Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 32: Lin Wen wakes up

The title of this chapter should be Jianguo, but the last time I wrote about the explosion was blocked for a long time, so Jianguo dared not write...


"How long will it take for him to get up?"

"Not sure, Jess, it's not that Lin Wen has a physical problem now. His body is very healthy. He is healthier and stronger than any of us present. His physical strength..."

"I don't want to know this now, Mr. Singed!"

February twenty-fifth.

On the second floor of Zhuolang's shop, there were a bunch of people sitting in the living room.

Jace, who was anxiously standing in the crowd, Victor and Singed who were sitting, Vander, who covered his face, and Silko, who was silent.

Bang Bang and Wei stay together, Bang Bang is very quiet today, no, Bang Bang has been quiet these few days.

Old Zhuolang was smoking a cigarette not far away, and Kaisha stayed beside old Zhuolang, quietly accompanying him.

Fiona and Lux ​​are also here.

"But that's the problem, Jace."

Singed explained: "We can't use science to explain his current coma, but our consultant lady has already said about magic, that's all, please explain it to them again. ."

Lux nodded and stepped forward.

The Miss Consultant Singed said was her.

"Everyone, Lin Wen's current situation, in my opinion, he is not injured, but more like he is receiving a certain kind of magic inheritance. Mr. Singid said that his body is very healthy, yes, Mr. Lin Wen's body Very healthy now, his magic is very stable and very active. Not the chaos and death of a coma."

"So Lin Wen might really be sleeping now?"

"He slept for three days!"

Jace slammed his fist against the wall. "How can someone who is healthy sleep three days?"

"I don't know what magic is or not, I just want to know, when will Lin Wen get up?"

"Jess." Victor opened his mouth. He looked at the excited Jace and said seriously: "We are all the same, we are all waiting for Lin Wen to get up."

"You're not the only one anxious!"

Jess had a meal.

He looked around.

I saw the always lively and cute, crazy explosion.

Lin Wen's younger sister is leaning on her sister listlessly at the moment.

Looking at Vander and Silko who came here after letting go of the big thing.

Seeing the unkind words, Kaisha has been taking care of Lin Wen for two days.

"Sorry, me, about Lin Wen, I lost my way."

Jace stretched forward with one hand, covered his face with the other, and said with a sigh.

He slowly stepped back until he was leaning against a wall.

Jace fell silent.

He hadn't lost his temper like this in a long time.

Since becoming an senator, Jace will no longer look like a sloppy brat when facing things, but now... what is the difference between him and the previous self?

But Jace didn't care.

"I had a phone call with Noxus today."

Just when the atmosphere became awkward and quiet, Sirco suddenly spoke up: "Noxus threatens us, let us return Sion's body, otherwise, Noxus will take Frel back. The forces of Jorde and Ionia, united as one nation, against Pied City and Zaun."

"This should be the meaning of the emperor. With such an unreasonable request, and the threat of withdrawing troops at any time, I can only think of his masterpiece."

"Just let them come!" Jace said angrily.

Noxus, Noxus, Noxus!

Noxus again?

"Mr. Jess, you think too much, they won't come." Hirko said, holding his chest, Hirko and Jace moved the same way, but Hirko was leaning on the other side wall.

"Noxus is too busy now to withdraw its troops? Now, whether it can withdraw or not is not what Darkwill said."

Shirko's eyes shone brightly.

"Noxus is fighting for war, and this chariot with full firepower has no chance to stop. He is no longer the mighty empire that once flourished. Want to withdraw? Freljord agreed. Is it? Will Ionia agree? As far as I know, the battle in the East, the Noxians are now losing ground, and they are about to be driven off the island."

"And we're not afraid of Noxus right now."

"Demacia said that it would not establish diplomatic relations with other countries, but now, the Demacians are in Zaun, standing by our side." Shirko continued: "As long as there are enough interests, as long as the direction is If we agree, then we and Demacia can be friends."

This made Lux who was standing by the side stunned.

She couldn't answer this question.

But as the head of the Laurent family, Fiona came forward.

"In the fight against Noxus, I believe Demacia will help Zaun."

Fiona said seriously: "Demacia advocates peace and justice."

"Coincidentally, what Zaun and Picheng want is freedom and peace." Shirko smiled and said with a smile: "As a neutral city-state in the world, all we want is freedom and peace."

"But I know that being caught between the great powers of all parties, in this chaotic world, peace is just a joke."

"The incident in Picheng tells us that we are allied with great powers, which is no different from seeking skin from a tiger."

"Silco, what do you want to say..."

Jace was startled suddenly and looked at Silko.

Soon, everyone present looked at Shirko.

Vander was also frightened, he never... never thought about it!

In three hundred years, no one has thought about such a thing.

"I'm thinking about what we've been doing."

"Why are we united?"

"Is it only for peace? Is it just to eliminate hatred? I want to say, even if Seraphine's concert is very useful, now, there are many people in the two cities walking around each other, these days Zaun's Pilgrims can be seen on the streets. But how long can this go on? Pilgrim and Zaun are ultimately two governments."

"When there is a conflict again, let that girl come out and sing another song?"

"This is a matter of treating the symptoms, not the root cause!"

"Our ultimate goal is to become stronger!"

"We can only be strong if we are united!"

"Silco, this is too fast." Jace shook his head first, but then said again: "I have no objection to this matter, in fact, Mel has already told me that when our two cities are at the end, they will merge. Together, they must be together.”

"But it's too fast!"

"Quick? It's not quick, Senator Jess." Hilko shook his head. "If Noxus did not suddenly make this happen, Pi City would now belong to Zaun."

Jace's eyes changed and he took a step back.

Yeah...if not for the Noxus thing.

Zaun and Picheng have been fighting for a long time.

"But it's also a good thing, I don't want war, I want dignity. And I've got my dignity, and Zaun has his own dignity."

Hirko walked in front of Jace, looked up at Jace, Hirko said sincerely: "Don't think I'm talking too much, Senator Jace, I just think that before the ordinary people of the two cities are united as one , we have to unite as one, so, what is there, what to say, now, we have to resolve the contradictions between each other."

"I know, Shirko." Jace turned his head angrily.

I know it's one thing, but it's another if I'm unhappy.

Vander lowered his head in thought, and Victor yearned for it.

Boom finally got his spirits up.

She also understood what Silko and Jace were saying.

But... there are still people who don't understand.

"No, you, what are you talking about?"

Lacus asked confused.

Fiona pulled her quickly.

Of course Fiona understood.

But it's a Zaun and Piltover affair, and the Demacians better leave it're talking..."

A weak voice sounded.

Everyone in the living room was stunned.

The next moment, Kai'Sa popped out from the front of old Zhuolang, and instantly arrived at the door that was just opened.

The door is opened.

The person who opened the door looked at Kai'Sa in amazement.

Then, smiled.

"Lux, Shirko is talking about the founding of the country."

"Um...but Sirco, as Jace said."

"It's too soon, we... have to wait a little longer to see what the people think. Forcibly **** it together is of course a way, but I don't want that."

Lin Wen stepped forward and hugged Kai'Sa gently, which made Kai'Sa's body stiff.

But she didn't move.

Lin Wen... so weak!

"Hold me up..."

Kai'Sa nodded immediately and helped Lin Wen out.

Joy flashed in Jace's eyes, and immediately passed Hirko to Lin Wen.

Shirco shrugged helplessly.

When Lin Wen got up, the crowd immediately ran towards him.

Vander also rushed up.

Bang Bang had already drilled into him, and supported Lin Wen with Kai'Sa.

And what about Hilco?

He was looking at Lin Wen when he saw that Lin Wen was also looking at him.

After a while, the corners of Hirko's mouth twitched silently, and then Hirko bent down, made a salute, and said with a smile in his voice.

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"Of course I listen to you."

"My gutter magistrate."

Lin Wen looked at Shirko in disbelief: "You bastard..."

The magistrate of the gutter?

Haha...that's many years ago?

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