Twenty Sided Dice

: Sheet 365 Untitled

Siegel and Evan returned to the camp, and naturally a doctor bandaged them for treatment. And in the basement of a manor thousands of miles away, in a tightly closed small room, a half-elf woman covered in bandages was waking up from a coma.

There was another woman standing beside her.

"You should learn your lesson this time." The standing woman smiled kindly, but the scarred man never thought so. She struggled to sit up, but was slapped in the face with a slap, and the sudden force made her fall back on the slate bed, with a bang.

"You don't have much time, weak No. 81." The standing woman rubbed her palm. The slap just now hit her old wound, and she should continue to punish her for this. She raised her hand and hit "81" in the abdomen hard, but she controlled her strength so that she would not vomit, and she had to clean up - if that was the case, she would continue to punish Eighty One. Eleventh, until I am satisfied again.

"You have food tonight, because you have to continue training tomorrow, how can I make you hungry?" She pinched No. 81's cheek, letting the wound under the bandage burst open again, the red dipping into the white. "I am very satisfied with the look in your eyes, and this crystal tear made me happy. So, I will not pour your meal on the ground." She squeezed No. 81's chest heavily, and then left Room.

Janet held back her tears, propped herself up on her elbows, and slowly got up. She only remembered that she was lying in the elf forest, preparing for the reincarnation ceremony. The ceremony went on for a long time, and her soul was trapped in a strange place. In that illusory space, half of the world is a quiet and peaceful forest, and half of the world is a **** ruled by lava and sulfur.

There is no exit in that world, and there are no other creatures, only her own wandering lonely. Sometimes the world is not half and half, there may be more forests or more hells. Janet stayed on this side of the forest as much as possible.

In the soul world, it is difficult to calculate the passage of time, so I don't know how long it took, the whole world suddenly began to shake. She saw the sky shattered into pieces. She saw the ground break under her feet, and then fell into the endless void. In order to survive, she constantly ran and avoided the shattered land, and sometimes set foot on the hot red soil of hell. Eventually when this little world is completely destroyed. A light enveloped her, leading her out of danger.

Then Janet woke up, wounded in this strange place full of strangers. She knew something must have happened, so she kept her mouth shut. See more, listen more, speak less, move less.

The new body made her very uncomfortable, but finally there was no interference from the devil blood. At the same time, she also lost the ability to transform into a demon, and she also lost dark vision. But fortunately, he has been trained as a spy in the past, and he will not panic in this environment. She quickly disguised her injuries, hid herself in the crowd, observed a lot and learned as soon as possible.

She finds herself in a secret shrine to the **** of murder, and needs restorative training alongside her treatment. She didn't know why she came back here, but she knew her only goal: to get out of here and return to Myr City. Back to my husband and children.

She adapted quickly, picking up skills that she hadn't used for a long time, and combining them with her new body. But she never showed it easily, except when life and death were at stake. Her body was a killer who once ranked No. 17, and now there is only a low-key ranking of "eighty-one" left after being injured. As long as they don't fall outside the top 100, there is no risk of being "eliminated" for the time being. She is a spy codenamed Kitten, trained in spying and camouflage, but also knows what "elimination" is in the Assassin Order.

She heard that there was a mission that would involve Assassins No. 75 to No. 79. This is a great opportunity to get out of the dark basement. She sits up. Adjust the tension of the bandage to make yourself appear non-threatening and not hinder your body's movement. A crutch is good disguise, especially if there are sharp, spiky steel thorns inside. Her other hand is holding a rice bowl. If you stick the vegetable porridge inside **** your face, it can also be used as a good blindfold.

She limped down the corridor, pretending to be recovered when someone came over. Such behavior can be exchanged for a few sneers, along with the benefits of contempt, underestimation, and disarming. Her camouflage ability is much higher than the surrounding killers, which is the most favorable situation for her.

Too bad I couldn't find that sadist, otherwise today would have been perfect. Janet strikes twice. Moved up three places in the ranking and collected a magic dagger, a bottle of traceless powder and three smoke bombs. She scooped porridge with a wooden spoon and ate three servings. As for the new wound on the body?

She looked at it, and there was no sign of poisoning. Anyway, after a while, I have to go to the doctor here to change the bandage, and it will be good for her to continue the treatment.

But things don't go according to people's wishes. His ranking did not rise to seventy-eighth because of his actions, but directly to seventy-one. It is said that there were seven people in front of them who carried out the task, but the whole army was destroyed, and one of them was a master ranked eleventh. So there was no chance for her to go out this time, and Janet could only continue her training here with the name of Seventy One.

She had just the right look of disappointment on her face, making people around her think she was an ambitious assassin. Janet carefully balances "hard-edged" and "unobtrusive." Janet sheds tears only when she is alone.

Isaac... Siegel... Janet repeats two names silently in her heart, but Isaac will appear more. Although the body has been replaced, the connection between her and the child is in the soul, and any magic will cut it.

The steel door creaked, and the sadistic voice that Janet hated rang out again. What number is she here now? Janet thought for a while, and quickly wiped away her tears. She has already touched the icy surface of the magic dagger, and whether or not she can be promoted by one, she doesn't want to deal with this guy anymore.

Unfortunately, there are more footsteps outside the hallway, and things may get out of hand. Janet hid the dagger, took a few steps back, and curled up in the corner, looking at the abuser with frightened but stubborn eyes. By the way, she was originally No. 75, so she was able to go out and "let go". But now it's number sixty-seven, or sixty-eight? No difference, the reason she used to beat others was never the ranking, but the tyranny in her heart.

According to the teachings of the **** of murder. Violence that exists only for the sake of emotion is useless, and sooner or later, No. 67 will be eliminated.

Be patient, she's still learning something.

Janet put away her tears, and the hole in the Lake of Tears was sealed. After discussing with Siegel, Dio agreed to conceal the assassin's actions, the **** of murder. Just take precautions in secret. "You can't make people panic, but that will strengthen the power of the murdering god." Siegel said: "The believers contribute their devout faith, but fear is more likely to make people fall."

From the current point of view, the safest place is still Myr City, where there is a heavy magic circle protection, and basically all of them are novel techniques, which means that there is no ready-made experience to use. Even if it takes a long time for a wizard like Wendy who is familiar with the Magic Protection Array to decipher it, the assassins of the God of Murder want to come in quietly, I am afraid it is not something that can be done in a short time.

The tournament is over, and the engagement ceremony is complete. Formal weddings take place at the starting point. Before leaving, Siegel introduced Dio and Feizak to meet, and arranged everything for More and Nata.

Nata was dressed in a pure white woolen garment embroidered with the coat of arms of a shield and crossed sword, her husband's crest. She lowered her eyelids, and was well-behaved and quiet, one of her hands still tightly clasped by Moir—a rare occurrence.

His younger brother and younger sister snickered while covering their mouths. If it was the past, Nata would definitely rush up and beat them one by one. But today she restrained herself. Because she found that if she left, I'm afraid Moore couldn't support it anymore.

From the outside, Moore is still a handsome young man. He was not wearing armor, but a new fine brown leather coat. The neckline and cuffs reveal the white shirt at the right time. The grey breeches were sealed with gold and red threads on both sides, and the copper buttons were polished brightly. However, More was not as calm as he seemed on the surface. When he saw the Earl of Heimland and the Chief of the Rhinoceros hug each other tightly, as close as brothers, how could he not know what happened?

No wonder Lord Siegel didn't watch a game, it turned out that he had already arranged everything. Is this the ability of a mage lord? When did he establish contact with the tribal chiefs on this side of the Walled Mountains? He felt a burst of dizziness, and only felt that the gap between himself and the lord was increasing.

Nata squeezed his hand tightly, a gentle touch from her fingertips. Moore glanced at his wife before slowly relaxing. In any case, the relationship between myself and Nata finally came to an end, and the biggest purpose of going deep into the grassland this time has been achieved.

"If there is no annoying thing about the man in black, I will let you stay for a few more days." Dio raised his glass and sent blessings to Feizak's health and longevity. One-Eyed Daddy's ash wine glass was filled with sweet wine, sweetened with honey, cinnamon, and cloves, and some strange powder that Siegel had brought.

"It's something for kids," Feizak commented. But for the sake of his health, these herbs are still necessary.

Siegel raised a glass His glass was filled with a soothing potion that looked and smelled like liquor. Although it was bland and tasteless, it was better than Evan who frowned and "swigged" the antidote.

Yarel and the others have poisons left on their weapons. If it wasn't for the shaman of the God of Wilderness being familiar with toxins in the natural world, I'm afraid they would have been ignored. Siegel used his ability to transform into a skeleton to eliminate toxins, but Evan was not so convenient and could only drink various bitter and astringent potions.

"I wish the newlyweds will give birth to a healthy and lively boy as soon as possible." Siegel toasted his wishes. There were cheers on the wine table, and Feizak drank the sweet wine, happy like a child. Dio slapped the table vigorously and kept urging the servant: "Pour down, fill me up!"

Only Evan took a sip of the bitter water with weird foam, and his face twitched. After drinking what was in front of him, no matter what he ate, there was a strange smell, like chewing on a shriveled candle. Fortunately, the toxins in the body are basically eliminated, and when I return to the starting point, I don't need to drink this bitter medicine again.

By the way, the starting point outpost will expand the scale of the fortification, it will be renamed the starting point castle, and then expand to the scale of 2,000 people. A true town will be established on the west side of the Walled Mountains.

This is the first time in history. (To be continued.)

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