Twilight Boundary

Chapter 634: The Great Expert of the Underworld


Hu Ma was confused by the noise: "What big-bellied ghost king?"

"Why are you all running away before I even exert my strength?"

To be honest, he knew his own abilities. The people who kept watch on the New Year cultivated their spirits and souls. Anyone who entered the palace and went down there was considered a ghost king, big or small.

As the one who opened the three doors of the palace, he was a powerful ghost king even if he was put into the ghost king.

But after all, it was one against a group. Facing these fierce and evil spirits around, it seemed that he was not completely crushed. Why were they so scared?

He felt strange and subconsciously wanted to ask for clarification, but when he moved, the scattered evil ghosts became even more scared. They were chased away one by one, shouting grandpa and grandma, and Hu Ma condensed the Dharma image. His body was huge, and he had not yet adapted to this world. The Dharma image was just a phantom in the world of the living, relying on his own body to support it.

When I got here, it felt real. Although I felt powerful, it was difficult to move.

After chasing for a few steps, I couldn't catch up. In a hurry, I could only reach forward with both hands, but finally caught the slower one in my hand, lifted it up, and put it in front of me.

The bloody mouth opened and shouted: "Why are you running? What is the big belly ghost king?"

"Grandpa Tianshi, spare me, spare me..."

The one he caught was a ghost dressed as an actor, trembling in his hands and screaming desperately.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the bloody mouth, he screamed "Ah", and the ghost body collapsed. The whole ghost suddenly melted in Hu Ma's hand.


A ghost that was fleeing in the distance mustered up the courage to look back, and was so frightened that his soul flew out of his body: "Changdajun was eaten by it..."

This shout made the already chaotic and terrifying atmosphere around him tenfold. I saw groups of gloomy winds rolling and countless ghosts swimming around, as if a wasp had been provoked all of a sudden. Ghosts were flying around everywhere, and the shrill wailing was endless. With this area as the center, it trembled like being electrocuted and spread in all directions.

Hu Ma was really a little surprised, and he felt that he had condensed a Dharma image, and his Taoism was consumed severely. The crying of ghosts around made his head hurt.

He had an irresistible desire in his heart, as if he wanted to swallow them all in one breath.

But just when the sky was dark and the malice was growing in my heart, I saw a golden light falling from afar, accompanied by a voice:

"Don't panic, brother, I'll help you..."


Accompanied by the golden light, the clouds of sorrow all around dissipated instantly, and the dark cries of ghosts were suppressed, as if there was a clear and sunny day in the underworld.

Hu Ma also took this opportunity to concentrate his mind and hurriedly put away the Dharma image to avoid wasting too much Taoism.

Looking up, I saw that the Erguotou brother was slowly floating down from the misty fog.

There was a talisman on his body, and the talisman was shining. It was the source of the golden light, which dispelled the black fog all around. It looked like a golden lantern walking in the underworld...

... No wonder he kept an evil spirit around him, all red lanterns!

... He himself was also a lantern!

"Hua La!"

Er Guotou landed in front of him, and with a wave of his sleeves, a golden light covered Hu Ma inside, and said with a somewhat complaining expression: "Brother, you are too careless."

"Fortunately, I was thinking of you, so I hurried down to find you, otherwise I would have run into trouble alone?"

"This underworld is not like the world of the living, it is dangerous everywhere, even if you go on the bridge, in this underworld, if you make a mistake, you will be dead..."


"Yes, yes..."

Hu Ma had no choice but to agree, but he felt a little strange in his heart: 'It seems that I was not the one in danger just now? ’

When I thought of those ghosts that were dispersed and fled, I actually felt a sense of regret in my heart, as if I had a desire to swallow them all...

The weirdness in my heart had reached its peak. After calming down a little, I was eager to ask: "The people who keep watch are in this underworld..."

"Have you forgotten what I told you up there?"

Erguotou raised his hand to stop him and said: "You must have a lot of things that you don't understand when you come down for the first time, but when we get up there, we will talk about them one by one."

"The living people down there can't talk. Every time you say one more word, you lose a breath of yang energy. If you are not careful, your life will be lost here."


Hu Ma listened and had to shut up.

I really need to sort it out and understand it first.

While Erguotou was talking, he took out a complicated compass from his sleeve, on which were the words of the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.

But he turned the compass over and saw that the back of the compass also had a detailed and complicated arrangement, and there were faint strange handwritings that started to rotate.

It was the treasure passed down by the old ghost lineage, the Yin and Yang two-scene plate that could measure the underworld in the human world.

Erguotou was very skilled. He looked around and got the idea. He said in one direction: "We can't stay here any longer, let's go there quickly!"

"Let's go there!"


Seeing that his treasure was so useful in his hands, Hu Ma was slightly envious.

But he comforted himself in his heart that it was not a bad idea to leave it with him first. Anyway, he would not be able to use it after taking it...

After confirming the direction, Erguotou pulled the chain beside him, took out a handful of yellow paper, and threw it into the air.

Under their feet, a road paved with yellow paper appeared. Erguotou laughed, motioned for Hu Ma to follow, followed the road, and strode forward.

The mist all around seems to be able to cover everything, but it can't cover the road of yellow paper.

And in the fog, there are also eerie noises or low-pitched cries from time to time. It seems that there are shadows from time to time, trying to crawl out of the fog and run to this paper road.

"I have something to do, so don't make trouble..."

From time to time, Erguotou grabbed a handful of gold and silver paper money and scattered it along the way, causing the ghosts around to grab it and no longer bothered to climb up the yellow paper road.

"These ghosts have sensed the aura of living people, and they want to follow us back to the earth. Just throw some paper money and send them away."

As he spread it, he explained to the flax next to him: "It's dangerous in the underworld, but you don't have to be afraid if you follow me. I've wandered around before."

Yes Yes Yes……

Hu Ma finally understood why she had the strange feeling before.

When it comes to being a ghost sect master, Brother Erguotou is better than me, a ghost sect master...

At this age, this is the first time that I have gone down to the underworld, and in the physical body. Not only have many people come down, I have even found the Hu family’s treasure house in the underworld...

Always feeling weird?

As the two of them walked forward along the road paved with yellow paper, they felt that the various scenery around them was quickly receding. There were mountains, forests, and even places similar to villages and palaces, but they were all in the shadows. , but couldn't see carefully, until suddenly I heard the sound of rushing water in front of me. After walking a few steps, I saw the road paved with yellow paper suddenly cut off in front of me.

The broad, boundless river with gloomy and dark water suddenly stood in front of the road, blocking the way.

From time to time, there are huge shadows swimming in the river, and from time to time, some figures are seen struggling painfully on the river.

Hu Ma was a little wary of the evil aura coming from the river, but Erguotou looked unfazed. He raised his hand and took out a paper bridge from his sleeve. When he waved it in his hand, the paper bridge actually started to burn. In a matter of seconds, it was burned cleanly.

The next moment, a strong and beautiful bridge appeared under his feet, spanning to the other side of the river.

Erguotou walked up directly, and Hu Ma also followed, but as soon as he stepped on it, cracks appeared on the bridge. Erguotou hurriedly turned around and warned: "I almost forgot that you came down in the flesh, but be careful. Although the things burned in the world will remain in the world." Everything here is true, but it’s just a thought. You people who watch the year are so heavy that if you are not careful, you will collapse my bridge..."

"The water in the river below is so fierce that if it falls, people on the bridge will not be able to climb up..."


Hu Ma could only walk carefully on the bridge and used the lightening technique of a watcher. Although he knew that it would consume Yang Qi, he still couldn't help but ask:

"If everything burned by a living person is real, then if Sun burns thousands of troops and comes over, wouldn't he just declare himself king?"


"What are you thinking about?"

Erguotou smiled and said: "Although things burned in the world are easy to use here, the point is not what is burned, but the intention."

"The more sincere the people above are burned, the more valuable they will be when the fire reaches the bottom. The same is true for this bridge. The more sincere the people above are, the stronger the bridge will be..."

"In addition, there are also the burned high-rise horses, clothes and jewelry, and by the way, there is also the paper man..."


As he spoke, he shook his head and said, "Tsk, it's like a living person..."


These words made Hu Ma startled for a moment, and she thought to herself: "Why are you so familiar with it? You haven't tried it before, have you?"

During this conversation, the two crossed the river and continued moving forward.

With an expert like Erguotou guiding the way, and with the Yin and Yang scenes shining on them, the underworld, which should have been extremely dangerous, became like a sightseeing tour on foot, and Hu Ma felt that his knowledge had greatly increased.

There is no sun or moon in the underworld, so it is difficult to tell the time. I only feel that I have crossed the river, climbed the mountain, and passed through the misty and gloomy valley, the slope of bones, and the palace of ghosts.

Just when Hu Ma's four pillars of Taoism had gradually been exhausted and only three pillars were left unsatisfied, there was suddenly a billowing evil energy coming from the front.

The severe face-cutting was frightening, and the howling sound was subconsciously shocking, especially to Hu Ma, who seemed to feel that the evil spirit was even more powerful than the Five Evil Gods.

Erguotou also stopped and said in a low voice: "Brother, if you live up to your trust, you will be wasting your life..."

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