Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 482: 2 seconds

? Siegel did not hold out for more than two seconds, and then... died. ,

The other end of the crystal wall passage is a world ruled by high temperature and foreign dust. The defensive barrier of fire element is like a bubble under the scorching sun, and it shatters with a puff, and then Siegel is shot through by toxic rays of light. He only had time to open his mouth, but he couldn't make any sound, and the flesh and body organs were ignited, burning clean from the skeleton.

Then he returned to the main body in Myr City along the silver line.

This second encounter is deeply etched in his memory, and even if he returns to a safe place, he still seems to be in hell. Underfoot was hot glass sand, the air seemed to flow like lava, the tawny sky was full of dead dust, and black mushroom-shaped clouds blocked the sun's rays.

Siegel managed to get the strength to stand up, his clothes already soaked with sweat. Damn, if the goblin's weapon has such great power, it would be impossible for time to conquer that world! For a time, Siegel felt a deep sense of frustration. Did the dwarves want to tie a stone to the necks of all the creatures in the world, and then throw them into the sea?

If a full-on defense can't hold out for two seconds, then no creature can withstand the environment on that side. The goblins who can create this kind of environment already have the strength to destroy the side of the crystal wall. The only thing that can stop them now is the divine power of the saints.

If you want to say that the world's least believer in the power of God, Siegel can be counted as one. He saw that the dwarven saints would also die under the power of the dust, and that the crystal wall barrier would one day disappear. At that time, the whole world may become...

wrong! Siegel came to his senses suddenly. On the other end of the crystal wall, the power of flames and dust is much stronger than this side, so how did the goblins survive? Whether it's a dwarf or William, what you see on the other side of the crystal wall are goblin creatures. This can't be wrong. Dust has strong diffusivity and corrosiveness to living things, and there is no reason to lose its effect at the other end of the crystal wall, so there is a way to restrain this power, and it is just opposite the crystal wall.

It was like a spark of hope suddenly appeared in the darkness of despair, and a ray of light instantly illuminated the whole world. Siegel calmed down by this, and he gradually understood why the dwarves always took such a stubborn attitude.

They really screwed up. Though the motives for leaving this world engulfed by the storm of destruction are understandable. But it can't hide their failure in attacking "Earth". The goblins regard this side as an enemy and launch a counterattack. It must be an endless battle. Using weapons capable of creating dust and heat, they finally pry open the door of the crystal wall barrier.

Siegel immediately thought of the key point: Did they know that their weapons were effective?

So he teleported back to the top of Mora, and came to the crystal wall barrier hall again under the strange gaze of the dwarves.

The dwarf saint was still standing in front of the amethyst, staring at the constantly glowing crystal wall passage. A violent flash shot out from the center of the crystal, and the air oscillated by flames and shock waves gushed out. The dwarf saint raised his warhammer, and the light of divine power flashed. All flames and shocks are blocked, then forced back into the amethyst.

"Where's Erinte?" Siegel asked.

"The foreign dust here is harmful to him, I let him go back first." The dwarf saint didn't even look back. Said to Siegel in a calm tone. "You're not a projection this time, so don't go to the opposite side."

"The crystal wall channel can't be closed, can it?"

"That's right. Only the destructive power of the crystal wall like Destruction Storm can fuse this channel. Or a **** powerful enough to dedicate all his power to cut off the crystal wall channel." The dwarf saint said: "This world The other world is bound by the power of the rules, and only the power of the rules can destroy it. No **** would make such a great sacrifice, and if the storm of destruction came to the top of Mora, it would mean that the entire The world has basically perished, and it is meaningless whether or not to fuse the channel."

"As the one who caused all this." Siegel came to the opposite side of the dwarf saint, blocking his gaze at the amethyst. Said, "Aren't you feeling guilty?"

"If I could go back in time to twenty-four years ago, I would still make the same choice, which is to open up this crystal wall passage." The dwarf saint said bluntly. "I still think that our choice is correct, but the preparation is not enough. There is no **** on the opposite side, and there is no spell user, which makes me miscalculate the strength of the other side. The lack of dwarven believers also blinded my eyes. In this regard, I It failed. But now with the cooperation of various gods, plus the Star Kingdom and the Mage Association, there is still hope for everything."

"You mentioned twenty-four years ago, why this time?"

"Because that's when the Wall of Storms begins to approach again," said the Dwarf Sage. "The power that had stopped the Wall of Storms began to decay, and the balance was broken. A slow death began to loom. I can't just stand and watch. The dwarves die, so it is imperative to open this crystal wall passage. If this is not done, the next generation of dwarves will not see their children born."

According to the saint, within one hundred and fifty to two hundred years, the Wall of Storms will destroy the world. But this is the one-sided word of the dwarf saint, and Siegel listened with suspicion.

There are forces of all kinds set to destroy the world, the wall of storms that eats away at sea, land, and survival; terrifying weapons from goblins; otherworldly visitors lurking in the void. What can you do in such a world? Is it to find ways to get the "door to another world" spell, and then leave with the people who care about it; or to pretend to be deaf and mute, after one hundred years of his own, who cares about the flood after death; or to struggle to survive, from A **** path through the thorns of death?

Just a few minutes ago, Siegel felt that it was important for the dwarf saint to admit his mistake and sincerely apologize, but now he has no such thoughts. Whether he apologized or not, he could not change the dire situation he was facing now; whether he apologized or not, it would not make Siegel drop his guard against the dwarves. He and the dwarves can work together for the same goal, but it does not mean that he and the dwarves must become one with the same interests. The gods have long understood this rule, so they joined hands at the meeting of the dwarf kings, trying to implement their own plans in the form of oracles, and let humans join their warships.

In the face of divine power, isn't Siegel's effort in vain trying to satisfy his human needs? So when he looked at the dwarf saint again, the image of the dwarf was no longer in his eyes, but just a rock-cold aggregate of divine power, a divine power puppet, and a complex spell.

He laughed self-deprecatingly, and suddenly felt that it was a silly thing to get angry at "a spell", especially since it was a dwarf spell, which condensed the stubbornness of their entire race. Do saints really have emotional fluctuations? I'm afraid they only have "emotional" fluctuations when facing their own countrymen, or doing things that are in line with the teachings of their gods.

It's like communicating with a high-intelligence Djinn, Siegel thought.

"You block the goblins, and the Federation will find a way to solve the problem of the dust. We currently lack high-level spells, so we can't create powerful spells like annihilate black holes. Even assuming that disintegration can work, it is also inefficient. Terrible, not a long-term solution."

The dwarf saint nodded: "I also sent messengers to contact the wizards of the elves, maybe they will have a solution."

"Can the elves provide the Federation with information on high-level spells?" Siegel still didn't give up and wanted to try it.

"I can coordinate the Federation's talks with the elves, but the others cannot be guaranteed."

Still the same as in the past, Siegel was well prepared and had nothing to be sad about, he just took it to heart. Dwarves and elves have their own reasons to protect their wealth, and the Federation is no exception. Asking isn't the only way to get something, and climbing the tree of knowledge doesn't have to wait for someone else to hand a ladder to your hand.

"I need to know how the dwarves were defeated, preferably without lack of details. I also need to know the details of the weapons the goblins are using now." Siegel said: "I believe you can spread your perception to the opposite side. The world, that harsh environment is not enough for the power of the gods to die, so you must have enough information."

"Okay Siegel, I will tell you." The dwarf saint said: "You must always remember that the only power that can block the goblin from coming from the crystal wall channel is divine power, so even mages should be in awe ."

Hearing this, Siegel stepped forward and patted the dwarf on the shoulder hard, his tone still unwavering: "The wizard respects divine power, but he is never afraid. You are just a saint of the dwarf race gods, and you are far away. Not us. Do you think we should be in awe of our comrades on the same front? How can the mages not be in awe of you? Do you have the ability to do whatever you want, such as beheading me on the spot? Come on, raise the hammer and try Bar."

The dwarf saint was the only response he made. The dwarven gods cannot afford to lose Heimland and the Federation, especially when it is at stake for the dwarves of Mora's Pinnacle. Sages have no soul, no ego, and no emotional fluctuations. So the dwarf saint just blinked his eyes, and then began to tell the story of the battle between the dwarves and the goblins in a thick voice.

Siegel knew this was the result for a long time, and he no longer entangled with the dwarf saint. The Hammer Council on Mora's Top is a replica of the Dwarven Saints, and it's no wonder they're the ones in power during their battles with the goblins. From the saints, only the cold facts can be obtained, there is no emotion and no soul in it. But for "Mage", as long as the facts are enough.

From these facts, Siegel roughly figured out the intentions of the gods. The crystal wall channel of Mora's Peak has been exposed, and the goblin's blow will never die. Now the vicious dust has obliterated the possibility of ending the war from here, so everyone's focus has shifted to the crystal wall passage of the Star Kingdom. There, Stars, Mages, Elves, and Dwarves learned their lessons, changed their battle tactics, expanded their turf without disturbing the goblins as much as possible, and prepared for Crystal Wall migration.

Will this work? Siegel couldn't believe it. (To be continued.) u

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