Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 3: Seraphine's Journey to Zaun

"It's obviously very clean here, Dad."

"Didn't you say that the streets of Zaun are full of gangsters? Dad, it's not like Zaun is what you said."

Using the Hex Lift, Seraphine and Sa'an came all the way to Zaun's trenches.

Looking at Zaun, who was a little dark and depressed because of the architecture and light, Seraphine did not dislike Zaun because of this. On the contrary, although the Zaun lived underground, although living in A place where the environment is harsh and the resources are poor, but... but this place is full of vitality!

Seraphine could hear, even see, clumps of green light full of life.

These harsh survival factors did not make the Zaun people bow their heads and succumb, but just like their voices, the Zaun people are unyielding and tenacious against the harsh living conditions brought about by the environment.

"Seraphine, Daddy didn't lie, Zaun was... not what you see now."

Sa'an's eyes were also full of disbelief. He hadn't been to Zaan for more than 20 years. Zaan... It really wasn't the Zaan he remembered.

Accompanied by Seraphine, the two plan to stroll around this lively gutter.

"Dad, I want to see where you used to live."

After walking through many places in the Zaun Trench, some places that Sa'an once thought were dangerous, Sa'an was convinced.

Zaun has really changed.

Those restricted areas that were once dangerous are now extremely safe.

The alchemy barons disappeared, the restricted areas were opened, and there were no longer small chaotic communities, but large communities, communities where hundreds of people lived together.

Now, Zaun is no longer divided, but one big family.

The streets have also become clean, and there are no more kiddos running around with trash cans everywhere, and in the ditch, every kilometer, you can see law enforcement officers in white clothes. on patrol.

"To the place I used to live?"

"Yeah, you always tell me how dangerous Zaun is and how messy the place you used to live, but Dad, maybe you don't know it yourself..."

Seraphine looked up, her pink hair curled slightly, covering half of her face, her big eyes full of excitement, and she said, "Every time you talk about Zaun, you make a noise. , that's your voice of reminiscing and remembering the past, Dad, you didn't actually resist Zaun, you always remembered Zaun."

"You're different from Mom. When Zaun is mentioned in Mom's voice, she resists, but you... Dad, you like Zaun."

"I like Zaan?" Zaan paused after listening to his daughter's words.

"Impossible...Impossible, Xiao Sa, Dad doesn't have any good memories of Zaun, you must have heard it wrong." Sa'an shook his head, denying Seraphine's words.

Zaun once was... a real mess.

You must know that Sa'an was raised in an orphanage when he was a child. At a very young age, Sa'an was exposed to Zaun's street rules. If the children of Zaan Gutter want to survive, they will definitely come into contact with crimes. Sa'an has always helped the local gangsters, some help lookout, rent collection, and small news. Sa'an has everything. doing.

Saan likes this place?

How is this possible!

In the past, he was thrown out of the orphanage when he was only ten years old, and then lived in a ditch, a community surrounded by iron sheets. Although the community was not particularly poor, it was definitely not rich, like Starving to death in other places in Zaun would not be possible, but it would be difficult to get enough to eat.

Not to mention that the people in the community are still being oppressed by the Alchemy Baron all the time.

Therefore, Sa'an's childhood was full of darkness. He was either beating or beating, or stealing or robbing.

The only joy is probably the days of singing and dancing with the people in the community, listening to the original mother-in-law beat the plastic bucket with a stick, and listening to the wonderful music blown by the uncle Ke with two pieces of iron.

It is precisely because of this that after having a wife, Saan was determined to go to Piltover, and knocked on the door of Piltover using the music he learned in the community as a stepping stone.

He did not want his children to live in Zaun.

He... wants to give Seraphine a good childhood, and let Seraphine live in a safe and peaceful place.

But Saan never imagined that Seraphine had the ability to listen to the hearts and thoughts of others since she was born, and as Seraphine grew older, this ability continued to grow stronger.

It's like now, obviously wearing the special machine that Saan made for Seraphine, but Seraphine still heard all kinds of voices.

This means... Seraphine's abilities are still getting stronger.

She looked at her father and shook her head, "Dad, the soul in your heart won't lie. You just love this place, your heart is talking to me, Dad, it keeps telling me, You want to go back and have a look."

"Come on, Dad."

Seraphine ruffled a tuft of hair around her ear with her tail finger, and said with a smile, "Let's go see your former home."



Saan is not refusing.


After more than 30 minutes, Saan and Seraphine arrived at a place on Zaun's vehicle, a track-type hex car.

As for what a track hex car is, of course Saan can't explain it, he can only say that it is a magical and useful invention.

A hex rail car can accommodate twenty passengers, and on this drive, there are fixed drop-off points marked on the monogram. The small footprint and unsophisticated design of the railcar brought the Zauns a little closer.

After all... not every Zaun can use a ring bike, let alone a Hex Flyboard, which isn't for sale yet, and only Zaun's magistrates will have one.

"It's...changed here."

Saan looked ahead and said with emotion.

Seraphine, who was beside her, put her arms around Saan and blinked.

"Are you feeling sad now?"

Seraphine asked her father.

"It's a little bit, Seraphine, this place is different from the place I remember." Saan took Seraphine to the entrance of the community.

It's a fenced-in place with the community's name next to it.

The name is the same as what Sa'an remembers - Thirty-two Flower Street Community.

It's just... it seems to be getting bigger.

Also, it has become more comfortable.

Saan looked at those tall buildings, those... big houses with gray and white brick walls, although they were incomparable to the tall buildings in Piltover, they were much better than the tin houses in memory.


Just when Saan wanted to take Seraphine in, a voice rang.

Against the nearest building in Huajie Community, on the balcony on the second floor, the owner of the voice was standing there.

She looked Sa'an and Seraphine up and down, then rubbed her chin and said, "You two look very good-looking, and your outfits... hum, aren't you from Zaun?"

Seraphine raised her head, and the next moment, she was very surprised.

Seraphine has beautiful pinkish-purple It's a gradient of color, like... a fading star.

But looking at the person looking at herself and Sa'an on the second floor, Seraphine found that if her hair color is a gradient of starlight, then the guy in front of her, her hair, is a bright fireworks.

"Speak, are you from Picheng?"

"We came down from Pied City, but we are from Zaun, and my name is Sa'an, which was the name of the place."

"Uh... is it true or false?" The man pulled the guardrail with both hands, propped up his body and looked down, with a questioning look on his face: "I don't believe it, I grew up here, but I haven't seen you at all."

"That was more than twenty years ago."

"Uh... I'm only sixteen now."

Sa'an then said gently: "I know a man named Koya. He can play nice music with iron sheets. Does he still live here?"


The girl with hair like fireworks clapped her hands, "You know Grandpa Keya? Oh, then I believe you."

"Wait for me, I'll bring you in!"

Saan looked at Seraphine and saw his daughter blinking at him.

"Xiao Sa? What's wrong?"

Seraphine pursed her lips and shook her head.

Is she going to tell her father that it was because of her hair color that she lost to the other party?

You know, Seraphine has always been proud of her pink curly hair.

The pink-purple curls, the color gradient sinks, like falling stars, this is one thing Seraphine is very proud of.

But faced with bright fireworks hair.


She gave birth to a sense of frustration! ! !


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