Twilight Boundary

Chapter 627 Earth Book and Heaven Book

Guidongzi is fine, I have acquaintances there...

Hu Ma was a little surprised when he heard Erguotou's words: "When I sent Xiang girl back to Lingshou Mansion a few years ago, she said that she would wait for me to go back to see her when I was free, but I was always busy. Now this favor is used for this?"

The only problem is that it is a long way to Anzhou. Even if I use the Tianxue, I don't know how much time it will take.

Besides, what I have to do is very complicated, and it is not easy to tell others. How can I explain it when I go there?

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Erguotou laughing: "Are you worried again?"

"Brother Lao Baigan, I'm not saying that you guys who have little experience are like this. You are diligent in learning skills. It's only been a few years, and you have opened the three-story door. Looking at this door, it is rare."

"But you only have a rough body, lack of knowledge, and you can't do things comfortably. But don't worry, since I promised you this, I will arrange it for you properly."


"That's great..."

Hu Ma was also surprised for a while, and laughed: "Brother, why do I feel that you have changed and become motivated all of a sudden?"

Erguotou always shirked his responsibilities before, and it was rare for him to suddenly be so concerned.

"Isn't it the good news you brought?"

Erguotou didn't hide it. Hu Ma could see him in high spirits and smiling from ear to ear, even though they were separated by his natal temple: "To be honest, since I got the Purple Tai Sui, I feel that this thing is more and more useful, but I feel more and more uneasy."

"I am afraid that the young master of the Hu family will come to find me, and I am also worried that when I go in again on July 15th next year, the warehouse full of treasures will be locked..."

"... Now it's all right!"

He sighed for a long time and said, "Since he doesn't come out easily in the mountains and only has eyes for the Meng family, it will be convenient for me to do anything."

"Don't talk about this little Purple Tai Sui, there may be other ideas..."


"Yes, yes."

Just listening to his happy voice, Hu Ma felt like a thief was staring at his back door, but after thinking about it, he could only focus on the big things. Anyway, Brother Erguotou believes in himself now.

I can't lock the door for now, so at least I can know in advance when he sets his eyes on something in the future, which is also good...



After finalizing this matter, Hu Ma was relieved and turned his attention to Guazhou City.

Now, Guazhou City has changed a lot in just a few days.

There was chaos two days ago, the Yan family was destroyed, and the Iron King and two thousand guards were made into bonsai in the alley next to the Yan Mansion. After all, it was the entire Yan Mansion, plus two thousand guards, and three or four thousand lives were lost in an instant.

The matter was so big that it was unimaginable. People said that there was an evil spirit in Guazhou City. Even those who knew the inside story in the Jianghu said that this ghost was too heavy.

However, this argument soon died down.

The ghost killer left, but the official of Zhensui Mansion appeared on the ruins of Yan's mansion, sealed the evidence, invited the people of Guazhou and various heroes to be witnesses, and soon found out the truth.

It turned out that the old man of the Yan family refined elixir to seek immortality in order to prolong his life, and refined a demon, which killed the old and young of the Manchus. The ghost killer and the King of Tiekan wanted to capture the demon, but they didn't expect that the demon was so powerful that it killed the King of Tiekan and his two thousand guards.

The facts are all there, and the truth is out!

All the evidence and the injustice book have been sent to the temple of the Lord of Guazhou, and the Lord of Guazhou did not dare to say it was not.

So the name of Zhensui Mansion spread throughout Guazhou City in an instant. No one cared about the Lord of Guazhou and the Iron Gate Yan family anymore. The people said that they only knew that Zhensui Mansion was fair and just, and asked about ghosts and gods. Anyone who dared to harm people, no matter what it was, would be killed with a knife.

It was not just Guazhou City. Previously, the Yan family had invited many heroes from the Jianghu. As they left, the story of the Zhensui Mansion killing the snake ghost and taking down the old man of the Yan family became a hot topic.

When they mentioned this, their faces were excited as if they had drunk two taels of wine. They talked about it vividly, describing the story of the ghost in Guazhou.

Many people even said that they had become one of the "little ghosts" who appeared and disappeared at that time.

"Heh, you asked me why I accepted the hero invitation from the Yan family, but became a ghostwriter in Zhensui Mansion after I went to Guazhou?"

"Just for the word justice!"

"You haven't seen what the people of Guazhou have been harmed by the Yan family. I am a brave man, how can I bear it?"

"How many masked people appeared in Guazhou at that time, do you know?"

"To be honest, I wore a mask at that time and followed to deal with the evil spirits of the Yan family..."



The more it spread, the more intense it became. At the beginning, it was not that no one suspected the identity of the ghost ghosts in Zhensui Mansion. Now that the case has been solved, it is everywhere in the world.

There are too many such arguments, and many anecdotes have also emerged.

It is said that when some heroes of the world returned from Guazhou, they stayed in a wild temple on the way and met a group of escorts who were taking shelter from the rain.

Since there was nothing to do at night, they gathered together, roasted dry food by the fire, and talked about the affairs of Yanzhou. When this group of heroes described the ghost as a majestic ghost who chopped off the head of the old man of the Yan family with a knife, they were so excited that they slapped their thighs hard.


"Let's say that when the Zhensui Mansion came, this evildoer..."

The escorts and heroes in the temple were talking happily, but the statue covered with spider webs next to it gurgled, fell to the ground, trembling, and rushed out of the temple door in a panic, ignoring the thunder and rain outside.

The escorts and the heroes only then realized that there was an evil spirit hidden in the temple, who specialized in eating passing merchants.

But he was frightened by the story of this group of heroes, and ran away...

So because of this incident, it became more popular in the world, and it was said that the name of Zhensui Mansion alone could suppress those evil spirits that harmed people.

Not to mention the fame of Zhensui Prefecture, the big pie of Guazhou City has also fallen into the hands of Bushiniu. Originally, when King Tiekan died, his subordinates immediately fought endlessly, all wanting to grab the throne of the grass-roots king, but when Bushiniu came, it was naturally a piece of cake.

Soon, another small leader was supported to inherit the throne of King Tiekan, but the real power was in the hands of Bushiniu.

After finishing all these, Miao Shan Fairy was led by Dou Guan to Hu Ma and praised loudly: "Uncle Master, you are amazing!"

"There are always fair people in the world."

"Now the word justice is in people's hearts. The matter of overwhelming the iron threshold of the Yan family has spread throughout our sect. When we heard that it was your work, many brothers and sisters were convinced and wanted to become the Three Great Whites."

"It is said that you, Uncle Master, are extraordinary in your work. You set up the grain protection army with one move, and you took down the iron threshold army with another move."

"How many of us who don't eat cattle have worked hard for twenty years, but they are not as powerful as you this time!"

"When will you return to Mingzhou?"

"I have bought a big house in Mingzhou. If you live there, I will have the opportunity to show my filial piety and let my fellow apprentices come and listen to your teachings!"


"Don't mention these nonsense anymore."

Hu Ma just waved his hand and said to Miao Shan Fairy: "If they really want to, they can learn well."

"I helped the grain protection army in Mingzhou because I knew that since there was no way to survive, the people would naturally look for a way to survive, so the grain protection army would definitely appear. If there is no grain protection general, there will be a general who protects grain and a general who guards grain. This is the destiny of people's hearts."


Miao Shan listened and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

However, the little servant Guidouguan beside her listened carefully and his eyes lit up: "People's hearts are determined... Earth Book?"

"Let's talk about Guazhou."

Hu Ma said: "The Yan family thinks that they have made Guazhou an iron plate. The Lord of the Mansion is theirs, the Iron Fence Army is theirs, and the nobles and masters in the city are all in cahoots with them, but why can't they wait for the emperor's order?"

"Because their Yan family has forgotten the basics and does not follow the destiny. The foundation is accumulated enough, the momentum is rising, and it is like a raging fire boiling oil. It's time to go further, but the people in their Yan family dare not..."

"It's obviously time to go out, but they have to guard their one acre and three points of land and wait for the emperor's order. They even put the so-called emperor's order and "You put your strength inside and harm the people. What do you call this?"

"It's up to others!"

"Oh, the Yan family was vulnerable in the end. It was also because of this. If you don't use your strength outside, you will have to use it inside. This is the law of nature and cannot be changed."

"The Yan family probably doesn't know that the emperor's fate cannot be waited for..."


Miaoshan Fairy nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes, yes."

The little servant Guidouguan next to her kept thinking silently, and gradually developed awe: "Not following the fate of heaven... the book of heaven?"

Just when Miaoshan Fairy listened vaguely and only cared about whether Hu Ma would go back to the mansion in Mingzhou with her, more and more disciples of Bu Niu came to the huge Guazhou City.

Listening to the rumors and looking at the ruins left by the once arrogant Yan family, the more they thought about it, the more amazed they were, and some people even almost shed tears.

Hu Ma didn't care much about the saying that justice overwhelms the iron threshold, and the reincarnated people didn't care much either.

Anyway, it was just a meeting, just a matter of doing something.

But the disciples who followed them, who had worked hard for twenty years in vain, had already suffered too much loss, so when they saw the scene here and the bustle here, they were touched from the bottom of their hearts.

Is justice really in the hearts of people?

In this confused voice, the senior brother who rarely showed up, still looked like an old farmer, carrying one or two baskets of vegetables, and slowly walked on the streets of Guazhou. He walked from beginning to end, and heard all the discussions and saw all the scenes of Guazhou.

When he finally stopped at the gate of the Yan family mansion, he slowly put down the pole, sighed softly, and there seemed to be endless sighs on his face: "Using evil means to practice the truth of the world..."

"The teacher may never come back, but the uncles are back!"

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