Chen Fan said calmly,"If you know these things, I have a bigger deal for you. There is still one month left before school starts. I will pay for your tuition. If you finish the job, I can give you an extra bonus."

Qin Susu was also very short of money.

"Really?" Qin Susu looked suspicious,"I'm an animation major! Knowing Photoshop and a digital tablet are basic operations, okay! You're such a little brat, you want to talk business with me???"

Chen Fan smiled calmly,"Have you eaten? Let's talk while eating?"

"Are you treating me?"

If you are treating me, I'd rather eat it than not eat it!!

Qin Susu snorted.



After putting the things back home, Chen Fan found a small restaurant.

The small restaurant looked quite old, a red brick building located in a residential building.

Upstairs was an old lady who was talking to her neighbor across the balcony. There were electric poles everywhere, and the poles were covered with small advertisements.

Even the ground underfoot was bumpy.

The restaurant didn't even have a sign. It was only less than four square meters, just enough to put two tables and chairs.

It looked extremely unreliable.

"That's it?"Qin Susu curled her lips,"I thought you were going to treat me to a big meal!"

In her heart, she attached another layer of unreliability to this matter.

Chen Fan rolled his eyes at her,"Sometimes the most delicious thing is the fly tube on the side of the road, what do you know!!"Although this restaurant is simple, more than ten years later, due to the rise of short video culture, this restaurant was made popular by several big V food bloggers and became a famous Internet celebrity restaurant in City C. Even the queue required more than four hours.

Rounding it off, he took people to eat at an Internet celebrity restaurant.

"Is it true?" Qin Susu looked suspicious,"You are not making it up."

Chen Fan waved to the boss,"Boss, give me some spicy crayfish, a dozen beers, and one serving of your jumping frogs, and a plate of stir-fried vegetables."

The boss was a fat middle-aged woman. After hearing the order, she exclaimed,"Right away!" After placing the order, the aroma from the kitchen soon wafted out.

Qin Susu's eyes widened when she smelled the aroma, and she sniffed twice,"What a nice smell!"

"Of course!"

Chen Fan took a sip of water and smiled,"Only nearby residents know about this restaurant. It not only smells good, but also tastes better."

Qin Susu looked expectant.

After all the dishes were served, Chen Fan began to get to the point while eating. After taking two bites of crayfish and two sips of beer, Chen Fan asked,"Do you have a digital tablet?"

At this moment, when Qin Susu was eating the crayfish, her defensiveness had already dropped to the lowest level. She nodded obediently,"Of course, I majored in animation design, how could I not have a digital tablet, it's just that this thing is too expensive."

She sighed,"I just bought it after earning money for a long time!"

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes,"Have you ever used a digital tablet to draw designs on the computer?"

Hearing this, Qin Susu was a little embarrassed,"I have only drawn in Internet cafes, I don't have my own digital tablet yet……"

She lowered her head, looking lost,"I've been to the school's computer room and Internet cafe several times, but it was very troublesome every time I wanted to draw, and I had to re-download the software, so I didn't go there very often!"

She paused, and then hurriedly said,"But my skills are top-notch! I'm the top student in design at our school!"

After drinking two sips of beer, Qin Susu's face became more rosy, as red as a drunk kitten. The way she stared at him with round eyes reminded him of the arrogant puppet Xiaobai he raised in his previous life.

"It's like this, I need 75 original drawings, I'll give you 100 for each one, we can try to draw one now, I'll tell you what kind of drawing I need, what do you think?"

Chen Fan slowly peeled a crayfish, his tone was very calm,"Don't worry, even if it's a trial drawing, I'll give you 100, but if this trial drawing is not successful, we won't cooperate in the future."

Since this girl said she was the first in the professional course, he believed her this time

"100 yuan a piece!! ?" Qin Susu was so shocked that the lobster in her hand fell on the table. She covered her face with her hands covered with red oil, confused,"Really? You are not lying to me, are you? Is it such a good thing?"

If it is really 100 yuan a piece, and there are 75 chapters, then she will be rich!!

When she heard this, Qin Susu could no longer sit still,"Let's go now, I'll go back and get the digital tablet, I'll go to the Internet cafe to draw it for you!!!"

Chen Fan looked at her anxious look, speechless,"I haven't finished eating this crayfish yet, you sit down first, don't worry, go after you finish eating, and the style I need is a 2D anime style, that is, a little cute, not too realistic."

——————————Off topic————————

Thank you zhuang114905 for your support!! Thank you QAQ. Thank you for your reward.

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