Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 50: Savage Territory 4

After the death of the green-footed snake, the thunderstorm gradually became smaller, and Janet, with the help of the strong man—in fact, the giant basically did everything by himself—moved Siegel and Yarel to a clean place. The poet was also injured, but most of them were burns caused by electric shocks and skin injuries caused by impact. Although they looked very miserable, they recovered quickly. After he wakes up, he can still remember his own job, bemoaning his 'destroyed appearance' while translating the language of giants for everyone. After Siegel's poison was over, his wounds healed quickly, but it also made him hungrier. Involuntarily, Siegel's eyes aimed at the green-footed snake lying in the muddy water, and his eyes radiated blue light.

Anyway, the brawny described it to his clan afterwards: a "civilized man" from the south, just like our pure men from the north, tore the flesh of the monster and ate it in a big mouth. It seems that after eating the snake gall, this guy is no longer afraid of the toxin remaining on the green-footed snake. On the contrary, he eats it more happily. If I hadn't started fast enough, I would have been starving. Luckily I still remember the important thing and didn't eat the snake's heart. In short, we captured the spoils together and shared it together, so we became good brothers.

This incident made Yarel feel a new sense about his employer—fear. But to Janet, it's funny how a gorge-fed Siegel looks. She squatted on the steps of the tower, resting her chin in her hands, watching intently at two men, one big and one small, laughing and eating the corpse of the green-footed snake in the rain. They both have trouble understanding each other's language, but the blood of the same enemy on their hands makes them quick friends, and friends always understand their hearts. For a moment, Janet also wanted to run over to join the dinner, but she was afraid that she would not be like a lady and would affect her image in Siegel's heart, so she hesitated again. In general, she just sat there quietly, happily cranky.

"My name is Siegel." The young mage said in the savage language he didn't know much about.

"My name is Kerry-Chenko, and I have an older brother, so I'm also called Little Kerry." The giant waved his arms, his fists rattled, and said in a firm tone: "One day I will defeat Brother, let him also know how good I am."

It was hard for the three listeners to imagine how dignified Da Kree was to be able to defeat his younger brother who was as strong as a frost giant. 'Maybe that was the head titan? ' Siegel's thoughts popped into his head.

With the help of the troubadour's translation, several people finally figured out why Kerry was fighting a green-footed snake. "I need the heart and venom glands of the green-footed snake, and I will dedicate it to the wizard of the deadwood nest for divination. You have also contributed to the capture of this prey, and you can go to the wizard together. He knows a lot, and also Being able to communicate with the soul is really amazing."

"There are not many opportunities to meet wizards." The bard quickly explained: "In the savage territory, wizards are all powerful psychics, they are the spiritual core of a tribe, they rarely show up, and those spirits also It will help them not to be found by outsiders. Wizards rarely let savages run errands, but these savages can always see wizards. You know, the nomads in the north use the power of the whole family to support wizards, so they have good things !"

"But what are you going to exchange?" Siegel asked him, then shook his head: "We're just going to see it, after all, as you said, it's a rare thing."

After the thunderstorm, the air is exceptionally fresh, and a few people take a break and set off together. Siegel was sitting on the horse because of the leg injury, which was about the same height as the big Kerry. The horses of several of them were very afraid of Kerry, snorted nervously, and swung their heads to and fro, always hiding away from the giant. Only Siegel's Trekna horse was born with the blood of a warhorse, and the instinct to obey orders conquered fear.

Kerry once learned some "southern dialects", but he rarely used it, so he stammered. Still, he recounted the case of the revered wizard.

The wizard never told others his name, but this did not prevent everyone from calling him directly by the word "wizard". About twenty years ago he came to the edge of a cliff and turned grass into thorns and shrubs into dead trees. On a moonless night, these twisted trees formed a bird's nest, now known as a dead branch's nest. People in the tribe were very curious. The patriarch once took some warriors to check to see if this was the residence of the evil witch spirit. The wizards there helped him, pointing out to the tribe a fertile land where they could avoid natural disasters and grow food. Since then, the wizard has kept the land in good weather, and from time to time we have helped him catch some monsters in exchange.

They walked west for a long time, when a thick fog suddenly appeared around them. Except for a few meters away from them, everything else was wrapped in milky white fog and completely invisible. Yarel raised the torch, and the throbbing light shone on the mist, as if it were shooting on the wall, completely impenetrable. Just when everyone was at a loss, they heard a wolf howl coming from the depths of the thick fog.

"Follow this sound, and you can reach the dead branch nest," Kerry said.

After that, he took the lead, walking at the front of the team. His huge body was like the ramming angle of a ship, breaking through the thick fog and breaking out a course. Siegel followed behind him, noting the changes in the ground beneath his feet. He found that the soil here had turned black, and there were many beetles and centipedes burrowing around. They were gradually ascending the slope, and the terrain in front of them could be seen to be higher than that behind them. But when Siegel looked back and tried to remember the way behind him, he found that the terrain seemed to be deceiving them, and they became downhill again.

The sound of various creatures running came from the fog, some were hooves, some were claws, and some were swishing sounds similar to snakes crawling. There is also the sound of flapping wings in the air, and it should be a huge eagle listening to the movement. However, none of these animals chirped, only wolf howls could be heard from time to time ahead, guiding Kerry to change direction and keep walking through the fog.

This kind of environment made everyone nervous. Several times Siegel couldn't help but put his hand on the handle of the knife, and once even pulled out a piece of the machete. In that instant, the howl became faster and louder, as if it were suddenly happening around Siegel's neck. Siegel came to his senses immediately, knowing that there must be wizard spies watching them all around.

There is nothing to see here except the thick fog, so it is difficult to perceive the passage of time. Only suddenly, the thick fog left them, like the sea that would quickly recede before a tsunami—they were still gathered in the distance, a gray wall reaching the sky.

In the middle of the gray wall, where the moonlight and the stars shine, there is a twisted tree. A tree does not have a leaf, its crown is the branch that spreads all around. Numerous dry vines intertwined, like a group of snakes huddled to sleep in their nests in winter, forming its bark and trunk. There is a tree hole near the root where the wizard lives.

A white wolf stood beside the tree hole, wandering like a sentinel. One of its eyes was red and the other was yellow, and it was staring straight at Kerry and his group. Its throat let out a dull growl, warning those who came not to act rashly.

Siegel felt uneasy, he felt a strange itching, as if a wet, sticky earthworm was hiding among his hairs and slowly crawling up the back of his neck. Siegel wiped it, and found that his palm was only his sweat. He vaguely heard the soft laughing sounds around him, not like people, but more like animals.

Kerry walked first, carrying a blood-seeking bag in his hand, which contained the heart and venom glands of the blue-footed snake—and some unidentified internal organs that had been pulled out incidentally. He walked with his head held high like a victorious general, or more precisely like a child trying to boast his success in front of his parents. Until he walked to the white wolf, then bowed and saluted.

The flesh of the white wolf twisted and swelled, then turned into a human shape. A dirty, unkempt man with a robe made of leaves wrapped in a fishing net looked at Kerry with his head tilted. He held out his hand, his nails black and long, like animal claws. Kerry put the oozing bag in his hand, then smiled and said, "I did a good job, didn't I?"

"Shape Changer!" Siegel was surprised. Wilderness shapeshifters are rare. It is said that they can change in a thousand ways, and each of them has powerful mana.

The wizard opened the bag, first put his hook nose in and sniffed hard, and then stared into it with wide eyes. Siegel was worried that the wizard's crooked nose would be dyed red and his eyes would roll out of their sockets. The man smashed his mouth, and said a sentence from the few yellow teeth left: "Yes, it's this thing!"

The wizard hung the bag around his waist and dangled just outside the net and leaves, twisting and twisting with the movement. He looked at Kerry, as if suddenly realized: "By the way, you want to ask me something! What is it?"

"My brother is missing, I want to find his whereabouts."

"Do you still have a brother?" The wizard was stunned for a while, then said: "There is a brother who is so miserable, he will always be beaten, and he has to bear the blame, and after the blame, there will be a gray one, but the annoying brother will never regret it. ."

"My brother beats me often, but he will tell me in advance that he will never attack." Kerry replied.

"Are you sure you want to find him?" the wizard asked, and then replied to himself: "Yes, you will definitely find it, otherwise why did you give me my heart and poison glands? Come in, put the horse Put it outside the door. No one will eat horses here, but not everyone."

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