Twenty Years in Business

Chapter 412: Why not heartache

After a few steps, Wang Changhu walked slowly and felt very heavy.

He didn't know what this meeting would be like.

I want to see her, but I'm afraid to see her.

There is panic and helplessness, and of course there are also expectations and misses.

Xu Xiaojuan's mother was cleaning the yard and greeted her enthusiastically, "When did Changhu come back?"

Wang Changhu said, "Auntie, I just got home today, how are you doing?"

Mother Xu smiled and said, "It's okay, but the old cold legs always have a flare!"

From the time she came in, Wang Changhu noticed that she was limping while walking.

Wang Changhu said: "Pay more attention to your body!"

Mother Xu nodded, turned her head and shouted: "Xiaojuan! Changhu is here!"

After a while, Xu Xiaojuan walked out.

The person who was thinking day and night finally appeared, and Wang Changhu felt a trance.

If it were placed in the past, she would inevitably run out, then take his arm, jump away, and walk to a secluded place with nice scenery to express each other's thoughts.

She still had that beautiful face, but she was thinner than before, a full circle thinner.

No longer the original native girl, wearing fashionable clothes, there is noble air inside and out.

She is still her.

She is no longer her.

Wang Changhu looked at Xu Xiaojuan straight, not knowing how to speak for a while.

Xu Xiaojuan walked up to him and said calmly, "Let's talk!"

After speaking, she took a step first, and Wang Changhu followed behind.

Until the two of them went out, Mother Xu looked at the pair of backs and sighed.

There are some things that parents cannot control.

The village is not very big. Whenever I meet the folks, they both greet enthusiastically.

It's just that when there is no one, there is no dialogue between the two.

When they came to the grove, the two stopped.

This is the place where the two people come most often, and it is a particularly meaningful place.

Every time he went home, Wang Changhu would come here to look at the tree and touch the words engraved on it.

When the two of them established a relationship, they engraved their names on the trees. For more than eight years, the trees grew taller and the two names became much bigger.

That tree is a witness, a witness of their love.

Unconsciously, the two stood in front of the big tree.

Wang Changhu lit a cigarette and inhaled slowly, the cold wind was blown away suddenly.

Looking at the cigarette in his hand, Wang Changhu said softly: "I smoked with the old university. I always think he smokes very handsome. People seem to have this habit and can't help imitating their idols."

Wang Changhu paused, and smiled bitterly: "I used to smoke less because I was saving money and I was not so addicted. But since I broke up, I smoked very fiercely, one pack for two days, and then one pack a day, now one day. A pack and a half!"

Wang Changhu looked at Xu Xiaojuan with tears in his eyes, and said every word: "Whenever I think of you, I will smoke a cigarette. Now I think more and more often!"

Xu Xiaojuan listened quietly and looked straight into the distance, not knowing what she was thinking.

Without waiting for a response, Wang Changhu reached out his hand and stroked the tree's name and said, "Do you remember this tree?"

This tree has witnessed too much, holding hands this time, hugging this time, kissing this time.

How could she not remember?

Xu Xiaojuan retracted her gaze, looked at Wang Changhu with calm eyes, and finally spoke.

"Changhu, do you think this is interesting? If you come from a place, you can still be friends if you can't be a couple. Don't make the relationship too embarrassing. Let the past pass! What's the use of recollecting?"

Wang Changhu shook his head slowly, "It's over? But I can't forget, really can't forget! I'm not stalking you, I really want to try to save it!"

Xu Xiaojuan's mouth curled up, and she sneered, "I can't save it, you know me, since you have made a decision, it is impossible to go back!"

"Changhu, when I walk out of this small mountain village, I can see the outside world. The most important thing in a person's life is not love, but a high-quality life. You can say that I am materially snobbery, but this is the real society."

"You are really good to me, and I also admit that being with you may wait until that day, but when will you wait? Will you succeed at that time? This is all unknown!"

"It's better to take advantage of being young and beautiful and have capital, in exchange for a prosperous life, I think it's worth it!"

The cigarette in his hand was slowly burning, and Wang Changhu had no intention of taking another sip. He looked at this ex-girlfriend who had been thinking about himself and had been together for seven years with a strange look, and he felt as if he was looking at a stranger.

He felt so strange to her now.

After a long time, Wang Changhu murmured, "Is it really like this?"

Xu Xiaojuan looked bored, "Let's go, don't bother me anymore? I really don't want to see you again in the future!"

Wang Changhu took a deep breath and looked up at the sky numbly. The original blue color suddenly changed to gray.

Just like the color of his world.

Turning his head, Wang Changhu seemed to have lost his strength. He stumblingly walked with one foot and one foot At this time, he was like a walking dead.

Until the moment Wang Changhu turned around, Xu Xiaojuan's expression suddenly changed, from mocking and boredom before to distressed.

His heart is hurting, why is she not?

That back figure finally disappeared from the field of vision, at this time Xu Xiaojuan was already teary eyes blurred.

The wind whimpered, and she hugged herself tightly, no matter how thick and expensive the down jacket was, it couldn't warm the coldness of her heart.

Seeing the name on the tree, Xu Xiaojuan cried bitterly. When she came back, she wanted to cut through those words, but took out a knife and leaned it against it.

She knew that if she wanted him to give up completely, she had to do that.

But she couldn't do it, that line was gone, and the past seemed to be lost.

After a long time, Xu Xiaojuan wiped her tears and finally walked out of the small forest.

Her expression did not change from the expression when she came.

Entering the house, Xu's mother was still sweeping the yard, and then followed her daughter into the house.

After a moment of silence, Mother Xu said: "Xiaojuan, I watched Changhu grow up. This kid is really good. Even after you split up with him, you will do some hard work for our family every time you go home."

"This money, how much is too much? My father and I have been poor in this small mountain village for a lifetime, so it's still pretty happy?"

"We don't have any requirements for you. We don't ask for wealth or prosperity. Find a down-to-earth guy to live happily. If you don't have money, spend less, and if you have money, you can save a little, and you will live a life without disease or disaster That's great!"

Xu's mother, who has no culture and is not good at words, actually said a lot of life principles.

These principles are the wealth that has been summed up for most of my life.

However, Xu Xiaojuan just said, "Mom, don't worry about my business!"

Mother Xu sighed again.

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