Twilight Boundary

Chapter 688: Mountain Sacrifice

"Yama is recruiting soldiers?"

When Hu Ma heard what Erye said, he knew that what he said was wrong.

He had just returned from the underworld and knew that there was no Yama in the underworld. Moreover, the underworld was in a state of expansion because of the end of reincarnation. Even if there was a Yama, he would not mind that there were too many people under him, so why would there be a shortage of people?

However, although he thought so in his heart, he did not interrupt Erye, but showed a curious look.

He wanted to hear what Erye, who had been born in the village since childhood, thought about this black wind disaster.

"I have seen black wind disasters three times in my life, it's really scary!"

Speaking of this, the second master also sighed: "Whenever we hear that a black wind disaster is coming, every household will close the door, burn incense, kowtow to their ancestors, and hope that the black wind disaster will not blow to their village."

"But if it really happens, there is no escape, you can only bear it, who can survive, it all depends on luck!"

"It is said that only families with great blessings and large populations can survive this kind of black wind disaster, but to say that they can survive it, it also depends on the situation."

"The best thing is of course that the black wind disaster comes, but it does not blow to your own village, just hearing the movement is enough, but if it blows to your own village, if it only blows for one or two incense sticks, the village will be in trouble. ”

“The most frightening thing is the kind that suddenly rolls up half of the old Yinshan Mountain, whimpering and blowing all night long, and there is no way to hide.”

“Now let’s count, it must have been fifteen years ago. The one our village encountered was the most severe. It seemed that half of the black wind disaster of the old Yinshan Mountain blew all over our village.”

“It also seemed that once this black wind disaster blew over, it refused to leave.”

“It whimpered and blew non-stop, and the cattle and sheep outside kept calling, but after a while, there was no movement.”

“In fact, there are customs in the village. If you encounter a black wind disaster, you can hide if you can, but if you see that the disaster is too big, you can’t hide.”

“The young and strong people gathered together, beating drums, beating gongs After beating the gong, the old and the young went to the fire pit to burn incense and ask for the blessing of the ancestors. It is said that if the noise is loud, the disaster can be driven away, but the disaster that time was too severe, and no one dared to go out..."


Speaking of this, he seemed to feel a little regretful: "I was also in the door at that time. I saw brother Hu Shan, that is, your father, carrying the drum alone and went out of the village. I wanted to follow him to help, but he said that I couldn't help and wouldn't let me go."

"That night, the drum sounded outside the village for half the night."

"In the second half of the night, the drum sound disappeared and the wind sounded weaker. We waited until dawn before we dared to take the pond ash out to look for it, but we only found the drum outside the village, but didn't find him. "

"At that time, in the village People all guessed that he was eaten by something, and some even guessed...did he run away? "


As he said this, he looked at Hu Ma with some sympathy, and sighed: "But after a few years, no one said anything."

"If he really didn't die, who would not come back to see his mother and his son in these ten years? "


It was pitch black, gloomy, ghosts were crying, the sky and the earth were changing color, the man who carried the drum alone, and the village in despair...

Hu Ma had no feelings for his father, whom he had never met or even heard of a few times, but now after listening to the second master's story, he did feel a little complicated and heavy, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

"In the final analysis, it is because our people are not united and the incense is not strong. Otherwise, who would be afraid of him?"

The second master said, but he was a little dissatisfied, saying: "That's why we have to worship the mountain. After worshiping the mountain, the villagers in the surrounding area will take care of each other. If there is something, they will go together. What are we afraid of the black wind disaster?"


Hearing the second master's confidence, Hu Ma was a little surprised: "Can this be blocked?"

Since I knew that the people in the Hu family have a heavy fate and little blessings, I have tried to understand it. I found that there are many sayings about fate, blessings, and luck in this sect, and there are even many methods related to this.

But no matter what I say, the solution has always been vague. Even if I heard that there is one, it is only understood by a very small number of people, and it is difficult for outsiders to know.

For example, regarding this blessing, only those in the sect of thieves can understand it, and they can't even touch it.

But this kind of thing that even people in the sect find extremely difficult, why does the second master seem to understand it very well?

"Of course it can be stopped."

When the second master heard this, he glared and said, "As long as people are united, there is nothing that cannot be stopped."

"When the black wind disaster came, the people in the village could not even get enough to eat, and people's hearts were scattered. Zhou, Cui, Li, and Zhao each looked after themselves. When the black wind disaster came, they all hid and prayed to their ancestors. Who cares about these things?"

"But now we have to offer sacrifices to the mountain for this."

"This time when we offer sacrifices to the mountain, it is not just us burning incense and offering sacrifices. We have to invite people to come and watch the ceremony."

"It is said that blessings can prevent disasters, so what is this blessing that cannot be seen or touched?"

"It is a happy event!"

"It depends on your face in such a big event. It is not easy for the village to offer sacrifices to the mountain. There will be more people coming to support you. Your status will be higher. The neighbors will look respectable, and your family will look well-known. Those who are sick and have disasters will hide from you."

"Besides, this kind of thing is not about taking advantage of others. When everyone adds firewood, the flames will be high. When the time comes, we will be prosperous and happy. Those who follow us to burn incense and kowtow will also take advantage of the good news. The more people there are, the more festive it will be!"

"No matter what kind of disaster it is, it can be prevented."


'Good guy...'

Hearing this, Hu Ma's eyes were a little opened. It was a problem that no one in this discipline could explain clearly, but the second master said it simply.

If it were a matter of fortune, wouldn't everyone grab it if it were so easy?

But of course he would not disappoint the second master, so he smiled and said: "What the second master said makes sense."

"Since it is a mountain sacrifice, of course it should be more lively."

"Our tiger has been craving for it for many years. Now that we are successful, we can respect him."


The second master listened with a strange expression and said: "The words are good, but why don't they sound good to you?"

"Master Mountain God, can you arrange it? I'm not afraid of falling into the mountains in the future."

"But you must take this matter seriously."

"Sacrificing a mountain is a big event, and the people who come to support it are also important. You don't need to worry about people from all over the country. Your second master is here to save my face."

"In addition, I said hello to the blood-feeding thing you mentioned before, and took the people from their village with me, so now everyone on the left and right gives me face, and the scene is indispensable, but those outside It's up to you to be worthy..."

"... Can you invite a few of the capable people under General Guoliang to support the scene?"


"Don't worry, don't worry."

Seeing that the second master still seemed a little unconvinced, Hu Ma smiled and assured: "We brothers, after spending several years outside, we still have a few friends."

After saying this, the matter was settled. The second master was indescribably happy and felt like he was feeling windy when he walked.

That night, they had another meal and drink as usual, which was the custom for the promising ones when they returned to the village.

But when the flowing table was set up, Zhou Liang and Zhao Zhu, who had returned to the village for two days and still insisted on showing off in their armor, still wanted to push Hu Ma to the old patriarch's side. This is the most honorable among the younger generation. seat.

As for the people in the village, although they couldn't say it openly, they also felt strange in their hearts. Why did the man who became a general let a white man sit on him?

Zhou Liang and Zhao Zhu had already told their families several times, so they took this opportunity to say to the people in the village: "We all learned our skills from Brother Mazi, but Brother Mazi wouldn't let us worship him as our master. , he is only a senior brother, our master is still the second master. "

"But even if we are brothers, there are big ones and small ones. If Brother Mazi doesn't sit on it, then we can only eat standing up."


Zhao Zhu said: "That's right, when the general who protects food comes, he can only sit under Brother Mazi."

After saying this, the second master's face suddenly became inexplicably brighter, and the people in the village suddenly stood in awe.

But I feel in my heart that the children of the Zhao family are still so dumbfounded, just give up their seats. How come even a god like the general who protects food dares to arrange things behind his back?

Hu Ma was not polite and sat down. People in the village also discovered that not only Hu Ma sat on the top, but Zhou Datong also sat on the top. Li Wazi also had a promising future. Zhou Datong, Zhou Liang and Zhao Zhu were all in trouble. Start calling him brother?

...Looking quite attentive?

And at this banquet, the second master talked about the mountain sacrifice, and everyone in the village was happy.

The next few days will be the Chinese New Year, and now her mother-in-law is no longer in the village. This means little to Hu Ma, and she is just subject to the arrangements of her elders.

In addition to inviting their ancestors home to celebrate the New Year on New Year's Eve, and sending their ancestors back to Tangzi on New Year's Day, the young people in the village no longer bothered to visit relatives. Instead, the old patriarch wrote the poem himself. There are dozens of posts.

As for inviting the prominent people outside, Hu Ma also thought about it, listed a few names, and asked Xiao Hongtang to send the letter.

Xu Wensheng, the general manager of grain and grass under General Baoliang, Mr. Xu, the bald leader of the general, and several other old acquaintances from the Red Lantern Club, as well as Zhou Liang and Zhao Zhu, who have been with General Baoliang for a while. The good brothers and good friends I have made over the past few days...

...It’s just to support the scene and make the second master happy. Is that enough?

In Mingzhou, General Baoliang and several veteran generals of the White Armored Army were discussing how to march into the army after the new year, when they heard a candle on the table shaking and a dark wind blowing in.

Xiao Hongtang walked into the big account under the gaze of the fierce warriors in the room, handed the note to Xu Wensheng, and then handed it to Bald Lao Zhang, Madam Cui and others... …

"Hey, Brother Huma, please come over and feel happy..."


All of a sudden, everyone in the tent was stunned. General Guoliang was the first to react and shouted: "Who?"

"Brother Huma, why don't you invite me?"

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