Twilight Boundary

Chapter 647 Daluo Fajiao

"Damn it, the God-Adventure Platform is prepared for the noble Zhang family?"

Hearing this, Hu Ma couldn't help but feel numb in her scalp. How should I put it, the seniors still know how to play...

It took twenty years to fool the Zhang family and create a treasure to deal with them?

Want to see it!

Hu Ma, who could no longer suppress the anticipation in her heart, hurriedly followed behind Senior Longjing, only to see that the city within the city of vain death had turned into ruins, the houses collapsed, the roads were twisted, and the bricks and tiles that made up this real city, Pieces are floating in the gloomy haze, some are spreading out little by little, and some are being eaten by countless ghosts.

And just before he invaded this place, this place was still tall and majestic, and it was dense and majestic. Overtly and covertly, there were living people and ghosts, and no one knew how tight the defense was.

But Senior Longjing only borrowed his breath and wrote eight words, and then destroyed such a huge mansion?

Hu Ma felt a little inferior when she thought about how she had brought a group of reincarnated people to tear down the Tiemen Yan family.

At this time, Senior Longjing was walking forward with a calm expression. Among the ruins and twisted alleys, he seemed to be extremely familiar. He walked deeper and said at the same time:

"Do you think the Ten Surnames are powerful?"



Hu Ma asked coldly, but felt a little embarrassed.

Thinking of the time when a disciple from outside the ten surnames and the fifth server came over, the reincarnated people in Mingzhou were so frightened that they did not dare to take a breath...

So he pretended to be calm, nodded, and said: "It's just so-so!"


Senior Longjing turned to look at him, his expression seemed a little surprised, and said: "Don't be too proud!"

"The ten surnames are so terrifying that no one dares to underestimate them."

"There are countless strange people and strangers in this world, and they have Tai Sui, and all the sects have some incredible abilities. But twenty years ago, Lao Junmei peeled off the emperor's skin, cut off the dragon vein of the Yi Dynasty, and cut off my That was the luck of the clan. The insidious guy of the National Master was probably afraid and hid. From then on, the Ten Surnames were different. "

"We fought to the death, but the ten people got the biggest advantage in the world."

"Now, they have digested the previous harvest for another twenty years. The abilities of each family have greatly improved. They are no longer the same as twenty years ago."

"I know the noble Zhang family very well. If I recommend others, I can also guess what the other nine surnames are today."

After saying that, he said lightly: "Oh, I have to admit it..."

"It is said that the ten surnames are the ancestors of each sect. This is actually to put gold on their own faces. The skills in each sect have a long history. They are inherited from the people. It was just that the ancestors of the ten surnames were summoned by the Yi Dynasty. After entering the palace, they rectified the evil spirits in the world. After a hundred years, their work became more and more sophisticated, their abilities became more and more powerful, and good things happened..."


His serious words made Hu Ma a little surprised.

After adjusting his mentality, he whispered: "If the senior said so, then we understand. The abilities of the ten surnames are indeed great. They have hidden dragons and crouching tigers. They have countless unique skills. They also recruit strangers from all over the world and control the general trend of the world. We reincarnated people , in fact, they all have their own abilities, but we usually have to avoid them and dare not really fight against the ten surnames..."


Senior Longjing was a little surprised. He glanced at Hu Ma helplessly and said, "There's no need to be so disappointing."

"The ten surnames are powerful, and we are even more powerful."

"They are the most powerful people who have ever appeared in this world, but we are from heaven..."



Of course Hu Ma respected such a senior in her heart, but now, she couldn't help but curse in her heart.

‘Do you have to take such a big detour to show off? ’

'Whether you want to scold the Shi surnames or praise the Ten surnames, I can cooperate...'



"Mr. Iron, stay!"

But while they were talking, a man staggered out from behind the broken wall in front of him. He was also covered in blood and dust, and phantoms could be seen around him gnawing at him. Then, when he looked up at Senior Longjing, his face was filled with fierceness, and he shouted sternly: "You two masters are destined to die, you must not leave the small courtyard, go back quickly..."

Senior Longjing didn't look at him at all and kept walking forward. He had already understood. He immediately swallowed a gulp of blood and suddenly took several steps and started rubbing his hands.


Hu Ma couldn't help but be surprised. He could tell at a glance that this was a master.

The weak ones all died under Mr. Longjing's evil spell just now. This one's ability is probably enough to open at least three doors.

He eagerly wanted to take action, but he already heard a dull sound of "click, click, click".

As the opponent's hands rubbed, the broken walls around him seemed to come to life and began to twist and change.

Hu Ma originally followed Senior Longjing and walked forward, but the road under his feet had changed. In front of him, it turned into a dark straight passage.

It led straight to a place, and it was the small courtyard that they had left behind just now.

You can even hear the hoarse sound of the gramophone, floating faintly from the front.

Hu Ma was ready to take action as soon as he saw the other person, but now he was stunned and the figure of that person was nowhere to be seen in front of him.

There are only tall brick walls and dark alleys.

Senior Longjing, on the other hand, kept walking forward, approached the wall, reached for it, picked off a brick from the wall, and inserted it back again.

Then he pointed at the brick and said, "Spray him!"

Hu Ma immediately sprayed out a true Yang arrow, and the brick suddenly burst into flames.

The next moment, there was a muffled sound, and the surrounding alley walls returned to their original state. They were still in ruins, and the man who blocked the road was already kneeling in the alley.

His orifices were bleeding, his body was stiff, and his face had an expression of incredible horror, but he was already dead and could no longer die.

"What's the point of this?"

When Hu Ma walked around this man, he was even a little stunned: "With our True Yang Arrow, it is easy to kill a sneaky kid. How can such a master kill him just like that?"

"It is true that we did lose that battle in twenty years, but it was not a crime of war."

Mr. Longjing didn't look at this person at all. He just picked up a nail from beside him and said to Hu Ma as he walked forward: "It was us who misjudged the Imperial Master."

"We didn't expect that he would betray us, let alone that the 10th surname would have such courage to stab us in the back."


Hu Ma was also immediately attracted by the content of Senior Longjing's words: "So, who is the national master who is the key?"

Mr. Longjing said calmly: "Have you heard of him too?"

Hu Ma nodded and whispered: "Now there are ten surnames in the world, but the ten surnames think that there are eleven surnames in the world."

"The extra surname is the national master's lineage."

After a pause, he whispered: "I have also heard people say that twenty years ago, the national preceptor fought with the great virtuous master in Shangjing. The sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the gods and ghosts howled. In the end, the great virtuous master lost, but he Although he lost, he still skinned the old emperor and ruined Yi Chao's luck. After that, the national master also disappeared, and the reincarnated person was purged and had to hide. "

"That's what they said?"

After hearing these words, Senior Longjing showed a faint smile on his face, with a hint of ridicule: "You really know how to put gold on your own face..."

"I have been in the Zhang family for twenty years, and no one dares to say such things to me."


The sarcasm on his face did not go away, and he sneered: "If you talk about ability, he has it."

"But his greatest skill is that he deceived the rest of us."


Hu Ma couldn't help but feel excited as she listened, and whispered: "Senior, these things are very important to us."

"The so-called National Master is just a title."

When Longjing mentioned this person, he still had unconcealable cynicism and disgust in his heart: "Their sect is called Da Luo Dharma Sect. When they entered the palace, they were named the Protector of the Country. Of course, they were also called the National Preceptor." , and he is the thirteenth generation successor of Daluo Dharma Sect and the third generation protector of the country. His name is Dongxuan. We have been familiar with each other since his master was still alive. "

"Although he is from here, he is very smart. He yearns for everything about us and envies our talents. We also have a high regard for him. Twenty years ago, we joined forces with him to destroy the Yi Dynasty Du clan, just to prevent That great sacrifice to heaven that lasted for two hundred years, now that I think about it, we were indeed too crazy at the time, and we were doing something truly heaven-defying..."

"The change of dynasty has its own destiny. The capital of the Yi Dynasty can be destroyed, but it should be ended according to this law, rather than forcibly cut off by personal power!"

"But we did it at that time, and it happened to be successful..."

"It's just the result..."


He said quietly, and couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed difficult to bear..."

"The Great Sacrifice to Heaven?"

When Hu Ma heard these four words, her heart couldn't help but jump, and she hurriedly looked up at Senior Longjing.

"Smash this nail between the third stone slab in front!"

While Senior Longjing was speaking, he stopped and handed the nail he had just picked up to Hu Ma, and motioned to the stone slab in front of him with his eyes.


Hu Ma took it and held it with both hands, pushed it down hard, and half of the nail was immediately inserted. Then he raised his foot and stepped on it, and the whole nail was sunk in.


As the nails were driven in, there was a sudden sound of vomiting blood in the seemingly deserted ruins, and four people in black robes slowly fell down.

Everyone's forehead is covered in black and blue, but they are already dead and cannot die anymore.


As for Mr. Longjing, he walked between them and said calmly: "It originated from the ambition of the ancestors of the Du family. They made stone weights and sold the whole world in order to obtain immortality."

"We cooperated with Daluo Fajiao. We originally thought that they had seen through it, but now we see that we were wrong."

"His yearning for us is fake. He is willing to stop Du Shi not because he has seen through the trap of becoming an immortal, but because..."

"He also wants to become an immortal!"

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