Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 525: strange information

Vicki hopes that Siegel can stay in Swan Castle until dawn, so that he has enough time to arrange the manpower to ensure that all the traitors of the Legitimacy are imprisoned. The wave of exhaustion not only hit all the enemies, but even the hounds that penetrated the enemy's interior were not spared, so Siegel also lent him four earth element rune guards to replenish his manpower, and then hurriedly returned to the spaceship.

"Viscount Bill's condition is not very good, his body is extremely weak, I am afraid it will take a long time to recuperate." As soon as he boarded the spaceship, Mage Shelley brought bad news. "You have to wake him up and ask him the time and content of the last few meals. I need this information to prepare the potion."

Siegel thought about it for a while, and then acted as he was told. When Sir Bill woke up, the first thing he saw Siegel was to grab his sleeve and squeeze a hoarse word out of his throat: "Find that history book, the seventh book of Star Kingdom History, Swan Castle. "

"Sir Bill, rest assured, I will find it. You are safe now, and I have dealt with the possessed ghost. How do you feel?"

"Very weak, never so tired." His clenched fingers slowly loosened, gasping for breath. "Thank you for coming to rescue. I don't have much time to wake up, so I can't write to you. I only have time to divorce her. It's hard to say."

While he was talking, he wanted to fall asleep again. Siegel hurriedly asked about his recent diet and learned that he had not eaten anything other than wine and a small amount of cheese. Having said this, Sir Bill fell asleep again.

"Archmage, people who have been possessed by evil spirits need a very pleasant environment, and can no longer experience anger, sadness or sadness. But they can't suddenly be ecstatic or excited, which may also cause unhealable wounds." Mage Shelley Said: "If you agree, I can cast some spells for him to appease his dreams, so that he can gradually restore an optimistic and positive attitude towards life when he is resting, which is good for his health."

"Thank you, I handed Sir Bill to you before returning to the capital."

After returning to the capital, Siegel will definitely go to the priest of the Temple of Dawn or the Temple of War. Come to recuperate for Sir Bill, now he has business to check. How Sir Bill was targeted by the shadow of the dead, there must be a hidden secret.

So he went back to Swan Castle and found Vicki in the hall. When the magic spaceship attacked. A reception is being held here, and many nobles use this occasion to exchange information with each other and brew conspiracies.

"Want the list of members of the Orthodox Society and all the interrogation materials? I don't think it's a problem." Vicki said: "It's great that you can help, and many problems can be solved. No arrest operation has been as smooth as today. And I have gained a lot. Lord Marquis. If you help me, I will help you too. This cooperation is very pleasant. It is like this in the Royal Capital. Only with help can you stand firmer and see farther."

"I agree with you." Siegel nodded: "How long has it been since Aaron passed the throne to His Majesty Evan, the orthodox society can have such a scale, don't you think this is very strange? They Where did the intelligence come from, and where did the funding come from? How did they connect and organize?”

"You're right, there are many questions that need to be checked slowly." Vicki walked to the table. Find two glasses and pour cool cider. The mountainous area where the Swan Castle is located is very humid and suffocating, as if a wet towel is always wrapped around the neck, which makes people feel suffocated. "Lord Marquis, there are some things that need to be decided as soon as possible."

Siegel took the cup and held it in his hand, not in a hurry to drink. "whats the matter?"

"The Duke of Swan Castle gathers to rebel against the party, and he can't get rid of it himself. Since he does not usually have many relatives and friends, no nobles will intercede for him, so he is dead. What do you think of this huge castle? Nearly five A hundred years of history, it's a good place."

"What do I want the castle to do. I already have Heimland and Myr City." Siegel blurted out before he understood what Vicki meant. It happened that he also had something he needed, so he said: "The castle is the base of the rebels. All the things are criminal evidence, and I am not interested at all. But you say that this place has a long history, maybe there will be some good collections of books, I I want to enrich my library."

"Book?" Vicki was stunned for a moment. It seems that Marquis Siegel is really a rich man like the legend, and he doesn't have much interest in a duke's treasury and secret room. But maybe it's because he's very self-controlled, or too lazy to speak.

"Oh. I thought about it, I don't want letters or anything. You have to find clues for those things. If there are any history books, biographies, local chronicles, and other books with little information about the rebellion, you can sell me some after checking. I'm an archmage, but I also have to think about it for future generations, and I can't just let them read magic books, right?"

"It turns out that the Marquis is interested in this aspect, so let's not talk about selling it. It is an action to protect books. I am happy to help." Vicki said with a smile: "If there are any kind of books that are still lacking in the Royal Library, the Marquis will also You can tell me anything. If there is something missing, the No. 1 Library in the world can't be missing something, you say that's the truth."

What is he implying, can you help me to go to the academy to steal something? By the way, Janet once inquired about the important prophecy that Liel gave to Aaron, who was only the eldest prince at the time, and she sold the news to the Knox Commons. At the time, she was not yet officially under the Chief Intelligence Officer, just a trainee spy. Since she can complete such a task, maybe her formal espionage skills will be even stronger.

But then again, as a marquis, how could He Dehe be able to use the king's spies? Perhaps the time is not yet ripe, Siegel reminded himself. Don't be too hasty, it's too dangerous.

So he laughed twice and said to the chief intelligence officer: "You mean the library in the academy? I'm not welcome there, so I didn't have the opportunity to visit and browse. The Royal Library is the largest library for me, At present..." He sighed and said, "If this matter can be solved perfectly, maybe I can read books when I have time. At present, I can only store as much as ants preparing for winter."

"Yeah, Lord Marquis, winter is coming." Vicky drank the wine, and his words seemed to have deep meaning.

However, the director of intelligence was a very helpful person. Using the mysterious contact information of their organization, some official hunting dogs and temporarily recruited "wild dogs" gathered to help clean up the scene and detain prisoners. The books in Swan Castle were all piled up in the courtyard, and the letters inside were taken away, leaving only the contents in volumes. Siegel summoned invisible servants and moved them to the spaceship one after another.

There is only one book in it that is his goal: the seventh volume of "The History of the Star Kingdom", out of eleven volumes in total.

It was a three-finger-thick hardcover book, secured with a lock inlaid with alchemy. The author cannot be found on the cover of the book, but there are some very strange scars on it. If rust is evidence that metal ages with age, then decay should be the fate of leather covers?

A trail of decay that slanted across the cover left a strange lightning-like trail, a stark contrast to the intact cover around it. Siegel touched the mark with his hand, and suddenly felt the shadow left by the time shock force. He examined it carefully, combined with his experience of using the Void Cannon, and speculated that this lightning trace was the manifestation of time on matter. This book must have experienced time and space shocks!

He opened the book with 100,000 curiosity. The first dozen or so pages recorded the events of the Star Kingdom's tournaments, promotions to knights, and marriages between lords, nothing unusual. But the next sentence surprised Siegel.

"Aaron Fanxing succeeded to the throne and started a rule of forty-two years. During this period, the Starry Kingdom ushered in another development, and the power scattered among the nobles was further concentrated in the royal family, and the Starry Empire finally conquered the elves and dwarves. The kingdom has laid a solid foundation."

What kind of history book is this? Siegel sat beside Sir Bill, reading backwards by light spell. This book records a completely different history, a history that will never be realized. Aaron is dead, and he has no real heir, so the prosperity of the Starry Kingdom written in the book will not be realized in his hands. Maybe the orthodox will see the book as real, and they have the power to turn everything around and let fate follow the lines of the book. But do they really think they have such power?

Maybe they're just looking for an interface for their ambitions.

Gently flipping the pages, Siegel read it carefully. He found no trace of Evan inside, nor himself. In the whole book, there are only Mage Association, Xuecheng, and nothing about the Federation. When he read the whole book, he suddenly realized that there was no mention of the New World in it.

There would be no Mora's Peak, no Elf Forest, no Waterdeep, and no Heim Land. The New World is like another piece of history in another world. From what Siegel has learned, the birth of the Shadow of the Dead and the birth of the New World are the same Maybe...maybe they shouldn't be the Shadow of the Dead, so they are angry , will want revenge.

Sir Bill opened his eyes and saw Siegel reading. It was already morning, and the magic spaceship that had completed the mission was flying in the direction of the capital.

"You need to rest, Master Bill, everything will be fine." Siegel teased him: "If you want to get back with the Countess of Ferrara, I can help you. If you don't want to, the world It's huge, and there's land and women everywhere."

"Stinky boy, how dare you take me as a joke." The corner of Sir Bill's mouth rose slightly, his head sunk in the pillow tilted. "It's a horrible nightmare. After being possessed, you can see and hear everything, but you can't manipulate it, like a prisoner in a house."

"Then you have time to divorce your wife, but don't have time to write a letter to me?" Siegel said, "I'm an archmage anyway, so I can always help!"

"You can help me, but you will also get into trouble." Bill put on a worried look: "Siegel, you have to be careful, I heard the wind, a conspiracy against you." (To be continued. )

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