Twenty Seven Years

Chapter 317: Counterfeit

  Chapter 317 Counterfeit

   It was as if a riot had broken out in the cafeteria. The workers rushed out and rushed to the factory building.

   "Let's go too." Verac, Winston, Andre, and Benedict followed the workers to the factory building.

  In the workshop, the workers started the machines in full swing.

  The operation of the machine has been basically taught to them in the past two days, so everyone got started very quickly, and at this time with a lot of enthusiasm in their hearts, the production started in a decent manner.

   "Boom..." The sound of the machine sounded, mixed with the mutual urging of the workers.

  Every worker values ​​this familiar yet unfamiliar job.

   Now it is different from their past. In the past, they had no choice but to suffer the exploitation of factory owners passively. Now they have the initiative, and they can make their lives better with their own efforts.

   "Huey! Hurry up, hurry up, get the goods!"

   "Why is the machine not moving? What's wrong?"

   "Let me see! You just accidentally tore off the wire! Just connect it!"

   "Robert, I can handle this alone, you go and help Edward!"

   "Simon, do you want to have a competition? Let's see which of our production lines is the fastest and produces the most?"

   "Okay, those who lose, please drink!"

"no problem!"

  This situation gave Verak the urge to do something: "What can we do?"

"Check the situation and see if there are any problems in each link. We will collect and revise them in a timely manner." Winston immediately arranged several people to take charge of a workshop to check whether the workers had any problems in their work, such as not being proficient in the operation of the machine. , the configuration of the production line is not balanced, etc.

   Time passed quickly, three hours passed inadvertently, and the time came to 11:30, and the morning work was officially over.

  When Andre announced the suspension of production and asked the workers to go to the cafeteria to eat, or go back to the dormitory to rest and do their own private affairs, the workers felt dissatisfied or afraid for the first time.

  They feel that the output in the morning is not enough, even though they work hard, they always feel that the output is not enough.

  They want to work a little longer. Anyway, they used to work for fourteen or five hours. Now, even if they add two hours to their working hours, working ten hours a day is much better than before.

"Shut up! Go back and rest!" Andre responded only to his first rage after coming to the factory, "What do you think this is doing?! Is it bargaining! Is it your charity factory! I understand your expectations! But every time you ask to work a little longer! Give up part of your own interests! You are compromising to the old system! Ten hours is not enough, will it become twelve hours? Twelve If the hours are not enough, will it become fifteen hours? Will the wages also be reduced? Will all the benefits and benefits be closed? It’s only half a day, it’s just the beginning, it’s too early to talk about these things! Is the hour more than enough? We can’t rule out this possibility, so what you should do now is to follow the rules! Work when you need to work, rest when you need to rest, and leave other problems to us!”

  The kindness of the workers, the positive feedback given for their respect, are all good.

   Only under the pilot plant does not apply.

  The specific data has not yet come out. It is still unknown whether it will lose money and whether it will need to make major adjustments in the system. The reason why the pilot factory is a pilot factory is that it is an experiment to test whether their system can work. If it is really purely for making money, then they don't need to spend a lot of time doing this, just do it like other factory owners and squeeze the workers to death.

   "If everyone really wants to do some extra help, please write down what you think can be improved and put it in the suggestion box!" Andre simply drove people out, "Now, get out!"

  The workers knew that they couldn't hold back Andre, so they had to put down their work and left the factory. They either went to the cafeteria to eat, or went back to the dormitory to rest first.

  Anyway, they don’t start working until two o’clock in the afternoon. They have two and a half hours of sufficient rest time, and there is still time for them to rest before going to dinner.

  After all the workers went out, Andre finally showed a wry smile: "Everyone is so enthusiastic..."

"If even this enthusiasm can't make us succeed, then there must be a big problem with our system." Verak believes in the power of people more. He thinks that people can't make profits if they work so hard. The problem must be in the new system. .

   "Hmm." Winston also agreed with Verac's words.

  The enthusiasm of the workers is beyond his calculation on paper, and this unpredictability is the key to success.

   Now that the key is in place, everyone is united and wants to make this happen. It depends on whether the system can stand the test.

   "Should we check the output?" Benedict was eager to know how much fabric the factory had produced in the past three hours, and whether it had met their expectations.

"Don't worry, three hours won't explain anything, whether it's good or bad, we'll talk about it after today is over." Winston patted Verac and Benedict standing on both sides of him, "Don't worry, comrades, We, too, should rest."

   "Yes, eat first, then drink some wine." Veraker was the most relaxed, and even wanted to drink some wine at noon.

   A group of people came to the cafeteria, each ordered a meal, and sat together to enjoy it.

  Verak talked about drinking, but he didn't really do it in order to set an example: "Did you find any problems this morning?"

   "Yes, I found that the production line is a bit long, and there are a little more workers on the line." Benedict mentioned.

   "I noticed this too." Andre echoed.

Although Verac and the others told Winston not to waste his time on learning Bresci, and his precious energy should be used to research theories, Winston still took advantage of the gap to learn Bresci, plus After staying in Brexi for so long, with the blessing of the environment, my listening and speaking have improved rapidly. After listening to what Andre and Benedict said, he said in Bresci: "Yes, I considered that under the normal work efficiency of the workers, this kind of production line allocation should maximize the output, but now Obviously I underestimated everyone's enthusiasm, and the vacated manpower can completely open up an additional production line."

"In addition, I encouraged the workers to actively give their opinions. They are working on the front line and know what help they need in their work. I want to receive feedback. Our adjustments will make changes in production visible to the naked eye." Andre said .

   "Let's keep watching in the afternoon, right?" Benedict asked about the afternoon's work.


"In the afternoon, I guess I have to go to school, and hurry up to implement what the children in the factory are learning, so that their lives can also be on the right track." Benedict is from Kip City, and the school connection has always been entrusted to him. of. Now that production has resumed, he must also hurry up.

   Winston immediately approved: "Go, we can handle it here."

"it is good-"

   "Shhh." Verac signaled for a few people to be quiet, and then tried to look back. Winston, Andre, and Benedict, who understood, all looked back.

   There were a few workers sitting at the table behind them, chatting about things outside while eating.

   "Would you like to add it?"

   "Yes, equality would be great. It is not uncommon to see them doing propaganda, and the government can't do anything to them if the government makes such a mess. There is definitely a future for following them."

   "Haven't you heard? Laizein executes dozens of members of the Equality Association every day. Anyway, as long as they are caught, they will die. I heard from people outside that the government restored the death penalty system just for the Equality Association."

"Your news is old news from hundreds of years ago. Laizein has long stopped executing people from the Equality Association. Because they execute once, the Equality Association will carry out an assassination. Even a general stationed in Laizein Dead, do you think the government dares to fight against the Equality Council?”

   "Then, you have to pay ten gold grams as a membership fee to join the Equality Association, which is too expensive. Can your wife agree?"

   "How can you disagree, following equality will do big things, and you will definitely earn more than that in the future."

  Do you need to pay a membership fee of ten gold grams to join the Equality Association?

  Villac, Winston, Andre, and Benedict looked at each other.

   "The branch station still has this rule?" Verak looked at Benedict.

   Benedict quickly explained: "Our sub-station is very cautious in recruiting new comrades. It will not spread to everyone, and it is even more impossible to charge fees from new comrades."

  Andre said: "Are you sure? If there is any omission in the sub-station, it may affect the factory and club school."

"I assure you, we are very cautious in our actions. The conditions for recruiting new comrades are very strict. It is impossible to admit them openly, and it is impossible to charge any membership fees." The cadres who came here believed in the sub-station.

   "Shh." Verak signaled for everyone to be silent again, then turned around and patted the workers who were talking, "Excuse me, what are you talking about?"

   "Ah? It's nothing, just chatting." The workers turned their backs to Verak and the others. When they were just chatting, they didn't know that the factory owner and others were sitting behind them.

  Verak knew that the Equality Association is still a taboo in public, and the workers dare not take the initiative to bring it up, so they pointed out: "Is it about the Equality Association? Tell me about it, and we are also very curious."

   "You, you all heard?" The worker who said that he wanted to go to the Equality Society to make a lot of money in the future was blinded, for fear that Andre would think that he didn't want to get down here and fire him.

"It's okay, you can talk about whatever you want. This is your freedom. We are just curious about the Equality Association and want to know more about it. For example, they are recruiting people? What else is there for ten gold grams of membership fee?" Verac didn't care about other things the workers said. It's normal for people to go to high places. If this group of people has no ambition and no motivation to make their lives better, that's not what he likes to see.

   "That's, that's..." The worker was still a little nervous under this kind of topic.

Another worker who had just dissuaded him knew that he hadn't said anything bad, and boldly said: "We heard that the Equality Association has come to our light industrial area to recruit people these days, and we only need to pay ten gold grams of membership fee. If you can become a member of the Equality Association and be protected by the Equality Association, you can find the person in charge of the Equality Association to uphold justice if anything happens in the future."

  Verak turned his head and glanced at Benedict.

   Benedict shook his head slightly.

   Now Verak has some confidence in his heart.

   Paying the membership fee and publicly recruiting people, Benedict may not know about it, but there is absolutely no possibility for him to be unaware when the sub-station goes to the light industrial zone for activities. After all, he is now in charge of assisting Verak and the others in running the factory, and the movement of the Equality Council in the light industrial zone is under his control. Without his authorization, no one in the sub-station would dare to openly recruit people here.

   "From what you mean, the Equality Association has gone to other places to recruit people?" Verak continued to cross-examine.

"We don't know about other places. Anyway, Kipu City is like this. We heard that there are equality associations in other streets recruiting people a month ago. Maybe they have just absorbed the people from those places. Today we heard that they are here. There are activities in the light industrial zone." The worker replied.

   "It started a month ago?" Willak was surprised.

   "Yes, we heard about a month ago that the Equality Council was recruiting in certain streets in Kip City."

   "It has lasted for so long and caused such a big commotion, even you know it, but we have never heard of it, or we haven't done a good job." Verak said something that the workers didn't quite understand.

  Of course, this sentence is not for the workers, but for Benedict.

  Equality Association has always been at the grassroots level, doing work among the masses. However, counterfeit goods appeared in the name of the Equality Association, and the sub-stations didn't even know about it. This was a major work mistake!

   What will the public think of the Equal Society once these fakes have swindled enough money and left?

   "Yes." Beads of sweat dripped from Benedict's forehead.

  Since its establishment, the Kip City branch of the Equality Association has assumed the heavy responsibility of supporting the main station, and there has never been any problem. This time, it was really embarrassing for someone to find out such a big trust-affecting issue when someone came from the main station.

   "What about the membership fee? Do I still need to pay to join the Equality Association?" After clicking Benedict, Verac held back his anger and asked for information.

   "Of course it needs money. It's the Equality Association. They can beat the government so hard that they dare not fight back. We seek asylum from others. How can we get by if we don't pay some money." The worker took it for granted.

  Verak grinned.

  The real Equality Association is under tremendous pressure to seek benefits for the workers in the factory, but the fake Equality Association continues to deceive the people behind the scenes to collect money.

  This is ridiculous!

   And it is uncertain how many such organizations exist, bluffing and deceiving in various places, consuming the credibility of the Equality Association.

   "Do you know where they are?" Verak's eyes flashed murderous intent, he wanted to kill these liars himself.

   It is not only to tell the truth to the people, but also to prevent the reputation of the Equality Association from being inexplicably tainted. Even more for those comrades who died, their lives should not be a tool for this group of **** to seek personal gain!

  (end of this chapter)

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