Twilight Boundary

Chapter 722: A good life

What is a bridge?

People in the sect, when they have reached a certain level of ability, will be aware of the existence of this concept.

But this is not like entering the mansion, which can be written on paper, so the method of crossing the bridge is not recorded in the town's annual book.

Since entering the mansion, Hu Ma has also asked people, first Miss Red Wine, and later Erguotou, so he has a certain understanding of the concept of this bridge in his mind.

Crossing the bridge is a process of stepping from a human into a non-human, and it is also a process of "leaving the shore". This shore is the human world, and it is a human. Being a human, you cannot avoid birth, aging, sickness and death, the three disasters and eight difficulties, fate and cause and effect, and reincarnation of sins.

Going on the bridge is a step away from this shore and going to a higher place. You can avoid some things and look back at this human body.

Going on the bridge is a new method.

Originally, there was no such thing as going up the bridge in this world. People from various sects practiced this skill, and when they entered the palace, they were considered great masters. Once they entered the hall, their skills were at the top.

Just like Hu Ma, who had already opened three doors of the palace, theoretically, he had reached the limit of the sect of keeping the New Year. As a "human", his skills could only be learned here.

But the method of going up the bridge is to take another step after the skills in this world have reached the limit.

This step is already inhuman. It is said that it was the Tai Sui Lord who came to the world and brought rare treasures to the world, which gave these people in the sects the opportunity to step out.

"No wonder it is called the 'bridge'..."

When all these thoughts flashed through his mind, Hu Ma was also borrowing Cui Magu's Dharma body, looking at the phantom of the bridge behind her, looking at the phantom that stretched across the underworld in the human world and pointed directly to the depths of the underworld, the unknown netherworld...

In theory, the bridge is just a road. Roads beyond the abilities of the human world will not have a substantial existence.

But in the underworld, nothing is certain. With the mind sensing, he also saw the shape, which is indeed like a bridge.

It was also when he saw the bridge that he knew Miss Red Wine was going to take action.

She would never miss this opportunity.

She was the one who climbed the bridge early, so she knew more. She once said: "Once you climb the bridge, the people of the ten surnames will send messengers to welcome you, congratulate you on your transcendence, and treat you as a distinguished guest!"

"But of course, they say you are a distinguished guest, but in fact, it only means that after you climb the bridge, you have only one choice, and you are willing to be a running dog of the ten surnames!"


The ten great ways in the world each have their own way to transcend, which is equivalent to ten bridges, and these ten bridges are all in the hands of the ten surnames. In the past twenty years, the more powerful the ten surnames have been, the stronger their control over the bridges has been.

So there are only three situations for climbing the bridge:

One is a low-class life. Once you climb the bridge, you will be welcomed by the ten surnames, treated as a distinguished guest, and taught the secret of not falling on paper.

Of course, the Ten Surnames will indeed treat the people who go up the bridge as honored guests, but the people in the sect know very well that this cannot change the people who are slaves in their bones.

Obviously, they have learned the skills to the top and taken a step of transcendence, but in the end they can only be used by the Ten Surnames. This is a kind of misery in their bones, and the reincarnated certainly look down on it.

The second type is the middle fate, which is to wear purple air, avoid the prying of the Ten Surnames, and walk to the bridge.

In this case, the Ten Surnames will notice that someone has gone up the bridge, but they don’t know who it is, so they can’t control it. But if the Ten Surnames have time, let go and observe carefully, sooner or later, it may be possible to find the person who went up the bridge.

There are also great risks.

In addition to this, the superior fate is to walk on the bridge without any constraints, feel transcendent, and look for opportunities.

This is the way for people in the sect to really feel at ease.

Miss Red Wine used to have a medium fate. Although she didn't have Zi Tai Sui at that time, she was a trickster after all. Therefore, she used the trick of deception to avoid being peeped and sneak onto the bridge, but because of this, she suffered a lot in the past few years.

So, when she realized that Zi Tai Sui could also make the reincarnated person have a medium fate, although she was surprised, she also had a different idea.

Since there is an opportunity, why not be bolder?

Zi Tai Sui can make the reincarnated person go up the bridge and become a sneaky person like herself.

But the reincarnated people have been sneaking around for too long, why not take advantage of this time and fight for a good fate?

To fight for a good fate, it is not just to go up the bridge, but to seize the bridge!

The beggar Zhang family lost the dragon cave and was slaughtered by someone. Although the bridge has no owner, it is already a broken bridge with poor quality.

The ownerless bridge of the Hu family is the deepest hidden, and there are too many secrets and dangers.

In this case, Hu Ma helped her choose the bridge of the Meng family, and helped create an unprecedented good opportunity!

This is of course a great ambition, but I didn't expect that it would actually come true now...



"How could you do such a thing..."

Hu Ma felt a sincere joy in his heart. When he borrowed Cui Magu's body to look at the bridge, Cui Magu's perception was undoubtedly more sensitive.

She had her back to the bridge, but she could see more clearly than Hu Ma. She saw the vague shadows on the bridge. They were all guests on the bridge who had been treated as guests of honor by Tongyin Meng for so many years. They were preparing to do the last thing for the Meng family.

They all worshiped the Hu family, cut off their blessings and changed their fate.

This was originally a move by the young master of the Meng family, who gambled on the last trump card of the Meng family to survive.

The possibility of winning this move was very small, and it was more likely to be a lose-lose situation.

But she never thought that this move would become a joke.

She saw that when the guests on the bridge raised their incense and were ready to bow to Hu Ma, a ghostly shadow suddenly appeared on the bridge. After carefully looking at him, he suddenly laughed and jumped out, then ran away with big strides...

The shadow on the bridge was stunned.

I don’t understand why a master of the Fulingmen Dao came to the bridge when the Meng family was in danger.

Usually, the Meng family has a very strict control over the world, and such an unexpected person should not appear.

But the appearance of this person also blocked them, so that they couldn’t bow down. They were anxious to order the other party to go up, but suddenly, the man rushed over and kicked him over.

Then, he raised his hands high and shouted loudly: "Brothers, it's true, there is not even a gatekeeper on the bridge of the Meng family..."

"Go, go, follow me!"


The next moment, a scene that was crazy beyond cognition and weird enough to make people desperate appeared, and countless shadows appeared on the bridge.

Those who can go up the bridge are undoubtedly outstanding people who have learned human skills to the extreme and are willing to transcend.

Such people may not appear even after decades of careful training.

But now, they are counted in groups?


They are a kind of madman, or locusts. They rushed to the bridge and occupied various advantageous positions. Each of them was surrounded by purple air and could not be seen clearly, so they were like masked people rushing into other people's houses.

Robbers, this is simply robbers!

But even if Cui Magu racked her brains, she couldn't understand why such a crazy scene appeared.


There are countless masters of the Fuling Sect in this world, most of them gathered near Yanzhou, and at this moment, blood spurted from their mouths.

Someone sat in a house covered with weeds, in front of him was a bridge made of paper. He stood on the bridge lightly, closed his eyes, and held a bunch of incense in his hand.

The disciples gathered around him, watching nervously, all knowing what the master had just ordered. He said that he would do one last thing for the Meng family. After doing this, we would have a broad sky and a free and easy life in this sect...

But no one expected that the paper bridge under his feet would suddenly catch fire when the spell was only half cast.

The master fell off the paper bridge in an instant, dizzy, and the first time he opened his eyes, he shouted:

"There is a ghost, there is a ghost!"


"It's broken!"

The one who reacted faster was the eldest son of the Meng family, Meng Siliang, in the ancestral house of the Meng family. He closed the hall door and left himself alone, sitting quietly in this spacious but dark house.

What he could hear was the voice outside the paper-covered window that kept calling his name. When he occasionally opened his eyes, he could see the faces posted on the window, staring at the hall.

Those were the shadows of the disaster creatures, they were eager to collect their debts and take him away.

The nail in his forehead nailed him to the world, so that he would not be called away by the things outside the window for the time being.

But he was extremely anxious, wondering if Aunt Cui had arrived at Laoyin Mountain and started to do that business.

But he could borrow a nail to nail himself to the world, but the other people who lived together in the Meng family mansion were not so lucky.

Listening to the calls that kept ringing outside the window, looking at the shadows that were waiting impatiently outside the window, someone sat in the room, suppressed his tears for a long time, and finally when the sound outside the window reached its climax, he cried out with a crying voice:

"Don't urge me, don't urge me, I'll go with you..."


Amid the shouting, a white silk came out from under the bed, and was slowly placed on the beam.

"Damn Meng Siliang, it's all you, it's all your fault..."

Someone finally couldn't help it and rushed out of the door to fight Meng Siliang.

But when he rushed out, he was surrounded by countless shadows, and his feet didn't touch the ground, and he quickly floated outside the house.

When he reacted, he turned around and saw that he was kneeling in the yard at this time, without any sound.

Meng Siliang covered his ears, not listening to the calls of those things outside the window, nor the cries and roars that sounded from time to time in the yard. He just gritted his teeth and was sure: "I will not die. Even if these people die, I will definitely not die..."

"There must be one Meng family bloodline alive. They, they dare not let me die..."


But all these thoughts suddenly roared in his mind, and when he saw a certain picture in a trance, they suddenly dissipated.

Only endless despair was left, pouring into his heart, his voice became hoarse and distorted, and he shouted: "That...that is our Meng family's bridge!"

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