Twenty Seven Years

: end of paper summary

  Summary at the end of the volume

  This concludes the longest volume of the book so far.

  This volume is called 'War and Peace', and although it still doesn't explain it well, it has written everything I wanted to write.

   I am honored to have written such a story.

  In the past year or so, it seems that I have pulled out my heart. I can't count how many times I wrote with enthusiasm, and I can't count how many times I wrote with tears.

   Now, Verak has left Laizein again, but this time he is alone, and he does not know how long it will be before he returns.

  What kind of difficulties awaits him and the comrades, and whether they can witness the arrival of the beautiful new world of freedom, equality, unity, will be presented in the next final volume "Brave New World".

  Thank you for your support along the way.

  Thank you to every genuine reader.

  I hope that in the end, I can create the story of the last volume and finish this book well.

   I wish you all peace and longevity.

  See you at the end.

  (end of this chapter)

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