Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 183: Heim's lead

readx(); The residents of Heimland learned the news of the victory, and experienced a state of consternation, surprise, and surprise. To be able to continue a peaceful and undisturbed life is the hope of every civilian. A war with the great lord of the south started silently, and then ended quickly. In addition to making the drinks in the tavern sell better and the villagers more talkative, the biggest benefit was to make the relationship between human and half-orc inhabitants better. more harmonious.

Apart from the Orcs from Stone Village, Siegel had no sign of the militia. He knew that more militias would be of little use if the plan he and Janet had made together didn't work out. Although it is the duty of every civilian to perform military service for the lord, if they can avoid the battlefield and switch to safer labor, no one will feel bad.

Flying wasn't enough for Siegel to get back to the castle, so when he got back to the ground he summoned the Phantom Horse. The soldiers of Shiroland have all passed the rope bridge. Under the surveillance of the soldiers led by Mana and Humke, they will return to their homes in the south through the Ore Avenue. There are only a dozen villagers in the Rift Valley cleaning the battlefield, and they have harvested thousands of various weapons, more than 40 horses and various armors. With the exception of some well-crafted weapons, Siegel, to be put away, waiting to be redeemed by their knight masters, he will give out as a reward to everyone who takes part in this battle.

As for the captured vanguard cavalry, they were very valuable and could be exchanged for a large ransom from Viscount Dre. But the money didn't fall into Siegel's pocket either, and he had an invisible ally to thank.

"Varney County helped a lot this time," Siegel said to Janet. "And it's all because of your hard work. It's amazing."

Janet smiled, and she looked even more dazzling after her marriage, always brimming with happiness. Her dream finally became a reality, a stable home, a caring husband, a heroic knight and a well-mannered gentleman. This is the sweetest dream in the world, so any threat to destroy this beauty must be eliminated.

Although the Uther family is powerful, they are not without enemies. Even if you can't find an enemy, you can make one for them. Janet thought of the family of Baron Aureth Hugel, County Warney, who had been unknown for a long time. Although they mainly cultivated barley and sugar beets, they have always been low-key among the southern aristocracy, but it does not mean that they do not have any ambitions. If the Uthers took Heimland, then the county of Varney would be completely caught in the middle. There is never a day to come. Janet thought of this, so she wooed Baron Hugel and asked him to stumble upon Viscount Uther.

The plan, planned by Janet and executed by Faizac, worked wonders, so Siegel knew the route to the Rift Valley. Know the most vulnerable position of Hero's army. He only needs to make sure that Viscount Dre takes the bait, and then wait for the opportunity to ambush.

"The matter in Warney County still needs to be kept secret, and Baron Aures hopes that any rumors will get out." Janet said with a smile: "He is still very careful, such a partner is worth cultivating."

"Cultivation?" Siegel also smiled: "Do you think our Heim Territory is strong enough to cultivate other territories?"

"Sooner or later." Janet blinked, held up the corners of her skirt, and ran away from Siegel. "After the battle, do you still have strength?"

"After seeing blood, I really need a woman."

The event, which the troubadour called the "One-Day War," was widely circulated in the South and was written into poetry. in it. Lord Sigal appeared on both battlefields at the same time, commanding the orc Humke and the human Mana to defeat the invading enemies. However, people knew very well that the Dre Uther family could not be taken lightly among the southern aristocrats, so they changed the reason for the end of the war: because Baron Siegel's heroism touched Viscount Dre, the two sides fought like aristocrats. Talk and finally decide on a truce.

Such a dramatic process adds some good passages to the poem, but also breaks the poet's head in finding the right rhyme—but it's just an episode in life.

Heimland finally had a chance to breathe and develop, and the fame gained in the "Battle of a Day" also brought many knights here. After seeing the beautiful city of Myr, many knights approached Siegel and wanted to swear allegiance to him. Siegel took them in as knights of the territory. But the guards and militias were not handed over to them. Hunk and Mana are still the people he trusts the most.

The knights form a single team and will become the lord's guard, a pure cavalry unit. Siegel wasn't too concerned about this. He felt that his magic was the real guard, and the knights couldn't keep up with him. However, Janet scratched Siegel's chest and lay lazily beside his pillow, saying that these are the necessary rules for territorial nobles, and they should not be changed easily.

"Guardian knights are an honor," said the kitten. "They don't want anything more, just this."

Being kind is one of Siegel's virtues—though Sir Bill would have some objections. But he's not around now after all. After leaving the knights, there were also many craftsmen, merchants and honest farmers who came here. They thought of Heim to try and see if they could find a good life. The population of Heim Territory began to rise, and the manpower and production capacity of the gold mines also increased, which greatly promoted commerce and consumption in the territory.

The stable development of the territory means that Siegel's life has become very regular.

Moore had completed the most basic combat training, and his stamina, strength and swordsmanship had a certain foundation, so Siegel began to approach him and teach him martial arts. Perhaps it was the life of a mage that tempered Siegel's mind and calculation skills, and he became more efficient and harder to hit in battle. Instead, Moore slept stiff and sore every day, covered in bruises.

However, this kind of training benefited the young squire a lot, and he quickly improved, and soon he could learn more skills with the new knights. Feizac took this matter in his eyes, knowing that there was finally hope of a knight at home, and he worked even harder.

The steward of the territory has never been available, but Janet took over this matter, and Feizac finally felt much more relaxed. He came to Siegel today to report on a secret investigation arranged a while ago.

"Mr. Baron Siegel, there have been three places where earthquakes frequently occur in the New World in the past ten years. In addition to the rift area near us, earthquakes often occur in the Remnant Hills and Elven Forest in the northern wasteland. But these two Places are recorded only because they are inhabited, and it is difficult to say whether earthquakes occur in those deserted areas."

Siegel nodded, explained a few things about the territory, and let Feizak leave. He didn't want anyone to see his worries. After the skeleton warrior's remains were brought back, Siegel, driven by interest, soon began to study it. There is nothing special about the skeleton itself, it is only made from the most common human corpses, and all its power comes from the patterns on its body.

This is a brand new power system, there is no way to start, and spells such as parsing spells and deciphering cipher texts are ineffective. Siegel also brought the skeleton to Modesti, but the Dragon Girl just shook her head and could do nothing about it.

Over time, the patterns on the skeletons began to melt away, like rusted iron, and the bones followed suit. The erosion of the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire shows its power. It is believed that this skeleton will turn into dust and disappear from this world soon.

The only thing Siegel could do was to carefully record the patterns on his body for future study.

In this way, Siegel lived a regular life of exercising, learning, applying spells to build castles, and adjudicating disputes over territories, temporarily forgetting those disturbing things outside the territory.

He's a decent fighter when it comes to using the longsword, and many aren't actually his opponents. But Siegel knew that because he was the lord, many knights would not really use their full strength. Only the half-orc Hunk wouldn't be merciful, breaking Siegel's nose several times and leaving large and small bruises on his body - but Hunk was not much better, with the same miserable face. Only someone from the wild north who struggled all day to survive would be so forthright. So Siegel said to the knights, "I'm a mage, but if your swordsmanship is not as good as mine, how can you be called a real knight?"

Then he will leave the training ground and return to the huge body of Myr City. After months of hard work, in the autumn, all the outer walls of the castle were finally built, the rooms were divided, and the rest of the work was basically done inside. Dwarven rune masters are eager to use reinforcement runes everywhere, trying to make every place able to resist the attack of trebuchets. Fortunately, the gold mines of Zebra Mountain can support the cost of the castle, and Siegel also happens to learn the knowledge of runes from the dwarves. Now the castle is full of dwarves walking around, Modesty was so disturbed that she flew back to Saint Ser Peak after the outer wall was repaired.

Siegel knew how to get her back, as long as he made a large elemental collection circle. In the corner of the castle, in Siegel's study, a large rune-magic circle is being designed. This is the crystallization of his recent study of magic, and he is also preparing for his own work of building a magic tower. .

The rune blueprint has not yet been completed, mainly because it is easy to collapse after enlarging the concept of the rune element array. In the process of separating and filtering the four elements, the rune array is always in an unstable magical environment. The harder you work, the more damaging the working environment. While the rune portion is unaffected, the failure of any one component is magnified. In order to solve this problem, Siegel can be said to have worked hard, and it is very difficult to make a little progress. So he was looking forward to it day and night, hoping that the builders of the Mage Federation would arrive as soon as possible. (To be continued.)

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