Twilight Boundary

Chapter 770: Ghost Town of Shangjing

"My mother-in-law has told me everything she knows."

Hu Ma returned to the mansion, had a simple meal, and then returned to the room prepared by the old servant for him.

On this day, he finally met his mother-in-law, saw the legendary ancestral temple, and asked some of the things he wanted to know most in his heart.

Although his mother-in-law could not answer everything, he knew in his heart that his mother-in-law had told him the answer in her own way. Since he met the national master in Lao Yinshan, the last trace of doubt in his fluctuating mood was finally dispelled on this day.

Outside the house, the white lanterns were still there, and the mourners and the palanquins were still eating in the yard, while he stayed in the unlit room, and just sorted out his thoughts silently.

In his mind, the Zhensui Mansion, the Ghost Bridge, the so-called Daluo Fajiao Merit Book Ranking, and...

... the little red tang that his mother-in-law left for him.

He pursed his lips slightly, thought for a long time, and then slowly sank into the natal spirit temple.

Now that he had made a decision, he could talk to the reincarnated person. Of course, he had to start with someone he trusted.

He thought of Miss White Wine.

He believed that he was not dazzled when he went to the funeral in the morning, so he thought that he could call her first to exchange some information.

But he did not expect that when he came to the natal temple this time and just inserted the life incense into the natal temple, countless voices suddenly rang out, some anxious, some surprised, some angry, and all kinds of different voices intertwined in the temple.

"Brother Lao Baigan, what exactly is going on?"

"Fuck, brother, are you the head of the Hu family?"

"Looking at your temperament, you don't look like one of the ten surnames!"

"Boy, some people say you are an undercover agent lurking among the reincarnated people? Bah, I won't steal your code name!"

"Gongting Yuyejiu, what's the next sentence, answer me quickly!"

"Extra, extra, there is a traitor among the reincarnated people, the latest bounty has been updated, everyone is ready to enter Shangjing City to fight monsters!"


Dense voices have been endless, some are trying to talk to me directly, and some are shouting randomly. Hu Ma, who was originally planning to call Miss White Wine, fell silent in the countless noisy voices.

Those people finally made my true identity public in the reincarnated circle.

Those who came to assassinate me earlier seemed to be a group of very mysterious people in the reincarnated circle. I was also curious about why they didn't disclose their identities at that time, but just assassinated secretly.

Although he couldn't figure out the problem, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart because of their behavior.

And now, his heart finally died.

He knew the seriousness of his identity being exposed!

Although he had a good reputation in the reincarnation circle and earned a lot of favors, after knowing his identity and the threat to the reincarnation circle, there would not be many people who would still believe in him like these people in Mingzhou and save his life.

After all, there are so many reincarnations, not everyone will believe in him, so he should be more careful.

What will he face later?

Earlier, only a few people wanted to assassinate him. Now, it can't be that all the reincarnations are going to kill him, right?

Now he is still in Shangjing City, and all the talented people of the ten surnames gather here, which is more or less guaranteed. He doesn't know what he will face if he is still outside Shangjing City at this time.

Even if he has decided to talk to the reincarnations, how many people are willing to talk to him in this situation?

"You finally showed up."

Just when these thoughts were surging in his mind, a cold voice suddenly appeared, suppressing the noise of others, and a strand of red incense was connected to the incense burner in Hu Ma's natal temple.

It was Miss White Wine.

Hu Ma's mind was slightly shocked, and after a long time, he slowly spoke: "Thank you..."

"No need to say such boring words."

Miss White Wine interrupted him and said lightly: "You know, reincarnated people are more selfish, and will only make some exchanges of interests under the guise of human feelings, so you don't have to rely on real human feelings for our choices."

Hu Ma adjusted his mood and then eased up, saying softly: "That's right."

"However, you are now in Shangjing City, isn't it too risky?"

Establishing a connection with her means that she is also in Shangjing City now, and is even very close to him. After all, there is only one life incense stick in his incense burner now.

And in this way, she is undoubtedly extremely dangerous. With so many capable people, even the national teacher, she can be said to be dead if her identity is leaked or someone finds out about something.

"I came back to investigate some things."

Miss White Wine slowly said: "This matter requires your identity as the head of the Hu family."

"In addition, I know that you are also wary of reincarnations now. I think, when I find out about this matter, I can give you the answer you want."


Hu Ma was slightly stunned, and a strange feeling emerged in his heart.

It is clear that now is not the same as before, but Miss White Wine can still propose cooperation with him so frankly. Compared with her previous cautious appearance, it really makes people feel emotional.

With a slight sigh in his heart, he also corrected his attitude and said: "What's the problem?"

"Something about Tai Sui."

Miss White Wine's tone was slightly lower, she paused, and then whispered: "Have you noticed that there is an extremely depressing atmosphere in Shangjing City today, and even... a terrifying atmosphere? breath?"

These words just hit Hu Ma's heart. He had this feeling as soon as he entered Shangjing City.

Moreover, I have discovered that the source of this strange atmosphere seems to be the Ancestral Temple of the Ten Surnames.

"Come to Zhishou Pavilion tomorrow and I will let you see something."

Miss White Wine also seemed to have made up her mind and said slowly: "If you see something, remember not to tell anyone."

"After today, we will exchange information later and decide not to choose the natal temple. Now, the natal temple cannot give me a sense of security."

"Besides, you need to be careful when going to the capital..."


Hearing this, Hu Ma's heart moved slightly, going to the capital?

Didn't she tell her to be careful about someone? She specifically pointed out that he was going to the capital?

There was something she wanted to say in her heart, but Miss White Wine had quietly cut off the connection. She seemed to have too many things that she didn't understand, and it seemed that she didn't want to spend more time talking in the natal temple.

When I got up the next day, I had a meal under the arrangement of the old servant.

Although the servants in the old house of the Hu family had just been bought from the tooth shop, there was no problem in sweeping and serving them. However, Hu Ma was born in the village and had never lived such a dignified and luxurious life.

But with such a past life experience, he can still enjoy it calmly, without revealing the embarrassment of being born in the mountains and becoming rich all at once.

After dinner, countless things were handed over to him. The relatives of the Hu family, the old ghosts, couldn't wait to say something to Hu Ma at Mr. Hu Shan's funeral yesterday. , this day I still wanted to come over and test my tone.

Of course, everyone also found excuses, either asking about the business here, asking about the village over there, or asking about the memorial ceremony they accepted yesterday.

But Hu Ma just frowned and looked at the two people in the yard when she saw these broken locks.

Girl Thursday, why are you still in the Hu family’s house?

At this moment, he was wearing a smart outfit, and his waist was particularly slim. He faced Chaoyang and slowly breathed out.

Down the corridor next to her, Immortal Miao Shan had also gotten up, holding a cup of tea and drinking it slowly.

There were also some candied fruits and other items beside it. It was clearly in her old house. It was comfortable and comfortable, but it felt like being at home.

So he pointed to the old servant and said, "Ask her about everything."


The old servant was suddenly in a dilemma. Many things had to be done by someone from the Hu family, and he didn't know the identity of this person yet.

Immortal Miaoshan's innocent eyes widened immediately: "Me?"

Hu Ma was a little helpless, and pointed to Miss Zhou Zhou in the yard, and said, "You can ask her."

"Master, this..."

While the old servant and the two girls were dazed on the spot, Hu Ma, wearing a cloth coat and shoes, went straight out of the door, went to the stable in person, took the horse brought from Mingzhou, and called up the horse who was sleeping in the stable. The old abacus goes out.

It was the old servant who chased after him, saying that the carriage for his master and his wife to go out was ready in the Hu family's house.

The carriage brought by Mingzhou will look a bit rough when walking in Shangjing City. The carriage frame is too unrefined and the carvings are out of date several years ago.

"What's wrong with all this?"

Hu Ma didn't pay attention to it, just took the old abacus and got into the car, then walked out of the door.

There must be a reason for him to go to Zhishou Pavilion for an appointment. The current leader of Daluo Fa Cult, Dongxuan Guoshi, settled in Zhishou Pavilion.

As the officiant, it is normal for him to pay a visit to the Imperial Master after finishing his biological father's funeral.

Lao Abacus was a member of the Da Luo Fa Cult. Although he settled in the Hu family's old house, he had already visited the Imperial Master once. Of course, given his status, he had not met anyone, so it was just right to let him lead the way.

The carriage passed through Shangjing City and headed towards Zhishou Pavilion.

It was only then that Hu Ma took a closer look at the city of Shangjing. She saw that even in the daytime, there was still a misty feeling, as if there was always a ghostly aura shrouding the city that lingered. Unable to see through.

But underneath this ghostly atmosphere, there was an unusual liveliness. On both sides of the street, shops were opened, restaurants, wine shops, novelty gadgets, all kinds of things crowded the street, and people from the city wearing various silk silks were crowded. , talking and laughing, passing by on the street.

But whether it was because of Miss White Wine's reminder or the inexplicable feeling in her heart, Hu Ma always felt that the bustle in the city was abnormal.

Traveling through the capital city, it was actually more depressing and gloomy than when I first entered the underworld.

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