Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Chapter 122: Goddess Janna is on top! (7/14)

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The streets of Zaun were filled with Zaun in just a few minutes.

Lin Wen stood next to Kai'Sa and Wei, while Sevika and Ike led a group of people respectively.

There weren't many people Zaan could send, and there were less than 200 people in total.

After all, Zaun's population is smaller than Piltover's.

However, this is already the elite force of Zaun.

This is a group of gangsters who have been beaten to death under the alchemy barons, a group of troops who are struggling in desperation.

To put it bluntly, they are all a bunch of old nerds.

"Everyone has it, get on the board!"

Ike's face is wearing glasses for high-speed flight, and behind him is a long stick with a strange shape. It is a stick made of special metal and Hex magic, which has a strong destructive effect. Sex is Ike's melee weapon.

And Ike's long-range attack method is the hex flying board that Ike is stepping on. On the hex flying board, there are no machine guns on both sides.

"We have a fatal blow to them because...we can fly!"

Ike was the first to board, followed by Sevika and a group of Zaun magistrates.

"Brother, the first team is ready to leave at any time!"

Ike said to Lin Wen excitedly.

This is... his first war!

It's still a powerful Noxian!

"Wait for my order..."

Lin Wen raised his head and glanced at the sky above. Even if Hex's flying board was fast, it would take five minutes to start flying to support Picheng. can change that.

Everyone looked at Lin Wen, puzzled.

"Wind...give me strength."

Lin Wen closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, placed them on his heart, and made a gesture of prayer.

With Lin Wen's body rising, a slight wind swirls in the center of Zaan's square, within a range of nearly 200 meters.

And then... the wind is getting stronger.

When Lin Wen opened his eyes, his eyes became extremely white, like pure jade, the breeze turned into a gust of wind.

Ike looked down at his feet in a panic, a breeze wrapped around his hexboard.


Lin Wen didn't use the hex flying board, but he flew high.

"My God!"

Everyone who saw this scene for the first time was horrified.

What kind of magic is this?

Kai'Sa hurriedly flew up and hugged Lin Wen's waist.

The reason for this is not that Kai'Sa can't fly, she can fly, but she can't fly for too long. It's not so much that Kai'Sa is flying... It's more a high-speed movement through space.

Because of this, Kai'Sa would be exhausted to fly as high as several kilometers like this, so she chose to hang on Lin Wen.

Ah, of course, she doesn't use a hexboard either.

"call out!"


"call out--"

A series of gas explosions sounded in Zaun's square.

Looking up at the people who flew into the sky in an instant, and then disappeared, Hilko and Vander watched for a long time, and then sat down at the same time.

Neither of them went, because they both had to guard the restless explosion.

At this moment, Bang Bang was biting his braids, looking angrily at Vander and Shirko who were sitting at the door.

"Don't look at me, this is also what Lin Wen meant." Hilco said helplessly.

"Be honest with me!" Fender was different, and glared at him.

"I... **** me off!"

Explosive stomping said.


"Go this way, go this way!"

The Gate of the Sun has been opened, and the hordes of Pilgrims are fleeing towards Zaun.

And in the blockade of Zaun, at this moment, the Zaun magistrate who received the order on Hex's phone is calling loudly: "Quick, go this way!"

"The elderly and children will take the lift car first, and the rest will walk for me!"

"Whoever dares to disobey my orders, I will kill him with a single blow! Give me an organized and disciplined advance!"

Zaun's magistrate was roaring, and he looked at the chaos in front of him and felt a huge sense of powerlessness in an instant.

Even though he, like most Zauns, has always hated Picheng people, at this moment, the middle-aged Zaun magistrate looked at the fire above Picheng and listened to the rumors not far away. The sound of gunshots and explosions also let go of the prejudice against Picheng people at this moment.

Maybe as Vander said.

No matter how bad the relationship between Zaan and Picheng people is, it is also a matter between the people of the two cities!

And Noxus, but an outsider!

"Come on, the Noxians are here, those in front of you, hurry up!"

Finally, there was a loud cry from Fang, which sent the three Zaun magistrates into chaos, but as soon as they gritted their teeth, they quickly picked up their weapons and walked up.

The Zaun are not afraid of death!

We are in the company of death!

We live in an environment where death is always with us, and now... the invasion of the Noxians has thrown these three magistrates into chaos.

Follow the crowd to Zaun and watch the Noxians come in, or stop the Noxians here and wait for the adults to help?

Ha ha!

Is that still a choice? !

"Hurry up, hurry up, the **** in Picheng, let the old men go, we will stop them!"

Carrying the Hex military gun, the three law enforcement officers quickly seized their positions.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

The Picheng people who were scolded looked at them gratefully.

"Fire, it's fire, they're carrying explosives!"

"Hurry up and disperse!!!"

"Don't mess up!"

With a roar, a Zaun magistrate fired the first time he saw the Noxian army.

Different from the indecision of the leather city magistrates, the magistrates of Zaan will not care about the life and death of the enemy, those hypocritical, all throw away!


The Hex military gun emits a huge ray. This weapon, which was created by Explosive and then mass-produced, has a very strong point of injury ability.

A blue light ray with a thick wrist rushed out and hit a Noxian man straight. The steel armor was like a piece of paper, and it was instantly shattered. The soldier lowered his head and looked at the wrist-sized beam on his chest. Injured, fell into panic, and then, this ray penetrated the second Noxian and the third Noxian!

It didn't stop until it hit a shield.

One shot can easily smash the steel armor of the Imperial Army, but behind the powerful power of the Hex Army gun, it takes time to store energy for the Hex Gem until a light spot lights up in front of the barrel. Shoot again.

Some Picheng people who saw this scene shouted loudly: "Dead, the devil is dead! Quick, the people in front hurry up!"

"Decheng people, we can help you!"

"Quick, lose everything! We have to help them build defenses!"

Seeing a magistrate kill four Noxians with ease, the Pilgrims were shocked by this powerful weapon, and at the same time fell into joy.

The elongated force was still marching towards Zaun, and at the same time, some Pied City people spontaneously stayed behind.

They dropped household items on the ground, blocking the tools of defense.

Stop the Noxian invasion for these three heroes!

But soon, the joy disappeared, because they saw the simple sling.

Accompanied by carts appearing with huge explosive packs on them.

"They're going to drop bombs!"


Seeing this scene, Zaun's magistrates quickly aimed their guns at one of the vehicles, ready to blow it up, but the bullets were fired, but they were blocked by soldiers with huge shields.

This is the Empire's giant shield, specializing in restraining flying stones and bombs.

All of them were more than 1.8 meters tall, as strong as cows, and they were holding heavy metal shields weighing more than 400 kilograms, which were 2.1 meters in size and more than their own height.

Noxus' giant shields stopped at the front, and at the back, Noxus' bombardiers had already set fire to it.


"call out---!"

The dynamite packs carried flames, streaks a flame in the dark night sky, and then... until it reached the Bridge of the Sun, the place occupied by Zaun.

If...these dynamites blow up.

Everyone on this bridge will die!

There are now more than 4,000 people crowded here!

"Do not!!!"

A Picheng man roared in despair.

"Goddess Janna is on top..."

"Goddess Janna is on top!"

"Goddess Janna is on top!"

In desperation, the people of Picheng remembered an ancient myth.

Whenever a Zaun encounters difficulties, all it takes is a pious call, and the great wind **** will help her devotees to tide over the difficulties.

At this moment, Picheng people remembered this matter.

Then...they fell to their knees.

In an instant, with the explosive bag that was about to fall, there were already a quarter of them on the bridge of the sun, and a thousand Picheng people were driven up.

With their eyes closed and their bodies trembling, they faced imminent death and remembered the ancient gods.

They thought of her.

The God who is known for his fraternity, kindness, and kindness.

Even... a lot of people here used to ridicule that worshiping God was a stupid thing.

But at this moment, those people were also infected with this emotion.

Ordinary people cannot control war.

All I can do... is to live hard.

Even, it could be fake!

Yes... last words and cares.


The gods will bless her followers!

With a sentence:

"Goddess Janna is above—"

"Please help us—"

Along with it, a gust of wind whistled past.

Above the bridge of the sun, in the dark night, there is a bright light.

The holy yellow light shines on the bridge of the sun, like the scorching sun.

The Pilgrim looked up, the Noxian looked up.

I saw a holy woman with a scepter appearing on the dome.

She looked at the Picheng people who were kneeling on the bridge with pity, and then shook her hand gently.

The war between human beings, Janna, who was born as a human belief, should not have participated in it!

That way, her actions will only be ostracized by the Noxians... Her participation in the war will be demonized by the majority.

However, Janna took the shot without hesitation.

For her followers!

For... Zaun!

"The wind..."

With a murmur.


The clouds in the sky were blown away, and one after another powerful storm hit.

In just one encounter, all Picheng people were swept away by the storm, and then flew towards the bottom of the Bridge of the Sun.

In just one encounter, hundreds of explosive packs were parked in the sky, and explosions appeared one after another in the air.

In just one encounter, the Noxian Empire was blown hundreds of meters away, and the simple catapults were also destroyed.

just a face to face


The goddess of the wind, changed all that!

At the bottom of the bridge of the sun, four thousand people flew to Zaun with the help of Janna, and slowly descended.

But in the process of falling, someone saw a blue light.

Accompanied by the sound of "Hey!".

The air wave exploded, and a group of heavily armed people flew to the bridge of the sun.

That's... the Zaun army!

It's Zaun's Retrograde!

Lin Wen broke through the air with Kai'Sa on his body.

Behind them, a group of Zauns manipulating the hexboards.

Ike held a silver stick and flexibly controlled the Hex flying board. The blue flame exploded at the bottom of the flying board, providing a small amount of light source.

Lin Wen shouted loudly:

"Team 1, Ike, you quickly bring 80 people to the center of Picheng to save people. If you encounter a Noxian, kill them!"

"Sevika, you leave twenty people to guard the bridge of the sun and protect the Picheng people who will come here!"

"The rest!"

"Follow me!"

Lin Wen raised his arms and shouted, the power of the wind was fully exerted and flew towards Piltover.

Then, the continuous burst of air waves represented that the Zaun people began to act.

"Thank you, Janna!"

"This is what I should do..."

Lin Wen nodded and stopped talking.

Watching Piltover burn up.

Lin Wen sighed inwardly.

This battle... The moment Piltover was ignited, Piltover was completely lost.

but now...

Not the time to be emotional!

"Wind, take me for a ride!"

Passing through the sky, he encountered a Noxian army of dozens of people. In the panic of the other party looking up, Lin Wen released the magic of the wind.

"call out--!"

Countless Dao Wind In just one breath, this imperial team died cleanly.

Kai'Sa hung behind Lin Wen and frowned.

She is not the Virgin, she thinks she has survived in the void and has a duty to save the people of Shurima.

But... this is not Shurima.

At the same time, looking at the corpses of the Picheng people, and the burning Piltover.

Kai'Sa didn't think the Noxians deserved forgiveness either.

This is an invasion war.

The lack of resources and the shortage of materials is not the reason for Noxus to invade others and destroy other people's homes.

So from the beginning, Zaun's killing...

Just right!

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