Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 487: Last ray of hope

? He found the dwarf, hid beside a tall pine tree, and dug a small hole just big enough under the root of the tree. ?ranwe?n????? The dwarf in front of him was dying from hunger, cold, and worsening wounds in his abdomen. But he still held the rock tightly in his hands, ready to give Siegel a head-on as he approached.

Siegel squatted down and said to him in pure Dwarven language, "Let me see your wound."

The dwarf's eyes showed surprise. He looked at the goblin in front of him, trying to distinguish the authenticity of the language from the golden eyes. Siegel looked at him quietly, waiting quietly for him to make a decision.

The dwarf leaned back, tried to straighten his upper body, and then said in dwarven language: "I won't put down the stone in my hand, come and see!"

Goblin Taka nodded and climbed over to lift off the dwarf's padded coat. The dwarf was hit by a musket, leaving an infected wound in his abdomen, which was beyond the range of healing potions. Only a dwarf priest could be found to cast the spell in person. However, taking him back could cause a chain reaction.

"I have the ability to take you back to the top of Mora, and I can also find a dwarf priest to cast spells for you and heal your wounds." Siegel said: "But this will expose the fact that I have a crystal wall channel. I also want to keep the stage as secret as possible. I can also hire a non-dwarf priest to heal you, although the effect is less, but there is a great possibility of healing. But you need to promise me that you can never pray to the dwarf god. As long as As soon as you pray, the **** of dwarves will immediately know that I have access to the crystal wall, which is still contrary to my original intention."

"Tell me, disguised as a goblin," said the dwarf, "are you an enemy or a friend of the dwarves."

"Friends, comrades, not enemies," Siegel said. "Can you swear to me?"

The dwarf let go of his hand and let the stone covered in the blood of his palm roll to the ground. He shook his head, "I can't do it, I can't abandon my gods, and I can't deceive you. My children and brothers are all dead in this world. I'm the only one left to survive. I live only for two purposes. , to avenge my kin, and to return to the dwarven gods."

"What if I had to choose one of the two?" Siegel asked.

The dwarf let out a series of laughter, and then said: "Any dwarf will tell you. Only by letting go of hatred can you find peace and peace of mind. When my son and brother died, they were at the side of the dwarf saint, and they have returned. If I can be reunited with them, what kind of hatred can't be let go? You don't have to treat me. As long as you can take me back and let me die in the world where the dwarf gods exist, I will always be grateful to you."

"That would still reveal the secret of my possession of the crystal wall channel," Siegel said.

"Then... you kill me." The dwarf said suddenly: "I have run out of strength, and the goblins will find me sooner or later. I pray to the dwarf **** here and get no response, so I know my There is nowhere for the soul, there is no escape. They...their machines have strange powers that may torture my soul and reveal the secret. You kill me, then burn me, turn me into ashes, their Machines can't catch me."

"Are you really determined to die?" Siegel took out his knife. Hold tightly in hand.

The dwarf nodded, then closed his eyes. He muttered to himself, doing his dying prayers.

Siegel thrust the dagger into the dwarf's chest, touching the heart lightly. The dwarf's facial muscles twitched, but he didn't resist.

The dagger was pulled out, and there was no trace of blood on it. The dwarf opened his eyes, looked at Siegel strangely, and asked himself why he was still alive. He saw the goblin put the dagger aside, then took it out of his pocket and took out a thumb-sized diamond.

"Remember. You owe me five thousand gold coins." Siegel put the diamond on the dwarf's forehead, and then he chanted the "eternal stillness" spell, isolating the dwarf's entire body from reality and putting him in suspended animation. His wounds will not heal. At the same time, it will not deteriorate, and nothing in the outside world can hurt him. He doesn't produce an odor and prevents detection. Then Siegel threw him into the ice crystal cave with teleportation, and he could take him along the way when he went back.

When the information of the crystal wall passage is known to the dwarves, he can be freed from eternal stagnation. Going to treat him at that time won't cause trouble.

Mages have all kinds of ways to solve problems, but goblins' belligerence and chaos are a real headache. Siegel knew that they revered the powerful, lusted after wealth, and possibly lusted after power. But the goblins don't seem to respect promises and don't value credit.

Siegel has tried to appear innocuous and to maintain a stable relationship by showing force, but these have failed. He embarked on the return journey alone. At this time, his weapon had been replaced with the most advanced "15th automatic rifle", "grenade" in his pocket, and a bulletproof steel helmet on his head.

He saw two cars parked on the road from a distance, and two bodyguards sat on the roof, alerting the surroundings. Then a car rolled down its windows, and the fat goblin said a few words. A bodyguard picked up a gun, and then the light flashed, white smoke rose, and Siegel was shot in the chest and fell to the sky.

The bodyguards packed up the camp, and the two cars drove off.

Don't they care about the course of the hunt? Just because he came back alone and didn't have a living dwarf with him, so he shot and killed? What life meant in the eyes of the goblins, Siegel had no idea.

He lay in the snow, staring blankly at the blue sky. The sun came out from behind the white clouds and shone directly on Siegel's face, but he felt no warmth. What on earth can be done to achieve some kind of balance with these goblins? Even the orcs north of the Walled Mountains are not so difficult to get along with. At least in the orc city of Makabuda, human captains can still do smuggling and black market business as normal. Both parties will respect the contract and contract, and will not betray each other before the contract is executed.

At least they know how to measure the strength of their opponents, know how to obey the strong, and know how to fear the unknown. If it is an orc, they will first ask about the process of Siegel's pursuit, and get something useful to them from it. Only then will I think about "Is this person still useful to me, what will I gain by killing him, and what risks will I take."

The goblin shot from a distance, right in the chest. After Siegel fell down, he was quite in a mood to cry and laugh - he didn't even bother to collect the corpse! He lay in the snow for half an hour, then sat up. Chased down the road.

It was getting dark, and according to the habit of fat goblins in the past, they had to stop to rest and sleep after dark. According to their speed, they should be able to reach a small village with an inn before midnight. Do you want to catch up with them in that place? Siegel couldn't make up his mind either.

Cars can't go very fast on snowy roads. At least it is definitely not as good as the ** division who uses the spell to fly. When the fat goblin stepped out of the car and entered the hotel here, Siegel was already watching from a distance. When the lights in his room turned on and then off, and most of the town fell asleep, Siegel vaporized himself and flew in through the crack of the door like a ghost.

First surround the room with a sound-blocking barrier. Then Siegel put his hand on the fat goblin's head. He hesitated for a moment, thinking that he should understand the goblin's thoughts, and then consider whether to absorb his knowledge and memory.

So the magician changed the spell, replacing Knox's mind spying spell with a mind link. It would be nice if there were priests here, there is a spell in Divine Power called Domain of Honesty that allows goblins to only tell the truth.

"Wake up, don't sleep." Taka stabbed the fat goblin in the forehead with a spear, awakening him. Just before the cry was about to burst out of his fat throat, the cold barrel slid into his mouth and pressed hard against his teeth. "I have a business to discuss with you."

Hopefully, this type of communication will create a stable, sustainable relationship.

"Taka. You're not dead!" The fat goblin lowered his voice, and everything in front of him subverted his cognition. He saw with his own eyes that Taka was hit by the ****, and also saw the blood spraying in front of and behind him, and even saw the broken and splashed bones and internal organs. How could he survive in this situation. Even if he survived, how did he catch up?

"I'm here to get my money back, 25,000 yuan. Although I didn't find Zhuo Fu, that's not my responsibility. Your men attacked me on the way, causing the mission to fail. Tell me, did you let them start? of?"

"Only when you find Zoff. They will kill you." The fat goblin answered truthfully.

"Then your subordinates are idiots. I just pointed at them, and they thought they had found Zhuo Fu, and they quickly showed their murderous intentions. They couldn't even judge the situation clearly. And they didn't move to occupy favorable terrain, isn't it stupid? You put the task Is it stupid to leave it to these idiots?" Siegel continued to exert the power of fear, perhaps this is the familiar way of communication for goblins.

"Where's your money?" Siegel asked.

The goblin didn't say it, but his mind gave the answer. Siegel reached under his pillow and took out his wallet, which contained many colorful cards. And a whole stack of high-denomination banknotes.

"What belongs to me is 25,000 yuan, and you still have about 30,000 yuan left in your wallet." Siegel smiled and threw the wallet to the other party: "Look, I can obviously take it all, but I only Take my part. Any idea why?"

The fat goblin shook his head, but his heart was full of contempt.

"As long as I keep what I promised, the Star God will protect me from death and harm. Your men shot me, but that won't kill me. The Star God has repaired my body and Bring me here to get back what belongs to me."

"Star God is really great!" The fat goblin sighed. It's a pity that he didn't believe what he said in his heart at all.

"I'll take what belongs to me, and then I'll get out of here. As long as you don't make a sound and don't chase, then no one will know that I've been here. You take your car, I'll go to my jungle, we have nothing to do with each other. We don't have to meet again." Siegel pointed a gun at the fat goblin's forehead, and said word by word: "If you break this agreement, the star **** will bless me from danger. Then I will trouble you. I will track you down, hurt you, slowly dismember you, and make you suffer for three days and three nights. At that time, you will beg me to kill you. Everyone has begged me, you are not the first, nor It won't be the last one. So, do you agree with my proposal?"


"Will you obey?"

"Of course, of course, in the name of the Star God!"

"I swear on your life!" Siegel was making his last effort.

"I swear by my life! You go quietly, I will never pursue or take revenge!"

The fat goblin didn't think so in his heart, and he didn't have the slightest thought to respect the oath. When Siegel said to let him live, he had two seconds of joy, then rejected the possibility of hiring Taka again, and then he was all thinking about how to get revenge. He has not thought about whether this kind of retaliation is reasonable, and what is the relationship between benefits and costs. He thought that Taka would no longer provide him with benefits, so all he could think about was revenge, as simple and straightforward as that.

As long as the other party in the oath does not benefit him, then the oath will inevitably be broken, and Siegel only receives such information. Are goblins stupid enough to not understand what a threat is? Are they overly arrogant, or are they too self-destructive?

The hope is that there is an error in the spell. After all, the other party is a goblin, and it is a goblin from a different world. It is normal for the spiritual link to be deviated. With the last glimmer of hope, Siegel opened the window and pretended to leave the room. In fact, he was already invisible, and continued to observe the actions of the fat goblin.

A loud roar shattered Siegel's The fat goblin chose to ignore the threat and the agreement. "Come on, come on, Taka is nearby, find out, kill him, kill him!"

Of course, this voice will not be heard by outsiders, and the Silence Array will eliminate this threat. Siegel slowly emerged, standing in front of the fat goblin with a rifle in hand.

The fat goblin burst out with incredible valor, and pounced on Siegel with his teeth and claws. The wooden **** hit his jaw, knocking out six teeth, and knocking the heavy goblin's counter-attack to the ground.

"I don't understand why you made such a choice." Siegel said, "I said that the Star God will bless me, do you believe it now?"

From the fat goblin's thinking, there is still no answer that Siegel wants.

If you can't even go your own way, how can you live in peace? Siegel had to give up trying to convince the fat goblin, and cast spells of charm and suggestion on him.

"Tell me all about you now." Siegel controlled him with a spell. "Then take me to the biggest city and show me the knowledge of this world." (To be continued.)

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