Twenty Sided Dice

Chapter 79: City Wall Mountains 17

(Blood of Blood)

Everyone's attention was focused on His Royal Highness. They cleaned up the big bed, made room for Dr. Rees, and waited outside quietly. The doctor was a spirited middle-aged man. He hurriedly entered the tent with a medicine box, and then drove out the knights who were watching. "Go out, there is no place for you here."

There was finally fresh air around the prince, and Reese was carefully serving him. Without mercenaries and "outsiders" in front of him, Earl Todd's face became very gloomy. He silently changed into a spare chain shirt and iron gloves, put on a saber, and guarded His Highness. Beside him, there is only the last Dawn Guard, and the weakest one. He was arranged to stay in the camp to take care of the safety of drinking water for the prince and other major nobles, so as to avoid the fate of dying in the cave.

"The prince has a loss of qi and blood, and there is no danger of his life." After the doctor checked, he said to Earl Todd. "I can prepare a blood-regenerating medicine, but it will take time to take effect. I am worried that the delay will damage his internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to give His Highness a blood transfusion in order to heal as soon as possible."

"Blood transfusion? What does it mean?" asked the count.

"Injecting the blood of others into His Royal Highness." Dr. Siegel replied: "There are people in the blood who need nutrients, and the loss can be replenished as soon as possible."

Hearing this, the earl was furious, and with a swoosh he drew his sword out and put it on the doctor's neck, causing him to kneel immediately. "What's in your mind, you want to pollute the blood of the royal family? Do you think this sword is not sharp enough?"

Dr. Rees trembled, folded his hands and said, "Don't get me wrong, Lord Count, I have absolutely no intention of this. In the camp, there is a man with royal blood. Although Evan's surname is not Fanxing, he is indeed the son of the king. ."

Evan is currently in the tent taking the doctor's bandage to wrap the burn on his arm by himself. Even if he didn't look up, he could still feel other people's eyes on him. This kind of gaze has long been accustomed to him in his life. As a "golden sunflower", this kind of gaze is a blessing to me and can't hurt me - he comforted himself like this. But put my blood into Evan? I was also drawn a lot of blood from my body by a blood magician not long ago, but who cares? The illegitimate child can only think this way in his heart, he knows that his own interests are meaningless in front of his brother, just as there is no room for negotiation in this matter. "I'm fine." Evan replied calmly without raising his head.

The Count's sword was raised a little, but it was still by the doctor's ear. He thought for a moment, then asked, "Is there no other way but this?"

"This is the most effective method in a hurry." The doctor nodded, and then said to the count: "It is also the safest for the prince."

"That's it." The count put away his sword and asked the doctor to stand up. Then he turned to Evan and said, "The kingdom needs your services, and so does His Royal Highness."

The kingdom always needs the services of an illegitimate child, Evan thought to himself. He stretched out his arm, revealing a pale and weak arm, with dark blue blood vessels clearly visible. "Mr. Doctor, you can use it."

"Please leave everyone, including you, the earl." The doctor rubbed his hands in front of his chest, bowed and said, "There are only two royal bloodlines left in the tent to avoid contamination."

The Dawn Guard didn't move a step, still sticking by the prince's side. The doctor walked up to him and said unceremoniously: "During the operation, my knife was on his neck. If I want to hurt the prince, you won't be able to save it in time. It's useless for you to stay here, and it will endanger His Highness. Life, why don't you retreat quickly!"

The young Dawn Guard is overwhelmed, he has no experience in performing tasks alone, and there is no captain here to give orders. He cast his inquiring eyes on the count, but got no response. The doctor kept urging him, asking him if he could take responsibility for the treatment error. The Dawn Guard had to compromise, "I'll be at the gate of the tent," that's all he could say.

"Don't let people disturb us." The doctor said, "Except for treatment, let them go to the count for everything."

The Dawn Guard was standing outside the tent with a long spear. Dr. Rees glanced out, and then closed the tent door. "Lie on the ground and lift your clothes. Don't move, no matter what you feel."

Evan lifted his clothes and could see scars all over his body. His swordsmanship did not fall out of thin air, but was gradually acquired through hard training. In the capital of the Starry Kingdom, only Longsword is his only brother. With the help of the Iron Brothers, he defeated one swordsman after another, but he also left one wound after another on his body. There are stab wounds, cuts, cuts, hammer wounds, claw marks, and tooth marks, which are intricately layered, like a map that has been graffitied. The suture marks are fine and dense, and there is basically less than one intact skin.

Seeing the wound covered under the clothes, even Dr. Rees gasped.

"Is it such an exaggeration?" Evan sniffed and said in a mocking tone, "As long as my face is still handsome, what can the wound on my body get in the way?"

Reese's mouth twitched, revealing a weird smile. He opened a small delicate wooden box in the medicine chest, which was covered with gray sponge fragments. At the bottom of the box, several finger-sized worms were dormant. The doctor carefully picked one out with tweezers and placed it in front of him to take a closer look at its fine teeth and sharp needles. The worm was disturbed, wriggling uneasily, the tawny fluid running under his translucent skin.

"I'd rather have your face messed up and your body intact." Dr. Rees stretched out a finger and pressed the skin of Evan's heart, carefully feeling the pulsation of the heart and blood vessels below. "I need to use these leeches to **** blood, stimulate them with drugs to transport the blood into the prince's body. Unlike ordinary leeches, the worms I prepare for blood transfusion will cause intense pain, do you need to drink anesthesia drugs first, sleep ?"

"Don't anesthetize me." Evan said very firmly: "I'm afraid that once I fall asleep, I won't be able to wake up again."

"No, Your Highness Evan." Doctor Reese looked into his eyes and smiled meaningfully: "You will not die, because only the blood of the living royal family is useful. Ask me to prepare a belt and a stick for you. Well, at least you can bite in your mouth when it hurts."

"I'm not your Highness." Evan said, "Give me a dagger, belts and sticks are not what swordsmen should use."

"Then I need to tie you to the bed, and please try not to scream, it will affect the effect." The doctor was as meticulous as taking care of his own child, checking every worm. Then he prepared a few thin needles, clean empty bowls, lit a brazier beside them, and then started to wash their chests. Then, he dusted with the powder and spread it evenly with his fingers. "One side is stimulating it to suck, and one side is stimulating it to vomit." He checked the straps one last time to make sure Evan couldn't struggle. Then he put a leech on the **** and another shriveled worm on the heart of Prince Aaron.

The leech slowly sucked blood, except for some tingling, there was no pain at all. Evan looked at the doctor strangely, and his eyes asked him: "Is that so?"

The doctor smiled, picked up the fat leech that had swelled into red with tweezers, pretended to put it on the prince, but threw it into the brazier with a flick of his wrist. The flames devoured the leech in an instant, burning it to black ashes, and then the doctor carefully pinched the worm in Prince Aaron's chest. At this time, the worm showed a vicious appearance, and there was another set of mouthparts hidden in its fine teeth. The prince's blood tumbled in the belly of the worm, stained with a tinge of yellowish brown. Dr. Rees said in a soft voice, "It was just the first leech, and the ones behind need to keep digging deep into the old wound. Be prepared."

The weird worm was placed on Evan's chest, and after being stimulated by the drug, it madly drilled into his body. Evan wanted to scream loudly, but the pain forced him to bite the dagger in his mouth tightly. He tapped the bed hard with both hands, again and again. After the doctor tied his wrists with straps, he pulled the sheet tightly with his fingers, tearing it to shreds.

After a worm, a second, a third. The doctor kept feeding the blood-sucking worms from the prince's chest into Evan's body, and then poured the medicine into the prince's mouth. Aaron's body showed a weird flush, and the blood was squeezed out. A purple-black shadow shrouded His Royal Highness's eyebrows, which was a sign of curse and doom, but Dr. Rees didn't even notice No matter how hard she insisted, no matter how she felt about the possibility of staying asleep. How frightened, he still fainted. When he woke up, he was lying on the cold ground, next to the debris of the wooden bed. The doctor has wiped his body clean and is burning all the used "leeches" in the brazier.

"Is it all done?" Evan asked weakly. He just felt his heart beating hard to pump the "little" blood around his body. "I don't want to go through this process again." He found a salty taste in his mouth, which should be the wound caused by biting the dagger hard.

"It's done, wait for me to deal with the incision in your mouth." Dr. Rees poured medicine into the prince's mouth again, and then covered him with a blanket. After all this, the doctor knelt in front of Evan and used a needle and catgut to treat the wound at the corner of his mouth. His tone was soft, his brown eyes were warm with concern, but there was a strange smile on the corner of his mouth: "His Royal Highness should pay attention to his own safety. The method of blood transfusion can't be used again."

Evan was in surgery and couldn't speak, so he simply blinked.

"Fortunately, I have you by my side, otherwise how can the blood be preserved?" The doctor meticulously sutured the wound, and then poured it over with spirits. "Drinking more strong bars is also good for recovery." He said: "Have a good rest, tomorrow will be a new Welcome to reading, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works. All at\\u003c/a\\u003e

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