in the middle of the RNG was broken.

At this time, V5 completely occupied the advantage and initiative.

RNG intra-team voice.

Xiao Wei spoke, “Breathe, this makes us resist.” ”

“Dual AP on the other side.”

“At first, I thought that the other party only had one AP for Akali, and I thought about fighting again later.”

“Neon this person, so weird, played the meat barrel for a season, suddenly changed the outfit idea!!”

Xiaohu thought deeply and nodded, “The wine barrel before him has been playing around.” Every time the group started, it cut in from the rear, and this time it turned out to be in the front. ”

“Eh, he put it again!!”

“However, after your demon resistance is formed, their double APs are weak.”

“Gala, you also make up for the Magic Knife as soon as possible!”

RNG under the disadvantage, the command thinking in the team is not chaotic.

This team, except for playing the World Championship, they are very obsessed with playing in any other competition, they give people a feeling of resilience.

Just watch them play, you will always feel that it is obviously a disadvantage, but RNG just has a chance to win!

It’s amazing too!

Lin Fan also knew the characteristics of the RNG team, so he didn’t dare to relax at all.

They took control of the dragon and began to further encroach on the RNG’s vision and wild resources.

The situation on the field has entered the operational phase.

The operation of V5 rarely made mistakes under Lin Fan’s command.

Lin Fan’s operation thinking is different from the classic Korean operation thinking.

Korean-style operation is through the vision, a little bit of cannibalization of resources, to make up for the difference.

The efficiency of snowballing is slow and often takes a lot of time.

Lin Fan’s operational thinking borrowed from the G2 of that year.

The S9 can be described as the peak year of the G2, except for the last S-crown taken away by FPX.

They won the league double, the MSI title, that year.

The operation of the Summit G2 is snowballing through the economy of fighting more and taking less defense towers through extreme side compression.

Of course, their approach is extreme.

Lin Fan slightly integrated the Korean operation and the G2 operation model.

It has formed an operational idea unique to him at present.

The economic gap is getting bigger and bigger.

Already ahead to six thousand pieces.

The game time also came to twenty-four minutes.

Lin Fan did not intend to continue to drag on.

It is intended to involve RNG through the big dragon. See if you can break through the RNG’s defensive formation, and the main call in the RNG team is Xiaowei. Little Wei is very young, born in 02. The time of working professionally is only about three years.

However, his personality is extremely mature.

And very patient, not at all impatient.

Under this big disadvantage, in the face of V5’s move to force the dragon, he suddenly came by surprise.

His burpee took the lead.

Using a big move, he actually hammered Casa’s monkey outside the battlefield.

RNG immediately launched a counterattack.

Lin Fan’s group used the big move to open to the gala.

Gala has a magic knife, which was not dropped in seconds.

Akali of the broiler was limited by Nami’s entry this wave.

Photic’s Zeri couldn’t keep up with the output.

His ability to find a position was poor, but because he was too anxious to take the head of Lucian, he gave a wave of opportunities.

was flashed by Nar, slapped on the wall, and directly killed.

Lin Fan also died in battle in order to save him!

Fortunately, though, at the end

At the moment, the broiler Akali operated.

Took away Gala and Nami.

In the end, the two sides fought a wave of two-for-three team battles.

On the V5 side, the barrel died, Lulu, Zeli.

Six thousand advantages, V5 still lost the team battle.

“IRNG fans were excited at the game.”

“Little Wei Bobby is invincible!”

“It’s about to turn over, take the big dragon, and the economic difference will be smoothed out in an instant.”

“RNG’s team battles are still so pleasing to the eye.”

“Tears, little wei, this wave is too critical!!”

RNG’s team fighting ability is indeed strong.

Nowadays, all LPL teams are fighting teams, and it is RNG and IG that started the LPL team battle trend in one fell swoop.

The two years of S8 and S9, the battle between IG and RNG, can be called a world war.

Every confrontation is always an endless fight.

A wave of team battles, reaching the resurrection of the single in the previous single, handing over the TP to continue fighting.

The one that hit it turned upside down, and even the avenue collapsed!

Today, the final battle of the bubble race.

RNG seems to have regained its former feelings.

However, this also reflects from the side that some problems in the V5 team battle Lin Fan can’t get the front row, and the teammates have no output space!

Photic needed him to attract firepower.

Otherwise, it is really difficult for him to find a position output on his own.

Every game, V5 always exposes some existing problems.

The good news for V5 is that the RNG duo died on the road, and they didn’t dare to rush the dragon.

V5 also has Akali and Monkey in, and these two are not a big problem.

Through this wave of hard-hitting team battles, Lin Fan also changed his strategy.

Don’t make a fuss about the dragon.

Start punching the side band.

He constantly takes advantage of poor vision, as well as grabbing the RNG defensive gap, sending people to the side or pushing the tower on the side to get the economy.

On the side of the big dragon, it was handed over to Zhongfu.

As long as it doesn’t lose the dragon’s vision, RNG doesn’t dare to rush the dragon.

The timing of this game dragged on to a very late stage.

On each side, there are three small dragons.

Standard Dragon Ball Game!

At this time, Akali was taking the line on the lower road.

The second tower of RNG has long been broken.

Akali is going up to the highlands.

On the RNG side, he was already overwhelmed, and the five of him huddled in Dalongkeng to force V5 to take the group head-on.

When they intend to storm the dragon.

Broiler chickens also had to hand over TP to the front.

“Be sure to pay attention to Poppy’s big move.”

“No matter what method you use, you must avoid it.”

Lin Fan admonished his teammates.

This is likely to be a tiebreaker!

If you take the lead in reducing personnel there, you will win over there.

RNG Five people are inside the Dragon Pit.

At this time, Xiao Wei suddenly rushed out with a flash, and he had already made a big move.

Directly towards Akali, the monkey smashed.

Bang bang ~ Casa, the broiler spirit is tense, and it flashes in an instant.

Without the slightest hesitation.

And at this time.

Lin Fan finally found an opportunity, flashed and rushed up, and the R skill blew Poppy back.

V5 five-person opportunity, Bobby instantly melted! RNG is downsized.

And it is the most crucial field death.

They lost their biggest reliance in team battles, this big dragon, and they had to give up.

V5 successfully won the Great Dragon.

With the big dragon, the next thing is easy to do.

Using the big dragon buff, they are steady and steady, and they are resolutely not RNG positive samples.

After successive breakdowns to the road heights.

Out of the pressure of super soldiers.

RNG finally revealed its flaws.

Lin Fan’s wine barrel attacked again, directly hammering the final word! The two sides fought for thirty-nine minutes.

V5 has finally won! This point is really hard to come by.

Lin Fan felt that this time he had consumed more energy than the previous round of BO5 combined.

And this, he made Lin Fan more determined.

After today’s round of BO5, he will discuss it with nofe.

Let AD start competing for jobs.

In his opinion, Photic’s performance is not enough to compete for the championship

One of the reasons this fight was so tough was that if he didn’t play the front row, Photic wouldn’t play out.

If Photic can’t change, it can’t become stronger.

In the future, Lin Fan’s choice of heroes will be greatly restricted.

Only a rich system can go further.

The style of play is single, and it is easy to be studied thoroughly…

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