Twilight Boundary

Chapter 769: Rich Family


The mother-in-law looked into Hu Ma's eyes and sighed softly: "Your grandfather didn't have time to tell me these things, because the Meng family didn't know where to find an old ancestor, who was too powerful."

"Your grandfather, your uncle, and your aunt couldn't beat him. Your grandfather didn't have time to say it until he died, and your father, I asked him countless times, and he never denied it."

"Later, I saw your birth, and I saw people from the Daluo Fa Sect appear in the Old Yin Mountain."

"I began to believe what the Meng family said. The Hu family did take you and exchanged some things."


Hu Ma already knew what happened later, and he already knew a lot of what the mother-in-law said.

But now, there are still endless ups and downs in his heart.

The Hu family also wants to become immortals?

He seemed to look deep, but slowly raised his head and looked at the black smoke and clouds in the sky, and saw the ancestral temples of the ten surnames shrouded in the eerie ghost aura.

She looked at the old man who was sitting quietly on the futon not far away, as if he didn't hear the conversation between her and her mother-in-law. Finally, her eyes fell on the outside, the shadowy figures, the nobles and masters in the capital.

The mother-in-law also patted Hu Ma's palm gently, asked Hu Ma to look back at her, and said softly: "I married into the Hu family because I admired the Hu family. The Hu family learned the law in the village and never forgot their roots."

"Your grandfather and I met in the countryside when we were dealing with evil spirits that harmed people. After returning to the capital, he completed the three matchmakers and six betrothals and married me."

"I am from the Bai family, but I have been considering the Hu family since I became the daughter-in-law of the Hu family."

"The relationship between the original family and the ghostwriter is the most trusting. Although I am the daughter-in-law of the Hu family, I am also the ghostwriter of the Hu family."

"But your grandfather kept it a secret from me about the things that happened later."


When she said these words, her tone seemed to become a little In a low voice, he looked at Hu Ma calmly: "So if you let me say it, I don't think your grandfather is a person who wants to become an immortal."

"But the Hu family has indeed been involved in these things since 20 years ago, and has received more benefits than other families."

"The Duyi royal family is not a good thing."

"But in the eyes of many people, Duyi is a wealthy family. It was robbed and left with property, which was all divided up. The eight families are thieves, and the Hu and Meng families are the insiders. The Daluo Fajiao is just a dog-headed military advisor..."

"And the property stolen from Duyi, the Hu family took the largest share..."


Listening to the mother-in-law's story, Hu Ma was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but think deeply.

After the mother-in-law said this, she seemed to relax a lot. She leaned down quietly, gently stroked Hu Ma's back, and whispered: "You have done a lot of things in the past few years. That is the debt left by the old man. You can only be pushed away."

"But have you done anything that makes you regret?"

Listening to the mother-in-law's words, Hu Ma couldn't help laughing and shook his head and said: "No."

"That's right."

The mother-in-law was full of relief and whispered: "Then don't do anything that makes you regret in the future."

"Now, no matter what, you are back, and you are the one who decides what the Hu family got back then."

"Why ask what your grandfather did at the beginning?"

"Listen to the mother-in-law. If your grandfather is really a fool who is thinking about those things, then you can disown him."



At this moment, Hu Ma's heart was finally a little shocked. He looked at the mother-in-law's face, which was already a little blurry, and then laughed.

The mother-in-law was really resentful...

"Don't admit it? That won't do."

Having said this, he actually knew the answer he wanted, and also understood why his mother-in-law wanted to tell him about the Hu family's ancestral experience.

Ever since he woke up, ever since he survived from death, he had been looking forward to such an opportunity to talk to his mother-in-law. He seemed to feel that there were many things he could not finish saying. He kept asking, asking a lot, about the Hu family, about Xiao Hongtang.

He asked about the former glory of the Hu family, and also about the status of the Hu family at that time.

The most important thing is that since the Hu family has paid so much, of course they have to ask clearly how much benefit they got in those days, so as not to be confused and be blamed.

He asked until even the old man in front of the ancestral temple began to cough softly to remind him, and then he slowly stood up.

Father's coffin was sent to the fire pit behind the ancestral temple. Before this, Hu Ma didn't know that the funeral mode used in the ancestral temple of the ten surnames, which represented the orthodoxy of the world, was actually the same as that in the ancient village of Laoyinshan.

After that, Hu Ma burned incense, and the misty incense in front of him gradually subsided, and at the same time, the shadow of the mother-in-law also faded.

She still looked at Hu Ma reluctantly, and told him: "Next time you come to burn incense, don't come alone..."

"At your age, no one wants you in Dayang Village..."


Xiao Hongtang gently tugged at the corner of her clothes and watched her mother-in-law return to the ancestral temple with her.

The funeral was over.

When Hu Ma finally turned around slowly, the distant relatives and friends who were waiting far away, who were already impatient but dared not show it on their faces, had already gathered around.

On the first day, they were eager to see Hu Ma, but Hu Ma refused. Now that the funeral was finally over, they were eager to come up and talk. The first one to squeeze to the front was his uncle.

The eldest master of the Ren family was a little ashamed, and sighed: "After your mother came back from the mountains, she stayed indoors and just burned incense and prayed every day."

"This time, when we heard that you had returned with the coffin, we also went to persuade her, but she didn't want to go out again, but... but she was still a little worried about you, so she asked me to check on you for her. You are still alive and well, and she is also very happy."

"But no matter what, since you are back, it is only natural to rebuild the foundation of the Hu family."

"In this Shangjing City, our family also has some properties. We will transfer them to the name of the Hu family first, and discuss the rest slowly..."


Before he could say much more, someone beside him supported a The old man came up to him. He was the second grandfather of the Qingyuan Hu family. He shook Hu Ma's hand and said, "I only found out about those beasts going to Mingzhou to find you afterwards."

"What a jerk!"

"You killed them, that's a good thing. If you didn't, the ghosts in the world would not accept the word 'Hu'!"

"At the beginning, we separated the family and set up a new genealogy, that's true, but you can't write two Hu characters with one stroke. Now you are back, but you are the only one left in such a big family..."

"But you don't have to worry about lack of manpower. There are many people in our family..."


My mood was still immersed in the conversation with my mother-in-law, so I had to deal with these relatives.

Hu Ma frowned and said, "Of course we are short of manpower, far from enough. Look at the chaos in the world, dragons and snakes are rising up, the king is fighting everywhere, evil spirits are wreaking havoc on the world, and the people have to guard against being eaten by ghosts and living people. How miserable is it?"

"Too many things need to be done. Not to mention relatives, even if all the people in the capital are given to me, I still feel it is not enough!"

"But these things are very dangerous, countless people will die, are you willing to do it, elders?"


The relatives on both sides were stunned.

With an embarrassed look, he said after a while: "At this critical moment, how can we care about others?"

"Now that all ten families have returned to the capital, we have all heard about Shiting's affairs. The Hu family has made great contributions and is in a higher position than other families, but you don't have anyone around you..."

"In this case, why not open up the road on the bridge, so that we can have more people who can get the fairy spirit in our sect, so that no matter what we do, it will be convenient?"

After hearing their words, Hu Ma was a little surprised: "Do we need others to open the road to the bridge?"

When the two elders said this, they thought he was deliberately mocking him, and smiled bitterly: "If you don't nod, who in the sect can go up the bridge?"

"It's not that we old people in the sect haven't wanted to go up the bridge and help the ghost sect, but the Zhen Sui Shu has always been in your hands. Without that mother-style blocking in front, others can't stand steadily on the bridge..."


"Zhen Sui Shu, mother-style?"

Hu Ma heard their hesitant words, and his heart suddenly understood.

Since he had seen his fate clearly and talked with his mother-in-law, everything became clearer in his mind.

He began to smile, and he didn't have to be unkind to his relatives like he did in Mingzhou. After all, he knew nothing in Mingzhou, so he was cautious, but now he knew more than his mother-in-law...

Looking up, whether it was the Hu family in Qingyuan or the Ren family in Shangjing, they all looked at him with hopeful eyes, and behind them, there were countless unfamiliar but expectant faces.

Some belonged to the Bai family, the mother's family, some belonged to the old people of the Hu lineage in Shangjing Town, and there were also relatives from all walks of life who were not related at all.

Like bamboo shoots in the mountains, they all came out.

"I have taken note of the reminders from the two elders, but let's take it slow!"

He smiled and said, "After all, even my father's funeral hasn't been completed yet. It's really a little early to talk about this now, isn't it?"

As he said this, he squeezed out of the crowd and walked slowly forward. He felt that the Hu family was not really poor. They were clearly richer than all the families in Shangjing...

Seeing this, others did not dare to stop him. They were just terrified and expectant. They looked at each other. Although they were dissatisfied, they hid it deeply at this time, but secretly made up their minds.

The Dharma Assembly is about to start. The ten surnames will return to the capital. Whether each family can share a bowl of Shiting's soup depends on whether this person nods...

This matter cannot be blamed on others. If it weren't for the return of the national teacher, who would know that such a big event as Shiting was actually the Hu family that had declined for twenty years and only had an empty name to suppress evil spirits, and took the majority?

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