Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 218: Void Ship Three

??? Siegel initially thought this voice was an illusion, an echo left in his mind after facing the void for a long time. But why is it the Dragon language, and not his native language, the common language of the Starry Kingdom, isn't hallucination often native language? He stopped and waited for a while, and then heard the voice from the ground again: "Will you save me?"

The mage bowed his head, and there was a smooth cuticle under his feet. This is the remains of a huge creature, so naturally there is a difference between in vitro and in vivo. Siegel felt stupid, and should have thought that there might be complex structures beneath the surface. He pulled out the star dust, slashed it hard at the place where the green lines were the sparsest, and then cut it open.

There was a slight stagnation in the hand, and the cuticle was very tough, but not as hard as steel, and it was quickly cut open. Beneath the transparent shell is a reticular tissue about half the depth of the arm, and then below is the cavity. Siegel saw roads and walls made of steel, supported by stone pillars at intervals. There are only a few green plasma lines, which are wrapped in a thick layer of amber-like glue, emitting a light like an oil lamp, and it will not hurt anyone.

An aluminum-grey guy was standing on the ground, looking up at Siegel who had jumped down. He is about one meter tall, like a child, with a head and a cube-like body, and stretched out slender metal arms and legs. It is a combination of machinery and flesh, like a square box stuffed with meat. Levers, gears and other transmission devices are outside the body, forming joints, and other places are covered with tiny rivets; next to a pair of round glass eyes, two pairs of thick lenses are nested, and different combinations are used at different times; On the upper part of his square body, there is a pair of short wings, but it looks like a broken fan, I don't know if it can still fly.

This is a modron, a type of flesh-and-blood construct whose job it is to take care of its master: a plane, the mechanical plane that symbolizes the eternal order.

Like a worker, Modrons are constantly repairing the Mechanic's devices. Make sure they work properly. It is the embodiment of the power of order, the beauty of perfectly meshed gears.

Siegel descended over him, just in time to see the trauma to the top of the guy's head: a fist-sized hole pierced through the top of the cube, beneath the melted, rolled metal. In the wound illuminated by the electric spark, a fragment of a flame soul crystal was inserted into it.

"Hello, skeleton soldier willing to help, it's a pleasure to meet you." He spoke very fast, and after listening to it, he needed to think back to understand what he said. "Is there anything new out there today?"

Siegel felt dangerous talking to this person. But he still said involuntarily: "What kind of things count as new?"

"Ah! That's right! Everyone's standards are different." This square walking head said endlessly: "If I saw an egg falling on a person's head yesterday, I thought it was very fresh, but not necessarily today. , it will be more uncertain tomorrow. After watching it hundreds of times, it will definitely not feel new! But should it be considered not fresh from that time? It may be that after a period of time without watching it, it will feel fresh again after watching it again. Oh, this is a great proposition for understanding the nature of the soul!"

He continued to talk, and Siegel didn't care to listen, but to observe the surroundings. Nekos hollowed out the corpse of the giant creature. Supporting structures have been rebuilt using resources looted from various worlds. The channels here are tortuous, like blood vessels in living organisms. Siegel watched carefully for a while, and found that the passage was still twisting slightly with the vibration of the voidship.

There is only very weak elemental energy here, which is not enough to support the release of spells. If you use a magic circle, you need to wait for a long time to gather spells such as energy missiles. Siegel tried it, and if he only used electricity as the energy to build the spell, he could release electric **** as an attack method, but he did not have the characteristics of energy missiles to track hits.

Electricity is a direct and swift force, manifested in the spells of both mages and priests. Fortunately, the original lightning-like spells have been enhanced, such as Shock Claw and Lightning Bolt. However, the modified body of the skeleton soldier is very resistant to lightning. These spells should have no real killing effect.

Now that you know that the Void Ship has internal space, the next step should be to find what Monroe called the "spire". Luckily, there's Stardust at hand, and it can always make a way out of this place. He was about to hit the road when he noticed a voice above his head. The Modron with a hole in his head was still talking non-stop: "It's very important to stay curious. Only in this way can you learn things and keep making progress. In order to stay curious, you can periodically delete the knowledge you have learned before. It is also necessary to allow yourself to see the unknown again.”

If you correct his contradictory statement, you will probably be caught in another tirade. So Siegel wisely shut his mouth. Modron stood with his feet on the ceiling, his broken wings unmoved, obviously not relying on the power of flight. Siegel tried to jump up, but still fell back to the ground. But when he jumped hard and touched the ceiling with his hands, the direction of gravity suddenly changed, and he fell to the "ceiling" like a modron.

The surrounding scenery was turned upside down, but it was not much different from the previous one. Siegel tried the wall again and found that he could also stand on it directly. Every fixed plane in this place can walk, and unless it touches other planes, it still falls to the plane angle it left. This created a great obstacle to distinguishing the direction. If it weren't for the "stone pillars" here, Siegel couldn't even tell the difference between up and down and left and right. Channels are inherently uneven, and the accumulation of subtle angular distortions can completely change direction.

Siegel thought of the dwarf Ding Bao's deception array, which formed a qualitative change unconsciously by accumulating subtle changes. If this is the case here, then getting lost is certain. Siegel grabbed the Modron and pressed his mouth, "Shut up and answer my question!"

Modron blinked in agreement. His face was on his body, so he couldn't make a nod -- bowing was another matter -- so he blinked to show agreement and disapproval.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Siegel asked. To prevent him from starting a tirade, he added: "Abbreviated version!"

"I'm Modron, number... (he looked up at Siegel and decided to give up reciting the code), you can call me Dudu, Dudu Dudu, or Erdu. I wandered around the world and was Caught here, and now it's the same as other Nekos skeletons. Repair the ground here and maintain all facilities."

"Why did you call for help just now?" Siegel put the long sword on Modron's head and tapped it lightly to make a rattling sound.

"Because of boredom." Erdu Modron said: "I saw you through perspective, and you were staring at the void. I want to ask you what you saw. Why can you keep paying attention to nothing. I think Once you learn this ability, you will never be bored again.”

"You have great ideas, but I can't teach you." Siegel said helplessly, "Do you know how to get to the Void Ship Spire?"

Modron blinked: "I know, but it's dangerous, it's better not to go."

"Why?" Siegel asked.

"Because there is an Overlord there. He won't like me," Modron replied. "But I can take you there. You're not in danger!"

I will be more dangerous than you! Although Siegel thought so, he nodded and followed Modron all the way. As Erdu walked, he gushed about his story to the skeleton. First, as a worker, working in a place full of clocks and machinery, and later by mistakenly entering a portal to a place called Archista. "The people there treat me well, but they are all dead." Erdu said, "You discovered that world and then destroyed it."

"I'm very new to the world's names," Siegel: "This matter has nothing to do with me."

"Then you must be a newly born Nex warrior. No wonder you still don't recognize your way. Maybe your body came from that world, so we may be considered fellow villagers." Erdu danced and said: "Although it is the first time A fellow from the second hometown, but we are finally familiar with each other, right?"

They walked through the twisted passages, the repeated scenes were tiresome, and the gravity that existed in all directions quickly made Siegel lose his sense of direction. place.

"Sometimes I feel that the void is terrible, but sometimes I feel that the constant repetition in it is even more terrible." Erdu said: "It took me a long time to understand the road system here and find the trick."

"I don't see numbers or signs or anything like that. How do you tell them apart?"

"That's the advantage of having a nose, Mr. Skeleton, I can smell it." Erdu pointed to his soft, flat nose and said proudly: "There is always a stench in the digestive room. The pump The green pool in the house smells sour, the workshop smells like motor oil, but the place where the master is located is too sweet. Maybe the master likes cakes, maybe sugar? Honey?"

"It's convenient, isn't it?"

"It's not always like this." Erdu said, "One time I wanted to smell the smell of water, but I almost choked to death. Then I figured out a way. I found an icicle and stuffed it in, and then I understood the water. The smell. It's just that the nostrils over there are often runny and sensitive to things like pollen. Fortunately, there is no pollen here, and Nyx can do something good, can't it?"

Of course, apart from this matter, most of what Nekos did in Erdu's heart were bad things, especially "eaten" Archista and turned it into various building materials. Erdu said that he witnessed the destruction of that world with his own eyes, and saw the last flash of light in its Then dozens of Nekos' "Void Ships" flying islands leaned on them, extracting a large number of Flame Soul Crystal.

There was much material dug up before the world was destroyed and supplied to the Nykes as material. Erdu was pulled off the ground by gravity, but as a demon, he was able to survive in the void for a short time, so he held on until he landed on the ground. Then it was hit in the head by something falling from the sky, and when it woke up, it was about to be transported into the digester.

"Maybe because I'm a modron, a construct, and it's okay to walk around, so I got up and left the digester. All the skeletons ignored me, even the skeleton knights. But I didn't dare to meet Lord, he should be quite smart and won't show mercy to me. You won't take me to see the Lord, will you?"

"There are two roads ahead, to the left and right," Siegel interrupted. "Which side should we go."

Erdu looked left and right, then smelled it, shook his head and said, "I don't know which side to go, but at times like this, I always go to the left."

Siegel found the road on the right more pleasing to the eye, but he followed Modron to the left. (To be continued.)

PS: Thanks for the reward!

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