Twin Cities: Hero Witness System

Vol 2 Chapter 41: Explosive during the day, Kai'Sa at night!

"I see, then I'm leaving now. Remember not to close the window. I'll walk in through the window tomorrow morning."

"Boom, the light is dark at night, remember to drive slowly and pay attention to safety."

"Oh, I know Lin Wen, why are you becoming more and more like Vander? You have to say it every night when I go back."

With a pouting, the girl with a single ponytail and blue braid said dissatisfiedly.

For Bang Bang, being treated as a child by Lin Wen was the most unacceptable thing to her.

Obviously she is now seventeen years old, already an adult!

Although, although not like Vi and Kai'Sa, oh... Lux is also a bit older.

Hmm, so Zeli seems to be bigger than herself?

Well, in a word - when you grow taller, you are no longer a child!

Who said it's for adults and kids to see that?

But Lin Wen always treated her like a child, and this concern made Bang Bang very unhappy.

On the one hand, Lin Wen cared about her, which of course made people happy, but the way he cared was...

"You can come later, I want to sleep more in the morning."

"Obviously, I don't want to."

On the window, Bang Bang was holding the Hex Flyboard, turned his head and made a face at Lin Wen, and continued with his tongue sticking out: "And it's time for you to take a shower, let Uncle Zhuo Lang help you or Let Victor help you."

"Um... do I stink?"

Lin Wen lowered his head and sniffed his body.

Zaan is deep underground. In the trenches of such a fjord, dampness is of course a matter of course. In fact, it is good enough now. Zaan now has all kinds of technological equipment that can prevent and remove dampness, but There was no such convenient technology in the past.

But even so, humidity was still a serious problem, and in the days following a rainy day, the air in Zaun filled with a faint musty smell, and a strange smell of minerals.

If you don't change your clothes and don't take a bath for three or four days, your body will become wet and oily, and you will also get a strong smell.

That's one of the reasons most Lady Piltovers don't like the Zaun.

Because the Za'an people are really easy to distinguish. The poor Za'an people in the past didn't even need to change their clothes. They didn't take a bath once for half a month. At that time, clean water that was not polluted was a precious commodity.

But now, it cannot be said that every household has a device for heating hot water, but at least it is not a hassle to burn hot water for bathing.

The life of the Zaun people is getting better little by little.

"It doesn't smell bad, but it doesn't smell bad either."

In Lin Wen's room, the explosion jumped out directly from the window. From the second floor to the ground, there was only a distance of four or five meters at most. Logically speaking, this should be a very dangerous move, but the explosion just came out. Two seconds later, outside Lin Wen's window, the sound of burning and starting machinery sounded, and then, a strong blue flame flashed in front of Lin Wen's eyes.

Explosive and chic, he stepped on the hex board and flew away.

Inside the house ——————

It was difficult for him to appease Bang Bang, and Lin Wen stopped Bang Bang's wish to invent a magic missile to blow up Noxus.

Tired, he leaned back and controlled the wheelchair to the side of the bed. Lin Wen prepared to climb into the bed to rest.

Squint for a while.

Navoli stood upright, and this incident gave Lin Wen a great impact.

Today, the sword girl cut off the crow's arm a year earlier, so tomorrow the crow will establish the Trifali Council a few years earlier, and it is not too much to win the power of Noxus?

Azir crawled out of the soil earlier and shouted "Shurima, your emperor is back" wouldn't it be too much?

Riot in Demacia...

Thinking of the big event that was about to happen in Demacia, Lin Wen, who had already stretched his hand to the side of the bed, was stunned.

Riot in Demacia...

Can this matter, like Zaanpi City, undergo a change?

Lin Wen remembered that both generations of Jia Wen were very good people.

No, it should be said that the light shield family, as the king of Demacia, is deeply trusted and loved by the people.

Demacia was supposed to be the election of the emperor by the members of the parliament, that is, the electoral system, but by the time of Jarvan's generation, the electoral system changed to a hereditary system.

I, II, III, how can I have to rule Demacia for a hundred years?

And Jarvan III has only one son, the Prince of Demacia known to the players.

The future king of Demacia will only be Jarvan IV.

But whether it is the current third generation or the future fourth generation, in Lin Wen's view, they are all wise and excellent kings.

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Jarvan III can make Xin Zhao obey him with all his heart, naturally he has a unique personality charm.

As the only son of the king, King Jarvan IV received the best education since he was a child. King Jarvan IV's character and morality are unmatched, and he is well aware of his responsibility - to do his best for the people.

In Xin Zhao, the prince learned a variety of war arts, which also made Jarvan IV, who had the talent of leading the army, into an excellent general.

This is also a big reason why Garen admires Jarvan IV - Jarvan IV's tactical intuition.

Thinking of this, many thoughts flashed in Lin Wen's mind for a while.

In the story of Silas, it is not said that it was Jarvan III who was killed by Silas, and therefore... Jarvan III's death, there are actually a lot of articles here.

He asked Xin Zhao, who was guarding him, to deliver the letter... that letter was to the magesoter leader, and in the story "Aftermath", Xin Zhao didn't want to go, because he knew the king's current situation It was dangerous, but Jarvan III insisted that Xin Zhao deliver the letter.

Therefore, according to what the third generation did before, and the letter that had to be sent to the leader of the demon hunters, the content of the letter is actually not difficult to guess...

The purpose of this letter is, of course, to stop the hunter's hunt for mages, to reform Demacia's attitude toward mages, and to change Demacia's national policy of excluding mages.

However, Jarvan III was unsuccessful because after Xin Zhao left, he died.

And Silas carried the cauldron.

Because his father died in the mage's riot, the king who devoted himself to solving the mage's problem, died at the hands of the mage.

Of course, the prince didn't know that it wasn't Silas who did this.

But I was convinced that it was because of the mages that caused the prince to dislike the mages, and Demacia became more repulsive of the existence of mages.

This is a tragedy.

A tragedy of...instinctive change.

Even if it will be difficult to drive, at least it will not be that way and the ending.

Lin Wen's upper body hung on the edge of the bed, his thoughts were flying, and he suddenly thought of many, many things.

He often organizes his memory like this.

This allows Lin Wen to better deal with the upcoming big event.

And with the passage of time, big events do not come one by one, but come in groups.

Because of this, Lin Wen is now thinking about whether or not he should intervene in the Mage riot in Demacia.

You say intervene, now Zaun and Picheng's own affairs have not been resolved.

Under some policies, as well as the performance of Seraphine on the Sun in the Twin Cities, it is true that the people of the two cities melted some opinions on each other, but if this can form a new country with one heart and two cities, then is absolutely impossible.

Now, the real challenge for Zaun and Piltover has just arrived.

How to truly dissolve hatred, work together to become the twin stars of the world, this is a challenge.

To this end, Zaun is about to implement a new plan, a... grand plan that will shake the world.

And Picheng will also integrate Zaun's alchemy technology, open a new school for the two cities to study, and increase more contacts between Picheng and Zaun.

Therefore, there are really many things in the two cities.

But you're going to say leave Lux and Fiona alone for now...

Lin Wen really couldn't do such a thing.

After the Sylas riot, Lux was scolded badly. It was too much. Saying that Lux is Demacia's broom star is not for the country, saying that this riot that only occurred because of her "hypocrisy" is not good. for too.

Yes, the Mage problem has been squeezed for a long time, and it will rebound sooner or later. Without Lux, there are still Lakmi, Lakdo, and Lakku.

However, this does not clear Lux's and therefore...

"All right..."

Lin Wen sighed.

A word to Fiona... a warning should be fine?

After all, Fiona listens to Lin Wen very much now.

She has really treated Lin Wen as a teacher.

Lin Wen finished his thinking, propped up his body with all his strength, and planned to roll over and lie on the bed.

And at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"dong dong dong"

Three gentle strokes.

It's completely different from the frantic "dong dong dong dong! bang bang bang!" knocking on the door.

Lin Wen knew who was coming.

Sure enough, the next moment, Kai'Sa pushed open the door, put her head in, looked at Lin Wen and said:

"Dinner is ready."


Lin Wen nodded, turned his head to look at Kai'Sa, paused, and said, "Excuse me."

Kaisha shook her head and walked into the door. Kaisha walked to the bed, reached out and hugged Lin Wen easily, and then "stuffed" Lin Wen into the wheelchair.

Holding Lin Wen up is like holding up an apple.

As a mutant, Kai'Sa has such an exaggerated strength!


Although it was a little embarrassing, don't say it, Lin Wen was actually feeling dark in his heart.

Now his life is just like that of the landlord.

Open your mouth for food, stretch out your hand for clothes, and go to bed with someone who is sleeping. Compared with the evil landlord, it is not a girl who can warm the bed at night...

But warming the bed or something... If such a thing was said to Kai'Sa, it would definitely be a purple plasma bomb that greeted Lin Wen.


Blast during the day...

Kaisha or something at night...

It's so cool!

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