Twenty Sided Dice

: Sheet 130 Kaiichi of Fate

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After the pink beam of light completely eroded the magical enchantment that shrouded Makabuda, it began to darken gradually until it became a completely opaque canopy. At this time, the battle between the "Alchemist" and the one-eyed witch sacrifice was over. The orc who was robbed of the home field advantage fell to the ground covered with rubble. His chest was completely torn open, and all the internal organs inside disappeared. The nearby flesh melted and rolled over, as if scorched by silver flames.

There were a lot of dead bodies lying around, most of them died in fights with each other. For the sorcerers of the Knox Common Society, manipulating the mind is their specialty, and with the help of the power of the Wraith, this ability is brought into full play.

"Alchemist" Eric finally took off his disguise. The fake leather that had been burned by the witch sacrifice many times with holy flames had become overwhelmed and turned into scraps full of holes. Now he tore it off and tossed it aside. If Prince Aaron was here, he would have cried out in surprise, because the bald old man who appeared under the fake skin was one of the leaders of the Knox Common Association, a teacher named Casper.

Partly with reference to the demon skin grafting technology, Knox has managed to create such a set of realistic skins with autonomous vitality, which can fool most of the identification of the naked eye and magic. For the plan of the New World, the joint meeting has been preparing for a long time. They collect materials, create magical equipment, and use their wealth to spy on secrets. Now it's finally time to harvest the first step.

Master Kasper made a random move, and a staff studded with flame soul crystals broke through the void. Macabuda's defensive barrier has been taken over, and now the teleportation spells across the realm can function normally, and the superintendent has begun to call for helpers. After a while, his disciples and subordinates will receive a message, and they will rush to the ruins of the Makabuda Beastmaster Hall to witness the establishment of the first Red Shadow Spire.

He savored the joy before victory. Wander through the great halls covered in blood and dust. The statue of the guardian deity of the orcs has been blown to pieces, and the original standing image of the beastmaster only has two mutilated feet. Under his feet is the core of the entire Macabuda enchantment. Now it has been replaced by a flame soul crystal. This Fire Soul Crystal was of better quality than the one Siegel had, and it was packaged with Glyphs of Gold and Mithril. Formed complex magical runes. The resentful spirit in the flame soul crystal is controlled by the rune, and it continuously outputs the energy required for the operation of the spell. The soul core crystal made of the most proud magic technology of the Knox Common Society can provide almost all the infinite power required for the operation of the magic enchantment.

The only thing needed to make soul core crystals is resentment, a new species that is different from ordinary undead. Currently, it only gathers in large numbers in the extreme north of the new continent, and is already very close to the edge of the wall of storms. The Knox Commonwealth has been under pressure since its inception, and their mastery of mind-controlling spells are weak against thoughts, mind-barriers, and even simple spells of warding off evil. Until five hundred years ago, the Wall of Storms receded. A brand new continent is revealed, and Knox will receive the attention and guidance of a new **** named Rehad, the **** of red flames, and thus discover the existence of the spirit of resentment. Since then, a series of new spells have been built on the research of wraiths, and the powerful possessive control ability of the new species is really fascinating.

As research progresses, deeper secrets are uncovered. Many mages believe that controlling the soul is to modify the fate of the subject, which is a very unwise and unclean behavior that consumes energy, so many spells for protection and control have been researched. The reason why resentful spirits can easily possess and succeed is that they are born with a powerful force of destiny, which is enough to cover the soul of the subject.

This discovery opened a new chapter for the Knox Common Society. It is better to extract the power of fate and use it as a magic tool to simply use the ghost for possession. on the basis of. A variety of new magic circles and magic items have been born one after another, and the power of mind control spells has been continuously strengthened. The sorcerers of the Knox Common Society finally saw the hope of rising. But the spirit of resentment hides in a remote and extremely cold place. It is extremely difficult to obtain, and the nearby Wall of Storms will interfere with the operation of the teleportation spell. Walking in the past is too expensive, so we must find a way to mine this resource.

* Teacher Kasper proposed the Magic Tower plan, which is the Red Shadow Spire. By building this kind of tower in a specific location, you can induce the wraith to go south and capture it. At the same time, this kind of magic tower can also strengthen the power and influence range of sorcerers' spiritual magic, and is the best protective fortress.

It is different from the magic towers in other research directions. The towers that focus on mind control need to be built in densely populated areas, so Macabuda is a good choice. It's close to the coast. It is also the largest town closest to the north. But the orcs have been entrenched here for many years, and their power is deep. That's why Master Kasper went out in person, vowing to keep it in his hands.

He looked at the constantly running flame soul crystals with satisfaction, summoning his magic equipment from the void one by one and wearing them on his body. In the energy field with the flame soul crystal as the core, he can break through the rules applicable to wearing magic items. So the eight magic rings were at work at the same time, and the purple-red Thousand Eyes Robe was burning with dangerous and deadly flames in each pupil. Six magic rune stones are constantly revolving around him like satellites, providing different spell protection capabilities, and can also counterattack according to the situation. At this time, he took off the anti-detection talisman on his neck and put on a gemstone necklace of true knowledge. Now he no longer needs to hide his identity, but he wants to prevent others from deceiving him with spells.

He turned around the statue of the Orc Patronus and came to the heel of the wreckage, where he wanted to see another survivor of the battle. Count Maxime fell weakly to the ground, his legs were pierced by the flame rays, he had lost the ability to move, and his right shoulder was empty, and his severed right arm had already exploded in the battle. for fly ash. In addition, there are countless large and small wounds on the Earl's body, most of which are caused by explosions and flames. These wounds caused him to lose a lot of blood, and he is now helplessly awaiting death.

However, he also witnessed the entire battle and saw the power of the strong army. Although he is certain to die, there is still hope in his heart: the eldest son who remains at home can inherit his title and fief, and the second son may one day become an equally powerful mage. I just don't know if his move through the city wall mountains was successful, and did the frostbite on his feet heal?

Casper stood in front of the count, looking at the other party's unpredictable expression with interest, guessing his inner thoughts. This is one of the favorite games made by enchanting faction mages. It can exercise their ability to grasp the mind and control the mind. Being able to become a teacher, Casper is naturally good at this. He smiled and said to the count: "Are you thinking about your family? Especially your two sons?"

The count spat on the ground. But only a cloud of blood sprayed out. "Anyway," said the Count, with reluctance, "Makabda was destroyed. I have died without regret."

"Actually, it wasn't my intention to destroy the port here," Kasper said. "How could I destroy what is about to fall into my hands? It's just that there are other people doing damage here and burning my most important thing. Three shipyards."

"Oh, this is something I like to hear." The Count has lost all consciousness, and he can't even make a smile. "I remember that two shipyards were destroyed by you before you lied to me to come to the Beastmaster's Palace?"

"Yes." Kasper said calmly, "I'm afraid I have nothing left but a maintenance dock now. But this will only delay my plans and will not affect my victory."

"Have you heard the buzzing of the flies?" Count Maxime breathed hard, making a hoarse sound in his throat. Then he said, "You think you can drive away flies with just a wave of your hand, but you don't know they've laid eggs in your food and spread the plague in your wounds. You'll end up dying in a buzzing pile of flies. corpses become food for maggots."

"The place where the red flames shine, I can seek eternal life." Casper is not in a hurry, nor is he angry, it is all nonsense of dying people, how credible is it? But he had news to tell the Count, to quell his pent-up anger when he was called to and fro on his journey.

"When you and I were talking, your bloodline was cut off." It was like saying a trivial and ordinary thing. Master Kasper's tone was as calm as a deep pool in a cold winter, yet at the same time bone-chilling. "Your eldest son died from a fall from a horse, your second son was shot as a wild goose. Your eldest grandson fell ill and was reunited with his father, and your two illegitimate sons in the city sank to the bottom of the sea. This younger brother had no son before his death, so the blood of our family has been cut off, and you are the last person in the Maxim family who is still alive."

This news hit the count like a sledgehammer. He denied the news, but he had a hunch that "this is true" in his heart. "I curse you, curse you not to die! You will have no children and grandchildren, and your name will be cast aside forever! The King of Justice Knights will judge you. I will drive you into the bottomless abyss, and you will never be reborn!"

"I have been to the bottomless abyss. There is nothing special there." Kasper replied: "The King of Justice is just a weak warrior god, in front of my red god, the red flame demon heart Rehad. Not even a storm can rise. Do you know why I spent so much time destroying your bloodline?"

The Count ignored him at all, and instead used the last of his strength to curse, and continuously imposed the most vicious curse on the "Alchemist". *Master Kasper let him talk nonsense, lifted the staff full of flame soul crystals, and slowly inserted the sharp end into the earl's heart, while muttering words in his mouth. The power of magic was concentrated on the staff, and the flame soul crystal continued to vibrate, making a strange sound. Then the surrounding sand and bricks slowly floated up, spinning continuously around the beam of light. The Count exhaled his last breath, and eternal darkness enveloped him. Then his body was ignited by red flames and burned to nothing, not even the ashes were left. The flames joined the beam of light and then attached to the masonry. Under the control of the master's spell, a magnificent magic tower began to take shape.

Important bloodlines play an important role, and the power of fate can be harvested in the process of severing them, which is the same as the essence of the Wraith, but the result is very different. Although the reason for this is still unclear, the two complement each other and can be used as the basis for the formation of the Red Shadow Spire.

More than a dozen mages from the Knox Common Society rushed to Makabuda, and after they escaped from the teleportation, they joined the joint spellcasting. As the magical energy continued to gather, a red and black tower rose from the ground.

From the outside, it looks like a huge flame soul crystal. (To be continued)

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