Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 128: Macabuda 23

The dwarf finally got rid of the paralysis brought by the lightning, and endured the sting to re-observe the surroundings. There were blurry colors everywhere in his field of vision, and he knew that his eyes were seriously injured. It's a pity that in order to enter Macabda, the gnomes did not have all the magic equipment with them, not even healing potions. He has been mad at the injury just now, and now he just wants to take revenge as soon as possible.

Since he could only see the faint shadow of his opponent, he decided to attack with a fireball, but even the simple judgment of distance was difficult for him. So he used the soul connection to call the sight of the magic pet, at least to see the battlefield situation from another angle.

Then he saw a war hammer grow bigger and bigger in his field of vision, and then there was the sudden darkness and the pain like cracking the skull. The death of a familiar is like ripping off a part of the wizard's soul, leaving the gnome unable to concentrate on keeping the spell in hand. The fire elemental fled in front of him, scorching his fragile face again.

'What other spells can be used? ' The dwarf's mind went fast. Another feathered arrow came, and the persevering stinky woman still didn't give up, and the magic of protecting the arrows was almost impossible to hold. It seemed that everything was starting to get out of the dwarf's grasp, and he never imagined that he would meet another human mage in Macabuda. In this operation, did the Mages Association still set up any hidden lines that were not discovered?

At the moment when he was distracted, Siegel threw the warhammer out. Attacks need to be continuous, and change the way as much as possible, so that the opponent can't catch the rhythm. This is the teaching of the dwarf Erint, although he does not understand what spell combat is, but the experience summed up from life and death combat is correct. The spell that protected ranged weapons finally couldn't keep up with the consumption of continuous attacks, and came to an end under the heavy blow of the warhammer. The dwarf's belly was hit hard by the hammer, and he curled up and rolled backwards holding the warhammer.

When Siegel caught up, the dwarf finally removed the warhammer from his chest and pushed him aside with both hands. He saw a phantom figure coming to him, with a fluttering cloak behind him. The gnome fights hard, squeezes all the magical energy from the body, and calls the fire element to come, ready to use the burning hand with the last force. This is the second Knox Brotherhood wizard to use the Burning Hand to attack Siegel, an anomaly that intrigues squid who also know the magic spell. Maybe they improved the spell to be more powerful and harder to guard against? He thought as he stomped on the dwarf's right hand. When the two palms cannot be combined, this spell cannot be cast. Siegel knew this from his earliest days at the kobold camp.

To the Mage's surprise, the fluctuation of the fire element continued, and the casting process was not completely interrupted. Siegel squatted down quickly, using his skull knuckles as rapiers, stabbed swiftly and fiercely in the dwarf's throat and eye sockets. The syllables of the mantra came to an abrupt end, and this life, which had been mutilated, fell into silence.

Siegel double-checked several times and determined that the dwarf was indeed dead, and then stood up. The raven landed on his shoulders and called out twice as if taking credit. Its belly and tail lost a lot of feathers, and it has lost its former grace. Siegel picked up the raven and carefully examined its wounds, and found that the tight scales beneath the feathers blocked further attacks by the hound, and even the sharp claws and canine teeth could not penetrate this protection. When you get back to Waterdeep, you have to find out what's going on with the scales, Siegel reminded himself that he had never heard of anything like it.

At this moment, a small group of orc warriors marched in a neat queue, a total of ten people, wearing delicate breastplates, holding long hooked knives, and carrying flying axes and machetes. The three-eye pattern on their breastplates, painted with red waterproof paint, marks their elite guard. Since Balon the Raven fought the Hound and did not patrol the sky, the orcs were allowed to approach the battlefield through the surrounding darkness. They were just ten paces away when Siegel lifted the raven to examine the wound.

"Ka!" The orc elite was stunned for a moment, and the leader raised his fist beside his forehead, then waved to the right. The orcs behind them stopped as quickly as a neat machine, and separated to both sides to form a conical array.

Siegel was also stunned. He paid too much attention to the battle with the gnome and the injury of his familiar, and as a result, he neglected to control the battlefield. Looking at the throwing axes on the waists of the group of orcs, each warrior has four, and it is believed that they can throw them all within five seconds at their throwing speed. No matter how powerful the mage is, unless it can be teleported instantly, it is impossible to survive this kind of attack. Even if the protection spell is used to reduce the damage, it may still cause limb mutilation, making it impossible to use the next spell. Siegel couldn't think of a way for a while, but he still stood up and faced the enemy bravely.

He forgot for a while that he was still in the form of a skeleton.

Suddenly, all the orcs knelt down on one knee, bowed their heads and saluted Siegel, shouting, "Rockta!" This means victory in the orc language, and is often used as a salute or battle cry. The orc's elite attitude made the mage lose his mind for a while, and then he tried hard to think about the meaning behind it, until he remembered his skeleton form. 'Death knight, the orcs must think of me as a death knight. ' Siegel thought, 'This means that the death knight on the dragon is likely to be allied with the orcs, or even have a higher leadership position. The attack on the Jackdaw tribe during the Harvest Festival was not an isolated incident, but rather cleared the way for an orc attack. Maybe the strategy and conspiracy are deeper, after all, there is a lack of things that can interest the dragon on the grassland. ’

When in undead form, Siegel was able to abandon the influence of emotions on his thinking, so he could think about problems more quickly and connect several things in series. He immediately thought of Waterdeep City. Whether it is the Masked Lord Council or the Mages Association, they all possess huge wealth and rare resources, and only these can impress the Dragon Race. But why does the dragon cooperate with the undead, and what is the secret behind it? Originally, Siegel thought that the skeleton riding the dragon was an isolated incident, but judging from the reaction of the orcs, there should be more than one death knight, so who organized them?

The orc captain raised his head and looked at the standing skeleton. These undead monsters are powerful and eccentric, and they don't know when they will cast death spells. His former captain was killed by a purplish-black ray just because he drank bone broth in front of the death knight—that was his meal that day. Although he takes over as the new captain, he also understands that the punishment from these undead is sometimes quicker and harsher than that of the Three-Eyed Warlord Lunt.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, and he never felt so nervous even when he faced the mountain giant who refused to accept discipline with his bare hands. The death knight was holding a crow in his hand (the orc misunderstood it), and it looked bigger than a normal crow. He thought of the magic light that erupted here just now, and guessed that the crow might be a mage's pet.

So where is the master of the magic pet? He saw the dwarf at this time, burned by fire, penetrated by lightning, smashed in the stomach by heavy objects, and pierced in the eyes and throat by sharp objects. The orc captain swallowed hard, feeling that he had met a very tyrannical death knight—damn bad luck!

Siegel came back to his senses and saw the captain of the orc staring at Balon and seemed very curious. He analyzed the other party's thoughts, had an idea, and gave orders to the magic pet. Then he squeezed the raven's neck, pretending to twist it hard. Baron gave a very cooperative "Ka~", stuck out his small tongue and lowered his head, pretending to be pinched to death.

Then Siegel raised his arm and pointed in any direction, as long as it was away from the port. He kept in mind the truth of saying more and more wrong, but said casually in an unquestionable tone: "Da!" For some reason, the orc captain felt that his comprehension was beyond ordinary for a moment, and nodded and replied: "Swobu!" (Orc language "Yes") and then led the team to stand up immediately and run neatly in the direction Siegel chose.

If it weren't for the skeleton form, Siegel would definitely wipe the sweat from his forehead, let out a long sigh of relief, and then calm down the excitement of surviving. After confirming that the footsteps of the elite orcs were gradually moving away, Siegel returned to his normal state and turned around.

Feizak, who was hiding on the ground and pretending to be dead, and Mana, who was hiding behind the box, also had the same mood for the rest of his life. Especially Mana, she was thankful that she had rejected the "kindness" of the Knox Common Association and chose to help Feizak, otherwise she would definitely become a corpse on the ground like a dwarf now.

The man in the cape made her completely invisible, but since he bought her with a dragon tooth dagger, the female archer had a good impression of him. This kind of goodwill affected her judgment, and even Siegel's sudden departure in the morning was misinterpreted. Mana believed that the Mage had already discovered the conspiracy of the Knox Brotherhood at that Although this idea is not far from the truth, she mistakenly believed that her "sneak behavior" had long been known. 'This is why he arranged for me to be the queen', Mana's thoughts went further and further, 'He is testing me to see if I can put things right. ’

"Master Mage." Mana immediately knelt down on one knee, put the longbow in front of her, and lowered her head, her nervous hands and feet softened. In order to disguise herself as a man, she cut messy short hair, although the pale gold color was still very beautiful, but now it was trembling like a straw in the wind. As knights swear allegiance to their lords, or mercenaries swear their oaths to their captains, Manna struggles to keep her voice in check so as not to break her sentence: "I will give you my longbow and my skills, and obey your commands, only Ask for your asylum."

It was the first time that Siegel faced such a situation, and he instinctively wanted to ask Sir Bill about how to deal with it - but the Baron was not here, only one-eyed Faizac. The old man was just as well-informed, and when he saw Siegel's questioning gaze, he nodded, signaling the Master to agree.

"Uh, okay," Siegel replied, "As long as you serve faithfully, I'll shelter you."

At this time, the female archer really calmed down and was finally able to say goodbye to her past. She wanted to give the new "master" a smile, the way she did to the Earl's Son, but when she looked up, she saw that Siegel had turned his back on her. The mage took a few quick steps, supported the lame Feizake, and shared the old man's weight.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll take you out of here." Siegel said to him with a Welcome to reading, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all at~www users please go to read.

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