Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 68: Walled Mountains VI

Siegel followed into the rain, then came to the big house again, and found a corner to stand. This time there were many people in the house, mercenaries and jazz all gathered here. On the central table, the food and drinks that were originally placed were withdrawn, and now there was a mercenary lying on it, and everyone pointed at him. Although the mercenary's hands and feet were still shaking, there was a damp and cold aura from his body, like a dead person. Siegel saw that his lips had turned purple, his eyes were gray, and his nails were black. He seemed to have read about this situation in a book, and it was inseparable from the power of the undead.

Everyone is looking for the cause of this person's death, but there are no obvious scars on his body. Someone in the room had already taken off his armor, rummaging inch by inch. After waiting for a while, a pinhole was found on the man's heel, which was the only wound on his body. The wound was neither bleeding nor red, so it was difficult to spot.

"Who brought him back?" asked Sir Bill.

"He walked out by himself and fell down near the entrance of the cave." A big man with a hook nose said: "We have been waiting here for twenty days, and the four groups of people sent in, except for the third group who got lost and returned alive. Other than that, there is no news of the others. You said this prince..."

"The prince must wait, or who will give the remaining gold coins?" A thin man sitting by the fireplace in the corner suddenly said, and then continued to warm his hands by the fire. It could be seen that he was already ill, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, snot hanging from his nose, and his body was constantly swaying back and forth.

"Damn, you mouse can't hurry to eat something? Everyone has a ration of food, how much can you hide? What's the use of being skinny and hungry all day?" If you don’t come out, are you still waiting here for the rest of your life? If you leave the money to buy high-priced food on the grasslands, it’s better to share it directly. Everyone goes to the south to be happy and happy. The **** rain is not over yet!”

But his words did not resonate, and the knights with the family crest looked at him up and down with cautious and distant eyes. Abandoning the master to split the money and escape, this is already enough to be charged with beheading. Only untrustworthy mercenaries do this, and even in the mercenary world, such behavior is reviled.

But he still said to himself: "The prince wants to find ancient treasures, well, we serve him, but we didn't give our lives to him. In this place where birds don't lay eggs, except for the increasingly unpalatable ones. Food, nothing. It's good to have a girl! It stinks to death!"

"Enough, Mance, shut your stinky mouth." Thorwood, the sword of anger, with the eagle holding the sword as the banner, is a knight with superb martial arts. He stood up and banged his fist on the table: "You mercenary who gets into money, a guy who doesn't keep faith. If you dare to leave, I will personally drag you out of the mud nest when this is over. Come out, put on a noose, and hang on the wall!"

"Fart! If you have the ability, you can take a rope now, and I'm here for my neck." Mance opened his neck, brushed his beard, and exposed his wet throat. He then slapped the table so hard that even the corpse on it vibrated violently. "I tell you the truth, it's impossible to wait here until winter comes! At that time in the grasslands, there is no food to sell to you. If you don't leave this place, you will either freeze to death or starve to death! You nobles have a magical meal basket, but we don't have one. Wait until you are hungry. When it comes to time, it depends on whose sword is sharper, not the size of the title!"

"We still have enough supplies now." Sir Bill stood up, squeezed between Mance and Thornwood, and said: "I am both a mercenary and a baron, but those two roles are of no use. I only know that the company A person who can't keep his promises, no one will believe his words, and no one will follow him."

He pushed the two back, and first said to Thorwood: "We work for His Royal Highness and are worried about his safety. But no one understands the situation in the cave, and entering is a life-and-death situation. In the future, no one will be allowed to enter except voluntarily. Way out."

"These mercenaries all took money..." Thorwood raised his eyebrows, his eyes widened, and pointed at Mance.

"You also swore an oath to His Royal Highness that they only have money. Is the responsibility of money higher than an oath?" Sir Bill pressed his arm: "You can only enter the cave if you voluntarily."

"As long as you spend a lot of money, there will always be willingness." Thorwood refused to admit defeat, but he no longer bothered. Then Sir Bill said to Mance: "On the way here, you also saw the cavalry on the grasslands retreating in fear of the king's flag. We can only arrive here. How many people can you bring yourself? If there is no prince and Earl, you can't even get to Mingshui Fortress, but do you want to go to Black Blood Castle?"

"I can kill even if I kill him." Mance was not to be outdone.

"Who looks after your back after dark? Can you believe those who walk with you? If you can break the contract once, you don't have to worry about the second time? Since you are here, you have to leave this road together. Sir Bill patted him on the shoulder and said, "I can say a thousand words to you, and you will have all kinds of reasons, but you know in your heart that quitting at this time means giving up your previous efforts. Earnings can only go down, not even a little bit higher.”

Then he turned his head to look at everyone and said, "Have hope and confidence. His Royal Highness the Prince and the Earl are under the protection of the Dawn Guard, and the court mages are on the side, and their strength is stronger than everyone here combined. Many. They have another endless meal basket, and enough weapons and equipment..." Before Sir Bill could finish speaking, the naked man lying on the table suddenly sat up, his eyes widened, his tongue hanging from his mouth, There was a "squeaky" sound in his throat. Everyone was startled and quickly backed away. The corpse raised its hand, rolled to the ground, and crawled in Mance's direction. The strong man with the hook nose screamed, but he just stepped back, bumped into the companion behind him, and forgot to take out his weapon.

"Trash!" Thorwood took out his long sword and rushed up first, but the corpse got under the table and hid under the tablecloth, avoiding the long sword and everyone's sight. The movements of the naked corpse are becoming more and more flexible, and the speed of crawling is much faster than that of ordinary people. Sir Bill jumped on the table, holding his sword high above the top, waiting for the moment when the corpse crawled out from under the table.

"Is this a zombie or what?" Someone shouted: "Quick, bring my crossbow! And bring the holy water!"

"It's a ghoul." Siegel said, causing everyone to be stunned. "It should be a ghoul in terms of action, but the transformation speed is too fast." Siegel said, pulling out the burning wood under the stove. He chanted the incantation, letting the energy of magic fuel the fire, and instantly stimulate the brightness and heat of the wooden slats. Then he threw the ball of fire under the table from near the gate. "Pay attention to the direction inside the table, the fire will force him out!"

The flames really frightened the ghoul, and the monster screamed and crawled out from the other side of the table, its limbs swaying rapidly, like a sheep being chased by a cheetah. Although it was very fast, everyone was well prepared. In an instant, several weapons were inserted into the monster's body, pinning it to the ground with one blow, shredding it twice, and knocking it into meat sauce three times. After that, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"This place is so weird," Mance said. "I remember that the first wave of people who went in to explore the way all died of the disease. Fortunately, the bodies were burnt in time and the infection was not spread. Then the prince disappeared again, and the rest were not Losing your memory and returning, you just become... a ghoul. I don't know what will happen next!"

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to say anything to raise morale. And Mance's performance just now made it difficult for him to win over the mercenaries to leave together. So everyone broke up unhappily, the mercenaries continued to dig ditches, and the jazz hid in the house to discuss the countermeasures that never came to fruition. But everyone took a few more glances at Siegel as they remembered him as a magician. Everyone was friendly and smiling to him. Especially the mercenaries, they are more practical, and they almost didn't come up to call them brothers.

Sir Bill asked Siegel to follow, and the two went back to where Janet and Jeff were cooking. The kitten's smiling face made Siegel much happier, and the presence of hot food on his plate made his stomach feel a little better. But thinking of the appearance of ghouls, Siegel always had a haze in his heart. In the collection of the Mages Association, ghouls are a very common type of monster among the undead. After they bite the corpse, they have the ability to convert the corpse into another ghoul, so it is easy to appear in groups. Many wizards who specialize in the undead will use spells to transform ghouls, but Siegel has never seen a record of transformation through pinhole wounds on the back of his feet.

Sir, with a long sigh, told Siegel the reason for the whole thing. "There are several things that emperors covet, such as power and eternal life, and His Highness firmly believes that this cave has both. After the attack on the Avenue of the Cloaks, His Highness reunited with the Court Mage, went to Waterdeep, and then led The team goes straight here. As a vassal of Lord Todd, I am responsible for the trivial management of the team, especially those related to mercenaries." The serge paused, stroked his beard, hesitated for a while, and then gave Seager Er said: "I also heard the conversation between His Royal Highness and the Earl, and I also heard the legends of the local people, so I have a speculation-maybe His Royal Highness believes that this is where the Dragon Horn and the Fountain of Youth are located."

"Those are all rural legends, aren't they unbelievable?" Siegel chose his words carefully: "The horn that controls the dragon and the spring that preserves youth forever, aren't there many records in history that say it's a swindle?"

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