Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 43: waterdeep six

After having a wand, the use of spell material packs can be omitted in many cases, which greatly improves the speed and flexibility of casting spells. It's like a duel between two swordsmen, and the first person to draw the weapon will always have a bigger chance of winning. So the wizard will always use the wand as the first choice. But wands also have disadvantages: prolonged use of wands will reduce the sensitivity to magic, and it is easy to lose "feel" when improving spells. Many wizards believe that wands can cause some particular spellcasting techniques to fail, and wizards who try to create new spells to make a name for themselves in history use wands as little as possible. It is said that using a wand to practice newly learned spells will also affect the mastery of the details of the spell, resulting in an unstable foundation of the spell, which will be difficult to improve in the future.

So Siegel didn't buy a wand until it was time to travel, and probably get into a fight.

In addition to the wand, he gritted his teeth and spent money to buy a scroll of flying and invisibility, so the 550 gold coins were spent again. This is really just like what the elf master said, the mage is really a costly profession, and it is no wonder that the elves never accept foreign mage disciples - most of the elf society use it on demand, if the foreign mage apprentices also use it on demand, it will be very difficult. Quickly drain the wealth of the elves.

Deng Shen is still constantly promoting various products, which is the only meaning of his existence. Siegel looked at these good things, and wanted to buy each one, but he had no money. He waved his hand, thanked the lamp **** for his enthusiasm, and said jokingly, "You have free magic items here, so I can take a look."

Deng Shen smiled and said: "How is this possible, even the ineffective Ain stone (a kind of protective gem that revolves around the mage) costs 25 gold coins, the authority tower has always..." Speaking of which, his His face changed, mixed with doubts, surprises and pain, Deng Shen replied: "Don't say it, there is really a magic item here that is free."

He took out a coin with a smiling face engraved on the pure gold side and a crying face engraved on the pure silver side. "It's the first time I found out that there is such a thing. The description for it is 'an artifact, only the child of destiny can use it'. If you want it, I will give it to you, anyway, no money."

Siegel burst into laughter, but when he took the coin and took a closer look, he couldn't find any clues. However, this is indeed a magic item, and it can be felt that there is magic energy flowing from the inside of the gold coin, but Siegel cannot parse its function and principle.

"I thought about it, it's better to continue to create my own destiny and go my own way. Those children of destiny who have various strange missions should let others be the ones. This gold coin should be returned to you and left to others."

After speaking, he returned the gold coins and left the Association of Mages.

There are still a lot of things to prepare for going to the north, and all the equipment must be purchased by yourself, so as to ensure safety. Sir Bill was a good example of this, and Siegel was inculcated in the habit. He stocked up on supplies and bought a nice horse to go with his pony. Afterwards, he found Bucktooth Johnnys and gave him a task.

"Look for someone who is proficient in the language of the northern savages and orcs. I need a guide." Siegel said, "In addition, you can find a stern and reputable agent. I have a business to do."

Buck Tooth agreed and ran out.

Siegel called Mrs. Linda-Dip, gave her two hundred gold coins, and instructed: "I'm going to a long trip, and I won't be back in a few months. These are for you emergency money, if It can be used in case of any changes. Living expenses and employment expenses are still in the cabinet, you can use that as usual."

"Master, you have to pay attention to safety." Mrs. Deep collected the money and said: "Carl has entered the study of the trainee priest and has begun to contact some magical rituals. He said that he is very grateful for the opportunity you gave him. You serve."

"That's great. Just treat me to a big meal after he finishes his studies!" Siegel was sincerely happy, and then said: "By the way, Ms. Linda, you can find a way to buy some flour and fry it. Put it in a bag and use it as my dry food. I saw this method in a travel journal, and was about to try it."

"Okay, young master."

The next day, Buck Tooth Genenes brought a middleman named Trinis. Siegel handed him four hundred gold coins and told him that there was going to be a knight's match. This has been rumored among merchants, but never confirmed. However, the news that Siegel told him to prepare army supplies is still valuable, and he can pay for the related goods and make a difference in the middle.

"It must be kept strictly confidential. If I hear that you have leaked any information and affected subsequent military operations, then I will report it to the lord, and even if I am punished with you, I will not let you go."

"Please don't worry, my lord." Trinis hurriedly saluted and said respectfully, "Reputation is my life, and confidentiality is my motto."

So Siegel stopped worrying about this matter, and turned to Buck Tooth to ask about the guide.

"There are not many people who dare to go to the northern wilderness, and even fewer are proficient in multiple languages. I inquired about many people, and only found one who barely met the requirements, a troubadour named Yarel. But this The reputation of the people is not very good, and he is often in trouble with his employer, and few people hire him again. And those employers keep silent about what happened, which is very mysterious. This person likes to spend a lot of money and owes a lot of money Gambling debt, and the asking price is high.”

"What about other than that?" Siegel asked. "Isn't there anyone from the north in Waterdeep?"

"Sometimes some people do come from the north, but I have asked, and it is said that most of these people were punished and expelled from the tribe, so these people did not dare to go back, so it was of no use. There are many tribes of northern savages, and there are many tribes among them. Languages ​​are also different, subtle language differences are sometimes changes in customs, and a little carelessness may cause trouble. In comparison, it is much easier to find people who understand orc language. There are also some guides who are proficient in multiple languages. , they have been taken away by some local nobles and used to do some business with wildlings. They have not accepted other commissions."

"So I actually have no choice but to go see that Yarel?" Siegel sighed and had no other choice but to follow Bucktooth to the "Moonlight" tavern.

The Ripple Moonlight Tavern is located near the dock area of ​​Waterdeep City, and it has a bad reputation. It is said to be a gathering place for smugglers, intelligence dealers and some villains. Bucktooth, Johnnys and Siegel both don armor under their capes, and have a few extra weapons ready for every possible situation.

Of course, Siegel's wand was turning into a bracer, hidden under his sleeve.

They passed through the muddy road, avoiding the filthy garbage and stinky puddles on the ground, and finally set foot on the stone steps of the main entrance of the tavern. A beggar with a missing leg was dozing in the mud, and the broken bowl in front of him was empty. Siegel took out a silver coin and threw it in. The crisp sound of the silver coins hitting the broken bowl did not make the beggar lift his eyelids. He said with buck teeth, "It must be drunk." Siegel shook his head and ignored him.

The door of the tavern was thick and heavy, covered with mottled paint and greasy dirt, with a warm yellow light shining through the cracks of the door, but it was quiet inside. After opening the door, a sour smell came to the face, and you could see two rows of sleeping burly men lying on the ground, holding wine bottles and stacking them up and down. Several drunks were talking to each other in their sleep, and one person even let out a deep laugh. These people could be wandering sailors on the docks, or unemployed porters. The depression of the waterdeep port first affected their lives, and there was no other way to forget the pressure of life other than to get drunk.

Siegel just frowned and walked slowly from the middle. The tavern was filled with the pungent smell of alcohol and tobacco. Some people raised their heads to look at the trusted person at the gate, looked at them carefully, and turned their eyes away after finding that it had nothing to do with them. The people here are all-encompassing, they form their own small circles, and under the dazzling flames in the fireplace, they whisper to discuss their own little secrets. In the dark corner of the room, a few vague figures could still be seen, sitting quietly, hiding their eyes in the darkness.

The owner of the tavern hid behind a huge bar, taciturn, bowing his head and busy with his own work, he didn't even come to greet the new guests. But Siegel wasn't here to drink. Buck-toothed Johnny looked around the tavern and found no "Poet", so he could only find an empty table for Siegel to sit down, and then hurriedly ran to inquire.

Compared with the bitter haha ​​here, the fabric on Siegel's body is much better, and the patterns are clear and delicate. Several scantily clad women discussed with each other, and one of the youngest-looking women came over.

Without waiting for her to speak, Siegel bought her a glass of wine and asked him to leave. Several drinkers watched this scene with great interest and speculated about Siegel's identity.

A crisp sound of chains came from his ears, and Siegel couldn't help turning his head to look. He found a thin little boy with reddish hair and a robe stained with wine and oil, helping the store clear the tables. His face was dark and full of acne, and he looked ugly. His emaciated arms were a sickly white color with some scratch marks on them.

He was barefoot, with chains tied around his ankles.

Siegel frowned. He thought of the orc slave ship he once rescued. The poor passengers on it were bound by rusted iron chains, stuffed in the dirty and messy cabin, like chickens and ducks. sell. Siegel couldn't forget the eyes of those who were rescued - there were many mental breakdowns who had been tortured and could only live like walking dead from now on.

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